james white alpha omega tattoo

$25. And I was directly responding to the content of your post, to correct it. Go back to the Bob & Joe example. Hows that, Gary? But I would ask you to consider, carefully, what you say. So God will providentially preserve the Scriptures and lead His people to a functional, sufficient knowledge of the canon so as to fufill His purposes in inspiring them, and he provide a mechanism for doing just thatthe Church. (By the way, wheres your reply to my interaction with your question? Scripture is what it is in its current form due to the revelation of God concerning infallible canon, not as a result of Roman Catholic councils 300 years after the cessation of written revelation. Foxfier, the mindset that occasioned those abuses However, even men can choose to get inked with this. The nature of canon (mediated) in regard to inspiration is vital to properly understanding the historic canon process. At any rate, folks need only consult the Amazing. Office Hours As I dont feel like quoting the rest of the chapter, I am safe in resting my case here. At Alpha Tattoos and Piercings we will be providing you the highest quality, custom Tattoos and Piercing in a relaxing, clean environment. Yeah, heh heh! Above, youll find an excerpt I have posted in reply to Esau trying to pull an old trick on me. Does the New Testament Teach that Peter was the First Pope? Dont attempt to single me out because you want to attempt to dismiss what I say with yet more appeals to emotion. especially since Rome says there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures Even Paul lost his cool on one occasion (though I dont recall reading the apology anywhere hmmm, maybe its between him & God?). Please do not post comments on that thread, particularly comments disguised as prayers. Are you interested in alpha omega tattoo designs? All I see is Esau flinging accusations at the disciples of White and ChurchMouse providing an avenue for him to substantiate his ad hominem claims, ergo your stattement doesnt make alot of sense, and just looks like random finger pointing in order to discredit ChurchMouse without ever having to deal with any of the issues. I dont think youll find a Catholic in the world whod defend that assertion. Again, this is flawed because it was constructed on from the basic assumption that the Canon in totality necessarily flows from the creation of scripture, and was not previously known infallibly before. It forces the respondent to think critically on the merits. First you say hes judging James White to be innocent, then you say hes assuming his innocence. 1. Not only were they telling about their attitudes prior to their creation, but they foreshadowed the actions of the specific group they were poking fun at ex post facto. Since James White isnt an Islamist, Godwins Law doesnt apply. healthy kind of check-and-balance system MCNiLily the really funny thing? Someone wanted trouble, and they were TRYING to make this web site be found. Even between St. Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius, for example! I just want to be the 615 th in Com Box, I really cant believe that there over 600 comments on this post. Oh, and Im still waiting for your proof that Jimmy Akin was aware of the blog post you were kvetching about. So, in the interest of halting the growth of these comments, Ill take my permanent leave, and following Donalds example, Ill leave an email address for anyone who wishes to politely continue to discuss other matters. It is my hope that we can find a way to discuss the important issues of our differences without the personal attacks coming from both sides. We still have recourse to mysticism, prayer, meditation, and personal sanctity. 2. From there, the posters here committed the category error of applying that likening to ALL Roman Catholics. Could a Roman Catholic representative point me to a single bishop at Nicea who believed what you believe de fide? if asked specifically.) Like the time you found out at the last minute you would have to deploy to Iraq for a year or the time someone told you the towers were gone and you did not believe them. God is not impressed by sophistry and manipulative actions. When the Council of Nicea convened, around 318 (by one count) bishops attended. This is a neat easy way to end discussion and avoid any further diuscussion of the issue. We did another Road Trip DL today from Lafayette, Louisiana where I will be speaking for the weekend. I feel if I quote anymore Dr. White is going to sue me. 1. not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged. White chooses Nicea as some type of magical benchmark, because certain beliefs werent formally defined then, even though the belief existed (i.e., transubstantiation). Please go to: END, Let us This is also one of the stupidest possible responses, because it involves believing far too much in the power of a few rules that dont say exactly what you wish they said anyway Not only is it wrong to say that a Jimmy is right in the essence of his post: White has lowered the level of debate below that of being able to produce any good fruit. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. that promised) Hebrews 10:23, Nobody can I doubt any of this makes any difference, but I thought Id say my peace in the event that maybe Jimmy might see this and try to correct some error I think could rightly be assigned to him. A word to CareBear (since you seem to want to speak to matters of logic often times): the logic of humor is about three times harder to understand than anything you are likely to have seen, even if you were to be a professional logician, so, if I have made what you consider to be any logical mistakes in my presentation here, spare me the analysis. From my interactions with you, you evidently arent a very rational person. May our merciful Lord spare us from the test. Registrant Street1:P.O. B.A. Tech Street3: Couldnt call him out on sloppy usage. What did you tell it? I suspect it wont be. Brian, I fail to see how the Bible being 100% Gods word neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God employed human authors to convey His Word. There are actually folks who judge a person innocent merely based on an assumption. How (historically and logically) did God reveal this Canon and the Scriptures to his flock? Also, there is some point of Catholic history not allowing religious liberty and actually persecuting or killing people. Really, he should take the high road here, and then, we can discuss his theological points. It means he knew of the site, and knew of White. Wow. Crowne Publications, reprinted by Bethany House 1993, Rudolph Boshoff, South African Theological Seminary, 2019 Apologetics Conference, Stanmore Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia, Antioch Bible Church, Johannesburg, South Africa, Knox Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsville, VA, American Family Association, Laurel, Mississippi, Hillcrest Baptist Church, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2016 Apologetics Conference, Stanmore Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Underwood, Australia, Apologetics Conference Christ Presbyterian Church, Magna, UT, Defending the Faith Conference, Christ Community Church, West Covina, CA, 2011 Psalm 119 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Bethal Grace Baptist Church, Bellflower, CA, Discern Conference, Gospel Life Community Church, Santa Fe, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Merrick, NY, Trinity Reformed Baptist Church, La Mirada, CA, The Authority of Scripture Conference, Seattle Airport Marriot, Seattle, WA, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Wake County, NC, Getting Over the Hurdles of the New World Translation (29,3), Summary Critique: How Wide the Divide? Gwen, please explain why Jesus would feel a need to give this power to those who followed him in life, if that power was not needed later on? Perhaps you should all look to your own for blanket, ad hominem attacks against Roman Catholicism proper. Tech Postal Code:92517 your inability and/or unwillingness to suppose that the world is larger than you are, that God is larger than you are Tech Phone Ext. This is no different than the heresy Late have you come in this debate that has raged over the past decade or so. Knowledge infallible is purely dependant upon God, but in the scheme of Author to reader as devised in his example, there is also a component of human reception and explanation that needs to be addressed. Especially when the fellow braying about substance has all the heft of helium. Over time, different kinds of new designs have cropped up, that have kept both these symbols relevant as tattoos. No, youre assuming Im assuming that Catholic Answer is stupid and that my friend is presumptious. Does anyone have an answer to the Protestant position? Given that this wasnt what I said, I dont care about your opinion of it. But what about lurkers? So much for the perspicuity of Scripture. Were all tired of it. Dr. White does not look at debates as something won or lost But at half a century, I cannot even remember everything Ive read. Youre not taking the time to read through Whites points, and youre not a simpleton. God only wrote one book, not 200 different The locus of discussion in this thread, properly speaking, is humor, not theology, per se, except as to how it applies to Dr. Whites attempt at humor in these pictures. It IS a bit of levity. Thats what I couldnt quite understand When I attempted to explain that participation in the hypostatic union was a well-known element of patristic theology, from First Nicaea to Chalcedon to Second Nicaea, he hung up on me. Even though this design has a lot of elements and colours, it still appears pretty neat and clean. I got too acerbic for anyones good. I have no doubt that many believe, truly believe, one way, and others another. His revelation? As others have observed in this thread, its not possible to use reason with someone not being rational. Registrant Phone Ext. Dear Mr. White, For someone considering converting to Catholicism, what questions would you put to them in order to dicern whether or not they have examined their Catholic Answers has some interesting ways of grabbing your attention. Until I read his homepage, I didnt know he seems so hateful and immature. Thats been refuted time and time again. Esau, After 30 minutes of accusations, he responds not with a dissertation, but with maybe a single paragraph worth of words, mostly from scripture, and always ending with a question that is not intended to be answered, but something to be contemplated on. When one happens upon a URL that leads direcrtly to Catholic Answers, what is one to assume? I do remember the conversation (although excuse me for not remembering every detail) it turns out my recollection was pretty good. Posted by: Okey | Aug 13, 2007 2:36:07 PM. Sorry. So basically, if you believe that (pick one: Catholicism/Religion) is the embodiment of evil, and someone points out that (pick one: Protestantism/Atheism) is historically connected to the same evil, you just have to accuse (pick one: Catholicism/Religion) of having corrupted (pick one: Protestantism/Atheism). I am in the wilds of eastern Mississippi but we got a program in anyway! Even if you exercise restraint you know the combo-boxers are going to cross the line. Continue to Make Such a Big Deal about it in this one? Stubble, Your problem is with the historical record, not us. To find the answer to that, first, it is essential for you to understand the alpha omega tattoo meaning. What about Anglicanism? It is good to be lumped in with the passionate people for once. Linework tattoos are quite popular among both men and women and often receive a great review. You only give him credibility when you do. That is total heresy! This is not my attempt to end the discussion on this thread by Argumentum Ad Verecundiam nor is it meant to be arrogant and presumptive. But I do not know what to do about it, how to overcome it. Crowds of faithful followers of Rome had gathered in the parking lot in support of the Charitable Dr. Beckwith, calling for my immediate repentance and adoption of charity I have other responses to your post, but later . It seems here we have a presupposition that God will only act in the way Mr. White conjectures. And mayb3e a little too much moral relativism going on here too. But 716 comments!!!??? King List 3. The Book of Shemaiah That doesnt say not to forgive him otherwise. Correct. Ray found out about the albino monk assassins weve sent out to stone James White! How horribly uncharitiable we are! A moment of nostalgia: this reminds me of the old late 90s Catholic Converts Message Board (tan background)when you could watch the board scroll with new comments on a particularly energizing topic. This is why we should call the canon an artifact of revelation: It is not itself and object of revelation, but comes into existence as a by-product of the action itself. Rome keeps disappointing me. Im to the point where you either have to laugh or cry. too many inside didnt believe and were amazed that I would. OLE JIMBO WHITE APOLOGIZE?? If anything, you are actually guilty of the fallacy of neglected evidence as you have failed to consider (to the extent of even overlooking) evidence that is likely to be relevant to the argument here such as elements in the debate itself between White v. Beckwith. Someone registered it and then pointed it to Catholic Answers. Care to back up the claim that the early Fathers actually support modern Roman doctrine? Second, if someone is BOTH unprincipled AND incompetent, and White is both, then it might well be a moral obligation not to treat such a man as if he were reasonable. Sandy, choose a side. As somebody earlier mentioned it is the accusing party that must prove their case! This whole situation is a freakshow, people on both sides. If you are going to consider White calling a man a bald-faced lair a real issue. If your brother sins, rebuke him, and *if he repents*, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven, and says, I repent, you must forgive him. Luke 17:3-4. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Here is my third and final response to Zakir Naiks appearance on The Deen Show. The biblical support for Sola Scriptura, if it exists, is then by definition contained in this revelation. St. Paul urged the Corinthians: By the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ that there be no dissensions among you (1 Cor. How do you read it? God Bless, Do Catholics get better seats in heaven than the Protestants? Do you know that the phrase drama queen is in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions. well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. NEVER!!!! Humbly, 55 For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. I will, however, say that his actions in posting those pictures, and attacking Francis Beckwith personally (insinuating that he is a liar, for instance), are just simply wrong. The King James Bible Trent, in many ways, is irrelevant to the Reformation. Given that Jesus Himself warned that you should count the cost before becoming a Christian, you have to explain why something being dark and threatening is an argument against it. And then you go off on how he hasnt proven James Whites innocence. As at least one person has suggested above, its time to stop feeding the energy machine. As Mary noted, she and I are different people. 2. I think he made a error in judgement. CB, D. C. To say that God would place such an error at the heart of His revelation is to say that He asks us to place our reason aside and assume that He does not play by logical rules. Thats a weak objection. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 9, 2007 10:09:37 PM. Certainly his renown is based on apologetics much like Jimmy Akin, but there has to be an overriding concern for souls or its all just hot air and gamemanship. bill912, God did use the church, the gathered body (not later ecclesiastical developments regarding unbiblical structures and positions), as a means to establish widespread knowledge of the canon (mediated) so that Scripture will function as He has decreed it to function.. For one, it can appear as a negative point against these folks; secondly, it places too much importance on the likes of James White. No. But are you all so devoid of humor that you cannot/willnot see how you prove his pooint ? I have heard James White in debate also and he has always stuck to the task at hand and done so, in a Christ like manner. Those to Whom they personally Handed down they Faith and their Authority? Also, Im in full agreement with Mr. Donald Casadonte. Good grief, arent we all Christians, here?! Theres a little too much moral equivalency going on here. Maccabees (IV) Begging the question of when you proved that such a thing was true. Wouldnt they then be more intruiged to find out more about him, seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him? no? Please clarify your frustration for me. I would like to invite Evangelicals . There is no mediating figure White will listen to who will call him on it, so Id just move on. Being good is, well, a good thing. He complains that his interlocutors are refusing to discuss his real points, which DA apologized for the picture and pulled it from his site. Most every controversy Ive seen involving James White follows the same pattern: 500 posts and still no one has interacted with Dr. Whites assertions. Ed, you really need to stop looking in the mirror so much. Which would unfortunately include YOU in that comment. Im happy you put genuine in quotation marks, so as you differentiate the Gospel of Romanism from the Gospel of Christ. honestly, if your going to be consistant, you need to consistently apply that category error to Edward too, lest your obsession for White be found out. Jesus, Jimmy never said anything to the effect of neener, neener, but I do agree with him asking friends of Mr. White to explain why his actions are inappropriate, since he MIGHT be more liable to take their words to heart. How can something I can *touch* penetrate into my soul? The person who cited the phony link was Guardian. Why would any Protestant create a phony link and then have a Catholic post the link??? SDG, Thank you for considering, if not agreeing. The evasion in the answer is obvious. I wasnt replying to him. The successors of the Apostles, the Bishops of the True Church, is found in the Catholic Church, as even countless writings of the early christian church affirms! There were the great prophets Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung men so far above the human race that they might as well be exalted as gods. Hort were unsaved heretics and 2. MY HEAD HURTS. Esau, I choose not to rn out and buy Whites book. I wish to credit Pastor Al Martin(N.J.) for introducing me (He was speaking at Jarvis Street Baptist & T.B.S.) For instance, at times White comes across as sarcastic or arrogant when writing online but i think that is not a true indicator of his character. That is what anti-catholic is, you know. (In normal life, I am an utter mouse until I get to know people well, and will ignore things such as this, since the words do not last long- however, on line I do not have a lisp, nor to the words vanish quickly. Alex Islamist= radical Muslim, not to be confused with the non-murderous Muslims. Ill ammend my positions and habits post haste. Seems like thats the tone of the day at jimmyakin.org though. For that matter WHY would someone go through the bother?. It might be saying the person was not being logical or didnt understand. Now I of course dont know him personally so my observations are exactly that. He received a BA from Grand Canyon College, an MA from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Th.M., a Th.D. Is the man who deceives his neighbor, and then says, I was only joking.'. Greg writes: This is the sort of thing that makes *us* queasy. If so, who chose you? I think that the tempers on this discussion have gotten far out of hand, and thats very, very bad. 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