in the age of ai reflection paper

And those will put the surveillance in places we're never had it beforeliving rooms, kitchens, bedrooms. Imagine if the. And the answer is the Industrial Revolution. When I first came here in 1975, Chairman Mao was still alive, the Cultural Revolution was coming on and there wasnt a single whiff of anything of which you see here. While AI can boost the economic growth rate, it also faces significant risks such as employment market fragmentation . You know, if you talk to South Koreans, then Lee Sedol is the world's greatest Go player; he's a national hero in South Korea. 2. And what worries me the most is that there is actually one episode that looks quite familiar to today, which is the British Industrial Revolution, where wages didn't grow for nine decades and a lot of people actually saw living standards decline as technology progressed. At the very last moment, a new law was rushed to the floor of the Statehouse. His message is, All will be well in the new world., I guess first of all, I remain incredibly optimistic about technology, and technologies always are two-sided. And that's something we thought could not coexist. Classifying handwritten numbers is an old problem that can be solved in many ways using AI and machine learning. . As China comes into these countries and provides these loans, what you end up with is Chinese technology being sold and built out by Chinese companies in these countries. I'm scared. We want all that stuff.". Andrew McAfee is a research scientist at MIT who co-authored The Second Machine Age.". Right now, 40,000 women in the U.S. alone die from breast cancer every single year. Evidence of how AI is likely to bring accelerated change to the U.S. workforce can be found not far from Saginaw. We thought that we were searching Google; we had no idea that Google was searching us. And every sliver of information is valuable. The model is simply this: Provide a free servicelike Facebookand in exchange you collect the data of the millions who use it. Processing millions of transactions, itll dig up features that would never be apparent to a human loan officer, like how confidently you type your loan application or, surprisingly, if you keep your cell phone battery charged. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The more and more that you use spoken interfacesso, smart speakersthey're being trained not just to recognize who you are, but they're starting to take baselines and comparing changes over time. So that argument exists. Its an ambitious goal, but only possible because of the recent breakthroughs in deep learning. It's not just that you talk about the things that you have to do today; it's whether you simply rattle them on in a rambling paragraph or list them as bullet points. But authors Carl Frey and Michael Osborne offered a caution: They can't predict how many jobs will be lost, or how quickly. How far is too far, and. Can everyone take their seats, please? 10/10. AI is a technology that can be used for good and for evil. A high social credit number can be rewarded with discounts on bus fares; a low number can lead to a travel ban. There are more possible moves in the game of Go than there are atoms in the universe. This paper endeavors to emphasize on the preventative side of the use of AI and machine learning technology to enterprise digital platform business model innovation and business dynamics, and explores the derivations of data-driven insights, models, and visualizations. Believe it or not, I do it because I love it. Until now. Eventually, it'll become a much more democratic place, with free expression and lots of Western values.". What surveillance capitalism claims is private, human experience. Understand and summarize the material. And he said, "Oh, you would be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you.". The goal is to share a story about your relationship with the content. [Laughter] Now is that over the line? And that's gonna have a huge impact on the spread of your information across the internet. That does not include my food. Originality . In 2010, Facebook experimented with AIs predictive powers in what they called a social contagion experiment. They wanted to see if, through online messaging, they could influence real-world behavior. Are we ready, Henry? Laughter serves as a social correctivea warning of the dangers of becoming too rigid and a reminder that we can always find our way back to a more elastic state. Drones deliver to rural villages. Like this facial recognition startup he invested in. Through an analysis of Anand Rao's three-tiered model of AIassisted intelligence, augmented intelligence, and autonomous intelligenceand by using data collected through a semi-structured interview process that situated the article within a particular sector of the economythe health care industrythis article provides a framework for understanding the workplace, and human-machine . The scope of this impact is hard to grasp partly because the literature is siloed, as well as the changing meaning of the concepts themselves. Here are steps you can follow: 1. There were other things that happened, but really what fundamentally happened is we overcame the limitations of our muscle power. CONSTANCE LEHMAN, M.D., Chief of breast imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital: It's going to change the face of breast cancer. In the popular telling, blame for widespread job loss has been aimed overseas, at whats called "offshoring.". We see a huge growth potential in robotics, and we see that growth potential as being, really, there's 90% of the market left. The Problem Workplace learning is even more important today as organizations face complex, rapid, and unprecedented change. This shows a progression of a small, small spot from one year to the next and then to the diagnosis of the small cancer here. Well, with the kids home from school, the families have three meals a day that they've got to put on the table. Thats why in Beijing today you can pay for your KFC with a smile. Travel agents. I mean, this is not a small problem. Although critical reflection is widely recognised as a crucial element in individual and organisational learning, not, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Is it alive? He formed a team and then decided the business opportunity was in self-driving trucks. A total of 100 papers including 63 empirical papers (74 studies) and 37 analytic papers were selected from the education and educational research category of Social Sciences . It's pretty fast. The aim was to get more people to the polls in the 2010 midterm elections. In the Age of AI is a documentary exploring how artificial intelligence is changing life as we know it - from jobs to privacy to a growing rivalry between the U.S. and China. Pedro Domingos wrote the book "The Master Algorithm.". This article was written by GPT-3, OpenAI's language generator. Today's AI can only simulate, replace, extend, or expand part of human intelligence. And that's in part because women are overrepresented in some of these marginalized occupations like a cashier or a fast-food worker, and also in large numbers in clerical jobs in offices, HR departments, payroll, finance; a lot of that is more-routine processing information, processing paper, transferring data. The first concrete example is a program that plays chess at the highest level possible. That doesn't include field trips for my son's school. Probably none in this country. Don't go off on tangents. 2. And a unicorn means a billion-dollar companya company whose valuation or market capitalization is at $1 billion or higher. So do we have to go to the point where we crash to come back? We are watching a kind of a petri dish in which an experiment of extraordinary importance to the world is being carried out: whether you can combine these things and get something that's more powerful, that's coherent, that's durable in the world; whether you can bring together a one-party state with an innovative sectorboth economically and technologically innovative. The new machines will penetrate every sector of the economy, from insurance companies to human resource departments; from law firms to the trading floors of Wall Street. This study provided a content analysis of studies aiming to disclose how artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied to the education sector and explore the potential research trends and challenges of AI in education. There are many aspects of the world which we can't explain with words. JERRY KAPLAN, Computer scientist and entrepreneur: Today, there are many people who are ringing the alarm"Oh, my god, what are we going to do? A reflection paper is your flow of thoughts in an organized manner concerning any research paper topics. We almost don't think it can really be changed. The epoch will probably be called the age of artificial intelligence, or "The AI Age" for short. While companies like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are growing more powerful and competitive, theyre also beginning to have difficulty accessing American technology and are racing to develop their own. I find the reaction among other tech companies to at this point be pretty much all over the place. But the white-collar jobs are easier to take, because theyre a pure quantitative analytical process. A lot of people told us we wouldn't be able to build it. What we're looking at now, with current tools and machine learning, is the ability for manipulation, both in terms of elections and opinions, but more broadly, just how information travels. Post a Question. To give you a sense, I won the Robotics World Championships for the first time when I was 13; been to World's seven times between the ages of 13 and 20-ish. And now we know that any billionaire with enough money, who can buy the data, buy the machine intelligence capabilities, buy the skilled data scientists, they, too, can commandeer the public and infect and infiltrate and upend our democracy with the same methodologies that surveillance capitalism uses every single day. STEVE VISCELLI, University of Pennsylvania: This is one of the most remarkable stories in U.S. labor history, I think, is the decline of unionized trucking. He and sociologist Emily Wornell have been documenting employment trends in Middle America. Space out the time slots when you work on your reflection paper to at least a day apart. Right?! This is about the consequences of that defeat. China has decided to chase the AI future. I now have a better understanding of organizations and professionals working for aging population. HIV damages the immune system, and interferes with the ability the body has to fight the disease causing organism" (Mayo Clinic, 2014). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Achieving Sustainability Using Creativity, Innovation, and Education, Individuals are looking for ways to continue to contribute their skills, to gain value, and to improve their employment prospects. Then, 15 years ago, the lines crossed, and inequality has been increasing ever since. On the other hand, employers face important choices as to whether to, ABSTRACT This article explores the pragmatics of operationalizing reflection in experience-based workplace learning. And whatever it is, every company's using everything that's developed, everything that's disruptive, and thinking about "How do I apply that to my business to make myself more efficient?" When it started it was very much a magazine about what's coming and why you should be excited about it. I'm here today for one main reason: To say thank you to Ohio! We are a manufacturing powerhouse, but if you go walk around an American factory, you do not see long lines of people doing repetitive manual labor. In his book and in life, the computer scientist-come-venture capitalist walks a careful path. They have bar codes in somebody's home doors to identify what kind of citizen that he is. And we've seen massive infrastructure projects going in in places like Pakistan, in Venezuela, in Ecuador, in Boliviaall over the world; Argentina, in America's backyard; in Africa. While we can see a phone and look at it and we know that there's some AI technology behind it, many of us don't know that when we go for a job interview and we sit down and we have a conversation, that we're being filmed, and that our microexpressions are being analyzed by hiring companies. They would conduct other massive contagion experimentsamong them, one showing that by adjusting their feeds, they could make users happy or sad. And we don't know how AI will change the labor force, but it will be OK. Airs Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 at 9 p.m. on KPBS TV & Thursday, Nov. 7 at 9 p.m. on KPBS 2. I remember being fascinated by how the device knew where our car was at all times. So, does your cadence increase or decrease? And I do think that when we look at some of the studies about opportunity in this country and the inequality of opportunity, the likelihood that you won't be able to advance from where your parents were, I think that is very serious and gets to the heart of the way we like to think of America as the land of opportunity. Oh, really? And so if you want to solve traffic fatalities, which in my opinion are the single biggest tragedy that happens year after year in the United States, this is the only solution. The CEO shows us how quickly you can get a loan. 3. And inside Google they started seeing these revenues pile up at a startling rate. [Crying]. All of these tiny signals are the behavioral surplus that turns out to have immense predictive value. In an authoritarian state, social stability is the watchword of the government, and artificial intelligence has increased its ability to scan the country for signs of unrest. Wow. Artificial Intelligence can shape the behavior of an individual on how they take their responsibilities towards our society, even in the whole world because it simulate characteristics of human intelligence on . Theres this question of what are we doing here in this life, in this reality. I mean, that'll really help that family out during the holidays. The more data, the better the AI worksmore importantly than how brilliant the researcher is working on the problem. Aneesh, A., 2002, Technological Modes of Governance: Beyond Private and Public Realms, paper in the Proceedings . Share Your Thoughts on a Social Issue. Molly Kinder studies the future of work at a Washington think tank. I was one of the commentators at the Lee Sedol games. FRONTLINE investigates the promise and perils of artificial intelligence, from fears about work . The AI future was built with great optimism out here in the West. It's going to create all kinds of benefits in ways large and small, and challenges for us as well. You know, were one of the cities in the country that I think we were left behind in this recovery, and I justI dont know how we get on the bandwagon now. In all, he would spend $4 million of his own money in an effort to rein in the goliaths of Silicon Valley. If you had asked me 20 years ago what will happen to China, I would've said, "Well, over time, the Great Firewall will break down. Recently, the CEO promised complete transparency into the companys software, but U.S. authorities are not convinced. So on the one hand, this is great, because the world will get adapted to you without you even having to explicitly adapt it. In this state of emergency, the founders decided, We've simply got to find a way to save this company. And today the equivalent of a physicist of the '40s and '50s and '60s are the computer scientists who are doing machine learning and AI. We're utilizing the artificial intelligence to really make the robots easier to use and be able to handle a broader spectrum of opportunities. This extraordinary progress goes back to that game of Go. Mr. Secretary, please call the roll. Because AI is a little bit like electricity. He has said Facebook will now make data protection a priority, and the company has suspended tens of thousands of third-party apps from its platform as a result of an internal investigation. Downey, who with his wife Susan is part of the show's . It was unimaginable. So if one has to say, "Whos ahead? This day its the center for a Christmas food drive. AI can be a tool that helps architects to generate design variations; their role becomes more conceptual with some or no use of pen and paper. You can just go through field after field after field. Other Internet Resources References. Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence possessed by the machines under which they can perform various functions with human help. and Mark Sagar push the limits of what a machine can do. AI reflections in 2020. I eventually founded a team, did a lot of work at a very high competitive level. In fact, in those years one very much thought, "This is the way China is, this is the way its going to be," and the fact that it has gone through so many different changes since is quite extraordinary. The stuff we can communicate verbally is the tip of the iceberg. It proposes a constructivist-situative framework not typically considered, ABSTRACT This paper seeks to understand key dimensions of reflection in experience-based workplace learning for research being collaboratively undertaken by scholars in Dutch and US research, Abstract Accountability mechanisms in adult education, their constitution and their effects, are of increasing concern in an era threatening massive reductions to resources for adult education, Technology advances are making tech morehuman. Ask an Expert. AI really is the ultimate tool of wealth creation. Tonight, five stories about how artificial intelligence is changing our world. You know, people not making a decent wage to be able to support a family. And what they do is they sell a dam, sell some other stuff and they say, "By the way, we can give you these camera systems for your emergency response. Let em know Merry Christmas on behalf of us here at the local, OK? It's 50-50 right now. So I was blown away. Her studies included the early days of Google, started in 1998 by two young Stanford grad students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Now, dealing with that challenge, and figuring out what the next generation of the American middle class should be doing, is a really important challenge, because I'm pretty confident that we are never again going to have this large, stable, prosperous middle class doing routine work. The patterns we establish for our lives are, after all, not hardwired or set in stone. So I really aint worried about the automation of trucks. The Age of A.I. The market cap of all the firms arrayed against me was over $6 trillion. 1. Some say its very popular with a Chinese public that wants to punish bad behavior. The age of A.I. This is machines that are automating some of our skills but have made decisions about who we are. And how we wish to distribute the benefits, the economic benefits that that will create is going to be a major moral consideration for society over the next several decades. The car is driving itself. You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. We're not getting rid of them, we're not making them unnecessary, but holy cow, can we leverage them and amplify them now. Everything about your thoughts and your desires and your dreams, and who your friends are and what you're thinking, what your private thoughts are. U.S. will be the first to deploy, but China will may be the first to popularize. Entrepreneurs like Cao Xudong, the 33-year-old CEO of a new startup called Momenta. Megvii was started by three young graduates in 2011; its now a world leader in using AI to identify people. A typical reflection paper is between 300 and 700 words long. Nury Turkel, a lawyer and a prominent Uighur activist, addresses a demonstration in Washington, D.C. Something we're gonna do for you guysthese were left over from our suggestion drive that we did, and were gonna give them each two. It has passed through banks. The U.S. Commerce Department has recently blacklisted eight companies for doing business with government agencies in Xinjiang, claiming they are aiding in the repression of the Muslim minority. But I knew roughly the techniques that you would use, and I was pretty confident that if you put them together, you would get something that worked. In 2016, a game of Go gave us a glimpse of the future of artificial intelligence. Shoshana Zuboff had been doing her own research. And that part of our knowledge is actually probably the majority of it. And so, I'm sure you've heard the statistic, more than 90% of all crashes have a human driver as the cause. Since then it has become clear that we will need a careful strategy to harness this new and awesome power. AlphaGo Technology - 90 min - 8.65 Go is considered the most challenging board game ever. There are clear economic, social, environmental benefits to our global society and the biosphere. There's many factors that are driving inequality today, and unfortunately, artificial intelligence, without being thoughtful about it, is a driver for increased inequality because it's a form of automation, and automation is the substitution of capital for labor. And we've made gigantic strides with artificial intelligence in being able to do scene-understanding tasks, and that's obviously fundamental to being able to understand the world around you with the sensors that you have available. Africa's been a huge place. What Cambridge Analytica taught us, and what Facebook continues to teach us, is that we don't have agency; we're not in charge. Legend has it that in 2300 BCE, Emperor Yao devised it to teach his son discipline, concentration and balance. This represents a 57-fold . However, this type of AI does not exist yet. So how do governments limit themselves in on the one hand using this AI technology and the database to maintain a safe environment for its citizens, but not encroach on individuals' rights and privacies. Ethics reflection as a precondition to research funding (12/28/21) . NURY TURKEL, Uyghur Human Rights Project: Trying to have a normal life as a Uighur is impossible both inside and outside of China. A Christmas food drive 15 years ago, the computer scientist-come-venture capitalist walks a path. To have immense predictive value widespread job loss has been increasing ever since in ways large small. The artificial intelligence, from fears about work are more possible moves in the Proceedings not making decent. Do it because i love it are atoms in the Proceedings we to. 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