i regret marrying a single dad

Not my kid, not my problem. Submitted by Seriously7 on Wed, 04/21/2021 - 4:52pm. Thats the way it should be, but it might be tough for you to accept. 6. They get the Walmart special. At the time I was in the military overseas, and I met someone who was in the service but on her way out and I felt like this was just kind of the next logical step in life, to go ahead and take the vows and make it work. Being a parent means you have obligations and ties. Even if they are asleep, someone has to be around "if anything happens". It benefits nobody to stay with someone who isn't able/willing to provide what you need in a relationship. Like you, I was all in for a future with my now ex because he really is a great guy BUT I couldn't stand his son, couldn't stand being in 2nd place to someone else, couldn't stand how limited our lives were because we have his son on every one of our days off. Set up date nights every weekend and go even if his kid is there (find a sitter) that is a normal part of life. Your love for your bf will not sustain the relationship if you don't love and want to be a parent to SD. I feel like that response is normal and justified, not selfish. I have been with him for a little over three years and I am already pretty sick and tired about it. Bad behaviors are constantly rewarded, and honest hard working people are screwed. Bf and I have been living together for 3.5 years, BF has 50/50 custody of his son. That does not feel goodat all. I really appreciate the suggestions and advice I received. Once you start meeting friends, and family members in particular, then you know you are on a good track. Yes, every sign was there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She married me because she thought it would force her to . If she takes care of herself and keeps her focus, men will still find her desirable. Yeah right, Submitted by stormabruin on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 1:31pm. Remember that OP is a human being and their needs are first and foremost on this sub. We have all had thoughts of leaving. Dad is resistant because he's already had to do this once before, and you get the short end of the stick, receiving all the blame for every negative feeling throughout this process. "Don't regret it. A gaslighting. Just be yourself and be patient, and the rest should fall into place. Waste of time. chat. Her bio mom is alive. That means that your DH is going to have to compromise also. She will not be out of your life when she turns 18. If you are lucky you get a spot in kindergarten, otherwise someone has to watch them 24/7. Unless, of course, youve been together for years and hes still keeping your relationship a secret, in which case alarm bells should start to ring. There is much less drama, less work, more freedom, more finanical stability,and more peace of mind withoutthemin your life. So sometimes in my frustration I think "UGH I SHOULD HAVE MARRIED SOMEONE WITHOUT KIDS" I know for a fact nobody could love me like DH does, & I couldn't love anyone like I love him. I also have another kid (who I raised alone), but this new baby is such a different experience. I do however help her if she really needs it. Submitted by stepmom29 on Sun, 02/09/2014 - 4:53pm. Mine does not. It hurts you that sk didn't say hi? Their hearts are as cold as the peak of Mt.Kenya. My question for a lot of these SMs iswhy do you allow yourself to be disrespected like this? You can't have your bf without having SD. 3. Dear Therapist, This is the age-old story of a younger woman meeting an older, married man at work. I do not regret it because after leaving him it made me appreciate being with a childless man so much more. You are in the "perfect storm" situation - a SD who needs attention and is clingy and jealous, a guilty father who will always want to take care of his little girl, and last but not least - you yourself, with a building case of resentment. She, too, had new babies, new husband. I honestly didn't mind. I just simply cannot picture myself dealing with this for another 10 something years. Make sure you make it clear on-line that you're looking for a man without children as at your age its also the most likely age for divorced men to be out looking. Only single moms seem to get that title. This leads me to my next point . 5. THEN, you'll be relieved you did. MARRIED FOR LOVE: "Call me a helpless romantic, but my wife and I married for love. 100% true. They might be relaxed and open to getting to know you, accepting your presence, but they might feel resentful or wary, or just a bit confused. 7. My parents buy her stuffs. I have a idiot beta male cousin, he married a double single mother. Then when we tried to work it out 'for the kid,' she just wanted to convince me to pay for several of her bills (rent, utilities, etc.) I must say life without stepkids,an ex, that kind of baggage and drama, etc. They are not big-hearted enough to be a . Sure. Hes got to pay for school shoes and birthday parties and countless other things, and so, most likely, wont have as much disposable income to spend on weekends away or meals out with you. Men generally remarry faster than women do after a divorce. Lynn, you don't have to resort to name calling on here because you didn't like my question. And was still a thing, apparently. I remember hiring a babysitter on his every other weekend visits just to get away from him, and we could go out to the show. My heart breaks for you. I'm The Ex-Wife Now), Dear Sh*tty Husbands: This Is Your Wake Up Call, 10 Everyday Things Women Do That Are Major Turn-Offs For Men, 4 Big Mistakes I Made As A Husband (Psst! Read the book of boundaries my Melissa Urban! Whenever he confront her daughter, it's way to sweet and if I were the child that gets that kind of scolding, I wouldn't learn any lesson. Well who could possibly enjoy spending time with her, she has such sense of entitlement issue. I wanted to marry my boyfriend, who, as per my belief, loved me more than anyone can love someone. Now we are seriously considering going back to my job, which will make things tight and I worry about her and if she will like it or not. He said he wanted more children after marriage. We spoke to 12 women to discuss their experience and why and why not the relationship worked out for them. He finally stood up to them for being really ugly to me and they refused to apologize and said they would do it again and he realized I was not just making it up. His wife and his children will always be his top priority, which is why he is still married and you are his mistress. Speaking as a veteran in the dating scenes (and as a child-free person), I totally understand why a lot of ladies have a harder time wanting a relationship with a guy who has kids to take care of, regardless of how incredible he is as a person. Be kind and respectful to your SD as you would a niece or a nephew. 2. I don't worry about her being a gold digger, cheating, etc. 8. The problem that single dads are facing, though, is the fact that they are themselves. Most men are not the kind-hearted people they want us to believe. We are all going to parent differently. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I may sound jaded because I am ..I will not subject myself to a man that feels his college age children need new SUVs to drive in..while Dad asks me to split the dinner bill on our date night. I (45) married a man (44) with 2 kids from his prior marriage. Same here. The dick changed his mind, no more kids. I kept telling myself that I would talk to SO about my issues with her and we would work together to figure things out. I have already felt that I wasted the last three years of my life. I had a very good relationship with my SD in the beginning, but things changed when I get to live with them (SD and husband) had so much issues about household chores and stuffs, my SD showing shitty attitude whenever I tell her to do something, and her touching/using my personal stuffs. It's really nice, it has been a new experience for both of us and a new dynamic. Its so hard to try and stepparent a kid and spend all your time money and energy just for them to turn around and say on my moms side of the family we put family first. Meanwhile mom hasnt had or asked for custody back in 8 years. You still have the opportunity to go out and meet a man who has no children and who you can build a family with together. In fact, what are YOU doing right now, not serving her?? They did try to warn me but I didn't listen and now I regret my decisions every single day of my life. Run like hell. I have gone from being crazy in love with this guy to not being able to stand him. I have 2 kids from my first marriage ages 16 and 12. An older man's sperm usually cannot produce healthy . He Introduces You to Friends and Family. I have two very adorable nephews and I don't recall any hardships in term of disciplining or loving them. It is going to be tough, but I have thought about it over and I don't think I really miss everything I am experiencing right now. He was always very active on social media, and often . You'll be put in situations that you've never experienced before, you may be given responsibilities that force you to overcome your fears. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. So he needs to make time for that and being in a relationship takes a lot of time. Lynn123, how old were the skids when you married. Most young guys will not marry a woman with a child. The key is to be kind and respectful at all times. Submitted by stepmom29 on Sun, 02/09/2014 - 5:25pm, Submitted by stepmom29 on Sun, 02/09/2014 - 5:26pm. I don't fake it to DH anymore, granted I don't unload it all on him because it is just not worth it, but I don't sugar coat it, and he pretty much knows how I feel, but around other people I do because unfortunately, if you speak the truth you are going to be the bad guy, not them. How do I wish I really knew what i got myself into. But aside from the obvious traits one should avoid in a mate: aggression (passive or outright), disrespect, a lack of manners, empathy and/or intelligence, there are those red flags that look a softer shade of pink behind rose-colored glasses. You're going to quickly see that they have responsibilities to their child that will have an effect on your relationship. DH only had EOWE, and we didn't live together, so it was ok initially. I don't want to interfere with their daughter anymore. Choose Very Carefully. Submitted by furkidsforme on Sun, 02/09/2014 - 5:53pm. They have a room and a basement (basement also must remain free of junk). I also buy her her own personal stuffs. Friends and family tell me "I told you so." and I have nothing else more to say.. 14. I buy high end products and anti aging so it's expensive. Daddio will not handle you not kissing the skids ass like he does. And when they get big, the problems get bigger. I see his daughter as annoying, he sees her as adorable (like with a lot of character.). If you are having doubts, or feeling insecure in your marriage, your husband needs to know about it. I've been happily married 3.5 years and together almost 8. I was aware that he was married with kids. My boyfriend and I are currently living together. Submitted by NancyL on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 4:24pm. Children are vulnerable and naive. 2. Fear of raising another man's child. Youll have to learn the art of being supportive and understanding, being there when he needs you, being patient and not judging him. I know married life is all about adjustments and understanding, but if I were the one to do this all, I might lose my sanity. Youll have to be prepared to make plans in advance and work around the childrens schedules. I also include here whenever I go out with my friends so she won't feel a boredom being inside the house all the time. . Sheesh, no wonder we need forums to vent it all out. Example, the other day, we took her to the shopping mall to buy a pair of new shoes. My SD was 6 at the time. Unfortunately, the society we live in often makes men feel like they have to hide their emotions away, and struggle to express them. MOVE ON. Example, i dont want kid toys/clothing/trash in The common areas. The statistics tell us "something.". Sure enough, the guys on the subreddit r/AskMen sounded off when asked:"Men who regret getting married, whats your reason?". Oh and the faking issue. Those are things you have to think of, because obviously you could never live with this child long term. So be very sure, and if you're not sure, don't do it. I will admit that getting back out there, for me, as a man, initially was about sex. If you don't do drugs, it's hard to pick up on the tell-tale signs. I am getting married in May. Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. I just have decided im not a step dad. I know you love your boyfriend and can't imagine life without him, but you have to think..would you rather have a year or so of misery while you are getting over him, or a lifetime of misery dealing with this child that isn't yours? Also, for some reason, single dads tend to like to cheat on their new relationships with their baby mamas. 3) Talk to him. Doing everything for myself and my son (at least when he's with me), is just more than I can take today. There is no written rule tat makes a single mother less desirable just like the single dad. Leaving is okay. Talk as much as u can, lay all the chips on the table then analyze if this is what u really want to do for the foreseeable future. Submitted by QueenBeau on Mon, 02/10/2014 - 11:06am. Want some specific advice about the single dad you are dating? Every situation is different, but blended families in reality do NOT work. If you feel trapped, then start moving towards independence. The final straw was when, while he was at his moms house a few weeks ago, he allowed his mom to grab his phone and start texting my BF (her ex husband) from his phone! Since we had been married less than two years, we had to prove to the government that our marriage was real, and that he wasn . About 29% of all marriages in the United States involve at least one person who has been married at least one time before. I am a SM and I would like the men out there about this situation. Submitted by Wildchildhaz1 on Wed, 03/31/2021 - 11:45am. Their mother passed away suddenly. That requires way too much energy. Again, it will not get better. I love my husband and feel super lucky to have himwhenhis daughter isn't around. My dh made a big mistake before me, and basically this kid was a drive by, not his faultbut many guys don't bond like they do with kids that live with them, and kids they chose to have. I am not looking forward to her visitation. But it will be difficult to find a childless guy - its not that they aren't there its just that they're busy. Success in blended families boils down to a few major things: Your partner must support you and be ok with how you want your role to look (assuming it's not overstepping). Best to know where each of you stands before things get too serious. We need you to help us with these comments by reporting them when you see them. I am in counseling and I am trying to deal with the situation. While we dated, BM tried to manipulate his time and he wouldn't allow it. If he is married, then you will be his second choice. I would suggest you tell him you've thought about your living arrangement and it's best for you to move out. He's not a bad person, but I feel I made a big mistake. Submitted by sbm014 on Mon, 02/10/2014 - 8:48am. Avoid getting married on the rebound. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter. I cannot picture myself living in this kind of condition for another 13 something years. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you work through the added complications that come with dating a single dad. Ask ur spouse if you'll have a say in the way things are ran in the home, and ask him to be a 100% honest if he rather u not be an active participant in parenting. Would I encourage someone without children to do what I did? Submitted by Stepdrama2020 on Mon, 03/29/2021 - 10:12am. My state uses step parents income to determine child support. My boyfriend however, really spoils her and things get pretty nasty here. for example, I don't say "sd7 needs to go to bed, it is way pass her bedtime" I bite my tongue, if I did indeed say something, I would be accused of "Why are you having such a bad day" well, asshole, I have bad day everyday. You want to be with a man who is a good father; at the same time, if you find you're constantly dissatisfied with him, you may need to find a guy who is more available. IMO, that holds true for everyone, even those who don't have kids and are getting together (or married) for the first time. Leave and never look back. But in the case of dating a single dad, you need to be able to cooperate and communicate with your man's ex. She just wanted to get married. And when you do finally meet them, you need to be aware that anything could happen. Right now I just try not to think about it. He was divorced with a 9 year old daughter. I just fell for all the lies. He has done the same as yours Lynn123,here are some of them he has told me to leave HIS house at least a million times, said this is his dad's house and he should live here by himself, always says he wants to tear up all of my things, he has said he is going to throw me out the window and then throw my bed on top of me so I can't sleep here anymore, He has said on numerous occasions that he is going to kill me, He has said he is going to burn me to death, he has said he is going to cut me up, He has said he is going to shoot me and my dog and my cat, in other words he is bat s#5t crazy five years old or not.

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