We do that with every pirate station. A lot of stations conceal their antennas, they hide behind things, they take the antennas down during they day, so they try avoid detection. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And obviously as a good citizen I have never to my knowledge listened to a pirate radio station. You know, when they do that they get a ticket number when they file the ticket online so the broadcasters can call us and find out, let us know that they filed the complaint and follow up with us. "One is cost. One of the FCC's top enforcement priorities is cracking down on pirates, and, no, not the Pirates of the Caribbean or the Pirates of East Africa, we're talking about pirate radio. I believe this is why authorities like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) place shortwave pirates comparatively lower on their enforcement priority list. In the U.S. the most famous example of a Pirate Radio station was Mexico's XERF. So they thought that was a way for them to avoid detection by hopping from building to building and frequency to frequency. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes. Interestingly, the antenna was so high up on the tower we had to bring a bucket truck in from a fire station and raise it --. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So some States have laws on the book that prohibit pirate radio operation, States like New Jersey and New York and Florida. Are we talking about U.S. marshals with machine guns kicking in doors, are we talking about politely knocking on a door and saying, hey, guys, your time is up, we found you, you know, what's the image that essentially you see when this goes down in your experience or is there kind of a spectrum of different cases, some are a little bit more intense than others? 123. There is always a building manager they call the supra and he has a shop down in the basement and a lot of times we find the equipment down in his shop. Some of those, you know, if you tune your dial and find some spaces where there is some dead air, well those are intentionally put there in order so that stations don't cause interference to each other. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Raise it all the way up 100 feet and our director at the time rode up there and got the antenna down. These guys aren't blowing off their listeners like the other radio stations. Marshals went in with us and we seized the equipment. I will put in the show notes a link to the FCC complaint page and the phone number if you would like to get involved. The government authorities in charge of the surveillance of the radio-electric spectrum can use the PROWATCH instruments to detect and locate the pirate and irregular broadcast stations of radio and TV. That would be inappropriate, particularly given my employer, but is it hard for the average listener, particularly in a dense metro area, you're dialing your car radio or your home radio to even know the difference? MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And we're talking about air traffic control? To have a radio station here helps to establish the station's operator as an important source of information and influence in the community.". What would that bill do differently? So it's not just that a pirate radio station might be harming other radio stations, which is bad in and of itself and could pose a public safety risk with emergency communications, but we're talking serious stuff when we talk about FAA and air traffic control. Tracking a Pirate Radio Station The Modern Rogue Discovering Secret "Numbers Stations" The Modern Rogue Detecting a Wire and Hidden Spy Cams The Most Notorious TV Hijack of All Time Rodney P -. I am Evan Swarztrauber. 14 July 2020. And an overall limit of $2 million. Whether youre a QSL collector, a content DXer, or the casual SWLer, I find theres something in pirate radio listening for everyone. Thanks to e-commerce, it's also easier than ever for a would-be pirate to find the necessary equipment and have it delivered to his or her door, as FCC enforcement official David Dombrowski described in this 2019 podcast. I mean stream --. The Offshore Radio Museum website commemorates many of those pirates. The U.S. If we can't get in touch with the property owner we try to use a locksmith and if we can't get the locksmith then the door comes breaking down and then we try to secure it before we leave. The antenna is not where the people are necessarily or where the rest of the equipment is. Radio Caroline. Indeed, this past November, I listened to the pirate Channel Z while sitting in my truck; I was only using a Tecsun PL-660 with the antenna extended out of my opened drivers-side window. Pirates are always active during holidays, too, most especially on Halloween (31st of October), which seems to be pirates favorite holiday. The SWLing Post now participates in two affiliate advertising programs with two large retailers that still sell shortwave radios, the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the eBay Partnership, designed to provide a means for sites like ours to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these retailers of radio products. They are very low power and the range of them are very small. "Pirate Radio" is a period piece, set in a time when the Rolling Stones' "Let's Spend the Night Together" and the Who's "My Generation" were still scandalous and controversial rather than nostalgic anthems for today's aging baby boomers. We want them to be as descriptive as possible. They use either the internet or a wireless source to get the signal back to the transmitter. Note: This podcast was recorded on June 21st. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Well they had their antenna up really high. "In Haiti during the Duvalier regime, people depended on radio to get news from independent sources off the island. 2 talking about this. MR. DOMBROWSKI: You know, that's hard to say. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. Like me, you might just get hooked! He then obtained another ship, a German trawler called the Ross Revenge, which continued to host the station until it ran aground along the British coast in 1991. Want to buy me a cup of coffee? For consistencys sake, I will use the term pirate radio in this article. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Do the pilots only complain if it's a song that they don't like? For his new show, Bruce promises "me and my musings and all the great . But so when we say Region One I think even most people in the FCC are not necessarily aware of how the country is carved up when it comes to enforcement and the field offices, et cetera, so can you give the listeners a brief sense of what do we mean by Region One, what areas do you cover? It's not. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Pirate radio. We have pirate radio there, too, not as bad as we did in New York. But the FCC, Congress and the commercial broadcasting industry don't see the pirates as serving such a benign purpose. They are not advertising. Addeddate 2022-03-13 23:21:58 . MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, we don't have a rule in the books that prohibits that from happening. While this reality is not surprising, we . HowStuffWorks may earn a small commission from affiliate links in this article. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. We get them in Virginia, we get them out in Illinois, even just remote areas of West Virginia they pop up. So sometimes the apartment owner, the building owner, or whatever, is totally in the dark about this, didn't know about. And so, yes, we may -- We have a warrant for the property. If they are getting interference to a station they would like to listen what station is that, give the call sign. But it worked out great, it was a great career in the media bureau. Violators faced two years of imprisonment and fines. Are people generally cooperative or are people just like I have no idea what you are talking, I have never seen anything, what is this, I don't want to deal with this? Among the most popular queries made by readers is, How can I find and hear pirate radio stations? To help answer this question, Im writing this primer. Marshal Service and seize all of the equipment that is associated with the operation of a radio station, really anything physically connected to the transmitter. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Oh, that's probably why they are complaining, right? Created on. Pirate radio or a pirate radio station is a radio station that broadcasts without a valid license. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Ten times as much, that's big, yes. As Yoder goes on to explain in his introduction of the 2012 Pirate Radio Annual, pirates are often confused with radio bootleggers (who conduct unlicensed two-way conversations), clandestine stations (usually political stations), and jammers (who intentionally try to block broadcasts). And so these transmitters that they are purchasing and pirate stations are using do not go through the equipment process, the equipment authorization process, and that is a problem. Euro pirates typically broadcast in the 48 meter band (6,200 6,450 kHz), but the HF Underground notes that you will also hear Euro pirates on the 75 meter band between 3,900-4,000 kHz, on the 19 meter band (15,000-15,100 kHz and 15,700-15,900 kHz), and even on the 13 meter band (21,000-25,000 kHz). Total Views 29,573 (Older Stats) ITEMS. And so we need to make sure that we stop the importation of this equipment, we stop the marketing of these illegal transmitters. The U.S. has had its share of pirate broadcasters over the years as well. Bruce will host a new daily show for Bauer's station Greatest Hits Radio, taking his iconic PopMaster game with him. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, if it's imported. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: No. Most pirates transmit using SSB with modern ham radio equipment, others use AM utilizing vintage or homebrew equipment. Radio Caroline because so influential that, pretty soon, other ships were broadcasting rock off the coast as well. If you have information about a pirate radio station, you can notify the FCC by calling 888-CALLFCC or filing a complaint online at https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov. Has it evolved over the years? So, the F. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: All right. Not just Aussie and NZ pirates, but stations in places like The Phillipinesmaybe Japan, South Korea, or Thailand. Do a little pirate radio hunting yourself. Total Views 29,203 (Older Stats) ITEMS. Meanwhile, the Ross Revenge was repaired and converted into a floating museum for tourists. And they come -- I've worked with them when they have bulletproof vests on and automatic weapons. So hopefully that's enough for them to get the station taken down and maybe share some information about who the real operator is. The bulk of the pirate radio broadcasters I log transmit just below the 40-meter amateur radio band: anywhere from 6,850 kHz to 6,970 kHz and typically on a frequency spaced at 5 kHz. They have a bill circulating around called the PIRATE Act. Now you usually get one of your top, you know, first or second choice. I keep a copy handy as it helps me identify stations and better understand their format. But please note that we will never create a post and product link explicitly to receive a commission. Oh, it happens a lot, especially in these urban areas like New York. Listening to pirate radio is perfectly legaland frequently an ear-opening experience. Now stop your Googling right now because that is illegal, right? MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right, he's no the public face of it. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, it may not start to cause interference as soon as you open up and out of the box and operate it, but over time with the heating up of the electronics inside it starts to malfunction and cause what we call spurius emissions where signals are operating outside your intended band and cause interference to other radio services. April 8, 2015 - 10:43 am. It could be harmful if we let a pirate radio station operate because sometimes they cause interference to other services, like aeronautical communications. And another thing, also, we would have to direct our attention annually to five markets that are most affected by pirates and we would do some step-up enforcement. The most popular frequency used by U.S. and Canadian pirate radio stations is 6925 kHz, transmitting in the AM or upper sideband (USB) modes. North American Pirate Radio Frequencies By far the most active ranges in North America are 43 meters (6800-7000 kHz), 46 meters (6200-6400 kHz) and 73 meters (4000-4200 kHz), with some activity in the 60 meter band (4700-5300 kHz) as well. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Well there was a version of the bill that passed the House first and now there is a similar bill being considered by Senate. But if we sign it into law we would have some additional resources, first increasing the fines. Some pirates have even shown in in the SWBC bands, including 49, 31 and 25 meters. Liverpool vs Wolves will kick-off on Wednesday, March 1 at 8pm. Borderhunter Radio is one of the strongest Euro Pirates Ive ever heard. Last updated: December 2022 So you couldn't be blamed for assuming that it depicts a long-vanished phenomenon, like Nehru jackets with iridescent scarves and psychedelic-patterned paper mini dresses. There is a lot of misconception about what a low power transmitter is. Open up the transmitter Locate the seam on the transmitter's case and pry it open with a putty knife (if your transmitter is screwed shut, you'll need a screwdriver to open it). So that is quite a large area. This includes the FM, AM and shortwave radio bands. Thank you! Each issue also contains a CD of sound clips from various pirates, several articles about the state of pirate radio, and other relevant info. Indeed, since pirates are operating at lower power, they get much more bang-for-the-watt out of SSB. Having that exposure helped boost the careers of scores of British bands whose music eventually made it to America. This metal-focused platform is available entirely online, so you can access the music from a lot of different locations, even though the station is based in San Francisco. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, so you have options. So when they say, oh, I don't need a license to operate I'm a Part 15 transmitter, well we have to do studies and measurements to see if that's true. 19. r/HamRadio. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So when it comes to local law enforcement are they generally uninterested in taking this on or, you know, because you mentioned federal agents are often involved, it's federal courts, U.S. This is likely due to the early sunsets and cold winter nights of the northern hemisphere that tend to keep people indoors, which in turn encourages pirates to hit the air. Its much better, of course, if you have a table-top receiver, software-defined radio, or ham radio transceiver with a general coverage receiver hooked up to a resonant outdoor antennaespecially if you live outside Europe and North America. To track pirates, youll need a radio with both AM and SSB modes. They can be highly entertaining or thought-provoking, and thus are, themselves, a unique art form. Launched just five months ago, Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications has expanded to more than 61,000 items related to amateur radio, shortwave listening, and related communications. Pirate radio broadcasting on shortwave radio in North America is mostly done in a frequency range just below the 40 meter amateur radio band, from about 6815 kHz to 6970 kHz. Note: This podcast was recorded on June 21st. Let's say you don't get cooperation from a building owner, you don't get cooperation from the eventual studio, maybe it's in their apartment and they're not opening the door, obviously, because they don't want to get caught. But most of the current American pirates are based on dry land, broadcasting from clandestine antennas on rooftops in places such as Brooklyn. MR. DOMBROWSKI: And so that's not practical for somebody that wants to operate a radio station to cover an entire community. Additionally, youll find contact information for QSL requests and mail-drop addresses as well. MR. DOMBROWSKI: There is a variety of pirate radio stations out there. Please leave us a review because it will help others find this show. Jason Scott Archivist. Last updated: December 2022 It was the strongest pirate station I have ever witnessed. . PROMAX designs several monitoring and spectrum surveillance systems. So just keep in mind next time you read some nice hipster article about how great pirate radio is in your community, that there are serious issues at play and what the FCC is doing is really important and that's why it's so great to have you on here to share your perspective and some of your history working on this and we really just want to thank you for your service. But stations in places such as Brooklyn radio equipment, we stop the importation this., including 49, 31 and 25 meters find this show in New York broadcasters over the years as.... 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