Thank you! Aside from traditional funeral customs, Samoans also have practices around burial and mourning. Required fields are marked *. I am tired and fed up of listening to the noise, but do not want to disrespect a mourning family. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Despite the fact that she was ill, and we knew her passing was inevitable, it has still come as a shock to us as a family. With my mother, we went through Grandpas notebook and discussed the meanings of 12 of his listed alagaupu. Samoans take this very seriously and it can look embarrassingly shameful if someone takes a misstep throughout the process. Hes just tryna be funny with those 2 zzz Id hate for One Samoana to be responsible for a poor child named Faaogalemafaufau :(. During this time, there also are gift-giving ceremonies where families bring gifts to the grieving family to show respect. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. True to form, David came up with a plan to make the job easier. It requires some forethought and planning. Family responsibility and the care of family land are the keys to the culture. And not only that, she would have enough faith in us to believe that we would not transgress again. samoan funeral speech. Samoan people understand that their loved ones are no longer living, but they also dont think death is a great separator. He was the only one who understood my hurt and confusion when our parents divorced. Mr Bakulich, who has worked as a funeral director for 20 years, spoke out in support of comments made by Samoa's Head of State during a New Zealand visit this week. His own priest who loves him like a son was stongly encouraging him to step down from office because the election is done and he lost. Funerals are flooded with gifts for the family. Since Christianity is the most common religion in Samoa, its not uncommon for funerals to include traditional prayers to the dead. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. Samoan traditional woven mat(Credit: Wikipedia). This is a formal goodbye for family and friends, and its common for emotions to be displayed openly. Samoa is an island nation located northeast of Australia and New Zealand. Apparently, like many other tulafale (talking chiefs), my grandfather used to recite these alagaupu over and over to himself as he went about his day, constructing and memorizing lauga in his head. All Rights Reserved. One important custom in the Samoan culture is the Traditionally, it was important for the family to bury the body within a day of death. The capital Apia is located on Upolu, the most populous and developed of the islands. Sometimes, you dont want to write and say a eulogy, but feel like you need to say a few words in remembrance. So nice to see a familiar name in the comments Woww congratulations on the title. The service often lasts upwards of two hours, and it offers a chance for everyone to say their final goodbyes. Your loss is so great. Some of the speeches are short. In Samoan tradition, its important for the body to be buried quickly. The ones you find online don't do the song justice. Are you getting a matai title since you are going to withhold some of your deep wisdom from the ordinary Samoan? I walked into her office in error and there she was: the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. These are only 12 well, 11 (plus 1 extra) out of over 400 alagaupu that my grandfather recorded in his notebook. This is a pretty well-known alagaupu that expresses how connected we are as a people. Literally: Only to look (at you) can satisfy my soul. Samoa, which shares the Samoan archipelago with American Samoa, consists of nine islands west of longitude 171 W Upolu, Savai'i, Manono, and Apolima, all of which are inhabited, and the uninhabited islands of Fanuatapu, Namu'a, Nu'utele, Nu'ulua, and Nu'usafee. I dont think so. This article looks at Samoan funeral traditions and is part of a series that highlights how different cultures care for their dead. well each family had an god when you die you go to your god so they were thankful for it. Because open caskets are common at the funeral, this is still the most common choice in Samoa today. Nice of you to share your familys treasures.. The thing is with death the Samoans didn't fear death as much as we do. Don't worry about making the person . These wish for peace in the afterlife and bring peace to families. Ive heard a few of those alagaupus and the others will come in handy!I was honoured to have been bestowed an Alii title in my Grandmothers Village couple years ago so trying to learn as much as I can thanks sis alofa aku, CherrryyyK! Its important to understand the basics of the Faa Samoa structure to recognize how it plays into death and funeral practices. Samoan climate activist Brianna Fruean, 23, addressed world leaders at the opening of COP26. Sadness is the first and strongest of the emotions. Although it is under such unfortunate circumstances, the family has finally come together under one roof. However, in modern-day Samoa, this isnt always possible. But he never let me down. In addition, the Moomooga Samoan funeral song is often performed by a local musician. Aha, that 400+ alagaupu book is starting to flow, nicely done. The way she attacked the obstacles she encountered with such strength and determination was inspirational. 48. Samoans have a lot of the same roots as other island cultures of the South Pacific so they have many aspects in common. Though Christianity is the largest religion in Samoa thanks to colonial influence, youll still notice many differences in these practices around death. In the first of a series of first-person accounts from the Glasgow summit, she describes what it felt . Literally: We dont farewell a moon-lit night. The idea of a good and bad death is a common belief throughout the world. 8+ Examples of Funeral Speeches. Because we were usually in Samoa for Christmas, the holiday spirit made those moon-lit nights even more festive and special. deliveroo design studio; who is brad marion molly's game To greet a matai ali'i or a titled taupou, we say, 'Afio mai lau afioga,' and then say his or her title name. Thats probably what hes doing, too :). Otherwise, ones spirit may cause problems for the family. In most places around the world, when you die, youre seen as no longer there. Funeral Poem for Grandparents #1 When we lose someone who has been an important part of our life, perhaps even raised us, many emotions come to the surface. Conversely, when relatives from the homeland, specifically from Western Samoa, attend a funeral in the migrants place of residence, they bring mats and money, and the migrants repay them with airfare and exceptional hospitality during their visit. He shaped me into the man I am today. Its like saying we wish we could stay longer, but alas. There are a lot of ways to take a closer look at different cultures across the globe. All Rights Reserved. Mori and Samoan funeral experiences are better understood through their worldviews of Fa'a-Samoa (the Samoan way) and Tikanga Mori (Mori customs, practices and ethics). Anything seemed possible with her attitude. Flowers and food are acceptable at the funeral and the service usually lasts around an hour and a half to two hours. Just before the part, mom pulled me into the bedroom, and we were talking. His passion for teaching English was contagious. 40 Best Examples for a Thank You Note to Teacher. there are certain things one has to keep for self they are not for everyone, and in that sense no! Having a little sister who wanted to tag along was, at times, infuriating. uncharacteristically kind words?.. Every culture has its own collection of proverbs or maxims. Home | About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Copyright 2023 Funeralwise, LLC. The chief and other local leaders begin by performing a ceremony with the family prior to the official service. And Im sure there were times he wished I wasnt his sister. When she was about ten years old, she got into my makeup drawer and went completely overboard. National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa. To be mastered and wielded only when were battling for the honour (and the spoils) of being the most outstanding speaker of the day. Flowers and food are acceptable at the funeral and the service usually lasts around an hour and a half to two hours. samoan funeral speech. Whenever Id get angry or upset with him for whatever reason Id always wind up laughing because he could always make me see the funny side of it. He was always interested in what was going on in our lives and was extraordinarily proud of our achievements. We laughed and cried together so many times. Death, in Samoan tradition, is considered Gods Will. It has traditionally been believed that Samoans should die at home. She had so much left to offer the world. This practice can be quite a financial burden on Samoan families particularly if there are a number of funerals in a short amount of time. This alagaupu means something like just looking at you makes my heart happy. This alagaupu expresses that things happen for a reason that everything has (or should have) a purpose. We were thinking it might be the name of some historical Samoan person, but this textbook suggests Smea is a group of people perhaps a village? He let me cry on his shoulder when I went through my first break-up. Whether it was scoring a home run in a Little League baseball game or getting a bursary for a university, he delighted in our successes. My father had an incredibly dry sense of humor. Literally: Sal has arrived, Foas things are finished. Im not going to stand up here and tell you that it was all sunshine and roses between David and myself growing up. Appropriate Samoan funeral attire includes a lavalava (skirt wrap), a muumuu or puletasi (dress), or a white shirt, jacket, and tie. Death is simply Gods will, and its a normal, welcome part of life. While some cultures resemble our own, others make us reflect and consider how our differences bring us together. Janet was an exemplary student. There were crushes and boyfriends that caused heartache and heartbreak. Read on for the full explanation of these . As we grew older, I began to see David for what he truly was. Its a lifestyle and a way of life rather than a singular belief. She didnt make it easy. He was a hardworking man who set a great example for my siblings and me. Ive read and am in total awe of your Grandfathers eloquence.Thank you so much for sharing your Grandfathers wisdom.Love and Blessings. The burial would take place the day after the family member passes to ensure a good death. In the Samoan indigenous context this theological reference is reinforced in ancient Samoan funeral ritual taunts where man A co-workers mother passed and I would like to send flowers for the funeral. There are 3 key parts to giving a eulogy: thinking, writing and delivering it. However, when death happens outside of the home, this leads to problems for the family on a spiritual level. As a husband, Stephen was supportive of everything I did. John taught me so much more than English. Irene,How about simple names such as:Tautualelei, Tautuamatavela, Faaogalelei, Faaogasao, Faaogamaletonuor Tautuafiamatai and Faaogalemafaufau..LOL. This literal translation is so awkward haha. Because. alabama state trooper recruiter; how to open a sentinel gun safe without a key; john wetteland verdict; shooting in brentwood, ca today; ark managarmr controls This communal life is all about the family, which is headed by a leading chief. Hi, Im Samoan and most of this is wrong. That may make him sound like he was distant, but nothing could be further from the truth. Literally: The work (fishing trip) of Smea is not haphazard. I would like to honor her familys tradition without bothering her at this time. It feels like half of me has vanished in an instant, and Im not sure Ill ever feel whole again. Now that you understand the basics of Faa Samoa and the concept that Samoan spirits live on, lets talk about specific funeral traditions. Central to this culture is the Faamatai. In 1830, representatives arrived from London Missionary Society (LMS). florida octopus regulations. The range of variation found in spontaneous performances of a traditional genre of Samoan speechmaking . But you must be able to get through the speech you have prepared. This link will open in a new window. You just never know when the extra ammunition will come in Please share this with everyone and anyone that is interested in this subject. This is how people pay respect. In return, families return gifts to the visitors. Account of tradit ional Samoan funeral patterns were observed and recorded in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by early missionaries such as Stair, Turner, and Kramer, who was a medical physician based on the island during the German occupation [3-5]. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Turner's observations describe This extensive process marks the formality of the situation with the acceptance of a new titleholder as well as a possible tulafale into the family and village. O le lauga lenei: O le so'o ma fa'atasiga o nu'u se lua. The select circle of orators and chiefs gather together to share speeches, recite genealogies, consume a popular plant called kava and finish the process by celebrating with a feast prepared by the new members family. He presided over family dinners with a quiet dignity that spoke of a patriarch who took that responsibility seriously. Im interested to know now how you found this alagaupu :). In Samoa, mourning your deceased loved one is a way to honor their spirit. 1. We have a few more like that in this list. We could never quite figure out what it was, but its lasted a lifetime. Hes special so its just funny. The overwhelming religion in Samoa is Christianity. Thank you so much for the extensive info. And what instances in speech would this be used? Now, at modern-day funerals, the mats are usually just used for funeral decorations. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. This refers to things like monetary gifts and woven mats. Still, death is a natural part of life and not something to be feared. Given that dialogue relating to death and grief for many Samoans remains in the realm of tapu (sacred) or s (protected), few attempts have been made by researchers of Samoan heritage to understand whether the cultural contexts for enacting associated rituals might also provide avenues for healing. My mother was a phenomenal woman who possessed reserves of strength and patience that seemed to be infinite. Mamea was moved to write the play after listening to a Maori Battalion CD. Though the outside world might change and adapt, Samoans harbor their beliefs close and honor these long-standing customs. At the invitation of the Government of Australia, the Heads of State from Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu travelled with the Honourable Pat Conroy, Minister for International Development and the Pacific on a Royal Australian Air Force flight from Australia to attend the official events for Her Late Majesty's State Funeral . In addition, this week is for friends, community members, and extended family to visit. Second, this line comes from the English language saying, the spirit is willing but the body is weakbut the wording of it in Samoan (how its phrased here) is a lot more derogatory. And sometimes (my mother adds) its only in these dark and difficult days that we remember who our family is. alii; orators (tulafale). A good death, in Samoan tradition, is a death that happens at home. Anytime shed open those beautiful big brown eyes of hers, silently reminding me that she was my flesh and blood, I couldnt stay angry with her. Some people think this means that our friends can become like our family when times get hard (thats what I thought it meant based on the lyrics in this beautiful song), and I guess it could be read like that, too. For information about opting out, click here. This includes deciding who will be saying a funeral speech at the funeral service. In Faa Samoa, the dead are never treated as though theyre gone. People continue to converse with the deceased and treat them as though theyre still there. Traditionally, Samoans believed in dying at home and being buried the day after death to prevent the spirit from causing any trouble or misfortune for their family, but this isnt the case anymore with modern-day Samoan funerals. Thank you HGG for the website, it has helped me reconnect with our Samoan culture, so hopefully it is okay that I drop the links here for all to use. Its believed that the spirit could cause bad luck or other disadvantages if it occurs elsewhere. Burials are the most traditional choice, though Samoans today are free to choose both burial and cremation. He would always show us the value of hard work and diligence. The funeral service doesnt usually just involve close family and friends. Ever see an old Samoan man talking to himself? says New Zealand-based Samoan funeral director Nick Bakulich. When these clouds pass, they will leave behind le lagi mam (pristine skies) ma soifua maua (a sense of healing and well-being). It seems to be a lot of family everyday.. some quiet moments / singing but later evening the music and drinking begins. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And he showed them how to be the resilient adults they have become. Knowing. Lol. Her lips and teeth were full of lipstick, and there was mascara everywhere. advice. , Samoans have strong beliefs about whats appropriate dress for a funeral. Principles of the Samoan Culture Fa'a Samoa, the Samoan culture is based on the principles of love (alofa), mutual respect (faaaloalo); reciprocity (feosia'i), sharing (fetufaa'i), and mutual support (felagolagoma'i). Here are some examples of a funeral speech that celebrates the deceaseds life but at the same time expresses the grief of the speaker. Its really an amazing resource and a reminder to me that at least some of our scary European colonisers did good things for us. For women, this means wearing a lavalava (wrap skirt), muumuu, or traditional dress. (The six Samoan islands east of the meridian are part of American Samoa.) this was very helpful. christian laettner first wife; leaf home water solutions vs culligan; conventions in las vegas 2022. sona jobarteh husband; houston crime rate by race Before the advancement of mortuary science there, the deceased was buried the day after death. Close your funeral speech with a statement about the impact the person had on you and how much you will miss them. What exactly happens during a Samoan funeral? as in, what a beautiful chapel we have built. I hope youre not planning to use it too often. Stephen endeared himself to me even more when we became parents. The lives of our children and their achievements gave Stephen an enormous amount of satisfaction. For a Samoan to be chosen as a respected tulafale, he or she participates in a special ceremony called a saofai, whichhappens only when the family discusses and comes to a consensus. My mother was the heart of our home, the center of our universe, and the greatest example of unconditional love we couldve hoped to have. As in, your family is never going to be the same again after this. Required fields are marked *, CALL: (415) 431-3717Hours: 9AM-5PM PST. So, Sameli is a funny guy. forms. As a child, one of the places I felt the safest was in the arms of my father. When you sit down to decide what youre going to say in your eulogy speech, there are a few factors you need to take into consideration. My great grandmother like your grangfather wrote down some alaga upus and Im fortunate that she wrote meanings. There are a lot of ancient traditions mixed with modern Christian customs. In Faa Samoa, the dead are never treated as though theyre gone. People continue to converse with the deceased and treat them as though theyre still there. Especially when the moon is so bright it could be daytime. He was right by my side working so hard to help me, even though Im sure the last thing he felt like doing was revamping the patio. Is there a english translated version of the tusi faalupega? is an important part of Samoan custom. Its not uncommon for families to wait a few days or longer for the family to travel home for the service. Usage of any form or other service on our website is Will keep in touch..but thanks again to the initiator.. God bless your soul my dear.. You are welcome you are blessed to have the help of your father. So this alagaupu is referring to how we might be sitting here enjoying the conversation, but at the back of our minds, we know we need to be somewhere else. x. I really enjoyed reading this it was awesome. Literally: Clouds (that are spent) are retreating. An ie faitaga is what you would wear to a funeral or any other special event. We lived far away from each other and Ill be honest, we sometimes went for long periods without talking, which I regret. Much alofas, sista x. Hi,Tryn think of a name for our baby boy something starts with Tautua?or Faaoga? (If anyone can tell us more about #6, please leave a comment below.). What each family chooses depends on their own beliefs, budget, and customs. We learned from him that, regardless of the task, it was not worth doing if you didnt want to do it properly. Mori and Samoan funeral experiences are better understood through their worldviews of Fa'a-Samoa (the Samoan way) and Tikanga Mori (Mori customs, practices and ethics). Samantha and I met quite by accident. form. She would turn her mind to an obstacle and work on it until shed overcome it. Literally: When it is felt toward the sea, it is felt toward the land. by Jenny Goldade | Feb 24, 2017 | Cultural Spotlight, For Families. Literally: Look out for something for Sameli. When something happens in our family, no matter how far away they might be, we all feel the repercussions. Samoan culture has both ancient and contemporary components to it and these provide the background for its funeral traditions and customs. Stream LDS SAMOAN FUNERAL SONG - PIANO ARRANGEMENT BY DINI TUILETOA at BISHOP NISAS HUZE by Dj YEAh on desktop and mobile. Something drew us to each other though. are not protected by an attorney-client privilege and are instead governed by our Privacy Policy. They have been shared by those who wrote them to help people like yourself. The problem is, after Tongas departure, Tuna and Fata started fighting each other about who should be the new ruler of Samoa. Coconut oil is made from copra, which we get from drying coconut meat (in their shells) out in the sun. Women are divided into two categories . When I first called him Mr. Robinson after graduation, hed turned around and said, Is my father standing behind me? When I replied in the negative, hed said, Then why are you saying his name?. My Samoan neighbours have appeared to be celebrating for 3 days now, is this a mourning process do you think? Otherwise, one's spirit may cause problems for the family. Like during the pre-funeral rituals, they also may bring corn beef boxes, chicken boxes, and fine mats. Burials are the most traditional choice, though Samoans today are free to choose both burial and cremation. It can refer to anything from longing to see a loved one to celebrating the success of a family or village endeavour. Facebook. It takes a LOT of coconuts to produce enough copra to make even a small bit of oil. Ua malumaunu le fogatia, au ua atoa ali'i seu ma o . It requires some forethought and planning. In the body of your funeral speech talk about the person and what they meant to you, bearing in mind the dos and donts listed above. Leaders at the funeral and the service funeral decorations samoan funeral speech by performing a ceremony the!, Faaogasao, Faaogamaletonuor Tautuafiamatai and Faaogalemafaufau.. 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