bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses

He was tired, so tired. Note: This is my first story. Holy smokes that was a lot of Joe angst! Almost done Little Joe. Doc Martin explained. By the time David had finally worked up enough courage to ask Marie for her hand in marriage, he heard shed already married and she and her new husband had left town. Was Was? Joe, we got the men who did this to you. Adam carefully squeezed Little Joes hand and then reached for the wet cloth again, confused to find the water wet and cold. He unfortunately was also devious and prone to avoiding work whenever possible. You are my Little Star Little Joe. She kissed him on the forehead then glanced out the window at the stars on that clear night. Adam hehetold me Joe turned his head and began staring at the rocking chair in the corner of his room. A glance at the window had told him that the sun had changed position. This had to stop and Joe knew it. Son, what happened? Ben was becoming worried. Go and get some cold water quick, and towels please. The panicked expression on his face said it all. A bitter-sweet grin crossed his face and he slowly climbed down from the buggy as his family emotionally looked on. A careless mess. In possession of other traits that could work to his advantage or against him, Little Joe Cartwright could have been the greatest outlaw in the west. You did what you had to, Ben repeated. Adam? Ben hurried through the door followed by Hoss. Son, the doc has all the help he needs right now. With a firm grip, he drew Adam to his feet. He closed his eyes remembering just when hed first met his assailants. It is up to the law now. Hurts Adam! Tears began to slide down his cheek. You dont deserve to look like her.Joe squeezed his eyes as a few tears slipped out. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. The thundering vibration he heard and felt confirmed his nightmare as a large blurry figure sprinted toward him. Ya gotta wake up, kid. he continued to try to rouse him. When will he be back?. Notes: Posting for Bonanza finally! Doc Martin did an excellent job with the sutures on his face for the scar was barely noticeable. Adam looked skeptical as he gazed at Joe. The man was very drunk when we captured them and he confessed. Adam gently grabbed his younger brothers arm. Its still playtime with that body. He laughed. You dont deserve to look like her. Let me see what damage you have done to my work. Knowing he wouldnt get a response he calmly spoke to his semi-conscious patient. Joes tiny grin now disappeared as fear began to slowly paint its ugly picture on his face and within his mind. Joe was confused. Hank I need you to go and get some water boiling. Why? Ill be alright, pa. You tend to Little Joe.. Pa, I dont know what came over me. You got nothing better to do but to play with that?, What chance are you gonna have to use an epee out here in the west?, Youre a Cartwright! Joes mother had been dead for about twelve years now. His heart raced and his tears began to choke him. They had his mothers tattered picture, fixed and re-framed in a beautiful gold European frame. Adam help me please! Thanks. His parched mouth was finally wet. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. I am keeping my fingers crossed I posted it correctly and you enjoy it. Ad-am? With his eyes barely open Little Joe slowly scanned each one carefully, making sure he wasnt dreaming. He was limited in what activities and chores he could do, and still moved slowly. His shoulder is going to take awhile to heal. He took in a deep breath. He wanted revenge to whoever did this to Little Joe. Adam never took much notice when he was with Hoss because Hoss never got lost. You better not die on me. As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveler in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Try to get some rest. Joes eyes were already closed, however, not before Adam could see the fear and sadness in them. Whats going on? Ben and Hoss simultaneously stared at each other. What happened? Adam looked directly at Joe. He could have died, pa! The trio wasted no time and sprang into action as Charlie took control. Okay, Im done. The doc cleaned up his mess and tools. Looks good. With Hosss help he re-bandaged the wound. Wrapped up in his memories, Davids focus was on Dax. To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. Joe went ahead a took another one of those steps through the front door. He should have been getting better by now as Doc Martin had said, however, just the opposite had been happening. Slow Joe, slow. Adam was always the best coach for this. Do you know when the last time I had brandy was? Dubois shook his head and clenched his fists as anger spread across his face. Firmly pressing his hands on the desk, he leaned over, facing his father. He knew Ben hated him to be late. his! His breaths came short fast. Yes, youre safe son. Ben rested his body down on the bed next to his son and held him. Boy to Man #2 - The Best Days of our Lives (by Terri) - Bonanza Brand - Fanfiction Library. Pa? Joe was drenched in sweat and his legs were tangled in the sheets. What the heck happened? Sudden fear came over Adam as he sucked in his breath at the first glimpse of Joes mauled, balled up, bloody body. He knew Adam was his only hope, for Pa and Hoss would be away for a few days. He smacks her rear causing her to bolt out the barn door, Joe falls down in pain. Ben walked over to his middle son and bent down. Im trying to hold on, Adam. Hoss wasnt that old and Ben was struggling himself, so Adam took it upon himself to care for his little brother. Afraid you might do something foolish and get hurt. I am so sorry. He sat up and gripped the younger mans hand. The other day I yelled at him Pa.I said some things I shouldnt have. From a physical aspect the closest Hoss could remember was when his father had been beaten pretty badly by some men after hed won a bid for a timber contract. "Your boys are fine! M-M-Ma A tiny tear rolled down the young mans face as his sad eyes met his fathers. No one was taking Joes mother. Yes. Joe was trying as quickly as he could to recover, however, he found himself back in the monstrous, vice-like grip again. Suddenly Joe began to cry out in pain as Doc Martin was applying pressure on his right side while Charlie was tending to the left shoulder and, taking care not to cause more harm to his back. They not only looked like twins they dressed alike also. He wasnt alone, but without one of us there We all know just how ugly things can get when a man with a bad temper drinks. Bonanza Ventures is not responsible for the content of this website, and any opinions expressed are the opinions of individuals and not Bonanza Ventures. Well done ? My ma-ma,Ad-am. It was a chore just to raise his eyelids half-way. Joe?. Just listen to them complaining," Deborah said, smiling, as tears . Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Shh, Joe its okay Adam was interrupted. Shhhh! Joe was determined to stay as alert, for this was his mother they were talking aboutWhy? The realization of what happened to his little brother hit him smack in the face. Except for Hoss, here, but these two are bigger than him. He quickly ran his fingers threw his short gray hair. He was not only dealing with an overgrown ape who had most likely bruised his legs, but now he had an angry, drunken mammoth. Joes heart beat faster and faster, as he struggled for an escape, any escape. How about a buggy ride? But look how he carried on here with that crazy epee today. He knew it was true, but, Little Joe would never knowingly treat Hoss that way. He couldnt stand to see his little brother like this. He was afraid of me., You have to give him time, son. This wasnt easy for Ben. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for It was a secluded place surrounded by the beautiful pines overlooking the lake. Jimmy, I will need you to stay here with Charlie and the doc. With somber eyes he turned toward Hank who was still standing behind the settee. Good night son. He paused walking up the steps. It wasnt even a full day. Voices, he heard voices. But the only problem is that it's not. . My mama He wondered, What really happened? Ben noticed Adams stoic expression and once again became concerned. Dark Eyes. Great story, made me feel better about their fight in the first episode. I cant just abandon him. He had no knowledge of Little Joe until Joe told them who he was. Im here, Joe. He took a wet towel and wiped his brothers sweaty forehead. Your Pas here., Im here Joe. Ben became surprised as to how alert his youngest son had suddenly become. His full attention on Joe, Adam paid no notice to his pa and Hoss. All comments are subject to moderation before appearing in the Library and the Brandsters reserve the right to edit comments to remove spoilers before approving. He vaguely saw who gave him a towel, but slowly began erasing his crimson covered hands. Your father didnt deserve her, and had no right taking her from us. For a moment, it seemed as if he enjoyed watching the blood seep from the fresh wound. She would be proud of my Dax, for he is a good boy, and a healthy eater with muscles. Hey brother, you ready to go? Adam was already seated in the buggy. What do ya got there son?. Learn how your comment data is processed. Patience.. Its okay. Little Joe had watched it happen. Im so sorry for the way I have been treating you lately., Joe, in short I havent been there for you as a brother. He confessed. They said it was his fault, too.. Thank you. With somber eyes he shook his old friends hand then glanced back at Hoss. You and your no good father killed her. Stay with me. The angel and devil were having one heck of a fight in his head. . Hed only been five-years-old and couldnt really understand why Marie had gone away. He decided that is exactly what he had to do. Joe was barely able to slide his injured left arm across his body so he could examine his right side, where he now lay. Hello Ben. When Doc Martin had entered the house along with the Sheriff and Jimmy, none of them could help but notice the pile of bloody towels that had been abandoned on the blood-stained floor. Um, well Im his son. W-H-O-A! Long time ranch hand Charlie yelled, trying to collect his horse as two oversized riders recklessly galloped passed him and the two other ranch hands with him. I failed. You were one of Maries two big mistakes! Doc. He slowly drew up his legs. Do you understand? Summary: Little Joe Cartwright was born curious. I felt bad I had to leave him last night, however, there wasnt anything more I could do and he was resting comfortably. Listen, boy, with or without your help we will find Marie and bring her back with us to New Orleans where she belongs. Like Ben, he, too was worried now for both of his brothers. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. Sh-e f-fell. That was not something he could ever forget. Its okay, Joe. He could only guess it was the nightmares. Please make sure you are signed into the Library before posting a comment; weve had quite a number of anonymous comments left and the authors have no idea who left the reviews. her.. Never! He bit his lower lip and squeezed his eyes shut. Well, as comfortable as he could be. Our place is here, with Little Joe.. PT means the story is post-timeline. Hop Sing did as he was told. I guess that is why I jumped on you when I saw you playing with that epee. Why? Why would he say that about my mother? Joe? Ben slowly leaned forward as he softly called to his youngest boy. David slung his arm around his sons broad shoulder. My patience is running thin, so I suggest you tell me whether or not Marie DeMarigny is your mother, and where she is! Come on, Dax. Hes just a kid brother. Joe its Charlie. Ben remembered exactly when that picture had been taken for theyd had to wait. Your email address will not be published. Sparks fly, drama ensues. In the dark blue sky you keep,And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye, Til the sun is in the sky. Marie ever so slightly leaned to the side as she pulled her little boy closer and continued to rock. He couldnt even hear his own voice. The tears flowed down his face and lightly wet the pillow. How ya doing, Adam? He walked over and shook his hand. Joe! Ma-ma, ma-ma, mama. Hoss had to fight against tears of his own at seeing that. How could Joe think that? A slight smirk ran across his face as he allowed his eyes to wander downward, spotting the mans holey boots. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Little Joe Cartwright/Original Male Character(s). Sort by: Hot. Adam please let me finish, I have to get this out! He couldnt wait any longer, although his short, rapid breaths made it a struggle to talk. Howshould he begin? What was he so afraid of? Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. Yeah, we did. He sighed. are the property of their respective owners. He seemed to like you reading to him. Mama ma-ma The words barely escaped his slightly ajar mouth as he began to call for his mother, almost expecting her to come. Come on, I need you to stay awake. He was doing the best he could with what he had. He just stewed in the back, thinking about being back at the warm house, reading a book in blissful peace. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. You caught the men who did this to your brother. I want you to let me know how often and when these events occur. Adam squeezed his eyes shut and wiped his face with both hands. Dont you understand that? He sucked in a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his sweaty black hair. It must be late afternoon already. Doc Martin filled Ben in on Joes condition. So, No! Adam?. Jimmy was slower to approach, his own gaze locked on the gruesome towels. My name is Joe, he said proudly. He grabbed the decanter on the table beside him and guzzled some of Bens fine brandy before walking slowly over to the burning fireplace where he began pacing. She will be with us, so dont you worry, The older man explained as he took another swig and continued to reassure the his son. Im here for ya Little Joe. A tear slipped down his heavy-hearted face. Im here Joe! Come on buddy. He took a deep breath and grabbed a towel. He tried to cry out for help, for Adam, but there was no answer. Open it.. Although he fully understood that the fewer setbacks Little Joe had hopefully the quicker he would healemotionally. He kept reminding himself, that day would come. Little Joe, come on. Their answer, lying just about in front of them on the floor, paralyzed them momentarily. With his finger and thumb, he pinched the brim of his nose in order to collect himself. Whoever it was, was on foot so Little Joe knew he could easily overtake him. Adam!. It was still thereshe was still there, untouched. There we are. He finished. David staggered as he stood. Im here Joe, Yes, the voice he had been searching for since his nightmare began. JoeSon. Ben was the first to respond and gently tried to rouse the young trouble man. Answer me boy! David had been at a loss, and became a regular at the Rue Royal. This should have been a red flag for him to just to lay still. Thoroughly enjoyed your story, for your first fiction it was exceptional and I loved it I hope you continue to write more stories. Firmly pulling his hair and causing his head to jerk back, the man squatted and began speaking loudly while staring hard into Joes eyes. Where are you going?. Now son you know I promised I would bring Marie back for you. He looked over at Dax who was still pinning Joe legs, though there was no point to it anymore. Little Joe knew he had to do something.anything, but what? I promise, well get whoever did this to you and save mama. A tear slipped out and fell down the side of his face, recalling just how hed treated Joe yesterday and what hed said. I..I..Im seventeen. Joe was struggling to keep his toes touching the ground. Hurts.., Joe cried softly, pulling Adams attention again. Wonder if theyve been doing a little drinking while wrestling some pigs. He looked down at Joe. Ham sandwiches again, and of course Hoss isnt here to do leftover duty. Joe mumbled as he placed the last slice on the bread. Im sorry as I know it is a bit late, but I was in the area. He shook Bens hand then set his medical bag down on the night stand and proceeded to pull out his stethoscope. Hank handed him some towels and between the two of them, they began tending to Little Joes wounds as they needed to get the bleeding under control. He was facing a long day of chores alone. Gees. Adam was practically speechless, however, was there for his little brother. Ben sat next to Little Joe cooling his now sweaty head with a damp cloth. What is this idiot talking about? In between gasps Joe blurted out, Shes dead. Slow your breathing, Joe. He could hear Adams voice. Adam help! He tightly closed his eyes as he squirmed in the bed in an attempt to free himself from his imagined attacker. Then gigantic hands latched onto Joes tan shirt. Crimson blood immediately began to flow from the wound, quickly seeping into Joes shirt. They cant take mama. Love all adam/Joe hurt stories. My Ma-ma, Little Joe mumbled again and Adam knew that he was dreaming. We will need to change the sheets and get him a fresh pair of pants. Please, I need you! He squeezed his eyes closed as he begged for his older brothers return. Were here Joe. With somber eyes Adam glanced over at his little brother. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. Within seconds of hearing pounding hooves and the rumbling buckboard, Charlie glanced up to see Adam charge through the front door. It was neither the time nor the place for Adam to be drifting off worrying about this. I need you Adam! Why? Yes sir, he has three, Im the youngest. Joe Cartwright shrunk below his normal height at the sound of his father's voice. Angry, hurt and scared, Joe struggled to get the words out as a tears began welling up in his eyes. He knew he hadnt hurt his little brother, hed been as gentle as he could be. Please hurry. Im cold, Adam so cold. There wasnt a place on his body that didnt hurt. I am looking for a Ben Cartwright. The deep raspy voice demanded. Father and son kept a vigil until Little Joe finally settled. He then turned to Hoss. He felt the wet blood as his throbbing shoulder met the desk. He grabs the broom and limps outside. Oww! Moving his left arm was a bad decision as he soon found out and a bolt of lightening pain was sent through his left shoulder and down the arm. Who is your mother? The stranger demanded while shaking Joe. Joseph, whats wrong? his father asked seeing that same expression again. He was not one to run away from danger or problems, but this one was gnawing at him, confusing him. Shirley Monroe. Easy, Joe. Joes head hurt. Hoss and I will go get something to eat and change. How come he had dallied on the way home? He really didnt know where to start. We are going to bring her home, son. His breathing got worse, as did the pain. Ben, I think Joe is lucky to be alive after seeing these two giants. His pacing halted when he stood in front of Ben. Come on son.. Love the JAMs and JPMS and, of course, the SJS! Pa, can I have a drink? Joe was beginning to feel better. Run. He froze when he heard Dax cry out, Ma . No,No Noooo, Noooo! Adam made a tight fist, while squeezing his eyes shut. Thats mine! Joes thoughts reeled as he realized Dax was clinging to his his mothers picture. Poor Joe gets beat up a lot. As usual, he began with Joes side. Joe? Adams nightmare returned and was staring right at him once gain. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. The only conversation heard within the buggy was small-talk, for Little Joe seemed preoccupied with his surroundings as though it were the very first time he had been to the Ponderosa, but instead of feeling hurt, angry or scared, he was remembering and appreciating its beauty, its memoriesHis family. My.Ma-ma!. I should have known better, I should have trusted you. Now please, lets try to have some more faith in him. Ben lowered his eyes, returning his attention to his paperwork. Adam, please come home. Tug. Little Joe can you hear me? He gently tapped the right side of his face. Hoss, in the meantime, was dumfounded as to what the heck had just happened. Ben was promptly at Joes side. Little Joe suddenly froze. Listen, you little brat, my name is David Dubois and this here is my son, Dax. Ad-amhelp meHurtsAd-am.wh-ere are youple-ase come ho-me.Ad-am. His defeated body began ever so slightly to try to fight as tears flowed freely down his cheeks he took short, quick breathes. She is my mother! That was the last straw. Please forgive me! Adam was exhausted and fell back in the chair, but continued to speak to his brother. He is young and strong, but still a very sick boy. This story is part 3 of the "Child of the Heart" series. Collecting himself Joe turned back to face the stranger. Son, you never think something like this can nor will happen to someone so close to yousomeone you love. Bens eyes filled with tears as he remembered Marie. B. Brigitte Rau. It was going to be a long and bumpy road, and this was just the beginning. The radiant noontime sun flew in as the door opened wider. He heaved a deep sigh and continued. Joe was just. Joes in good hands., Sure! Adam wiped his face on his forearm sleeve and began to exit through the door, but not before one last word. His large statue leaned forward as his hands were clasped together. He actually came here looking for you, Ben. He and Ben locked eyes as Bens eyes widened. Heeding his warning, Ben turned to Adam and Hoss. With one stroke, the sharp blade sliced the left side of Joes face quickly drawing blood. Hed started discretely asking around to find out where shed gone. Doc Martin carefully turned Joes head to the right. Bonanza Boomers. With his head down, Joe slowly walked back toward his waiting family. That means youve got part of the responsibility of running this ranch, same as Pa and Hoss and me.. Lets go get your mother. And then they were gone. I cant talk to Pa cause wellhes pa. They both made eye contact and chuckled. Noooo!- How? David suddenly went into an uncontrollable fit of rage tossing Joe sideways to the ground, where he landed amidst the broken glass from his mothers picture. The only thing wrong with himhes young. Adam knew Joe would grow up soon, Adam just wanted it sooner rather than later. Down at his Little brother something like that to a kid he squeezed his eyes shut man... To yousomeone you Love man # 2 - the Best he could be they not looked... Face on his body down on the bread as the door opened wider of Dax. Enjoy it to rock other day I yelled at him Pa.I said some things I have! He just stewed in the sheets and get him a towel, but what her home, son Adam wanted. His large statue leaned forward as he squirmed in the back, thinking about being back at first... Mans face as his hands were clasped together was afraid of me., you Little,! Well get whoever did this to you and save mama body began ever so slightly leaned the! Noontime sun flew in as the door opened wider, & quot ; Child the... 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