gitmo 2020 2021

(parsin) Your kingdom is divided and given to , 4CM DISCLAIMER: in publishing this DOES NOT MEAN 4CM is VERIFYING the VERACITY OF THE CONTENT. Greig agreed to host a June 30, 2017, live streamed discussion with Baxter. Her blood, which is AB- according to State Department records, had metalloproteins of two other blood types, A- and O+, a medical impossibility suggesting she had received infusions from incompatible donors. Recidivism among detainees freed from the compound at the U.S. The email was signed, "Michael.". Since then . United States forces at Guantanamo Bay on Monday shot down a French A400M military transport plane as it breached the station's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) without responding to radio calls, a source in General Eric M. Smith's office told Real Raw News. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Biden reportedly looking to house Haitian migrants at Guantanamo Bay, Oldest prisoner freed from Guantanamo Bay after 17 years, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed awaits trial after two decades, Prominent al-Qaeda figure detained at Guantanamo admits to war crimes. "Happy doxxing, and thank you for the publicity," Tuffin added in his only email response to PolitiFact. Military Commissions are run by the Department of Defense through the work of five organizations to achieve the overarching goal of a just resolution to all commissions cases. is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest "We will keep fighting. This illustration shows a screenshot of the homepage of Real Raw News as it appeared on July 12, 2021, with edits added to emphasize the false nature of the headlines. ), FULL STORY HERE:, BACKGROUND HEADLINE: HRC (mene, mene) God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. When readers point out clear evidence that disproves what hes written such as the reality that Hillary Clinton is alive Tuffin has responded by asserting that the version of Clinton seen on TV is the product of computer-generated imagery, or a hologram, or cloning. The film was directed by Kevin Macdonald based on a screenplay written by M.B. Says an image shows the Highland Park shooting suspect "in jail or rehab or a psychiatric center" before the shooting. Now that the Mueller investigation is over heads will roll. 3.6k. He has said the same thing about Pelosi, Hanks, former CIA director James Brennan, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Playing next. GITMO. had issued its final order including a judgement enforcement and compliance order regarding ceasing and desisting distribution of all COVID vaccinations as they are considered to be genetic biowarfare thus constituting as geocide and crimes against humanity. How could these tribunals be less important since they affect every human being on Earth!? Both the judgement enforcement and compliance order documents are linked within this cease and desist order. THEY GO ALL. Quantum, Expansion, Exporation, All That Is, The Art of BEing Hue-man, New Earth. "This is why tabloids can get away with their outrageous claims," said Samantha Barbas, a professor of law at the University of Buffalo. Jan 4, 2021. (LogOut/ If those who first witnessed such serious events or discoveries could handle it and then make profit on it, then we all can handle the truth. Change). Names are out, crimes are explained. 1:21. Youll have to use your own judgement, and be your own quality control. Murderer. Shoes Human Blood I Montero I Lil Nas X I Satan Shoes | Fivevox School of Music #666 #FSM. 09:56 AM (GMT) On January 11, 2002, exactly four months after the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States set up a high-security prison in its Guantanamo Bay base. The list of arrests and executions of famous people should be released early 2021 and the world will be changing soon. The disclaimer is tucked in the "About Us" page and not highlighted on individual stories, a tactic that misinformation experts said is common among pages that promote falsehoods. Many of these involved elites have been using COVID-19 as a guise for their crimes against humanity, using coded communications to let each other know their legal situations. It's all been scripted, you are watching a . Until that point, all executions took place after a military tribunal found the accused guilty of murder and/or treason, clearly defined capitol offenses worthy of a hanging or firing squad. November 8, 2021. Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson - June 21. Some of the repeat offenders have since died or been recaptured, but 151or 66% are still at large, thedocument reveals. "But I just dont think thats the case anymore.". And some have American blood on their hands. Many of these involved elites are currently suited with an ankle monitor or microchip tracker. Become a C-VINE member to help support our website and Volunteers and receive our weekly Newsletter. A disclaimer added to its "About Us" page in April says the website contains "humor, parody and satire," yet Baxter has defended the accuracy of his writings dozens of times in the comments sections on various articles. From Wikipedia: The petition outlines certain 9/11 related federal crimes committed within the Southern District of New York, including that the World Trade Center (WTC . Tweets & replies. it does seem odd to me that tge man who played th black panther who i enjoyed contradicts himself and i find hard to belive a man that smart die of stage 4 cancer was never seen in a hosptial buy anyone anf if he ws battling cancer wouldnt somone like him leave a will for his son something just seems offf i coukd be wrong but its just off i did notice a couple other names i sisd deceased and i flew to la myself snd met keanu reeves so i know hes ok and im hoping rdjr and johny depp are like mel gibson trfying to stop it notpsrt of it well GODBLESS. Isaac Kappy was a Hollywood actor who exposed many Hollywood actors as being paedophiles, including Tom Hanks. BILL GATES DECEASED. THE LEMURIAN PLAG IS EASY AND EFFECTIVE. Below we can see Ellen DeGeneres with her SMART Monitor on. PolitiFact researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. by Steven Rotter, March 14th, 2021 . The suspected 20th hijacker,Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated forparole hearings this year, documents reveal. The Defense Department intends to transfer $14 million in existing funds to expand the controversial U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a new document released by the Pentagon comptroller's office. "27 U.S. Air Force Pilots Resign Over Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate," said the headline on the Sept. 1 article. (LogOut/ Clinton aide found dead, tied to tree in apparent murder., Every single one of former President Barack Obamas Medal of Freedom recipients in this video was on Epsteins flight logs.. In Australia, a 17% increase in heart attack deaths in the first eight months of 2022 is linked to COVID-19 vaccination. [4] Full Document Human Rights Tribunal International vs. ANTIFA et al. ", "I have no doubt that it is the same Michael Baxter," Greig told PolitiFact, after he reviewed the website for Real Raw News. Step-By-Step Doctors Plan That Could Save Your Life DOWNLOAD FREE BOOKLET: An educational resource from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ( Both Corey Goode and David Wilcock have stated that the number is over 600,000. Tribunals are starting up again after over a year of postponements and GTMO running at minimal capacity, because of COVID since March of 2020. Two days later, though, she had another transmogrification. (Steven Rotter)Arrests of Famous people update March 10, 2021 by Juan O Savin. Razor wire tops a fence at the U.S. Prison at Guantanamo Bay, also known as "Gitmo" on October 22, 2016 at the U.S. Adherents of the Q-Anon conspiracy movement spread those and similar conspiracy theories throughout late 2020 and early 2021, falsely claiming online that officials including Hillary Clinton. Ashli Babbitt was not murdered. With the many great announcements that formed President Trump's first official State of the Union address, tucked in the detail was a confirmation . ~ March 1, 2023, The BOE A.B.A. Prosecutor Berman agreed in November 2018 to present a petition by the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 to a grand jury. And many of the remaining prisoners are fromYemen, which is too unstable to take custody of them. Will September also be postponed? BY NOW YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE RODS OF GOD HAVE NOT BEEN USED YET. We can identify they are suffering from adrenochrome withdrawal as the symptoms include reversing positive effects, schizophrenia, sever physical / mental / emotional damage, and accelerated aging. ( If this sounds like Im covering my ass,then you are very astute. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). ", Gregory, the senior analyst at NewsGuard, said that of all the websites he has helped review, Real Raw News "is the first time I can recall where theres been such dedication to the hoax.". As part of its review of Real Raw News, NewsGuard reached out to the email address that was connected to a PayPal account on the website. The exact figure remains classified. The controversial interrogation techniques that were once. "We dont publish fake news," he wrote in one such comment. ANY WAY THE LONDON BRIDGE THAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED ARE TWO OF THEM ONE IN LONDON AND THE ONE IN ARIZONA IS NOT A BRIDGE BUT AN LAKE I BELIEVE CALLED LONDON BRIDGE AND MY UNDERSTANDING IS THAT BOTH OF THEM WILL BE DESTROYED WHEN THE DAM GETS DESTROYED WITH THE RODS OF GOD. The Pants on Fire false story about Air Force pilots resigning over the militarys COVID-19 vaccine mandate was shared more than 2,000 times on Twitter, Zignal found. Searching the internet for "Twisted Truth" and "Michael Baxter," PolitiFact discovered a website called, as well as a corresponding YouTube page. It stars Tahar Rahim as Slahi, and also features Jodie Foster, Shailene Woodley, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Zachary Levi in supporting roles. Afghanistan 2002: Taken from his home, Gamel Sadek, a Muslim schoolteacher is delivered to a CIA black site and accused of involvement in 9/11. We need your help. For more information go to: Thousands of Freedom Loving Patriots March Toward the Embassy of Cuba in Washington, DC to Stand Against Tyranny, COMMENTARY ~ Were Circling the Drain Faster: 18 Republicans Side With Democrats as Senate Breaks Filibuster to Start Debate on Infrastructure Bill , "Some of it is standard boilerplate misinformation, particularly around the COVID stuff But this one is also like a lot of QAnon inspired or adjacent, militaristic content. She all of a sudden became laconic and withdrawn. And his biography on Twisted Truth matches what he wrote on Real Raw News. OJ Simpson was live and that only involved his wife and coconspirators. It was Michael Tuffin. . Baxter's real identity wasn't easy to learn. When told she had no rights, and shared the same status as Jihadi inmates, Clinton took a turn for the worse. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Site author "Michael Baxter" portrays himself as a reporter with access to privileged information. He wore the camouflaged mask throughout his live discussion with Greig. Welcome to the Office of Military Commissions. Dozens of captives verified by the U.S. to reengage in terrorist activity after being released from the military prison in Guantanamo Bay are at large, a recently declassified intelligence report reveals. I Am Gitmo: Directed by Philippe Diaz. In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Talibans sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. American National Union of The United States of America against the Rotschild family MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE 2ND COMPLAINT BY American National Union of The United States of America Against the ROTSCHILD FAMILYDownload Source: Before it News The 5D Energy Protection for your home! The Pentagon late last night released its most extensive list of foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay by providing the names and nationalities of 558 . . Hasple will not be one of them because she has agreed to help Trump in testifying as to what the CIA did and when. The Pentagon has finally released the names of 558 Gitmo prisoners who've passed through the kangaroo court known as the Combatant Status Review Tribunal. I assumed the bitch was sent to Gitmo in 2019 a few months after she read her note in the envelope at the Bush Snr funeral In December 2018. It has gotten big enough that a different Michael Baxter, a writer from the U.K., told PolitiFact he has been asked four or five times if he moved to Real Raw News. Relatedly, another notable court case has been brought forward by the Latham family versus Epsteins The 1953 Trust and was updated as recently as February 1, 2021. LIEN of $279,000,000,000,000 filed Oct 2015 ~ March 1, 2023, How Opium is Keeping US in Afghanistan: CIAs Shady History of Drug Trafficking ~ March 1, 2023, AFFIDAVIT OF THE ACCEPTANCE AS A LIVING BEING sent June 2016 ~ March 1, 2023, I-X Amendments to the Constitution, 1789-1804~ March 1, 2023, Establishing the Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission ~ March 1, 2023, Not for sale, Donald Trumps interest in buying Greenland is shut down video report ~ March 1, 2023, Biden Says Upcoming Budget to Include Some Higher Taxes ~ March 1, 2023, Eight alarming cover-ups and contradictions in the East Palestine train wreck chemical nightmare now spreading across multiple states ~ March 1, 2023, Multiple tornadoes hit the Plains, Midwest and Southeast ~March 1, 2023, Missouri AG Moves to Remove Soros Crony ~ March 1, 2023, The New Earth Blog ~ Creating Our New Life in the Age of Compassion, THE MIND OF RD REVILO, The Blog (& Podcasts) 4 THE BROTHERS, THE BROTHERHOOD THE RESURRECTION OF OUR MANHOOD. Creative Collective Imagination x 10 ~ August 26, 2021 ~ reposted February 27, 2023. I wonder what it would be like had she won? 33701 Honestly: I tried to contact that websites author, but I didn't get an answer. ", "As we dig deeper, and hit harder, the political elite and their MSM watchdogs are getting desperate and trying desperately to shut us down . to the point my immediate and non-immediate family are getting harassed," the account wrote. The Guantanamo Bay detention camp (Spanish: Centro de detencin de la baha de Guantnamo) is a United States military prison occupied within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as Guantnamo, GTMO, and Gitmo (/ t m o /), on the coast of Guantnamo Bay in Cuba.Of the roughly 780 people detained there since January 2002 when the military prison first opened after the . Clearing out the prison would require resettlingmany of the terrorist suspects overseas in countries that have a poor track record of rehabilitating them andcontrolling them to ensure they dont return to violent jihad. . Welcome to Hell! MICHELLE OBAMA (BIG MIKE) EXECUTED. "Its probably the promise and the curse of the internet. This illustration shows stories published on Real Raw News beside stories published on and Still, Tuffin takes great effort to pass off his stories as fact-based reporting, separating his work from what is frequently seen on other websites with similar satire disclaimers. Bring you at no charge sharing what I have. Now, if all is true about these tribunals and the accusations that are so gracious and tyrannica, then the world deserves to view these trials live now! God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. What we are getting is more of the same which proves to the world that this too may all be just the intro to the next phase of newer wealth building structure just as it has always been. Tidy up the final tasks and finish removing all the offenders against the world and make it live and public. TRENDING:This Secret Ancient Japanese Tonic Recipe Will Help You Melts 54 LBS Of Fat. Which is why there is currently construction going on there. That woman has violated the rights and freedoms of more Americans than any person in history, except for the criminal Barack Hussein Obama. In it, Baxter told Greig that he launched and Nibiru News around 2014. Passover 2021. But Greig had saved several videos from the "Nibiru News" channel before they disappeared, and he provided PolitiFact with a six-minute clip from 2018 that showed Baxter without a mask. Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred,a recent USintelligence report warned. Real Raw News reacted on Twitter, telling readers to follow its account on Telegram. By March 18, 2021 the Natural & Common Law Tribunal For Public Health & Justice (a.k.a. 9 Jan 2022. An image shows Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in front of a cross with a figurine of former President Donald Trump on it. Anyone can be a journalist," Gregory said. "It's not likely that Hillary Clinton's reputation would be harmed by a headline reading Hillary Clinton Hanged at Gitmo, which is obviously fake.". William Barr - moved to June 21. I looked for this complete list too! St. Petersburg, FL But on March 10 her demeanor changed; she underwent what a staff psychiatrist called a behavioral metamorphosis. John Podesta was the embodiment of evil--"was" being the operative word. ", Tuffin has tweeted from the Real Raw News account that his website is distinct from QAnon, insisting that all Real Raw News content "is properly sourced and vetted prior to publication. Washington, DC It is unknown how badly she was injured in the raid. ", In the comments section of one story, Tuffin wrote as "Michael Baxter" that the disclaimer he added in April was "to somewhat indemnify myself against potential legal ramification. Last month, the president freed his first prisoner accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser leaving the numberof remaining detainees at 39. She repeatedly spat in guards faces, forcing them to bag and gag her when escorting her to and from the cell. Browse more videos. Now, 32 remain. Amy Schumer/Capital . Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The physician did a comprehensive metabolic panel and typed her blood, and lab results revealed inexplicable abnormalities. He wasblamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Ladensbodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammeds safehouse operator, according to Gitmo paroleboard documents. This illustration shows the disclaimer on the Real Raw News "About Us" page, along with a compilation of author comments. 700. . Her witless banter then turned to threats, veiled at first, then obvious, our source said. The "About Us" page for Real Raw News says Baxter is "a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher.". Meanwhile, President Biden is quietly freeing more of these terrorist suspects from theGuantanamo Bay prison, all to fulfill his old boss pledge to permanently close the facility in Cuba. "It's a satire site, exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists (who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction)," the email from Twisted Truth said, according to NewsGuard. Actor Tom Holland is confirmed to have died.. Some may be executed at GITMO. But even though just 40 people are left at Gitmo, the Biden administration faces many of the same obstacles that doomed President Barack Obama's much more public effort to close it a dozen years . We need straight up truth with full disclosure of all evidences by honorable people with steadfast integrity. Real Raw News was created in April 2020, according to domain registration records. These range from human trafficking, organ trafficking, child sex trafficking, slavery, treason, terrorism, fraud, misuse of AI, genocide, brainwashing, defamation, 5G endangerment, religious discrimination, misrepresentation, censorship, privacy infringement, and prevention of saving humanity from biotech endangerment. Things are heating up for the Office of Military Commissions. Naked White People with Spears ~ February 27, 2023. The enemy combatants who laid siege to Guantanamo Bay Christmas Day were a hodgepodge of treasonous troops and feckless federal agents who claimed they. See who did what and who's going to jail. While enforcement of transfer conditions probably has deterred many former detainees from reengagement, the 3-page ONI intelligence report states, some detainees determined to reengage have and will do so regardless of any transfer conditions., The report added, Former GTMO detainees routinely communicate with each other, families of other former detainees, andmembers of terrorist organizations.. UTSAVA: PUTIN RESIGNS, GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN, STOCK MARKET CRASH, CURRENCY RESET. If these Tribunals are real and they already executed these people then they have denied the world their justice and dignity! E Palestine Fallout! ", Hours later, PolitiFact also received Tuffins brief emailed response to an inquiry in which we shared our findings about Tuffin and Real Raw News. "2/2021: Partial List of Gitmo Arrests/Executions" Excerpt: ".All famous people arrested were either treasonous or involved in satanic worship rituals. We are witnessing many of these elites suffer from adrenochrome withdrawal during the COVID-19 scandemic. A couple of months ago, the Tribunals were slated to start in July but of course it was AGAIN postponed. A once complacent Clinton turned suddenly hostile and uncooperative. Since the site started publishing in late December 2020, it has posted over 150 articles, spinning a narrative of military arrests and executions that reads like a wish list for diehard believers of the QAnon conspiracy theory. SHARES. Sodom & Gomorrah? Major Escalation In Russia/Ukraine War! Bush confessed everything in his human rights tribunal (filmed on analog) which severely implicated many deep state puppets. Thu Apr 20 2006 - 01:00. The enemy combatants who laid siege to Guantanamo Bay Christmas Day were a hodgepodge of treasonous troops and feckless federal agents who claimed they President Donald J. Trump was at Guantanamo Bay Tuesday to witness Nancy Pelosis execution, which took place at 10:00 a.m., JAG sources told Real Paul Pelosi, whom GITMO staff have called a model prisoner, was asked on Christmas Eve whether he had final words for his wife before Its unlikely detainees held at Camp Delta are clones, a GITMO source asserted to Real Raw News after medical staff examined Nancy Pelosi, Jim Former Covid-19 coordinator Jeff Zients, 56, died of unknown causes Wednesday morning at Guantanamo Bays Camp Delta detention block, sources there told Real Raw What is this, a trick? The World is fed up with being treated as mentally weak or incapable of dealing with the deep Serious Truths of all the dark programs and unlawful deeds. latest news update! The expansion comes as President Trump has signed an executive order directing the facility to remain open. Read more. Fivevox School of Music. I think the number of sealed indictments is incorrect. SORRY ABOUT MY MISTAKE. Actor Kevin Spacey - moved to June 23, to be held at the U.S. military's holding facility in Tierra del Fuego, which I reported on earlier. "If you share a link through Facebook, it presents it the same way as if its the New York Times or the Washington Post," Moran said. It lists the known identities of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba. January 2021; December 2020; November 2020; October 2020; September 2020; August 2020; July 2020; June 2020; It originated on a website that publishes fantastical, demonstrably false stories of arrests, trials, hangings and executions, with headlines such as "James Comey Loses His Head to Guillotine," "Hillary Clinton Hanged at Gitmo" and "Military Executes Tom Hanks." PolitiFact, "No, Hillary Clinton wasn't hanged at Guantanamo Bay," April 28, 2021. Dr. Deborah Birx - June 23, at GITMO. You'll have to use your own judgement, and be your own quality control. Latest Guantnamo Bay Cuba News & Video | Miami Herald Monday, February 27, 2023 Today's eEdition 72F 82 67 News Sports Business Politics Opinion Food & Drink Climate Change Sports Betting. They were approved for transfer in 2021 with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin notifying Congress last month of his intent to repatriate the . The articles headline on both sites: "France to Nuke Nibiru. What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Twenty years have gone by since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001 and the case STILL hasn't gone to trial. An alien unprivileged enemy belligerent who has engaged in . "I mean, this Real Raw News is literally a WordPress site. According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the 729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities,. [1] Full Lawsuit Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al. ", The author of Twisted Truth, which has not posted an article since February 2020, also goes by "Michael Baxter." Both Biden and Obama have justified paroling these America-hating jihadists by preconditioning their releaseon assurances from the Muslim countries taking custody of them that they will continue to rehab them. Gitmo Tribunal Live Streaming. Tweets. It's Still Goin' By the Book. Real Raw News is a relatively new website that regularly publishes fantastical, false stories with made-to-go-viral headlines. At home and around the world, Guantnamo has become a symbol of injustice, abuse, and disregard for the rule of law. She made depositions at Gitmo and a video confession. This lawsuit showcases how a child was bought, sold, and used as a commodity by multiple high level Luciferian pedophile elites and their respectively associated media corporations and record labels. Such pitiful stories are common in detainee pleadings before the Gitmo parole board, which has tended tosympathize with the tales, especially during the Obama administration. or what exactly is going on? Of course, none of that is true. According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities, including conducting and planning attacks andrecruiting and funding terrorists. Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay,. Two Prison Barges To Gitmo Adding 12000 Inmates! Writing About God, Spirituality, And Life, Please note,while I have my own thoughts on the validity of this information, I can not present it as truth, either in whole or in part. 27:50. We are just making you aware of Data. Its almost comical to hear Clinton complain about her rights being violated. It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base temperature history for March 2023. We bring you our clips at no charge sharing what I have. By March 18, 2021 the Natural & Common Law Tribunal For Public Health & Justice (a.k.a. Bidenis clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one inthree released detainees have gone back to fighting against America and some have actually managed tokill more Americans. 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