Therefore, do what you like with it; since it is evil anyhow it makes no difference what you do with it. Epaphroditus was his fellow-servant, and indeed more than that "my brother, and companion in labour, and fellow-soldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants. Yet they were the witnesses of Christ whom God had put forth at the close; for it was manifestly of Him. No wonder the apostle was grieved to think of differences among such women as these. (iii) As far as zeal went, he had been a persecutor of the Church. And now as he had Christ before his soul, in this way the gospel itself, he can feel, is only promoted so much the more. or are there mingled ways and mixed motives? the dead. ] "The noun translated resurrection is an unusual double compound word used only here in the New Testament. This he must wish for them, if he wished them well. You run until you ache and you think you can't go anymore, but you keep going. (i) We worship in the Spirit of God; or, we worship God in the Spirit. She called the model over that they might look at it more closely and feel the texture of the material, and obviously she was very impressed with it. I just" And living in the past, and being destroyed in the past, and can't go ahead because they are looking backward. That was a common name by which the Jews referred to the Gentiles: the gentile dogs. Few preachers would dare to make the appeal with which Paul begins this section. "Well, where did you place?" But how can you attain the resurrection of the dead unless you, first of all, have died? So, by the trial and error method, the redoing a lot of the seams and all, and the hem wasn't really straight, but it was a good effort. This is illustrated in several instances. Let us be humbled on account of our sins. To me," may each say truly, "to live is Christ.". Remembering that, we try to paraphrase this passage and to set down, not so much what Paul says, as what was in his mind. Philippians 3:14. , one thing) viz. I do. , the things that are behind) even the very part of the course that has been finished. ) that is literally, extending myself over. Jesus wasn't resurrected until he first went to the cross. They are enemies to the cross of Christ, not to Christ Himself, but to that aspect of suffering with Him,". There is a Rabbinic saying, "The nations of the world are like dogs." Modern editors of value, however differing in their system of recension agree in the ancient as against the received reading; so Scholz, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Ellicott, Alford, Tregelles, Wordsworth, etc. This is what brings him, if one may so say, into the dilemma of love. He esteemed men better than himself. 7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. This is, accordingly, what flows forth in praise from himself, and in calling out praise from other hearts. And He said, "I am Jesus. Now, Paul was a classic example of what Jesus was referring to. If you read any Greek, you can pick up on the play on words. As it was a true though distressing part for Christ to judge religious evil, something akin could not be absent here; but at the same time it was by no means a prominent characteristic of Christ's task here below far from it. "I have attained, I have achieved. But in my opinion the sense, and even the Greek, seems bad; for on the one hand both and the drift of the argument point to a resurrection of favour and blessedness, not to that in which the unjust must rise to judgment; while on the other hand would imply the dead, i.e. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. It is the apostle giving us what his heart was occupied with when he could not go forth in the activities of work, and when it seemed as if he had nothing to do. It was a dynamic power which operated in the life of the individual Christian. Such is the thought that the apostle had before his soul of that which became the Christian. Its basis is that the Christian lives for ever in the presence of Jesus Christ. He breaks it completely, becomes conqueror for ever, wins the title for God's grace to deliver righteously every creature, save only those who, far from receiving Christ, dare to reject Him because of that very nature which He took on Him, and that infinite work on the cross which had caused Him suffering to the utmost in working all out for the glory of God. Certainly this is painful and humbling. But this Christian joy enables a man to accept even them with a smile. Christ was "without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation." The past has been glorious, it has been exciting to see what God has done, but you know, I am more excited about what God is going to do.So. There are those who are living after their flesh. Jesus is Jehovah, although a man; consequently the bowing in that name to the glory of God the Father does not occur to the apostle. Does this content our hearts? Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. All we want is, that the eye of faith be a little open; but it is only Christ before the eye that keeps it open. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. They were looking for the eternal kingdom of God. How lovely that even such a man should speak, not merely of his own prayers, but of theirs, turning all to such account. He passionately longs to reach the final destination and, in no way presuming upon the grace of God, presses on towards that goal (OBrien 413). In rich measure did the apostle live thus himself it was the one thing he did; and he would have the saints to be living in it too. Next follow various exhortations, as to be of the same mind with the apostle in pressing after spiritual and heavenly things, to which he exhorts those that had a greater knowledge of them than others; and who, though otherwise minded, the apostle was persuaded would have, the same revealed to them, Php 3:15, and both he exhorts, according to their different attainments, to walk by the same rule and mind the same thing, Php 3:16, and to be followers of him, and of them that walked after his example, Php 3:17, giving this as a reason, because there were men who walked otherwise, to the grief of him, to the dishonour of Christ, and to their own shame and destruction, whom he describes as sensual and earthly minded men, Php 3:18,19, and to engage them to follow him, and others, and not such persons, he draws a character of them opposite unto them; that whereas the minds of those others were carnal and earthly, their minds were spiritual and heavenly; their conversation was in heaven, and they were waiting for Christ from hence, Php 3:20, and the blessedness they expect from him then, is the resurrection of their bodies, which is illustrated by the efficient cause of it, Christ; the subject of it, their vile bodies, as in this lifts, and in the grave; the exemplar and pattern of it, the glorious body of Christ; and the means by which it will be effected, the energy and power of Christ, who is omnipotent, Php 3:21. (ii) As far as the Law went, he was a trained Pharisee. If he left this world, he would be with Christ; if he lived longer in this, world, Christ was with him. But he said those things which were so important to me, those things for which I lived. He is God equally with the Father. When, under Rehoboam, the kingdom had been split up, ten of the tribes went off with Jeroboam and Benjamin was the only tribe which remained faithful with Judah ( 1 Kings 12:21). The Gnostics were heretics who tried to intellectualize Christianity and make a kind of philosophy out of it. Does not our love fervently flame towards heaven? (Spurgeon). 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. It was in the body that Christ rose and it is this body which he sanctifies ( 1 Corinthians 6:13 ff.). We love him because he first loved us,1 John 4:19. WebBible Commentaries; Philippians 3:1-11; Philippians 3:1-11. It is the proof that his promise to be with us always to the end of the world is true. And you can become a phony, because, you know, you set your own standards; you live by your own rules. THE ATTAINMENTS OF PAUL ( Php_3:4-7 continued). Thus the true bearing of the passage is, that from the first the eye of faith is fixed steadily on the end of the journey. He met Christ on the Damascus road. In effect Paul is saying that the Christian must forget all that he has done and remember only what he has still to do. Real circumcision is devotion of heart and mind and life to God.". It was the teaching of Paul that we are saved by grace alone, that salvation is the free gift of God, that we can never earn it but can only humbly and adoringly accept what God has offered to us; and, further, that the offer of God is to all men of all nations and that none is excluded. There is not one of these things but may in itself become the veriest snare; and so much the more dangerous because each looks fair. Here the object seems to be to make its difference from legal obedience more felt the contrast with the law more complete. I have transcribed this note at length, because it is a fair sample of Dr. He thus takes a common place with his beloved son in the gospel. victory over the foe. Righteousness is a gift that God gives to those who have faith in Christ (8-9).But Paul does not stop there. He was too much bent on what was before to be occupied with calling to mind what was behind him; it must have impeded him in the race. You can get into a right relationship with God only by taking Jesus Christ at his word, and by accepting what God himself offers to you.". iv. Accordingly, this being not so directly the subject of the epistle though a Very important part of it, it comes in parenthetically in a large measure, not now in any wise as a question of truth or development of the mystery of Christ, as we saw in Ephesians 3:1-21, but, nevertheless, as a parenthesis; for he resumes afterwards the internal side again, as we shall see inPhilippians 4:1-23; Philippians 4:1-23. and mark them which walk so as ye have us for your ensample [example]. "Let your moderation be made known unto men." That is what is important. This verse does not contain a purpose clause, as the NASB translation "in order that" implies. But unfortunately, since then, a lot of those things that they counted loss at that point, they picked back up, so that they are encumbered again. All human achievement had to be laid aside, in order that he might accept the free grace of Christ. Such a notion is unknown to scripture, and revolting to the spiritual mind. It is a description that might almost do for Christ himself, so high is the standard for those that belong to Christ. But having deigned to become a servant, He goes down lower still. If this be borne in mind a large part of the difficulty that some have found completely disappears. And this puts the doctrine, as far as there is doctrine in the epistle, in a very clear light. Why did the Lord apprehend you? And this ground is one which always brings in the strength of the Holy Ghost, as it is based on God's mighty work of redemption. And she saw this young girl, modeling her dress and she said, "Would you mind going with me?" WebPhilippians - (NIV Application Commentary) by Frank S Thielman (Hardcover) $26.99When purchased online Out of Stock About this item Specifications Suggested Age: 22 Years and Up Number of Pages: 256 Genre: Religion + Beliefs Sub-Genre: Biblical Commentary Series Title: NIV Application Commentary Format: Hardcover Publisher: Zondervan Academic "You know, it is what I used to be, what I used to do. And so the rule of the Christian life is: forgetting those things which are behind, and pressing for those things which are before, or reaching for those things which are before, pressing towards the mark. Benjamin was the child of Rachel, the well-loved wife of Jacob, and of all the twelve patriarchs he alone had been born in the Promised Land ( Genesis 35:17-18). He was resurrected in a new body, patterned after the old yet equipped and fitted for heaven. Oh, how honourable, how sweet and precious, to have bonds in Christ! Close. in sorrow? Far from losing sight of our past ways, it is a very wholesome thing indeed to remember them: we are never safe in forgetting what we are and have been. He associates Timothy with himself, not merely, as elsewhere, himself apostle and Timothy in some other relation, but here conjointly "Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ." To know Christ means for him certain things. Surely he, most of all, must have felt the change the heart that took in the Gentiles, that swept the circle of lands from Jerusalem to Illyricum, that yearned over Spain, ever going out farther and farther, boundless in his desires for the salvation of souls. "It pleased God," wrote the father, "not to cut him off in his sins. This is salvation in truth. Much akin to Pauls straining toward what is ahead; this racers concentration on By all means let them be made known unto God. Living in the past, there is always that danger of discouragement, which shuts off initiative for the future. Pauls yearning is for complete oneness with Christ. You will never get into a right relationship with God by your own efforts in keeping the Law. Now we all know that when a man is carried on the top of the wave, when the winds fill the sails and all goes prosperously, when hearts are gladdened in sorrow, when one witnesses the joy of fresh deliverance from day to day, it is a comparatively easy thing. Many times the worst thing you can do is share with your friends what the Lord has laid upon your heart to do. "I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity." It is what enabled him to look at the saints, as he called them to look at one another, esteeming others, as he says, better than themselves. And she was so excited over the fact that she had been able to labor and work and make her way through college and was going to be graduating. We are reminded that Paul wrote these words to strengthen and encourage a community he loved and who were already doing well in their life in Christ (see Philippians 1:3-11). Is it too much to say that many a groan would have gone forth from us that are here? When the Lord apprehended us, and you can all look back in your own life to that point where the Lord apprehended you, where He said, "I have chosen you and ordained you that you should be my disciple," and we turn to follow Jesus Christ. The Lord is at hand." Habitually, indeed throughout this epistle, we find the word " me," and a very different "me" from the "me" of Romans 7:1-25. In Php_3:15 he again uses teleios ( G5046) and says that this must be the attitude of those who are teleios ( G5046) . A burning zeal for God was the hall-mark of Jewish religion. Even in the ends of the earth they remained unshakeably Roman. His yoke is easy, and His burden light. "Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and bore Cain" ( Genesis 4:1). c. The Lord Jesus Christ: The title Lord was also applied to the Roman Caesar. For there are many who behave in such a way--I have often spoken to you about them, and I do so now with tears--that they are enemies of the Cross of Christ. The tribe of Benjamin had a special place in the aristocracy of Israel. And if anyone is otherwise minded in any way, this too God will reveal to him. I am forestalling the plan of God. All these things Paul might have claimed to set down on the credit side of the balance; but when he met Christ, he wrote them off as nothing more than bad debts. The doctrine of the resurrection was, in his view, that which distinguished the true religion, and which made it of such inestimable value Acts 26:6-7; Acts 23:6; 1 Corinthians 15:0; and he sought to participate in the full honor and glory of such a resurrection. For this corruption must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality and then will be brought to pass the saying, Oh, death where is thy sting? Has it not been the rock on which many a gallant bark has made shipwreck? It is worth noting in the passing that Bengel, one of the greatest interpreters of scripture who ever lived, translates this in a different way: "Become fellow-imitators with me in imitating Jesus Christ," but it is far more likely--as nearly all other interpreters are agreed--that Paul was able to invite his friends, not simply to listen to him, but also to imitate him. Love him because he first loved us,1 John 4:19 you keep going because it is evil anyhow makes., '' wrote the father, `` not to cut him off in sins... Means let them be made known unto men. of him for the eternal kingdom of.... Are those who have faith in Christ ( 8-9 ).But Paul does not contain a clause! Dress and she saw this young girl, modeling her dress and she said, the! 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