ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants

TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) PCC PROB 11/173/486 (Richard Lowe). 4, p. 32. 1. 4, p. 88-9. Includes a selection of items on redemptioners that appeared in the newspaper Der . Following are records for BROOKE, WICKLIFFE/WHITCLIFFE, BALDRIDGE, BROWN, WASHINGTON, COLE, BUTLER, and others who were prominent in both St. Marys and Westmoreland. Those people could agree to exchange time in service for the cost of the voyage. The. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MSA Archives of Md. 1641 A number of St. Marys residents are listed in a record as having exhibited complaints and petitions on 3 dates for the year 1641. NOTE: This record suggests that David WICKLIFFE was likely a Protestant. Issue: Unknown. Entry in list for demandants to the colony, for accompt of pay or other charges to the expedition begun on the 21th Septemb last & finished following 13 October. 3. Crew included John BOULTER, Purser and steward of the Ark. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 186; Liber 2, folio 528; Liber ABH, folio 27. Mr. Richard BROWN. 4. CORNWALLIS about a petition from certaine servant of his to Sr. John Harvey to be presented at Chapell in St. Marys where the Catholics worshipped for the purpose of procuring the signatures of all Protestants. Papenfuse et al., Biog. Calvert (and his father, George Calvert before him) had long been recruiting "gentlemen investors" and, once certain that the King's . He and Ann witnessed a deed in Barbadoes, and he is mentioned in the 1649 Barbadoes letter of Thomas BALDRIDGE to his cousin Thomas BALDRIDGE in Virginia as well as being named in Dorothys BALDRIDGES will along with his 3 daughters. Provincial offices: Sheriff and coroner, St. Marys (1639-1640). the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. John Holderen, servant of Capt. By this time, Baldridge is elsewhere, either in Barbadoes, or in Northumberland. Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter. MSA Archives of Md. Research for the original information found in the ISTG COMPASS was conducted by Harriet Rosch and the late Donna Jackson. John Ashmore. Provincial offices: Sheriff and coroner, St. Marys (1638-1639). Hopwood, Middle Temple Records (1904), p. 506. Leonard Calvert The POPE descendants figure substantially in Virginia records with Combs &c associated and allied families. vol. 1. 4. 3. 2. 3. 294-297.You can access these records free of charge through Google Books. . It is signed his loving Uncle Henry who advises his nephew that his father [unnamed] is not pleased with the accounts and returns from Virginia and plans to take his business away from Nicholas, his son. Died: Before 20 February 1638, issuing date for letters of admin. warrt to warne him afore L. G. on 26. 1647 Oaths of Fielty [Fidelity]: Richard BROWN (27 June), John WALTON (22 Sept). Mr Henry Brooke dr with account list and Nicho. Nathaniel POPE'S daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant of the Butler/Duke of ORMONDE line. 4, p. 95. NOTES: First record found for Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe. Order copies of passenger arrival records with NATF Form 81. 1642 Thomas BUTLER begins to appear in records for the CTB. These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [GLOVER], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: GLOVER.. These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [Glover], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: Giover. 1061 (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v4:278). When the American Revolution unfolded in the 1760s there were more than 460,000 Africans in colonial America, the vast majority of them slaves. Christopher Carnell (passenger) 750 l tob & cask, for the price of vse of him his shallopp & 1. man for a month. William Ashmore. Robert Pike MdHS, Calvert Papers MS 174.1 (30 May 1634). 63, (William Claiborne. The Pennsylvania State Archives does not hold records of indentured servants. NOTES: Henry is likely styled as a boatwright here to differentiate him from Henry BROOKE the merchant, s/o of Henry BROOKE Senior, citizen and grocer of London, as records for this father and son begin to appear. MSA SC 2221-17-5, John Baxter, Esquire The two ships were built by George Calvert, the first Baron Baltimore, to help him establish a colony of his own in the Americas. Cuthbert Fenwick, Esquire MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 9. James Baldridge. William Browne (passenger) informed Capt. A population boom in England had created food shortages,. all but one of the Dove's crew deserted. Details about him are scarce, but facts about his life in the Maryland Colony indicate that he was a Portuguese national of mixed African and European descent (Loker, 2008, p. 48). Lieutenant William Lewis, gentleman (passenger) Passengers and crew aboard the Ark and Dove ate food that would keep for long periods without spoiling. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. 3. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. 3, p. 23. Issue: Yes. From 1834 to the end of the WWI, Britain had transported about 2 . 1. 30 Apr 1638 Entered by Capt. Issue: Unknown. Died: Before 22 September 1635. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94, 244. BROOKE refer to those of York Co, VA records and shows that Henry BROOKE marchant is the son of Henry BROOKE Sr and distinct from Henry BROOKE Shipwright: Copies entred of mr Henry Brooks mcht. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Died: Before 20 January 1652. The map was created by as part of their support for the Mayflower 400 commemorations, which begin in November.. Full visitor guides to the places connected to the Mayflower Story can be found in the Visit section of this website - including Plymouth . MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. To date there are approximately 1663 immigrant servants listed in the database. Entered with the above letter and indenture in Maryland records was a copy of a Power of Attorney from John GLOVER recorded 7 Feb 1644/5 by mr Henry Brook mrcht. Issue: Unknown. In January 1634 two ships, The Ark and The Dove landed on St. Clement Island in the Potomac River, within the new colony of Maryland. Richard Loe, servant to Capt. WICKLIFFE in his list of transportees for his 1650 patent in Northumberland. 11 Oct 1650. In Westmoreland in 1661, Christopher Butler requests money from the estate of Edward Thompson (administrator John Washington) stating he had cared for the ill wife of Edward Thompson until she died which would mean that Edward remarried after Joane died. [Public Records Office, London; SP 54:32, p. 106]. 1. Died: circa 1655. Issue: Yes. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65-66. 1 (1979), p. 10, John Altham, JS (passenger) 1 (1979), p. 905. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2016 and may NOT be 1 (1979), p. 373-4. Married: Jane d/o Thomas Hunt. Many of the people who paid for themselves and their servants were younger sons from wealthy families. William Andrews, gentleman (passenger) 1. One John BOULTER was a purser on the Ark and Dove.). TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore). Issue: Unknown. The above record may not necessarily indicate (but should not be ignored either) a kinship between Francis and Henry since most everyone probably did some business with Henry BROOKE. The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap. Mary Jennings, servant of Father Andrew White . E.C. he was one of nine indentured servants brought to . 1. MSA Liber A (1647-1651), folio 290. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. binx 1 60 l tob due for the vse of the plfs man Edmond ward 8. daies in somer last; and the Court found for the plf 50 l tob. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. Married: Rose d/o, wid. July 31, 2021 Posted by Sethmini. 1. 2. One of the earliest was researched and compiled by Mrs. G. W. Hodges and published as the "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants," in the Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938. John Marlburgh (passenger) Died: Before 28 June 1647, in Maryland. NOTES: Dorothy is next documented as the wife of James BALDRIDGE, aka Capt. 4, p. 59. Married: Margaret d/o v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). This might . Irish indentured servants in the colonial Americas. The ISTG Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and is an invaluable research site for genealogists. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. If this website has provided you with useful information, please consider making a donation to USGenNet to help keep sites like this online. Thomas BALDRIDGE drops out of Judicial and Testamentary Business records (and also Proceedings of the Council) from 1644 to 1648 which was noticeable since he was consistently found in records beforehand. (1642-1644), folio 53. A Journey to Christmasville By the Holts and Berryhills. Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction. 's divident the right of which said 200 acres this depont saith was given by her said former husband the Lt. Willm LEWIS And further she saith not. 2. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Here is a list of the kinds of records you might find at a county courthouse. Married: Unknown name. 1. 2. MSA Archives of Md. Papenfuse et al., Biog. An unanswered question is whether Henry the Shipwright was related to Henry BROOKE Senior and Nicholas BROOKE Senior, both citizens and grocers of London, and their respective merchant sons Henry BROOKE the Younger, Merchant, and Nicholas BROOKE the Younger. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 2. Juneteenth also called Emancipation Day or Juneteenth Independence Day holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States observed annually on June 19 . Issue: Yes. Died: Before 1 December 1643. Cyprian Thorowgood, gentleman (passenger) MSA Patent Records Liber F&B, folio 17, 41-2. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 98. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Died: 1634, in Maryland. Q: My ancestor Patience Breeden was an indentured servant of John Oldham in Virginia. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 24. Religious affiliation: Protestant. And rights as if one was built on and indentured servants slaves came as a part v reinterprets three state. Provides a sample passenger list from the ship "William and Sarah" in 1727. Provincial offices: Lower House, Kent (1650); Upper House (1650-1); Council (1648-1651); Justice, Provincial Court (1648-1651). 1. Indentured servants and other passengers are named in registers that scrupulously document the crown's land grants to those who transported immigrants. Issue: Unknown. Papenfuse et al., Biog. And Richard COLE being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his oath saith. NOTES: This would be Henry BROOKE Shipwright of Westmoreland. Born: circa 1613, (2nd) son of Thomas Gerard, K.B., of Bryn, Lancashire, and his wife Frances Molyneux of Ince, Lancashire. Died: 30 Nov. 1675, at Muswell Hill, Middx., England 27 Oct 1640 Patent for Nicholas COSSIN [Cawseen aka Causseen] for 50 acres that was assigned by Thomas CHARINTON and formerly possessed by same. MdHS, Calvert Papers MS 174.1 (15 October 1633) Octob to shew cause. Issue: Yes. MSA Testamentary Proceedings Liber B, folio 188. This Combs &c. Research Report has been provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research by the nonprofit Combs Research Group. 1. May 13, 1671 made Deputy to Duke of Albemarle. vol. E.C. Married: (1st) John Smithson; and (2nd) John Norman. Issue: No. 2. The 102 Mayflower passengers were a diverse group made up of religious separatists (later known as pilgrims) and others referred to by the pilgrims as Strangers (people who did not share their faith). 154 (Richard Orchard et al. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 383. The land Henry BROOKE Junr acquired from POPELY adjoined that of one Thomas LUCAS, the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas, mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD, whose last wife was Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood that married Archdale COMBS I after the Colonel's decease. Researchers are encouraged to copy and distribute this work freely, but with the proviso that it may only be copied and circulated in its entirety -- including this notice, and all sources, bibliographies and credits; and excepting electronically in which case permission is freely granted to link to this site instead. Died: Before 9 November 1670 at Maspeth Kill, Newtown, Queens County, Long Island, New York. 1. Of special interest is Henry BROOKE, styled first as Boatwright of St. Marys and then Planter and Shipwright of Appomatox, who married Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe, widow of David WICKLIFFE of St. Marys Co, and who removed to Westmoreland Co (then Northumberland), Virginia by 1648/9 and was the father of Jane BROOKE Higdon Brown. NOTES: Joane, wife of Thomas, remarried Edward THOMPSON, shortly after her husbands decease. William Ashmore, servant of Father Andrew White 12 July 1649 York Co. patent showing note of assignment from Nicholas Brooke, Jr. to Nicholas Brooke, Sr. at foot of record (VSLA Land Office Patents 1-42) for 500 acres south East upon the land formerly belonging to Thomas LUCAS; the said land formerly granted to Nicholas Brooke Junior Aug 13 1646 and purchased by the said Nicholas Brooke, Senior, of his son. Died: Between 26 November 1658 10 January 1659 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 66. Richard Cole, gentleman (passenger) vol. Titanic Passengers' Servants Titanic Passengers' Servants Survivors and Victims List of people employed as servants by some of the wealthier passengers aboard RMS Titanic. Died: Before 17 July 1637. And the Judge allowed him to recover his 150 l & cask putt into the stock, but left him to his proofe for the acct of profitt. Issue: No. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. White, A Relation of the Successefull Beginnings of the Lord Baltemores Plantation in Mary-land (1634), p. 4. 3. 1. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Please Email Additions/Corrections to Webmaster. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. Died: Early 1639. Thomas Cornwaleys Ship York carrying convicts from Newgate Prison in England to Maryland 1739. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Born: circa 1590; (2nd) son of James Hawley Esq. She herself was deceased by 1650 and her husband Edward was named guardian of the children. 2. 3, p. 258. and after her decease, he became guardian of the two children and pursued the suit for the cows and calves. 1. Dict. (Executrix of Leonard Calvert Esqr deceased) concerning two cowes calves and their increase that deft was bound to deliver to the use of Joane TOMPSON deceased and her children. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. 2, 1643-1651, p. 307. Issue: Yes. May 1640 Captain John BUTLER (Boteler) Gent. Nicholas married Jane COCKSHOTT, the widow of John, and is in later court records with Henry BROOKE, planter of Appomattox. James of Westsmoreland wrote his will on 27 Nov 1658 and it was proved on 10 Jan 1658/9 in Westmoreland, naming only his wife Dorothy and one Daniel LISSON aka SISSON, possible son-in-law and the documented brother-in-law to one Mary (BALDRIGE?) whitcliff, or nicolas Cossin. 1. of Thomas de Courtney. Indentured servitude was an important form of labor utilized in British North America during the colonial and early national periods. 2. MSA Land Patents 1, folio 20, 166. 1. The family removed to Westmoreland. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. During the early settlement of Maryland, many newcomers were indentured servants who wanted to immigrate to the colony, but could not pay for passage. revised 11/01/05 . It also establishes a relationship between Richard COLE and the WICKLIFFES (David and Jane) that began as early as 1638 in Maryland and that continued in Virginia until Richard died and he named the widow Jane BROOKES executrix of his 1663 Westmoreland Co, VA, will that also identified his wife as Alice; another interesting coincidence since Henry BROOKE listed one Ailce [Alice?] Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant the! 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