if the devil didn't exist man would create him

Yes. Answer (1 of 30): The Devil, also known as "The Adversary" and the "Prince/King of Lies", has really only one job if you look through the Bible, and that is to tempt humans into sin, thereby distancing them from God. Does God create situations? If you're just joining us, my guest is Bart Ehrman. He told me he doesn't even know if God exist sometimes and said he has some questions. The tears of the innocent that you cause to flow, But then time dragged on, and a couple of decades passed, and it didn't arrive, and Paul started realizing that, in fact, he might die before it happens. This was an idea that he thought was very important for society. These people began to think that the reason there is suffering in the world is not what the prophets had said, that it - because people sin and God is punishing them; it's because there are forces of evil in the world that are aligned against God and his people who are creating suffering. I think that if the devil does not exist, and man has therefore created, him, he has created him in his own image and likeness., Youre a remarkably good implorator of unholy suits, as Polonius, Ivan laughed. The Wages of Fear - The Seven Deadly Sins and American Pathology, One Man's God Is Another Man's Devil - The Pragmatics Behind The Golden Compass Controversy, God Crushes The Evil Doers And Worshipers Of False Gods. Voltaires most famous works include his Tragiques and Epics. EHRMAN: Right. There have always been people who actually picked a time when it's going to happen. It's about how people have misused the Book of Revelation to talk about how the end is coming and how it always seems like it's going to be coming in our own time. The . Op, have you got a thread where you defined what devil is? Predictions that didn't happen. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Voltaire was born in 1694 in Paris, the son of a minor treasury official and a notary. In vain you raise as an objection to me the hypocritical insolence glad. The precise citation is given further below. When Jesus was alive, he thought the end of days would be soon. EHRMAN: Yeah, that would absolutely be good. Europe was long desolated by them all; Just because a character says it doesn't mean there author thinks it's true. But you, faulty logician, whose sad foolishness Jesus himself held to the apocalyptic view that I laid out. They could say that, yes, your soul lives on, and so when you die, your soul will go up to God with heaven. But if you actually read it carefully, it doesn't say that. I have done more in my time than Luther and Calvin. The book that I'm writing that I'm now calling "Expecting Armageddon" is all about that. GROSS: One of the theses of your book about the history of heaven and how is that views of heaven and hell don't go back to the earliest stages of Christianity, and they're not in the Old Testament or in Jesus' teachings. EHRMAN: Yeah, no, it's a good question. And then you have group who saying that it's the devil doing it, that in fact, it's the forces of evil. I have unmasked them with my pen for the past fifty years. Its themes and topics span many subjects and periods and are still highly influential today. This is FRESH AIR. You simply - it is going to be a disaster for some way - somewhere, on some level, for the economy, but it'll be a worse disaster if we are out in public because we could be spreading the virus. But now the talk is more about climate change, as it should be. Jesus believed that people would be destroyed when - at the end of time, they'd be annihilated. (Google Books Full View), 1856, Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by William Ramsey (Pastor of the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia), Chapter 2: The Case Stated, Quote Page 33, Edited by H. L. Hastings, Published by H. L. Hastings, Peace Dale, Rhode Island. I see from afar that era coming, those happy days, EHRMAN: Well, so since these people believed that the soul was immortal, that you can kill the body but you can't kill the soul, they thought, well, OK, so our soul will go to heaven to be with God, but then they realized, well, what about the people who are not on the side of God? So, OK, suppose I'm just a regular old sinner, and I die when I'm 40, and so maybe I had about 25, maybe even 30 years of not being the most perfect person on Earth. Please check it out: http://www.amazon.com/The-Corsairs-of-Orion-ebook/dp/B007ON17XK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333297399&sr=8-1, Article Source: GROSS: Bart Ehrman is the author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife.". EHRMAN: Well, the same advice everybody's getting who's listening to the right news sources, which is that you need to self-isolate. There started to be a belief that reward and punishment would be right after death, as opposed to after the Messiah comes. And those who have been on God's side, especially those who follow Jesus' teachings, will enter the new kingdom here on Earth. 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Just about the only place in the Hebrew Bible where you get an instance of somebody who has died who seems still to be alive afterwards is in this very strange and interesting passage in the book of 1 Samuel, where the king, Saul, is desperate for some advice from somebody who knows, and so he calls - he has a necromancer, a woman, this woman of Endor, who calls up his former adviser Samuel from the grave. If these people didn't believe Satan existed, they'd have no such fear in him, and he'd be useless to them. He tempts us to sin, but God tells us that we do a great job of sinning all on our own. So that should give one pause. Here it is, in its entirety. if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, if (something) catches a cold, (something else) gets pneumonia, if (something) sneezes, (something else) catches a cold, if a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well, if a toady frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again, if frogs had wheels, they wouldn't bump their butts, if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their butts (when they hop), if I had (some monetary unit) for every (something). And of course, it kept not happening. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ocps non . So let's do that, and then we'll talk some more. If someone wants to assume an official position, Isn't this a kind of exciting yet twisted paradise in its own right? My lodging is filled with lizards and rats; It made me a rather obnoxious fundamentalist Christian because I thought that everybody else was going to go to hell, and so I had to go out of my way to convert them all (laughter). And in thinking this, as it turns out, the Christians are simply picking up on views that had been around among the Greeks since way back in the time of Plato. Well, I am glad. He will raise the dead. He then goes on to boast of his own role in eliminating prejudice and injustice. Platinum Author When people need to find life pleasant and hopeful and they need to be helpful to other people, they need to enjoy life, if all you're looking forward to is what's going to happen after you die, you can't really fully enjoy life now because this is just a dress rehearsal. ), 1836, Quakerism Examined: In a Reply to the Letter of Samuel Tuke by John Wilkinson, Chapter 4: Is the Sacrifice of Christ Held in Proper Estimation by the Society of Friends?, Quote Page 239 and, 1856, Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by William Ramsey (Pastor of the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia), Chapter 2: The Case Stated, Quote Page 33, Edited by, Date: February 7, 1864, Newspaper: Le Figaro, Story Collection: Le Spleen de Paris, Story: Le Joueur Gnreux, Author: Charles Baudelaire, Start Page 4, Quote Page 5, Column 1, Newspaper Location:, 1918 November, The English Review, Edited by Austin Harrison, Volume 27, The Generous Gambler by Charles Baudelaire, Translated from French by Arthur Symons, Start Page 354, Quote Page 355, Published, 1919, Baudelaire: His Prose and Poetry by Charles Baudelaire, Edited by T. R. Smith, Series: The Modern Library of the Worlds Best Books, Story: The Generous Player, Translated by Joseph T., 1948 February 2, LIFE, The Devil by Whittaker Chambers, Start Page 77, Quote Page 81, Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Quote Investigator: Charles Baudelaire did write a story that appeared in the Paris newspaper Le Figaro in 1864 that included a comparable statement. Could a Loving God Create Hell To Torment People For Eternity? The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist. Most people probably don't subscribe to either one. He converted several years after Jesus' death. Nobody ever believed he was real. Voltaires essay on inventing a god if he did not exist paved the way for science fictions use of philosophical irony. We'll be right back. They developed the idea, then, that the soul lived forever with God when it's rewarded. But did it ever occur to them what life would be like without such a mischievous devil? Re: What If, The Devil Don't Exist, Will You Still Be A Christian? Paper_1-_Role_of_cloud_computing_and_platforms_for_end_to_end_delivery_of_water_utilities-sa_v2 (2). It looks like what - before he was raised up, it looks like he was simply dead, and he was brought back to life temporarily, and he didn't appreciate that (laughter), and so he was upset. Truth is we all have free choice; we can freely choose to do good or to do bad. Some wondered why God didn't help them; a few turned atheist. One of his questions was that "Why didn't God destroy Satan before he could ever tempt Eve? And it's the view of Revelation. Is touched with madness under the guise of wisdom. I'm Terry Gross, back with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." They all adored a master, a judge, a father. But the main thing is that I think that, in fact, it imposes emotional damage. And so that's the alternative. The attractive sister of an important cleric; Sometimes Sheol is translated by the word hell, and it absolutely is not what people think of as hell. Voltaires comment was so well-known that it was included in Flauberts Dictionnaire des ides reues, and it is still quoted today. Christianity's Seven Deadly "Sins" the World Will Not Forgive! It would be his downfall. In this article, well discuss Voltaires essay and why he believes the concept of a creator is so vital to society. The atheist tried to convince Jerry that God does not exist, and that people should not waste their time worshiping Him. The baby laughs with glee, holds out its little hands to the pistol, and he pulls the trigger in the baby's face and blows out its brains. I have native specimens as, well, even better than the Turkish ones. If God didnt exist, it would be necessary to invent him. And Samuel comes up and is really upset that she's called him up from the grave, and he gets upset with Saul for doing this, and he predicts that Saul is going to die the next day in battle, which he does. And there are two things that you can say about every one of these people over history who've picked a time. Abuses with abuses, scandal with scandal. Kevin Spacey? Everything2 is brought to you by Everything2 Media, LLC. We suggest you watch the Chainsaw Man anime or read the manga first, at least till chapter 97, to avoid wrecking your experience. They take it very seriously. That's right: Our favorite Netflix-produced sports documentary series is officially back! I have to show that in my book, and I lay it out and explain why it's absolutely not the case that Jesus believed you died and your soul went to heaven or hell. If God Did Not Exist | It Would Be Necessary to Invent Him, If God Did Not Exist, It Would Be Necessary to Invent Him, The importance of the concept of God for societys well being, Ahora, the last release of the Romo-Agri-Messiez, ranked in the top, Is it possible to buy an L-shaped sofa cover today, THE IMMACULATE CROWS AND THEN THERE WERE TWO, My Spouse (Husband/ Wife) Died and I Want to Be with Her. Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel no compulsion to get up from the table, Your radical ideas about religion as a mechanism of social control have already occurred to others, Prices should have no more than 2 significant digits, Now that I have nothing resembling a desk, I am allowing myself a node to fantasize about one, I have freed myself from corporate advertising, Lessons on life, love and things of utter importance. "The humans do not start from that direct perception of Him which we, unhappily, cannot avoid. The portraits of your 3 impostors; A brief study of Voltaires Dictionnaire will reveal a man whose satirical writing style continues to draw readers in. The - after Jesus. He's the author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." While Patouillet was insulting me in vain. With the treasures of the Loretto, amassed for Mary; And people are afraid that the planet itself is dying. But the architect exists, and anyone who denies it earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." Jack Handey r/quotes And I think that's a harmful belief. What ends up happening is that, over time, this expectation that the kingdom was coming soon began to be questioned because it was supposed to come soon and it didn't come soon, and it's still not coming, and when is it going to come? He, however, indulged himself to think selfishly to the point of rebellion! That became a view somewhat in Judaism, and it became a very pronounced view in Christianity. And in Europe, finally, happy toleration But who will ever be able to bear dining with Frron? Or are these just idiotic questions based on idiotic dogmas? He's a distinguished professor of religious studies at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. EHRMAN: When I talk with somebody, especially somebody who's close to me who is a firm believer in heaven and hell, I have no reason to disabuse them of that, unless they're using that belief to hurt somebody or to advocate social policies that are harmful to people. Copyright 2022 - 2023 Heart Eyes Magazine -. In conclusion, Charles Baudelaire may be credited with the statement he wrote in "Le Joueur Gnreux". His new book is Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife. This is FRESH AIR. I hope you'll join us. Dares to reassure them in the path of crime, Regarding God, the Bible says: "Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. (HathiTrust Full View), 1919, Baudelaire: His Prose and Poetry by Charles Baudelaire, Edited by T. R. Smith, Series: The Modern Library of the Worlds Best Books, Story: The Generous Player, Translated by Joseph T. Shipley, Start Page 80, Quote Page 82, Boni and Liveright, New York. Scholar Weighs the Baloney and the Brimstone (Continuation title: SATAN: Expert Sifts Fiendish Fact, Fiery Fiction), Author: Paul Dean (Times Staff Writer), Start Page 1, Quote Page 8, Column 4, Los Angeles, California. How is it that, witlessly, you have become the fourth? He grew up among them like a little wild beast; the shepherds taught, him nothing; on the contrary, by the time he was seven, they were already, sending him out to tend the flocks in the cold and wet, with almost no, clothes and almost nothing to eat. God will destroy the forces of evil. EHRMAN: That's a really good question. This was the old view that the reason God's people suffer is because they've done something wrong and he wants them to repent. Answer. There is a great controversy. You live in North Carolina. Nourished by our work, quenched by our tears; He - Paul was Jewish. He wrote plays, epic verses, philosophical tales, pamphlets, and dialogues. Our associate producer of digital media is Molly Seavy-Nesper. When he became convinced that Jesus was raised from the dead, he thought that the resurrection had started. Don't we need these seemingly essential opposites for our world to make sense? And the horrible matins of bloodied Paris: He thinks that there's going to be a resurrection of the dead at the end of time. About 200 before Jesus was born, there was a shift in thinking in ancient Israel that became - it became a form of ideology, a kind of religious thought that scholars today call apocalypticism. And the graphic imagery in the book has really contributed to all of these interpretations of Revelation. If God knew that Satan would rebel, why did He create him? The children of Sarah, whom we treat like dogs, EHRMAN: Well, I think those views - I mean, I respect believers. And so it appears that the ancient Israelites simply thought that when you died, your body got buried someplace. In this volume, Voltaire aims to clarify the various concepts and ideas in contemporary French society, including the meaning of religion. GROSS: Let's take a break here, and then we'll talk some more. My view is that we all believe very strange things, and most of the time we don't realize how strange they are. And secondly, every one of them has been incontrovertibly wrong (laughter). What if the devil don't exist, will Christianity still be a belief system?.. But it's not a place where you continue to exist afterwards. theyve rewarded themselves with something else to make up for it, something as purely national as our way, so national that it is apparently. Would they no longer have the pleasure of trembling in fear for such a devilish being? Hopefully, it will help bring to light Voltaire's meaning, and also give a glimpse of his personality and philosphy. But more than that, these people needed to blame a particular entity for causing evil in the world and in their lives. Log in or register to write something here or to contact authors. Baudelaire referred to the Devil using the feminine pronoun elle and the masculine pronoun il in different sections of the story. Voltaire aims to clarify the various concepts and ideas in contemporary French society, including meaning! '' the world and in europe, finally, happy toleration but who will ever be able to bear with. 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