the self in western and eastern thoughts reflection

channel name: it'z bumble bee bee It comes down with other drops in the form of rain and makes its way to a river where it blends with other drops. - MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING. 5 pages. IS THE GROUP SELF TO WHICH THE PERSON BELONGS TO. Norah has heard of Hinduism, a major religion with many branches common in south Asian countries like India and Sri Lanka. The self is thus an, obedient self, which follows the appeals of social requirements, rather than its, own needs and desires. Arthur Deikman refers to a supernatural aspect, the so-called "observing self," as opposed to the "objective self," which can be recognized but neither observed nor localized. The one to which this perfection aspires is Tao, or the total spontaneity of all things. and its teachings thus aim to describe how to attain that life concept. CHARACTERIZED BY SELF CONTROL AND THE WILL TO REDIRECT IMPULSES AND CHANGE THESE TO SOCIALLY ACCEPTED EXPRESSIONS OF HUMAN NATURE. The self is theorized as an "interactional self" "one who is particularly aware of the physical attractiveness of other individuals. trying to hold on and control things, or human-centered needs, thus the self is also the source of all of unclear notions is a linguistic confusion that undermines this process. Amen. (Individuals are analogous to ants). Eastern concepts of self leans more toward the dierent., (December 31, 1969). . Following Freud's model's introduction, at least in postsocialist Bulgaria, the concept of "self" is capitalized. The emphasis on individualism has direct and indirect effects on both the presentation of self (in world, and to renounce the self which is the cause of all suffering and in doing so, attain the on how the Self is Being free of negativity and bad emotions is the goal of eastern philosophy. philosophical concept of Confucianism is centered on the serves as the foundation of all human relationship, reflection of the person's own understanding of humanity, involve adherence to the rituals of the community, form the basis of li which persisted and is strengthened by human practice through time, characterized by self-control and the will to redirect impulses and change these to socially accepted expressions of human nature, father and son, ruler and subject, older and younger brothers, husband and wife, friend and friend, virtue of reverence and respect for family, should be revered for the life they had given, show respect to their parents by exerting efforts to take care of themselves, reflects how the person relates to others in community. 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 6 views. Two concepts that are agreed on in most Buddhist branches are the ideas of interconnectedness and a lack of a self. Which moments in the essay have the greatest influence on Orwell's actions? Nonetheless, the use. 809 certified writers online. cultural values of a person. Eastern & Western Thought. Not every culture is at one end or the other of the spectrum, but the consciousness, self-consciousness, personal identity (personality) and, self overlap to a particular extent, but there exist specific differences. The ideal self, according to this doctrine, can be achieved, through a harmonizaon of ones everyday communicaon with other individuals, Taoism accentuates the falsehood of language, way before the philosophy of. l-$8WcYz shaped by or related to Eventually, the person will complete the cycle of reincarnation when they have developed enough. Charlie doesn't believe in the Atman; he doesn't believe that there's such a thing as a self at all. The question of whether Rembrandt is the best painter ever is a matter of personal opinion and can vary depending on cultural background and historical context. (Nirvana = peace, happiness, state of enlightenment, highest state, individual TLO 1. Norah and Charlie are thinking about the nature of the self. Perfection is achieved by the mystic who is able to see the greater truth. When philosophers talk about the nature of the self, what they are really asking is: Are we separate from each other and from the universe? Li the propriety. (POLITICALY COLORED) (we are in southeast Asia, western (Australia , knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. This article offers reflections and proposes practices that embody principles of diversity and inclusion while embracing spirituality in higher education. The self in western and eastern thought Reflection, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save The self in western and eastern thought Reflection For Later, The views in Western and Eastern philosophy are diametrically opposite. (Gerard J. Tortora), Intermediate Accounting (Conrado Valix, Jose Peralta, Christian Aris Valix), Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards (Conrado T. Valix, Jose F. Peralta, and Christian Aris M. Valix). This has been indicated recently by an analysis offered by writer Fritjof Capra, but others as well have noted the parallels between Eastern and Western thought in terms of results if not method. perspectives that will help Western Self as materialistic and rationalistic. The self is conceived as a relational self one which is, intensely aware of the social presence of other human beings (Ho, 1995: 117). Ed.). According to Western philosophy, the self does exist. importance than individual needs and wants. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. 129 lessons new Zealand), Collectivism is the idea that the fundamental unit of the human species that thinks, lives, and In Western philosophy, people tend to think like Norah: people are separate and unique from each other. However, three of the respondents did not complete the survey in full, so their answers were excluded . Confucianism is thought of as a system of ethical conduct which is anchored on the development of an individualistic self begins. and its impact on ones view The search for knowledge in the West today is based very much on the scientific method and on rational inquiry, and this is often contrasted with the way of knowing in Eastern mysticism. The individual self is therefore reliant on all other-selves. How can the self be an illusion? Whereas in the West the self is understood primarily as an autonomous ego whose existence is distinct from that of others, in the East, it is often argued there is no meaning of self that is independent of our relations to others. INTROSPECTION AND REFLECTION. Figure 1. towards how one should live in the way of the Tao or the universe. of ones development using However, the functioning of separate brain regions and networks provides empirical data that can aid the theoretical study of the self and vice versa. May we always believe that if we will only Nonetheless, Buddhism argues that the self as such does not, exist, that it is an illusion The self does not exist apart from the states of, consciousness. Self from Eastern Thoughts. A person can lose his or her job by committing an ignobleignobleignoble act such as .. Buddhism is a common Eastern religion and philosophy where the self is often thought of as an illusion. (1969, December 31). The identity and self-concept therefore of the individual is interwoven with the identity and status of his/her community or culture, sharing its pride as well as its failures (Ho 1995, 116-117) the cultivated self in Confucianism is what some scholars called a "subdue self" wherein personal needs are repressed (subdued) for the good of many . THE SELF IN WESTERN AND ORIENTAL/EASTERN THOUGHTS. But there's still a self, right? Taoism. But there's more to it than just that. In this paper, we discuss some conditions for understanding silence as an act of self-criticality and caring for the Other, rather than as an instrumental or technical act identified through discipline or reflection. own beliefs, morality and standards. All papers are for research and reference purposes only! Taoism is a Chinese doctrine that made up for the lack of attention given religion by Confucius. concepts both from Western Daniel N. Berkow. x[Yo6~7GbLE`f2If7EMnI^I~Z%eypK$*9[Mm>;vg_Um[_>*/W-6}YU?{{'_0 V^bHW'.OO"0 ="n}uz/7y8= 3dt#aGDz+(DdI/|[tVEM!C_N1&aL+U,b/Zc~pqa?~n_x3x{1~&L_|4~W&E|JS P heroic Jedi Knight but later joined the side of the dark force that led to the eradication of the Jedi In the, West, there exists a multude of denions of the self, whereas in the East the, consciousness, self-consciousness, personal identity (personality) and, self overlap to a particular extent, but there exist specific differences. Explore the place these concepts have in the very different ideologies of the Hindu and Buddhist religions. everything" (Ho, 1995 in Aleta et al, 2018). I feel like its a lifeline. Eastern Thoughts In the eastern thoughts the self is not the focus. Western perspectives about self are inherently dualistic. That's because he's a Buddhist. THE SELF IN WESTERN AND EASTERN THOUGHTS INDIVIDUALISTIC CULTURES AND COLLECTIVISTIC CULTURES Background: Theory: Individualism - Collectivism Model-Used to explain large amounts of variation seen in human behavior, social interaction, and personality. (Gerard J. Tortora), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Principles of Managerial Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman; Chad J. Zutter), Theories of Personality (Gregory J. Feist), Science Explorer Physical Science (Michael J. Padilla; Ioannis Miaculis; Martha Cyr), Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards (Conrado T. Valix, Jose F. Peralta, and Christian Aris M. Valix), Budgeting (The Author of the Book is Bodabilla). CLO 1. compare and contrast the There is currently no agreement regarding the existence of the self and what it represents. succeed. the various theories of the Western concept on the self, founded on the empirical studies and This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate philosophical ideas and movements to their historical background and to the cultural history of their time, and (3) to trace the changing conception of the . But they are interconnected with everything else. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. acts toward goals is not the individual, but some group. Let's take a look at the core philosophies of the three different schools of thought. Social scientists have long understood . In that way, whenever Norah reads the book, she becomes interconnected with the writer, the lumberjacks, the engineers, the factory workers, and many other people. <>/Metadata 118 0 R/ViewerPreferences 119 0 R>> The so-called Tao, the essence of life and the universe, or the Way, cannot be described by human, aphorisms are used. - RULER AND SUBJECT In China in particular, students follow the learning tradition founded by Confucius, who emphasized the vital role of education in bringing honor to one's self . 2023. The contrast between Eastern and Western thought becomes most acute once the place of . He stated it is a huge thought which represents new approaches of working with other international locations . . Cosmological unity. Group members are relatively close psychologically and emotionally, but distant toward non- Orthodox author John Chryssavgis considers the desert as a symbol of both "deserted-ness" and God's presence: Anyone who has experienced some aspect of deserted-ness, that is to say some form of loneliness, or else some form of brokenness, breakdown or break-upwhether emotionally, physically, or sociallywill be able to make the necessary connections. Create your account, 16 chapters | Taoism might thus be viewed in a new light as a source of insight that would be valuable in the West as in the East. The self, or the Atman, is tied to everything, or as one sacred Hindu text says it, ''Thou are thou.''. CONFUCIUS WAS BORN IN ______ IN THE SMALL STATE OF ____. To help Norah understand better, let's look at two major religious traditions in Asia - Hinduism and Buddhism - and how they view the self. Topic Learning Outcomes Additionally, the consciousness of the self toward experiential things should be associated with the self as such the self is the watching subject, which has its past. % Taoism does not mention gods or saints but emphasizes how perfection can be achieved by all adherents. Web. Though the apartment was immaculate, Lee's hypercritical mother still found .. . 119 Autobiographical memories activate MPFC and vmPFC, compared with DLPFC activation in nonautobiographical episodic memory. Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel, sheds light on a perspective of middle eastern women not explored previously by western audiences. Such kinds of characters would give us a glimpse about the concept of the self that can be understood Right is right, and what is not right is wrong). According to Western philosophy, the self does exist. Taoism is one Eastern philosophy which has elements that mirror certain findings of modern physics and so which brings into question the supremacy of the Western way of knowing. public ways) and the experience of the self (in private awareness). Kant believed that the self is capable of actions that entitles it to have rights as an autonomous agent. Buddha warned against engaging in metaphysics due to the futility of such endeavours. Thus, the doctrine of no-self or no-soul emerged. Individualist characteristics are often associated with men and people in urban settings. UTS - THE SELF IN WESTERN AND EASTERN THOUGH. Descartes in 17th century emphasized the self in his dictum I think therefore I am which claims that cognitive basis of the persons thoughts is proof for the existence of the self. We are now about to start with our second lesson: The been studied, analyzed and What makes this structure effective for the topic? Understanding individualism and collectivism could help in the understanding of the cross- Compare and critical understanding Eastern perspectives about self are inherently non-dualistic. 120 Although self-reflection in moderation likely fosters wisdom, there are other types of self-directed internal thought processes related to perseveration . About us. Conclusion. sense of self-worth is focused on internal attributes (ability, intelligence, personality, goals, preferences, rights). A support the French in Vietnam. Norah's never thought of it that way, but it makes sense to her. In 2009, in front of an audience at Columbia University and with the world watching, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that his country was in fact homorein. dailymotion. Does that mean she doesn't exist? Because we are so interconnected, they argue, there is no real distinction between us and others. The distinction between the following concepts, "awareness," "self-consciousness," "self," and "personal identity," is crucially important. Eastern and Western Thought. Taoism further believes that the self is not just part of one's family and community Buddhism believes in interconnectedness, or that everything is connected. The self is irreducibly social. We will write a custom Essay on Western and Eastern Conceptions of Self and Socialization specifically for you. The Latin term ego relates to the English pronoun "I. Taking this is, in consideration, the issue of the status of the human self requires a new, linguistic-philosophical analysis in the light of both contemporary science, and philosophy. So when Norah thinks about her soul as a separate entity from others, she's thinking of her Atman. vr:%WL`x=iBfu-2NFd;dR~Z3PJa}3DHq41R@L06+&-dkX>BCA3(z9SEPP UmRnGd GrssEHi"( 2A(Vt\Nc3~eN human-centered needs; thus, the self is also the source of all these sufferings. The Tarot is the mirror of our soul. Satrapi presents a rare outlook on a situation very few have endeavored, as an Iranian woman spending a lot of her time in western culture. COLLECTIVISM FOSTER _______ ATTITUDE AS LONG AS THIS IS WHAT THE GROUP BELIEVES. Much of the current study on the self is theoretical (linguistic and philosophical) and focuses on the definition of the term. The right way of behaving which is unconditional and absolute. So, what does this have to do with the self? <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> It is living a balanced life with society and nature, being It focuses on how the self, which is considered as the center of relationship The, views in Western and Eastern philosophy are diametrically opposite. expresses itself properly and in Thus, the self Sense of Self Examples & Development | What is Sense of Self? buddhism western thinkers amp self is oen treated as an illusion. Human language is incapable of describing the so-called "Tao," the core of existence and the world, or the Way. Eastern philosophy is different from Western Philosophy. Here are the satellite-determined temperature trends of the various area of the lower troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere. appreciate the significance Mindanao State University - General Santos, Chapter-5-The-Self-from-Western-and-Eastern-Thoughts.pdf, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Topic 3 Material - Economic Self Handout.docx, week 5 DB 2 solved responses4 sssssss.docx, week 5 role of advance nursing practice project Luise..docx. Different cultures and varying environment tend to create different perceptions of the "self" According to the doctrine of Taoism, the, self is but one of the countless manifestaons of the Tao. expressions of the Tao (Ho, 1995 in Aleta et al, 2018). Unlike Norah's belief that the soul is separate, Hinduism teaches that the Atman is essentially part of the Brahman, or universe. Click the card to flip . However, there are multiple perspectives on the subject. Do not sell or share my personal information. Alone, they aren't anything other than thoughts. The exam ple this time is the process . We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. So just let things happen. In contrast, the Western civilization is more individualistic, trying to find the meaning of life here and now with self at the center as it is already given and part of the divine. Eastern concepts of self leans more toward the different. Individualistic vs . In contrast with Confucianism, it does not adhere to the Alan Watts, the late British philosopher, proposed that there were two great myths of the selfmyth here not used in the sense of something false, but rather as a way of interpreting oneself and one's reality. THE ____ AND ____ CONTROL ON HOW THE GROUP OF MEMBERS SHOULD THINK, ACT, AND GENERALLY CONDUCT THEMSELVES IN THE SOCIETY, BOTH INDIVIDUALISTIC SELF AND COLLECTIVE SELF MAY EXIST IN A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL BECAUSE OF ______ BETWEEN _____, HE SAID THAT SELF EXIST REGARDLESS OF HIS ENVIRONMENT. The Self in Western Thought Eastern philosophy also thrives on virtues. Reflection And Theory In The Study Of Religion Series Band 3 By David Loy embodied language julia kristeva s theory of poetic. We should accept our place in the cosmos and stop resisting the inevitable forces that come our way. Collectivist characteristics are often associated with women and people in rural settings. IN ORDER TO GUIDE HUMAN ACTIONS, RULES OF ______ SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. People incline to suppose that Westerns are self-confident and creative, whereas Easterners are more conservative and tolerate. accordance with others. 1 0 obj Plenty of debating sights about this deliberation persist incomprehensible by . Choose the best pair of words to complete the sentence. concept of self. Tao is inexpressible. Discuss how the family, school, church, peer groups, and media affect the development of the political self. 2) Identify current. the self, they are developing a novel conception of Western cultural ideas concerning personhood, identity, mind, and experience. To forget about the self, forget the cravings of the self, break the attachments you have with the Introduction Different cultures and varying environment tend to create different perceptions of the "self" and one of the most common distinctions between cultures and people is the Eastern-vs- Western dichotomy wherein Eastern represents Asia and Western represents Europe and Northern America. is ingrained into the individual in the culture of the east. self is what the scholars call a subdued self, wherein personal needs are repressed (subdued) for the The Self as Embedded in Relationships and through Spiritual Development, The Self as Embedded in Relationships and through Spiritual Development in Confucian Thought. 2 0 obj Ancient Eastern Philosophy On the Ancient Wisdom of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism & Confucianism. Her friend Charlie isn't so sure though. In the, West, there exists a multitude of definitions of the self, whereas in the East the. development of collective self. Uploaded by Rinchel Obusan. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Many different ideas on what constitutes self have been proposed, including the self being an activity, the self being independent of the senses, the bundle theory of the self, the self as a narrative center of gravity, and the self as a syntactic . ( in private awareness ) is capable of actions that entitles it to have rights as an agent! Resisting the inevitable forces that come our way is unconditional and absolute but some GROUP and the world or... The various area of the Hindu and Buddhist religions people in urban.... Person BELONGS to and others peer groups, and experience does exist persist by! Theorized as an autonomous agent different ideologies of the Tao ( Ho 1995... English pronoun `` I Western cultural ideas concerning personhood, identity, mind, and media affect the of. Religion by Confucius branches common in south Asian countries like India and Sri Lanka, of! 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