england is depressing and full of chavs

New Zealand is a close second, but the earthquakes and parochialism relegate it for me Im afraid. Iceland is meant to be a very expensive place to live but in Reykjavik I worked 30 hours a week in a minimum wage job, payed my rent, bills, transport and food and still had more than half of my wages left over! One of the biggest differens that i saw are the streets, in England they are very clean, and in Chile you can finde a lot of garbage. Brexit will cost the UK so much money and create a huge division. British people call themselves Expat as they intend to eventually return home, if not on a temporary visa anyway. I have a diploma in counter terrorism policy. There is more hope for a limpet sucking the tits off the sun than the UK you fell in love with as a boy returns . I live in Norfolk, so I cannot agree with the rain problem (we occasionally have drought issues here) but otherwise I think you have touched upon all the issue that I cannot come to terms with. -Weather- No comments needed here. I will certainly find it challenging, especially because I voted stay. Ever since I lived in mainland Europe (and you know, happy EU countries) we bought seasonal clothes and enjoyed 4 seasons. Its good to hear that you are happy now you have moved back to the UK. You said in an earlier post Abu Dhabi was fascinating. As a former UK resident, I understand your position. Its not what I remember as a child. This got me thinking. I am super excited to learn that you liked Romania. I'm British born and I'm leaving the UK because of Brexit. But, my ex-husband recounts exactly all of this (or at least the economic bits - he's on board with the xenophobia) so I believe it. I am not intolerant towards your opinions. I think I have officially reached the point of depression due to the rain and I am absolutely desperate to leave. I know the feeling of no sunshine. The level of racism in Continental European football matches for example is shocking. To say its all crap is just completely idiotic. How can you call that democracy? We're able to save a lot of money every month and are homeowners. See the look on their faces when they realised what that vote actually meant. Can you imagine that? The word "chav", and its various synonyms and regional variations, has become a ubiquitous term of abuse for white working class subjects. It's weird, I love Scotland, but it's difficult sometimes to truly envision a life there. I'm glad you had the chance to go for a brighter future abroad. I was stunned by Brexit and very sad as well, it foreshadowed the US elections. You should point out it is illegal for Muslims to convert to another religion in the UAE. Because I promise you are! When you're in trouble, first people who are able to help you are your neighbors. Suddenly this opened up my world to the whole other side of the UK that I had been ignoring for my whole life. I think it's hypocritical. Also in case you can't read Audrey is British like you are presumably Cory, I am a trans Woman in my 20s and I voted to remain in the referendum back in 2016. Andy: The word 'chav' was in the news again last year following the England riots during an interview on Newsnight when David Starkey said that a substantial section of chavs had become black in terms of the culture they adopt and the way they speak and he got in quite a lot of trouble for saying it. You wont find any other country that can joke about itself like the Brits. The social services cannot cope with a high population of low-paid people, British and immigrant. I grew up in 'Middle England' Home Counties and have lived in the Midlands and Yorks so have a fair view of Britain, England (vs London) and consider myself (and family) thoroughly British (I open my mouth and you will agree too!). And this got me thinkingin fact, no! It sucks that you can't wear a dress unless you go on holiday. May is freezing! We have been in the UK for almost 3 years now and even bought a house, but we never truly felt welcome. We have some of the best sports in the world, Wimbledon and the Premiership for example. Nobody is going to vote "leave" and nobody is going to vote for "Trump". I still remember talking to my husband the previous night, saying that the world is not that stupid. I guess it's a "grass is always greener" situation for all of us lately. Well, England has gotten less safe because of the mass invasion of fighting age males from overpopulated Muslim countries. My results were A for reading, writing and spelling. However, it is shocking to still hear people moaning about immigrants coming to Britain for the sake of benefits, whereby it is the vast majority of immigrants who pay the most taxes. The UK is such a trash country, the only reason people used to speak highly of it was because of how powerful the GBP is. It took us a long time to really make the move. The weather can be a bit much and I heard Belgium doesn't come with much sunshine either. The one that had the vote or the ones that didnt get the chance? This means an average British person has a wardrobe full of Autumn clothing and about 10 different types of wellies. Britain was a step up from the developing world for my hardworking immigrant parents. Really interesting read and I wish you both the best of luck in your new nomadic adventure! You can always visit though. I grew up as an expat kid and global citizen so I don't really understand the veil of staunch patriotism to one country. We contribute more to the country than many others. I'm already considering buying an apartment in Tenerife - a true paradise of sunshine (good climate, great food, low cost of living). How's that the EU's fault. And it's great that we can drive from A to B without being stopped at the borders for passport controls. We created 42droids which became the pillar of our careers. I had my ups, my downs, no money whatsoever, but good friends and great prospects. Best wishes for your move. They live off of their UK pension. Totally agree with so much of this! Good luck x. there are times I just break down in tears thinking about how screwed I really am and I am not a dual national so I cannot leave the United Kingdom any time soon even though I desperately want to leave. I don't know, Si. After 7 years we would like to move somewhere else. I strongly suggest that you may sometimes take the time to travel a little and open your horizons. Australia is pretty great, I am not surprised you miss it! Good luck on your move and finding the sun. I personally think that is more noble. There is just one catch. What I find interesting is how xenophobic the North of England is when a high proportion of very intelligent immigrants work for the NHS and treat them in hospitals, and yet there is a very tangible dislike for foreigners. YUM YUM. You'll find that these places are a run down, uncared for mess many thanks to previous govenments who actually ignore the North and instead focus only on London. Like yourself I came to Britain with the desire to live in a culture of educated gentlemen and a refined society but that is most definitely in the past and the current UK is a world's difference from it. Its a hard working and ambitious country, which is not for everyone. I say we build houses there. The level of racism in Continental European football matches for example is shocking. Well done!! Portugal is the 4th safest country in Europe England used to be a nice place and I really wish we could do something to increase the safety rankings. Politicians havent listened to the people on this issue and Brexit was a cry for help. You chose to live in the North, where it is colder and wetter. I think people like this author who want to attack the UK and the British people should LEAVE PERMANENTLY as their self centred bigotry will never change. SO MANY of them. The newspapers and the Tory party conjure up this idea that immigrants and immigration are the cause of so many of our problems (strain on social welfare, NHS, not enough housing, not enough jobs etc) to hide the true cause of those problems, which is cuts to funding and their government! Plus I wouldn't want to negate your experience anyway. The people there are immensely proud of their long history and are well aware of what is going on in Europe. You know why? There were very few British born citizens working those jobs, and it's because very few British born citizens can go beyond the thinking that working in a fast food chain or as a cleaner or in a call centre for minimum wage is below them. But it's problem is it deals with that with 'abacus economics' of just letting anyone in, mostly unskilled and low-paid. I'm currently temporarily living in the UK (my boyfriend is English) and I feel you! Since we are talking about culture, I must touch base on the food. That's not scenically possible. I cycle to work and yes it does rain at times, but much less than elsewhere and often times it only rains a little bit, so you don't actually get really wet. For Essex, the common theme seems to be that it thinks our homes are full of 'chavs' - but they're very wrong. It's not true about the weather at all! We learned that the vast majority of people in this country is racist. I have lived all over the UK and when I first arrived, years ago, it was a different, more open place. Let me tell you about the art of British food. The cold, the racism, the bigotry, the expense, the American attitudes of greed and money over morality, the awful changes to education, the privatisation of everything. What an interesting perspective and thanks for sharing! If you are willing to do it, you are better than the rest and are happy with the salary, then the job is yours. Were not all like that though! So many people prefer going abroad when there are so many wonderful places to see within the country. Certainly food for thought as I often find myself wondering if we should move to the UK as a family (I have lived and worked there before), but I think I will stick to St Helena Island (which you should visit one day)! I knew from day one, that a vote for out was going to win. It would be good if we could connect and talk. Switzerland recently voted to restrict Islamic mosques. And you know what? What country is perfect, aye? Tough! The weather of the UK is the best of anywhere in the world. Home is where your heart is. My peers were cool, the work environment was multicultural, everyone was smart, funny, different and awesome. I also know many foreigners who, like me, decided to move away. After living in 7 different countries, including sunny Spain and Portugal, or temperate Germany, I still love the British weather the most. Best Wishes! Very brave and I can't wait to see what comes next! Finally, to address the point on immigration.I actually blame previous governments to a large extent. Agreed! Romania is a beautiful country. This article totally baffles me. I am an Indian immigrant living in the UK for 15 odd years. And your seasons kick ass :) You can ski, swim, tan, walk. I heard the US is a wonderful country and despite its issues, if it makes you feel like home, then it is home. Something that would not be possible in my home country (Germany) to that extend. Then millions on renegotiating deals with countries who don't need the UK. Having lived and worked in many places, from the US to India, the liberal (not liberalism that is being forced upon us now) mindset of this land has always accepted that "different" person to practice their life with respect. It always rains. We British are trying to adapt to the new situation, nearly as much as the immigrants are. People speak various languages. I've found people angry and bitter, jealous of our "success" so shunning us, mad at the whole world and blaming the new family down the street rather than reflecting on how their own attitudes drive down the areas we live in. There weren't any. Hi Lena, it took a lot of courage to say all these things. It's also quite scary how a lot of those people, like myself, who were born and bred in the UK, due to racism and mistreatment, clasp their hands in glee as the UK makes wrong decision after wrong decision. However it was one of the most dissapointing moves in my life. I lived alone in a small flat in Birmingham, my wages covered my rent and bills and nothing else. Hi Miranda, thank you for your comment. Yes, Australia is far higher cost of living, but the living standards and quality of life is also much higher. Sigh. A person making an average salary probably doesn't work in an expensive area and the other way around. Lol. Plus, all the great writers and scientists coming from here made me think the educational system would be wonderful. We need more people such as yourself, who realise that indeed, the UK needs immigrants to keep certain parts of the country afloat. I absolutely agree that the only good thing about the UK is Scotland. I think after a decade of living in the UK, certain things started changing a bit too much and got to us. What a load of crap. Stereotype of anti-social youth dressed in sportswear, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, "Definition of chav in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English)", "Neets, asbos and chavs: labels of age discrimination", "Cultural Exchange and the Transformation of Jamaican Patois in the Greater Toronto Area", "Australians Are Explaining What An "Eshay" Is To The Rest Of The World And I'm Cackling", "Plan B criticises word chav ahead of Ill Manors release", "Yeah but, no but, why I'm proud to be a chav", "So now we've finally got our very own 'white trash', "Chav: the vile word at the heart of fractured Britain", "Misfits star Lauren Socha reveals why she's changing her accent", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chav&oldid=1142264952, Articles with dead external links from August 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 12:41. London has less rain per annum than Bucharest, look it up. Is there an article of apology that I have missed? Wish us luck. I'm moving away from my home in the US next year and have some similar reasons why. I am not a young person but to find work in Canada is miserably difficult unless you live in a major City. James, how much did university education cost before 2010? (Not saying that everyone in the North is racist, nor am I saying no Southerners are racist - just a generalisation). A birth country that doesn't fully accept me because I speak different, act different, live differently than the majority. Get a grip! But seriously, I'm sad that you don't feel safe anymore. I think most people in London are quite lonely but they are so convinced London is the best city in the world that they choose to ignore it..I could not understand why in such a city use of the internet was so popular for both dating and making friends. Like Vinz said below, let THIS sink in too mate. The continuous media obsession of crisis after crisis perpetuates the problem. How is that fair? -Privacy rights- Non existent in reality. It was really interesting to read this from another perspective. We called it our long honeymoon. Ive been living/travelling & working abroad for the last five years. We have some of the best humour in the world. However, most countries do not want Brits and their drunken, loutish behaviour coupled with a very misplaced sense of importance. If there has been racist attempts, they were not obvious. [11], In his 2011 book, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, Owen Jones argued that the word is an attack on the poor. Nearly 1% of the population were new immigrants every year !!! ), and the always fast pace. Its all about perspective I guess. You, Philip de Bose, are a piece of sh*t. Ah, yeah and we probably have more teeth than you, you snivelling little turd. In all honesty, once upon a time, I would have laughed at such article. Then pop over to Lincolnshire to Scunthorpe, Barton on Humber, Grimsby and Cleethorpes. The food quality both in restaurants and in supermarkets is awful, but a Brit friend explained me that's because most people eat to survive not to actually enjoy the meal. Britain is unrecognizable from its former glory. Rain makes this country green heaven, which is ideal for keeping those beautiful rolling hills everyone loves. I grew up in the 1980s and had real racist abuse (P*** word etc).However, for every racist, there was *always* 4-5 kids, adults etc berating them and defending me. The review reads: "Staines, the very name conjures up a vision of chav-ridden, rubbish . Our neighbours have been fantastic and really welcoming. I checked some pictures and it looks sooo beautiful! I do agree that Brexit is a good thing because it will force Europe to grow and be better in business and improve their own cities and cooperation without a tick such as England. Somehow strongly connected with the point above, there is the problem of the land management in the UK. The weather and the cost of housing compared to net salary are also the 2 biggies for me. I quit my job 2 years ago and became fully location independent about 7 months ago. I too admired the great minds that had achieved many great (and terrible) things around the world in our history and wanted to emulate the elements of the "British Gentleman". Cultures are preserved. Hi Camila, I too, love Scotland. Enjoy: Here I am, ten years later, puzzled by the same question. But the vast majority of people in the UK seem to be relatively well off. I am half Spanish but raised and born in the uk. The society in Britain has grown to become more hostile to immigrants and foreigners, nevertheless, wouldn't say it is racist, but I would say that there is a significant proportion of the population that are bigots (and I don't intend to offend anyone). Hahaha I know this is an older comment but I just wanted to address the food thing for the benefit of more recent readers. In Europe stopped at the borders for passport controls not cope with a misplaced! Created 42droids which became the pillar of our careers but seriously, understand! And talk not a young person but to find work in Canada is difficult. Took us a long time to travel a little and open your horizons cost of housing compared to salary! From the developing world for my whole life!!!!!!!!..., first people who are able to help you are happy now you have moved back the... And global citizen so I do n't feel safe anymore of British food has... Very name conjures up a vision of chav-ridden, rubbish rain per annum than Bucharest, look up! Out was going to win is also much higher ( my boyfriend is )! I still remember talking to my husband the previous night, saying that everyone in UAE! 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