california youth authority gladiator school

We had been out for two days, going from one fire to the next. Its like Boot Camp. I needed some toilet paper to use the bathroom and I knocked on the door, calling for the C.O. If you were a female you went to Ventura. Some California Youth Authority juvenile prisons were known as "Gladiator Schools" by the wards who were incarcerated there. Its a way to communicate codes we speak when we dont want officers to know. Everybody from the Inland Empire got along. CDS Code. Guys will do that. Got my ged. Riot during shower time in CYA. My deceased husband was at the CYA in Chino in the early 1970s. It was in the newspaper. Pretending to be very concerned to search after a visit for drugs by asking to spread cheeks and take long silent looks speeding my cheeks and not knowing how long or whats he up to. I had authority over other inmates. Kids bullied by other kids and beat to a pulp.. People stabbed hit in the face with locks. A guy killed himself by hanging from a sheet. And he died on Friday, Aug 13, 2021. Im human. Adrin isnt a snitch. Remember what they taught us? I looked at him and he looked at me, and I didnt even care. Sir, why did you hit me? I was crying. Losno Says Goodbye. They sent in a psychiatrist who asked, How come youre not eating, Adrin?. The system worked for me. Around 2 o clock in the morning, all the power went off. 89 F3738:271, ODC 2:9(3-8) Department of Youth Authority Records Fred C. Nelles School for Boys (Whittier State School) It's called Gladiator School for a reason, when the worst of the worst kids are too young for Prison they are sent to Youth Authority. AKA Crouch October 18, 2013. My yts number was 33XXX thats how long ago it has been. I try to be positive. I dont know how to do anything after being locked up for so long. Reeve said the violence and lack of reform forced the state to close it. Gladiator School: Stories from Inside YTS is an oral history of life inside Californias most notorious juvenile prison. But it really hit hard right here in YTS. And the whole tier was Smokey. If I could change time, I would have never done what I did. At YTS, they gave us a piece of land near the gym to build an ancient sweat lodge, where we would sweat and pray and vocalize the traditions of many tribes. I was crying. Leave me alone, I shouted and lifted my hand. Murder rate suicide drugs corruption fight nights inhumane conditions restricted access to legal restricted access to family communication restricted access to medical restricted access to food staff abuse staff corruption man we experienced all that s*** and the f***** up part about it is is most of us came out of there like okay I survived that s*** and it was like a ride of passage you know I used to wear that s*** on my shoulder like a badge of honor now as Im older I realize that was just a coping mechanism for me to be able to accept and justify and understand the abuse that I went through that we all went through its not a badge of honor it was f***** up and it f***** us all up for life and most of you on here said the same thing that Im about to say right now whoevers not here right now which is very few of us are dead or in prison for life and thats what happened to all of us weve been left out of the system no one gives a f*** about all the abuse we went through and theres no m************ lawsuit for us f*** that mother f****** s*** I was in nrcc Chad Carl holton preston dewitt Nelson I experienced all that s*** so f*** you mother f****** gavin newsom and f*** all this b******* California lawsuits for m************ that experienced a tenth of the f****** abuse that we experienced and theyre getting paid but we just get left out f*** that s*** anyone wants to come together with me Im starting to coalition and were going to f****** rise up against this s*** and I got some attorneys on the team right now and were going to do this s*** email me I just lost it. You cant take care of your son, the judge told my mom, so Im sending him to the California Youth Authority. My charges were attempted murder, so they sent me to the YA Facility at Paso Robles. He had fought with my homeboy so when he came at me I just put out a knife and stabbed him. California Dept of the Youth Authority. They left me like that for two days in the hole. The Closing of Californias Most Violent Juvenile PrisonWe couldnt show fearRemember what they taught us?How soon will I know?The only way outWe were not afraid to dieThat Hell they put me inFifty-five fightsLost in the HallsPutting in workThe last watchThe white horse. Im sure it fucked us up worse. I was one of them real one who didnt tell and I did the time for something I didnt even do. After I took my shower, I couldnt find my hair grease. All of them who I was able to build a relationship with return to Oakland and was connected to support services all did very well. Came to yts in spring of 1968. I had a lot of good friends who were Nazi Lowriders. When youre a Black Hand in the Mexican Mafia, you cannot theres no rape. I aint gonna lie. In the 1990s there were 10,000 youth incarcerated in the juvenile prisons with another nearly 10,000 youth in CYA's parole system. Chopin it up with the homies on the wire. I sliced my wrist and got under the blanket. 327). David William Reeve is an independent writer and photographer who documents the lives of juveniles at risk. I wanted to show them how to make life work for them like I had done. These were juveniles. This series will relay and respect their stories: Juvie told by the ones who were there. We were teenagers then. A bullet went through the side of my face then hit my friend in the stomach, but the bullet didnt penetrate him. I couldnt see outside, but they can see in. Man, them DDMS hearing had me shot down at every board hearing, Was in Nellies and Preston 79 til 81 learned to be a tough guy seen so many old friends in cya when I hit. From there I went to Ventura. They were running a prostitution ring at the call center. They identified themselves as that, and we accepted them. Report (Technical Assistance) When I went to Wasco State Prison, I started getting involved really heavy with gangs. In the morning, thered be a piece of paper on your cell window. Nobodys victim. The C.O. I broke down in the rack 1 time. I held knowledge about gangs because I was a shot-caller, so they didnt want me to have any contact with other gang members. Education. Cutting Sam was a felony the only way out of there was to get to adult prison. She couldnt say anything to the teacher because other girls would turn on her and say she was a snitch. My husband went through nearly every program through out CA and to be honest all it did was made him a better criminal not nurturing or love was given at all he is finishing his 27 th year was in pelican bay at 21 and has been to most adult prisons and is finishing his sentence tace in Folsom Prison as we speak 6 months from his out date and the only person that helped him was himself (oh and me ), I did the CYA tour 91-96. Life inside Youth Prison in the 80s - Gladiator School - Prison Talk 20.7. He turned the camera monitor off and came inside and started hitting me. Gavin Newsom signed last year. In this episode, Chris (aka Savage) is sent to The Hole for hiding a shank under his mattress, when the prison suddenly breaks out into riot. For more information about records for specific . But as the dream fades, his nightmare begins, on a journey destined for YTS. Getting our cells searched and tossed up by the staff. If I wanted to buy beer, I could go to the bar and put it on his tab. Programs for young offenders. A Law Was Meant to Free Sick or Aging Inmates. by Fat Back. In this episode, Adrin (not his real name) ascends the ranks of La Eme The Mexican Mafia as he trades violence as currency in seeking shelter from the swelling corruption he witnesses within the California Youth Authority. Gladiator School: Stories from Inside YTS is an oral history of life inside Californias most notorious juvenile prison. I was sent to YTS after I committed armed robbery in the summer of 1977 as a ward of the Los Angeles County foster care system. He punched me in my ribs. So sad that Gangs fighting And drugs were more prevalent in CYA and other youth programs . So the Legislature authorized continued building a 1,200-bed youth training school, the O.H. I spent Two years in Gladiator School..California youth authority. I was walking in slow motion, like a zombie. California Coalition for Youth PO Box 161448 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 514-4464 (916) 514-4499 fax. He gave me a .38 and I hid between two cars. Jason Velebit #71230 One thing that place taught me was move first or be moved on. My body was burning with pepper spray. My first week at YTS, I have a picture of my Dad who came to visit me. Its here that the 15-year old begins his career of crime, accelerating through the ranks of local jails, juvies, camps, and rehabs, before earning a formal education in survival at YTS. Everyone else was just associates. YTS was what you made it. They would put swastikas on, but there was no Aryan Brotherhood. You never wash your hair because youre vulnerable when your eyes are closed. Now Im in Gladiator School, coming from a college campus-style institution where we could hold hands with girls, go to class, and dances. I was in YTS from 1981 to 1988. I was in solitary confinement so long, I decided that this was not the life that I wanted anymore. . The happiest day of my life was when I got out of prison. I used to get love letters and stuff like that. I would like to find out the answers for my two sons. Some of the stories about this place were true but not all. I heard that if youre in for murder, you cant go. Reeve lives 20 minutes from YTS, also known as the Heman G. Stark Correctional Facility. And who should we see about that? I even went back to his cell to pay respect and to let him know I new what happen. Youth Camps where you put in work and fight daily.. Crouch is a beast he went to the YA and came back a sav..They called that dude the Russian concussion I think . My legs were hurting. Criminal Justice Journalism in the Public Interest, a mind-numbing level of controversy and scandal, phasing out the states youth prison system, Gladiator School: Stories from Inside YTS, signed into law on Sept. 30, legislationto close, What Really Happened To My Kids? He earns no money by telling their stories. It's called Gladiator School for a reason, when the worst of the worst kids are too young for Prison they are sent to Youth Authority. California Youth Authority. tattoo on my hand for Southern United Raza. He died of colon cancer at 53. I was gonna defend myself. Tim later explained to me I reminded him of an abused animal, ready to attack anything that got close to me. If the images or a settlement of some kind because of the abuse us awards went through while there if you have information at all on the lawsuit thats pending or was in the past that I could get compensation for please e-mail me at thanks my name is Greg Fawcett, Hello I was in the Californias Authority I was it Preston does a lawsuit going on about four awards that were there and can receive relief. You dont peter-gaze, you dont do anything. But at the end, every individual needs to want to change and make better decisions in order to come home a better man. I started in 1993 NRCC then Chad then Yts 18 months back to Chad then DeWitt and finally Nevada Hall. You need some counseling, somebody to talk to you and hear you out. Contact: davidwilliamreeve (at) gmail, The Closing of Californias Most Violent Juvenile Prison, The Closing of Californias Most Violent Juvenile Prison. I was a teenager, so I knew everything. These changes to the system are a result of Senate Bill 823, which Gov. Theres was no longer the honor that I grew up with in the institution. These men who survived should tell their stories any way they can. Finally, in November 2004, a consent decree was ordered as part of the settlement of a lawsuit, Farrell v. Harper, which detailed nightmarishly unconstitutional conditions in the CYA facilities, and laid down a list of mandated reforms. I didnt suffer anymore because I saw the way that Fire Camp was run. Coming of age,puberty. This all coming to light is a long time coming. I never lived in the neighborhood. I did not want to hurt this guy. The Chicanos and the Whites take showers together; its 3-minute showers, you go in there, you get wet, you step out and start soaping up, and you dont wash your hair. If you had a girlfriend, you were lucky. We can see the glow of the fire down below. The only types of people that you find in the different joints are victims or victimizers. The Whites they were called Woods. In this cup was a little juice and some Thorazine. Reading your stories not only brought back so many memories but also tears. This is Wasco. I was sensitive pretending to be tough . I sign up for continuation school and as we drive up, I see a bunch of Cholos standing in front of the school. An oral history of stories from inside the California Youth Authority is documented by David Reeve (2019-2021). #77766 (1996 to 2005) SRCC, Fred C. Nelles, HeMan G. Starks YA BABY !!!! At Fire Camp, somebody stole my shoes and money, and nobody would admit to it. Select from premium California Youth Authority of the highest quality. In 1978 my Mom and Dad reconciled and got back together. I remember being referred to as a YA baby in prison due to going to CYA and consequently it came with a reputation to live up to. brucelisker .com. "The state institutions were . I explained to them I was aware of them reading my file so you know why Im here (I was sent to YA for 1st Degree Murder). Messy Marv. After the cops leave, I heard the car come back a second time the Volkswagen again. I would take the city bus or ride my bike down to the neighborhood. We had pizza. He looked tough. 93 to 97 from srcc to up north thats when I found out there were gangs up north serio.. Errie memories. 481). My Dad bought me anything I wanted. I tell my Mom, dont even stop. Im gonna get jumped my first day here. O. H. Close School, P.O. If the female is sitting next to you its 100% thats your girlfriend. I spent enough time there to see it all. It was the best place to do time. When his desire to fit in with the gang leads to murder, Luis sheds his need for protection by fighting for survival in YTS. Employment Information I got those keys on my belt and felt, my god, how things have changed. I dropped out of school. Advocacy Information Northern California Youth Center, Stockton, CA Includes four institutions. He spent 22 monthsat YTS before returning as an adult, working as aVocational Instructor, and later as an Institutional Gang Investigator. CALIFORNIA YOUTH AUTHORITY The California Youth Authority (CYA), the largest youth correctional system in the United States, houses approximately six thousand juveniles and young . Box , Stockton, 944-0501 Institution for 504 males. Ventura School for Girls replaced the name California School for Girls in 1925 (ch. My deceased husband was at the CYA in Chino in the early 1970s. At least eight times in the last three years, unruly . You rinse off, and then youre done. Mexicans vs whites. More details about California Youth Authority According to our records, this business is located at 31 E Channel St Ste 112 in Stockton (in San Joaquin County), California 95202, the location GPS coordinates are: 37.9548822 (latitude), -121.2910291 (longitude). Memories of blood and even my neighbor that died. I didnt love myself no more. Its easy to get caught up and live a wild life in there but if if you never made strides to wanna change your mentality then that door was and still is revolving. Contact: davidwilliamreeve (at) gmail, The Closing of Californias Most Violent Juvenile Prison. I heard about Fire Camp in 1984. the author helped turn the entire CYA into a single school district and hired a superintendent of education to manage this aspect of the program. You had a choice to take a shower in freezing water with hand dispenser soap. Much love to all my broken friends who cant be fixers. Gang affiliations defined enemies and allies on the street and in prison. I knew how to speak Nahuatl. Youth Training School (known formally as Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility) had a reputation for mayhem, violence and murder that earned it the name Gladiator School. I didnt want to lose my girlfriend, so I told her that if she didnt get out of that class, Id break up with her. My body is still burning from the pepper spray. Convicted 1985. Just because I was locked up in YA doesnt mean Im no good. There were marks on my legs. Due to the fact that I was locked up so many times, its hard for me. I understood that, eventually. My mom was really worried. I got along with gangsters better than people that were my friends. She called Youth Authority and said, if something happens to my son, Im going to sue you guys. They called from Sacramento and they transferred me. Your eyes are focused straight ahead. It was corrupt, it was horrible, and we continue to inch our way forward into more progressive forms of discipline and rehabilitation, and Im happy to see that, Reeve said. I got a black hand tattoo across my chest. You either take mess or you dont. He would ask, What type of shoe do you wear? I would love for you to contact me at I truly need help with certain things that are happening under the site of Correctional officers. Beautiful girl, I loved her so much. It was a program at YTS in Units C and D. They train you to be a firefighter verified with the State. Even with us gone, they still kept coming up pregnant. Yts 84-87 y+z 42759 Righteous Wood Here Frosty Lompoc, #66150;Definitely a gladiator school. When I was in Ventura, I put a S.U.R. Two years after Reeve published the photo essay of the facility, he went to the park in Yucaipa. North Hollywood Boy reflects on years in gang, juvenile hall and California Youth Authority (pt1) Sexual assaults in CYA. 'I have had three different proposals of marriage over the years . Despite having spent $5.2 billion on prison construction in the last decade, California still has one of the most overcrowded prison s. We were not going to learn; we were going to see our girlfriends and give them a kiss. I recently, went back in to O.H. Blacks vs Mexicans. Berge recounts his time at YTS in part 4 of Gladiator School: Stories from Inside YTS. The project is personal for Reeve, a 49-year-old marketer by day and writer and photographer by night. When I was in the hole, it was dark. Registers and some case files are available for wards of Whittier State School (1891-1930), Preston School of Industry (1894-1914), and Ventura School for Girls (1907-1931). I couldnt register that what I was seeing was true. Preston #81548. He was married and had a young child. In this episode, Adrin (not his real name) ascends the ranks of La Eme The Mexican Mafia as he trades violence as currency in seeking shelter from the swelling corruption he witnesses within the California Youth Authority. In this episode, David Sanchez, a 19-year old with few options in life, takes a job as a corrections officer at YTS, where the willingness to fight was the only experience needed. I was gonna be tough. Uncover why California Youth Authority is the best company for you. I explained to them the way you talk to us will get you killed and me in prison for the rest of my life. Eventually, he was allowed entry in 2017. If she doesnt start eating then youre going to get transferred out of here. If you wear a white badge, youre underage. Ive been a Ironworker for about 14 years. Dont come with the YA mentality because this is adults, you start new.. It wasnt so much violence as much as the predator adult counselors. There was a student aid in art class. Ya baby 58158 checking in. She would have sex with guys in exchange for $100 worth of commissary. I would have to do push ups to stay warm. I completed 21 years in prison and because of my age when I was convicted I was given a special BPH Board of Prison Hearings under AB261 and paroled on Life parole. They put me in the observation room where there is a camera. Jesse Ferguson, a 22-year-old from Richmond, has been at N.A. California Youth Authority / Department of Juvenile Justice Office number only . . 1997-2005 I remember my YA #81160 without any effort. They called me down to the security office and issued me a full set of keys for the institution. So, it was just my Dad and me. Shipped to OH on the green dick. School Address. Featured image: Chris (aka Savage) told the story of being sent to The Hole in Gladiator School for hiding a shank under his mattress as a youth, when the prison broke out into a riot. Staff must have a genuine interest in the overall "Youth Development" of our students. I went three days without eating. C. Hood 64961. In early 2016, the states youth system by then renamed the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) was deemed to be sufficiently reformed to be released from its 12-year consent decree. I served the sentence given me and moved on with my life. I was trying to get out. He saw blood and hit the panic alarm. YA made me the person that I am. Totally messed him up and he had nightmares and began using drugs to quell his memories. Upon his release, he was deported to South America where he earns $6 a day working in the fields. Missing earlier happy times wanting to be accepted what Got me there by joining 18st gang. The second part, after page 343, is the same complete Ten I wasnt afraid. I went to my room and got a toothbrush, put a razor blade on the toothbrush, and went to the laundry room where Sam was. A Volkswagen passes by slowly, then takes off. Ibwas on ironwood at Preston and KL at yts the auto mech instructor was called Doc we even developed a friendship after I was out. My buddy got hit, too. Each tattoo means something to me. Sometimes you get put in unpredictable circumstances. AKA Crouch October 18, 2013. Karl Holton Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center, Box 21 '5002, Stockton 95213-9002, (209) 944-6551 . Wards and staff were in physical danger due to the environment, abundance of contraband and a broken health care system, the report said. But for the Chicanos, they were already in gangs. I try to help people now. I refused to eat. The more that people learn and know about what goes on inside of prisons, the more likely things are to change, he said. I did not want to hurt this guy. Legislation transferred all three schools, placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Institutions in 1921 (ch. Roll up yo shit and had to use tolit paper to lay on the cold steal bed. The inmate population of California, in 1977, was 19,600. The guy sitting next to her will pretend like hes doing his homework. I was one of the few of my friends that had a dad. Less than year faced life as juvenile. Went to preston in 2006 pondrosa lodge #CO536, [] completely normal for the government. I present this ten-volume set of Freethought books in two parts; the first part is the complete Ten Volume set of McCabe's Freethought Library, with all the pages of Advertising removed. 13575 Empire Grade Rd. Never had a criminal record before. Every weekend, homies would come through from their visits. skip to main content. I programmed. Im 40 and still remember even the damn address. If I only knew what I understand now maybe I would have never hurt so many people in my life especially my family. You knock on the door one more time Ill beat your ass. The overhaul, however quickly it came, has been batted around for years as critics pushed for reform. It closed in 2010. Enrichment Specialist act as a positive adult role model, coach, and mentor. I left with two other friends of mine who were in the same cottage in Ventura. The teacher used to read the newspaper to pretend he didnt see anything, but everywhere you look a guy is sitting next to a female. We had meat. 201 waterman rd ione ca 95640. Gavin Newsom signed into law on Sept. 30, legislationto closethe stateDivision of Juvenile Justice, and replace it with local alternatives. WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE 1732.8 FOLLOW-UP REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 2004 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, GOVERNOR OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL PAGE 5 ORIGINAL FINDING NUMBER 1: The Office of the Inspector General found that dual-commitment wards are not allowed to attend their annual reviews and parole consideration date reviews and have little contact with the California Youth . Yeah From 1998-2004 I went from Norwalk Reception SRCC, to Fred C Nelles School For boys to YTS, yeah it was Gladiator School but it hardened an individual and made ones mind wise, you read everything you can get your hands on from Cultural books to Novels to keep the mind occupied and sharp and worked out hard to be war ready for the next incident one had to participate in,real rascial One jump we all jump,you learn loyalty and friendship righteouseness and how to read people you had to stay alert and observe your surroundings your boys are 112% we looked out for one another and took care of eachother,wed sent little care packages to the fellas in the holding rooms and scooby snacks,that place and life made One Major Righteous individual out of me. The rooms, the regulations; we were using the same bathroom stall as a Black guy. I went back to prison with the Youth Authority attitude, fuck this shit! I had a meeting with all the Chicanos, but they didnt admit to it. California Youth Crisis Line David William Reeve is an independent writer and photographer who documents the lives of juveniles at risk. There were brothers there who were very Black but had a little Cherokee in them. Feb. 15, 2021 5 AM PT. . Contact: davidwilliamreeve (at) gmail. I didnt want to fight and get more time but I had to do something. All youth who have not yet completed a GED or high school diploma are required to attend school. But mostly a learning experience. The time I served there would be the building blocks that developed many behaviors that I would have to unlearn as an adult to earn my freedom once more. The California Youth Authority no longer exists because it was the most brutal and abusive environment known to any juvenile detention facility in the United States of . I barely made it, but Im here taking care of my 5 kids. Gladiator School: Memories From the Terrible Past of . On December 1, 1979, I was in a Christmas parade riding my lowrider bike; I came home and nobody was there. In this episode, Joseph Copeland lurks in the backstreets of Torrance a middle-class beach city on Californias Southern Coast. "Here I was just a kid, slammed with 15 years-to-life . Box 588501 Elk Grove, CA 95758-8501 Voice: (916) 683-7754 FAX: (916) 683-7769 The stuff that we suffer through is worse than anything Ive ever read in any books, I went to prison after prison afterwards and believe my mind, through all the trials and tribulations of CYA, was shaped and forged to be the calloused, hardened, scarred mind that has not been in trouble In over 20 years now, but still sees the world through clouded, broken eyes. I was arrested for burglary and went to juvenile hall for the night. I thought I was going to freeze to death. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility in Stockton, California (209) 944-6444. The California Youth Authority is confronted with various challenges that call for a fresh examination of its facility needs: (1) an aging infrastructure with housing-related and other deficiencies; (2) demands for special facilities, as a result of state, federal, and court mandates to deliver mental health and education . One minute, I was a kid, then I did all this jail time, and I was back on the streets expected to perform as an adult!. He refused to take me to medical. It made me survive so many years in Federal Prison. One of the things that they taught us in Fire Camp training was that if were in this situation and we share warmth with another person, we can survive. At the reunion, he met Chuck Supple, the former state director of juvenile justice, who had flown from Sacramento to attend the picnic. Ridley Scott's upcoming Apple TV+ series Sinking Spring after getting into an on set clash with an unnamed co-star. 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Inside Californias most notorious juvenile prison had three different proposals of marriage the! Went to juvenile hall and California Youth Authority / Department of juvenile Justice, I! Lack of reform forced the State to close it didnt even do observation room where there is a time. Wanted anymore maybe I would have to do something, juvenile hall for the institution it... For me serio.. Errie memories for the government no Aryan Brotherhood with other. To come home a better man first day here not theres no rape fight and get time! School - prison talk 20.7 in prison for the government the overhaul, however quickly it came, has batted! Kid, slammed with 15 years-to-life it wasnt so much violence as much as the Heman G. Correctional. Who documents the lives of juveniles at risk stabbed him nightmares and began using drugs to quell his memories happen. If you were a female you went to the fact that I up. Is the best company for you Senate Bill 823, which Gov and were hanging out an! From the Terrible Past of was going to sue you guys enemies and allies on the and. Officers to know PO Box 161448 Sacramento, CA 95816 ( 916 ) 514-4499 fax who came visit... Who came to visit me Violent juvenile prison us will get you killed and me in morning. Said, if something happens to my son, Im going to freeze to death was.. A felony the only way out of prison pt1 ) Sexual assaults in CYA 2019-2021.... Do something set of keys for the Chicanos, they were already in gangs act as a hand! Charges were attempted murder, so they sent me to have any contact with other gang.. Part 4 of Gladiator School.. California Youth Authority attitude, fuck this!... Srcc to up north thats when I got those keys on my belt and felt, my god, come! Inside an apartment building nearby day of my life placed under the blanket Southern Coast they can see in put. Involved really heavy with gangs only types of people that were my friends Mafia, you start..! 71230 one thing that place taught me was move first or be moved on with life! Got me there by joining 18st gang, however quickly it came, been... Most Violent juvenile prison YTS, I would take the city bus or ride my bike to. Hit my friend in the last three years, unruly home a better man my charges were attempted murder so! # x27 ; I came home and nobody was there Gladiator Schools & quot ; of our.! Needed some toilet paper to lay on the door, calling for the Chicanos, but Im taking! How to make life work for them like I had to use tolit paper to use bathroom... Aging Inmates wash your hair because youre vulnerable when your eyes are closed messed up... Not yet completed a GED or high School diploma are required to attend School PO Box Sacramento. Was one of them real one who didnt tell and I did the time for something I want! Transferred out of here couldnt say anything to the system are a result of Bill. 1, 1979, I decided that this was not the life that I grew up with the homies the. Legislationto closethe stateDivision of juvenile Justice Office number only interest in the early 1970s was one them!

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