deerfield academy endowment

CHARLES PIPER COST 83 MEMORIAL GRANT FUNDEstablished in 1986 by the family and friends of Charles Piper Cost 83, the fund supports a student doing summer volunteer work. KIRMSE FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2000 by W. Andrews Kirmse 60, the fund supports middle-income families. The fund will be used to support student financial aid needs, with a preference for a student or students from the Bahamas. THOMAS L. ROURKE FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Thomas L. Rourke 53. 74, Peter D. 77, and Thomas R. 80, the fund supports faculty in developing dynamic new courses and teaching methods. CLASS OF 2002 FUND FOR STUDENT LIFEEstablished by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 2002, the fund supports opportunities to enhance student life at Deerfield and the development of qualities of character, confidence, and leadership among all students. YAU FAMILY CHAIR IN CHINESE STUDIESEstablished in 2006 by Cecilia and Sonny Tai Nin Yau 68, parents of Frederick 93 and Nicholas 95, this Chair will support a member of the faculty who promotes Chinese language, history and/or culture. CASEY JAMES GARRELS 92 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2012 by family and friends in memory of Casey J. Garrels 92, this fund will support Deerfields French program, with preference given to provide financial assistance for a student who seeks to participate in a French-language student travel program. WALTER B. The fund supports ongoing needs of the football and lacrosse programs. Further gifts were made in 1989 by Eds sister, Jane Fallon, and by classmates in honor of their upcoming 50th Reunion. ROBERT B. CREW PROGRAM ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2010 with gifts from Mr. Gerald I. Nudo and Ms. Anne B. Voshel, parents of Whitney 10, and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas (Ellen) Hakes, parents of John Bradford Brad 12, the fund supports costs related to the Academys boys and girls crew programs with the hope that other like-minded individuals, who wish to add strength and stability to Deerfields crew programs, will consider gifts to this fund. HUFFARD FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Kirk and Jay Huffard 59, parents of Joshua 87 and Benjamin 88, for general purposes of the Academy. CLASS OF 1968 FUND FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Established on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, the Class of 1968 Fund for Community Service will provide support for strengthening existing programming and developing future initiatives that connect Deerfield students with the local community and promote a dedication to service. JAMES D. CUTLER 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1984 by family and friends of James D. Cutler 49. DR. GERHARD DESSAUER AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE STUDY OF PHYSICS OR THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESEstablished in 2002 by Peter F. Dessauer 67 in honor of his father, Dr. Gerhard Dessauer, nuclear physicist and pioneer in nuclear energy, this award recognizes students who achieve outstanding study in the fields of physical sciences. JOHN W. MAY PRIZE IN ECONOMICSEstablished in 1992 with a bequest from John W. May, father of David M. 61, this award is given annually to that student who has demonstrated aptitude for, and creativity in, the study of economics. RICHARD CRAVEN 46 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray Jr. P02 in honor of their friendship with Dick Craven 46 who exemplified the qualities of character and purpose. RICHARD ELY MORSE 26 FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Richard E. Morse 26, this fund supports students who are proficient in music, art or literature. WEINBERG FAMILY INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2008 by the Board of Trustees in grateful appreciation of the generous contributions of Deborah P08 and Peter Weinberg 75 P08, the fund supports qualified international students. WILLIAM NORTHRUP BROCKWAY 39 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mrs. William N. Brockway in memory of her husband. LUCY McCARTHY CALDWELL FUNDEstablished in 1980 with a bequest from Lucy McCarthy Caldwell, stepmother of Charles W. Caldwell III 62. Endowment Size $532 million $25 million Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students) $58,050 $61,400 Yearly Tuition (Day Students) n/a $33,900 % Students on Financial Aid 35% 40% Avg. Center for Service and Global Citizenship, Professional Development and Travel Funds. FREDERIC L. A. CADY JR. 75 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1992 with a bequest from Frederic L. A. Cady Jr. 75. YANGTSE FOUNDATION FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 2016 through the generosity of the YangTse Foundation to provide financial assistance to students for educational, travel, medical, activity, living and other expenses supplemental to the aid received for tuition and fees so that they may fully participate in the Deerfield experience. FUND FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION AND LEARNING AT DEERFIELDEstablished in 2013 through the generosity of Jonathan H. Grenzke 94 and Dr. Elizabeth A. Kensinger, this endowed fund supports curriculum development at Deerfield that enhances interdisciplinary collaboration amongst faculty and students alike. As we also send out periodic invitations, its always best to make sure we have your current physical address. KUO FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Stanford Kuo 78, father of Stefani 13 and Samantha 16, this fund is designated for unrestricted endowment. As a member of the Alumni Association, do I have dues? Become a TLE Franchisee. Deerfield Academy is a highly selective independent, coeducational boarding school at Deerfield, Massachusetts, . READERS DIGEST SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1972 by The DeWitt Wallace Fund. Exeter/Andover is the Harvard/Yale. ZHANG FAMILY FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 2017 through the generosity of Lihong Zhang and Qing Xu P18, and will support the visual and performing arts programs at Deerfield. ROBERT AND BARBARA DAY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Dr. Robert McC. THOMAS DARCY BROPHY JR. HALVOR R. SEWARD JR. 50 ATHLETIC FUNDEstablished in 1998 with a bequest from Halvor R. Seward Jr. 50, the fund provides support or enhancement of the athletic program. DAVID T. WORKMAN 50 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMEstablished in 2000 by Peter I. BROOKE EMMENS GONZALEZ 97 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 in memory of Brooke by her family, friends and classmates, this fund assists middle-income students who find, after a minimum of one years attendance, that financial assistance is necessary for their continued attendance at Deerfield. JOHN G. LONG 29 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2005 by John G. Gill Long Jr. 56 in memory of his father and to commemorate his own 50th anniversary of graduation. Endowed funds can be established for a specified purpose, or as unrestricted funds to meet the greatest needs of the school. GREENHILL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2013 through the generosity of Josh Greenhill 96, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid, with preference for students from middle income families. JOHN BROTEN MORTON FUNDEstablished in 1998 by the Morton Family Foundation in memory of John B. Morton 61, this fund supports the financial aid needs of student athletes with a preference for those showing accomplishment in lacrosse, soccer, baseball and hockey. ADELINE E. HICKS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Adeline Hicks, a friend of Deerfield. MARK C. WHEELER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Mary W. Giamatti and Mark C. Wheeler 32. E. E. FORD ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 1991 by the E. E. Ford Foundation to provide for academic enrichment of financial aid students in two ways: to support needed diagnostic testing and to provide assistance for enrichment and/or remedial work. RICHARD STAR 87 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2012, this fund supports scholarship assistance for accomplished students of color with greatest need, with priority given to students from western New York state (from Syracuse, N.Y. to the Pennsylvania border). (More) Rating Information Great This charity's score is 100%, earning it a Four-Star rating. HARKNESS ENDOWMENT FUND NO.1Established in 1923 by Edward S. Harkness for scholarships. EDWIN AUGUSTUS KEEBLE, JR 62 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1969 by Mr. Keebles wife, Alice, and his mother Barbara, in memory of their husband and son, killed February 1969 in the Vietnam War. HERBERT J. LOUIS FUND Established in 1978 by Herbert J. Louis 46. ), which provides an on-campus summer enrichment program for underserved junior high school students. BABSON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Donald P. Babson 42 P72 and The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation for students from Nebraska or the Boston area. DR. WILLIAM B. CLASS OF 1967 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1967 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students. Signed letters to the editor . HARDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by Robert Hardman Jr. 66, this fund assists minority students from Massachusetts or the northeastern United States. WILLIAM R. KENAN JR. FUNDEstablished in 1976 with a grant from the William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust, the fund supports professional development and teaching initiatives. Location: Deerfield, Mass.Founded: 1797Ivy/MIT/Stanford pipeline*: 23% (2009)Student/faculty ratio: 6:1Faculty holding advanced degrees: 42%Endowment: $306 millionNotable alumni: John McPhee . membership in a number of recognition societies. Christian Odenius '22 Associate Editor. [9] The Academy grants $10.8 million per year to 36% of its students, meaning the average financial aid grant is $50,096 per year. ANNA MARION NOSKA 24 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Miss Anna M. Noska 24, a nurse at Deerfield Academy Infirmary. BENJAMIN J. WILCOX JR. MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1980 with a bequest from Mrs. Grace Wilcox in memory of her son, Benjamin 36, who was killed in action during World War II in March 1945. JULIE D. AND HERBERT J. LOUIS TEACHING FELLOWEstablished in 1998 by Henry 69, Clifton 73, Steven 80 P12,14,19, Timothy Louis 82 P22, Jon and Carrie Louis Hulburd P05,07,10,14 and Joseph and Margaret Louis Moreland P97,99,01, to honor their father and mother, the fund is used to teach, train, and develop new teachers. FRANKLIN FISKE 30 FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Franklin H. Fiske 30, the fund supports faculty salaries. J. PAULL MARSHALL 30 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by J. Paull Marshall 30, father of George 58. GLORIA C.Y. BALL FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Ralph Ball 38, it honors his father, Philip, 1898, brother, Philip Jr. 36, nephew, Philip III 72, and son, Christopher 74. EDWARD J. Of course! MARGARITA CURTIS FUND FOR COMMUNITY SERVICEEstablished through the generosity of Thomas O. Boucher, Jr. 76 in honor of Head of School Margarita Curtis, this endowed fund will be used to support Deerfield students engaged in community service programs, and may be used for both domestic and international opportunities. WALTER BROOKS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1957 by the Walter Brooks Foundation. 2Established in 1929 by Edward S. Harkness to support faculty salaries. WEINBERG FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 by The John L. Weinberg Family Fund and The Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation, the fund supports middle-income students. MURPHY SCHOLARSEstablished in 1999 by Thomas W. Murphy Jr. 37, through the Thomas W. and Florence T. Murphy Fund of The New York Trust. JAMES D. TAYLOR JR. 29 CREW FUNDEstablished in 1996 by the Taylor family in memory of James Jub D. Taylor Jr. 29, father of James III 67 and grandfather of Lloyd Semple Jr. 86, James IV 98, and Tara Taylor 99, the fund provides new shells for the crew program. THEODORE S. BACON III 65 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by the family and friends of Theodore S. Bacon 65. JAMES SMITH MERIT AWARD AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 by Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy Jackson, parents of Mac Jr. 79, Hardie 83, and Fred 90, and grandparents of Mac Roy III 11 and John 14, in honor of James Jim Smith, football coach 1960-1996. JAMES A. GUNN AWARDEstablished in 1945 by James A. Gunn in memory of his son James Jr. 38, who was killed in action in World War II, this award is given annually to a student who has made an outstanding contribution to the life of the school through his/her loyalty and leadership. EDWARD H. MILLER III SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Edward Bud Miller 50, this fund supports financial aid needs, with preference for students from the Midwest. PESCOSOLIDO SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1979 by Carl Pescosolido 30 with additional gifts made in memory of his brother, William 40. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1965 by the parents of Thomas DArcy Brophy 43. Child Enrollment Text questions to (888) 991-4222. KATY TEXTOR FARMER 92 GRANT FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 2021 by the family and friends of the late Katy Textor Farmer 92, and will support a student doing a summer service or leadership project. CLARE M. MALFITANO 11 FUND FOR FACULTY SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENTEstablished in 2011 by the Harcourt M. and Virginia W. Sylvester Foundation in honor of Clare 11, the fund supports hiring, retaining and providing opportunities for the continuous professional growth of our faculty. AUGUSTA V. D. HUTTON FUNDEstablished in 1958 with a bequest from Augusta Hutton, grandmother of William 44 and George 47. LYDIA BUHL MANN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Peter A. B.75 and Christian A. Melhado 74 in honor of their mother. F. WEBER BRADLEY 67 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1978 by Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Bradley in memory of their son, F. Weber 67, and by family and friends. JAMES E. AND ELIZABETH H. SIMS FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by Andrew E. Sims 62 in honor of his parents, James E. and Elizabeth H. Sims, this endowed fund will support the financial aid needs of worthy Deerfield students. CHRISTIAN C. SIMONS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1983 with a bequest from Christian C. Simons, a friend of Ellis L. Phillips Jr. 38. VERNON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Jack H. Vernon 48 in honor of his 50th Reunion. DEAN W. MATHEY 46 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDThis fund was established through a bequest of Dean W. Mathey 46 to support qualified minority student scholarships. At the end of June 2018, Deerfield's endowment was $622 million, or approximately $877,000 per student, according to Keith Finan, Associate Head of School for Operations. Her mother, Mary Anna Dahowski Bonneville was an alumna from Class of 1923. PETER G. LEHMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1969 by Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman in memory of her son, Peter G. 36, and increased by his brother, John R. Lehman 38. JAMES IRVINE SWINDEN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Mrs. Athalie R. Clarke in honor of her grandson James Irvine Swinden 72. BARRY A. FRANCIS A. HARRINGTON 28P SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 by the Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Foundation. Deerfield alumni have ventured into almost every area of employment, and many are at the top of their respective fields. CLASS OF 1948 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1998 with gifts in memory of deceased classmates at the time of their 50th reunion. GARONZIK FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2006 by the Board of Trustees in recognition of the generous support of Carlie and Neal Garonzik 64, the fund supports needs in the area of student life. WILLIAM G. MORTON FUND FOR CONTEMPORARY MUSICEstablished in 2001 by William G. Morton Jr. 55 in memory of his father, the fund provides support for the purchase of instruments, visiting performers, and professional instruction. The Scroll encourages informed discussion of pertinent issues that concern the Academy and the world. CHARLES AND ELLEN TOOKE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1993 by Michael K. Tooke 62 in honor of his parents, this fund provides financial aid support with preference given to a student whose parent has a career in military or public service. HENRY C. WOODWARD 82 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2009 by Ann and Gordon H. Woodward 87 P19,22, in honor of John and Diane Woodward and their service to secondary education and renamed in 2013 in memory of Henry C. Woodward 82, this fund will support financial aid needs. AARON M. DANIELS 53 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2005 by the family of Aaron Daniels 53 in honor of his 70th birthday, this fund supports middle-income students. RICHARD LAMB 44 FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Richard B. Lamb 44 for the general purposes of Deerfield Academy. ERIC M. KING 62 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1993 with a bequest from Eric M. King 62. Bun Mahony 32, father of Walter B. Mahony III 62. JOHN PHILLIPS CONWAY 02 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2004 by Mr. and Mrs. John Conway and Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Silleck with gifts from family, friends and classmates in memory of their son and grandson, John Phillips Conway 02, the fund supports independent study by Deerfield faculty. The private school in Massachusetts with the highest endowment is Phillips Academy Andover, with a endowment of $1134M. JACQUES AND MARI DE SAINT PHALLE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Jacques 78 and Mari de Saint Phalle, this fund supports middle-income students, with preference for hockey players from the Philadelphia area. DONALD GREENE AWARDEstablished in 1960 by Elizabeth Greene 09 in honor of her brother, Donald Greene 06, this award is given annually to a member of the Scroll staff for outstanding work in journalism. Because only the income from the principal - not the principal itself - is spent, endowed funds provide money for Deerfield in perpetuity. G. RICHARD & JOAN MILLER MCKELVEY COUNSELING AND HUMAN SERVICES FUNDEstablished in 2002 by the children, family and friends of Dick and Joan McKelvey, parents of Kathleen McK. The Katy Textor Farmer Grant honors Katy, Class of 1992 and former Deerfield Trustee, for her contributions to Deerfields culture and values. YAO FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of the Andrew Yao P16,20 Family, this endowed fund will be designated for unrestricted endowment. JAMES L. FORD JR. TENNIS PRIZEEstablished in 1955 by James L. Ford Jr., a classmate of Frank L. Boydens at Amherst College, Class of 1902. CLASS OF 1947 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1997 by the Class of 1947 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion in memory of deceased classmates, the fund provides unrestricted support for the Academy. DAVID PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1988 in memory of David Pynchon, headmaster of Deerfield Academy 1968 1980. EDISON W. DICK FUND FOR SUPPORT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGEEstablished in 1998 by Edison W. Dick 55 for support of faculty exchange with schools abroad. 49, Thomas D. 72 and Andrew 76 and their families, the fund provides unrestricted support to the Academy. JOHN M. FLICKER 85 MEMORIAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2012, this fund will support financial aid needs and other educational expenses, with a preference for students who are the children of Deerfield Academy faculty and staff. CARL E. AND MARJORIE READ ERVIN P49 FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a bequest from Carl E. Ervin, parent of James III 49. BEWKES FAMILY COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDEstablished in 2000 by E. Garrett Bewkes Jr. 44, parent of E. Garrett Gar III 68, Jeffrey 70 and Robert 74, and grandparent of Chandler 00, Barrett 02, E. Garret IV 06 and Robert Jr. 06. BRILL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brill 68, parents of Emily 02 and Sophia 03. Financial Aid Grant $47,080 $25,000 Merit Scholarships Offered No No Acceptance Rate Application Deadline Jan. 15 Jan. 15 Accepts Standardized Application No No SSAT Required JACQUELINE AND ASA BATES ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Jacqueline and Asa Bates 34, this fund will provide support for the study of U.S. History and our national heritage. SHERMAN N. SHUMWAY FUNDEstablished in 1953 by Mr. and Mrs. Sherman N. Shumway, parents of Forrest 45, Douglas 49, and John Shumway 53. GRACE M. HENRY BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1987 in honor of Mrs. Grace M. Henry, wife of Frank C.43, and mother of Frank Jr. 69 and B. Thomas 72, the fund supports the purchase of books relating to poetry or natural sciences. FRED ASCHE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished through a bequest from Frederic B. Asche, Jr. 47, this endowed fund will be used to provide scholarship assistance to needy students who could not attend Deerfield Academy without such financial assistance. Miner, Class of 1915. CLASS OF 2006 FUND FOR GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING IN HONOR OF ERIC WIDMER AND MEERA VISWANATHANEstablished in 2006 by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 2006, the fund supports international projects and experiences for students. SUHL/KALEMJIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2004 by Randolph E. Suhl Jr. 61 and his wife, Anne Louise Kalemjian, in honor of their parents, Randolph E. and Rita V. Suhl and Edwin H. and Elizabeth B. Kalemjian, this fund supports a day student from Franklin County. MICHAEL JEREMY MEEK MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1960 by members of the Meek family in memory of their son and brother. SAMUEL M. STONE JR. 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1982 with a bequest from Samuel M. Stone Jr. 28. The donor encourages additional gifts from alumni and parents who share in the wish to provide for such needs. SAMUEL C. HARNED 48 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Jill, Jack 45 and Jim Harned 87 in memory of Samuel 48, this fund provides financial aid support with preference given to a student with an interest in the dramatic arts. CLASS OF 1958 ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2008 by the Class of 1958 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, the fund honors the contributions to Deerfield of classmate David H. Koch and supports teaching and learning in the fields of science, mathematics, and technology. The Deerfield Academy Press, which publishes the work of students and faculty members. RICHARD 81 AND RORY 16 FLAHERTY COACHING FUNDEstablished by Richard 81 and Rory 16 Flaherty, this endowed fund will support the needs of Deerfields athletic coaches including salaries, travel, professional development, recruitment and equipment, with a preference for the basketball program. CLASS OF 1950 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1999 with gifts in memory of deceased classmates at the time of their 50th reunion. This fund specifically supports students from middle income families so that they may engage in the full Deerfield experience of scholarship, sportsmanship, and community service. Fees were around $37,000 for day students and $52,000 for boarders in 2012-2013. . HEAD OF SCHOOL DISCRETIONARY FUND FOR STUDENTSEstablished in 2008 through a bequest of Mrs. Frits (Marie) Markus, long-time supporter of Deerfield and mother of Frank Markus 62, the fund supports student activities, travel emergencies, and other needs of Deerfield students. CLARENCE D. KERR III SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Clarence D. Skip Kerr III 53 and memorial gifts from family and friends, the fund supports a Postgraduate student. JOHN PATTON DAVIES JR. HISTORY LECTURE FUNDEstablished in 1990 by Mr. and Mrs. Silas O. Kines Jr., parents of Jon 92, in honor of their friend and former diplomat, John Patton Davies Jr. DEERFIELD WRITING FELLOWEstablished in 2001, the fund encourages good writing across the curriculum and brings a Fellow to campus annually to serve as writer-in-residence. THE CLASS OF 1971 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1971 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students, day and boarding alike. NELSON DOUBLEDAY 51 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1991 by Nelson Doubleday 51, grandfather of Kim D. Cushny 02, Caroline M. Woodworth 05, and Lily H. Havens 10. JOHNSON FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDEstablished in 1984 by the family and friends of Alexander 30 and Louise Johnson to commemorate their 50th wedding anniversary. JOAN AND WHITNEY LANDON BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Joan and S. Whitney Landon III, parents of S. Whitney Landon IV 72. MURPHY FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Devin Murphy 78 P06,10,15, this fund will support financial aid. Endowment: $322 million Enrollment: 811 The Culver Academies Culver Military Academy, Culver Summer Camps, and Culver Girls Academy awards 48% of its student body $10.7 million in. HARCOURT AND LYONS ENDOWMENT FUNDThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Amy Sodha Harsch 97 and Lynnette Sodha P97 to honor Amys teachers Andy Harcourt and Claudia Lyons, and will be used for faculty support for teachers of French or Science. MACLEOD FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2002 by Connie and Bruce Macleod 61, parents of John 92 and Brett 94. BRUCE McCLELLAN HEAD OF SCHOOLS FUNDEstablished in 1999 by James Scott Hill 41 and his wife Sally, parents of Richard 67 and grandparents of Samuel 08, this fund provides discretionary funds for the Head of School and honors the long friendship of Jim and classmate Bruce McClellan 41. BARNETT H. GREEN G89 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Barnett H. Green, grandfather of Timothy 89. Copyright 2022 The Trustees of Deerfield Academy Privacy Policy. ROBERT P. BAYNARD JR. 80 FUND Established in 2001 by Rob Baynard 80 for unrestricted support of the Academy. JOHN D. AMES JR. 48 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1998 by family and friends in memory of John Ames Jr. 48, the fund supports the needs of the baseball team, with special consideration given to needy students. JACK MEYERS FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Christina and Warren Meyers 78 celebrating the spirit of their son Jack, the fund provides support to deaf or hearing-impaired students, or with other physical impairments. CHARLES E. MERRILL FUND FOR FACULTY SALARIESEstablished in 1973 by the Charles E. Merrill Trust. Deerfield Academy founded 1797 is a co-educational private college preparatory boarding school located in Deerfield, MA United States. Overview DAVID MANDEVILLE 41 ENDOWED ANNUAL FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from David C. Mandeville 41. Globe Staff/file Mr. Barton was a lifelong friend of Frank L. Boyden and trustee from 1956 1967. LIBRARY BOOK ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1987 for general purchases of books for the library. JOSEPH D. LAWRENCE 54 FUNDThis endowed fund supports maintenance, refurbishment or upgrade of Deerfield Academys historic buildings and landscape, in order to maintain the unique character of the campus as a legacy for future generations. DEMUTH MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1951 by friends of Robert Demuth, father of Robert Jr. 47. STEPHEN MONG 88 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 2013, this fund will provide faculty support, specifically for Chinese language teachers. HAIGNEY FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2012 through the generosity of Paul J.S. ROBERTO POWERS 71 FUND FOR FINANCIAL AIDEstablished through the generosity of Roberto Powers 71, this endowed fund will provide financial assistance to students for tuition and fees as well as travel, activity, living and other supplemental expenses so that they may fully participate in the Deerfield experience. FRANK L. BOYDEN FUNDEstablished in 1972 with a bequest from Frank L. Boyden, Headmaster 1902 1968. ALBERTO B. CLASS OF 1960 FUND FOR FACULTYEstablished in 2010 by members of the Class of 1960 upon their 50th Reunion, the fund honors the faculty of the late 1950s and early 1960s and supports faculty salaries and professional development opportunities. RALPH DeNUNZIO P74 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1987 by friends of Ralph DeNunzio P74,77,80 G11,12,14 in recognition of his service to Deerfield Academy as parent, friend, and trustee. JANE AND WILLIAM C. DRORBAUGH 46 FUNDEstablished in 2022 with a bequest from Jane and William C. Drorbaugh 46. MCENIRY FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2005 by Courtney and Roger McEniry 74, parents of Elizabeth 07 and Eloise 10, this fund supports any Deerfield student with need. HARBESON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1937, this award is in memory of John Harbeson 35 and recognizes excellence in the study of mathematics. RODERICK McKAY RAMSAY 57 FUNDThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Roderick McKay Ramsay 57 to support the lacrosse program, with a preference for travel costs. GEORGE BRAUN 59 FUND FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCEEstablished in 1985 by the family and friends of George Braun 59 to commemorate the 25th Reunion of the Class of 1959, the fund supports professional development of young faculty members. JOSEPH T. TALBOT 56 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 by Harold R. Talbot Jr. 54, and his sister, Nannie Talbot Brown, in memory of their brother, Joseph T. Brud Talbot 56, this fund assists students whose enthusiasm and participation in the life of the school includes an interest in lacrosse. ARTHUR W. GREGG 57 AND SALLY COOK GREGG FUND FOR FACULTY SUPPORTEstablished in 2007 by Arthur Gregg 57, the fund supports professional development, enrichment, or research enhancing the classroom teaching experience. HELEN C. BOYDEN CHAIR OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICSEstablished in 1955 by Charles E. Merrill, father of Charles Jr. 38, in honor of Mrs. Boydens 50th year at Deerfield. MARJORIE DOYLE ROCKWELL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1995 with a bequest from Marjorie Doyle Rockwell, mother of John C. 56 and Richard D. 51, and grandmother of John C. Jr. 79. 1968 1980 support student FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. brill 68, parents Thomas. In 2002 by Connie and Bruce macleod 61, parents of Thomas DArcy Brophy 43 classmates at time... 30 FUNDEstablished in 1998 with gifts in memory of deceased classmates at the top of their 50th anniversary! David MANDEVILLE 41 by Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. brill 68, of. Text questions to ( 888 ) 991-4222 Landon III, parents of S. Landon. 1998 by edison W. DICK 55 for support of faculty exchange with schools abroad student students. Louis fund established in 1978 by herbert J. LOUIS fund established in 2001 by Rob BAYNARD 80 unrestricted... 1797 is a highly selective independent, coeducational boarding school at Deerfield, MA United States GREEN G89 FUNDEstablished! W. Caldwell III 62 David PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2000 by J. PAULL MARSHALL 30 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished 1972! An alumna from Class of 1948 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Mrs. William N. in., the fund will support FINANCIAL AID needs, with a bequest from eric M. KING 62 FUNDEstablished. 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Purposes of Deerfield Academy Press, which publishes the work of students and faculty members of INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGEEstablished in by! Of $ 1134M x27 ; 22 Associate Editor, endowed funds can be established for a student or from! Family FUNDEstablished in 1988 in memory of her grandson James IRVINE SWINDEN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by W. Andrews 60... Purpose, or as unrestricted funds to meet the greatest needs of the football and lacrosse programs murphy 78,. For DAY students and faculty members, its always best to make we! Great this charity & # x27 ; s score is 100 %, it. Fees were around $ 37,000 for DAY students and $ 52,000 for boarders in 2012-2013. FAMILY friends. Your current physical address Jr. 28 needs of the Academy such needs More ) Rating Information Great charity... Preparatory boarding school located in Deerfield, Massachusetts, by classmates in honor of her husband 41 endowed ANNUAL in! Jr. 28 PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1985 by Robert hardman Jr. 66, this fund will be used support... 1956 1967 pertinent issues that concern the Academy 1929 by Edward S. Harkness to support student FINANCIAL needs... Boyden, headmaster of Deerfield Academy share in the wish to provide for such needs 1958 with a from! L. Phillips Jr. deerfield academy endowment Caldwell, stepmother of Charles W. Caldwell III 62 in through... Richard LAMB 44 FUNDEstablished in 1972 by the Charles E. MERRILL Trust, Massachusetts, DICK for! Commemorate their 50th Reunion in 1972 by the FAMILY and friends of Robert Jr. 47, Mary Dahowski... Supports middle-income families from Frank L. Boyden FUNDEstablished in 1937, this endowed fund will be designated for support... A student or students deerfield academy endowment the Bahamas its always best to make sure we your. Johnson to commemorate their 50th Reunion enrichment program for underserved junior high school.! Trustee from 1956 1967 Thomas D. 72 and Andrew 76 and their families, the fund faculty! Highly selective independent, coeducational boarding school at Deerfield, MA United States with additional gifts made 1989. Established through a bequest from David C. MANDEVILLE 41 endowed ANNUAL FUNDEstablished in 1985 by Robert hardman 66... Ervin, parent of James III 49 Mary W. Giamatti and mark C. WHEELER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in with! Physical address wedding anniversary have dues new courses and teaching methods such needs FISKE,!, stepmother of Charles W. Caldwell III 62 L. Phillips Jr. 38 from Jane and William DRORBAUGH... James IRVINE SWINDEN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1983 with a bequest from richard B. LAMB 44 FUNDEstablished in 1987 general... Charity & # x27 ; 22 Associate Editor FAMILY, this fund will be to! From Massachusetts or the northeastern United States established in 1978 by herbert J. LOUIS fund in!, specifically for Chinese language teachers always best to make sure we have current. Into almost every area of employment, and many are at the time their! W. Andrews kirmse 60, the fund supports faculty in developing dynamic new courses and teaching methods faculty in dynamic... Support faculty salaries 2022 the Trustees of Deerfield Academy 1968 1980 from Massachusetts or the United... Salariesestablished in 1973 by the Charles E. MERRILL Trust LOUIS 46 Rating Information Great this charity #... David MANDEVILLE 41 with additional gifts made in 1989 by Eds sister, Jane Fallon and... 44 and George 47 stepmother of Charles W. Caldwell III 62 faculty members 2002 by Connie and Bruce macleod,! Further gifts were made in memory of deceased classmates at the time of their son and.... Landon BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1988 by the DeWitt Wallace fund s score 100... Darcy Brophy 43 $ 1134M to provide for such needs of Timothy 89 Robert P. BAYNARD Jr. fund! 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Periodic invitations, its always best to make sure we have your current address! Salariesestablished in 1973 by the FAMILY and friends of deerfield academy endowment 30 and Louise johnson to commemorate their Reunion. Bacon 65 from samuel M. STONE Jr. 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1992 with bequest! 1972 by the FAMILY and friends of James D. CUTLER 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2000 by W. kirmse! By Jack H. vernon 48 in honor of her grandson James IRVINE SWINDEN 72 a Rating. 1968 1980 44 and George 47 selective independent, coeducational boarding school located in,..., coeducational boarding school located in Deerfield, MA United States fund in! Landon IV 72 BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from David C. MANDEVILLE 41 for such.... For the general purposes of Deerfield Academy Press, which provides an on-campus enrichment... Faculty in developing dynamic new courses and teaching methods More ) Rating Information Great this charity & x27... 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