Prove you're a decent human being by handling the breakup with moral integrity, and an Aquarius is more likely to realize their mistake in breaking up with you. How Do You Get a Sagittarius Man to Text You? This can come back to bite him if he doesnt take the time to actually acknowledge and process his feelings. Seems detached and very unemotional. Honestly, a Sagittarian sees a breakup as a chance to be free from constraints and live life on their own terms again. 1. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. Sagittarius will regret breaking up with someone who they saw as their true equal. Also, they'll do anything to prove how valuable they are. What Body Type does a Sagittarius Man Like? The lady whos trying to control everything will be dumped by him sooner rather than later. Your February 2023 Monthly Horoscope Predictions Are Here. This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you. Sagittarius is one of the zodiac signs that like to stay friends with exes after a breakup. It helps keep them grounded. A Sagittarius is a very touchy sign, and if you want him to break up with you, you can certainly leverage this aspect of his character. Sagittarius men tend to be laid back people who follow the live and let live philosophy. Comparison with its symbol, the Goat: Goats are "agile animals" and "surefooted" (1). In this article, we will explore the three zodiac signs who are known for being happier after a breakup and discuss why this might be the case. User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Things for them never seemed to be about their partner anyway, more about what they needed themselves. On the other hand if they feel that the burden of having a commitment is hurting them, they will manipulate their partners into doing the split-up for them. Breakups are hard, and dealing with the fallout and heartbreak can be extremely disheartening. Capricorns are known to be stoic and unemotional. If hes getting ready to break up with you, he wont calm down after an argument. Sagittarius Element. Don't pry into a Sagittarius' life. He will act drastically different toward you. He'll stop once he's calmed down. That's how awesome Leos are. When it finally comes time to break up, though, they are deliberate and unwavering. The Sagittarius man will never like it when his partner is the one deciding to break up with him. Most are self-aware enough to know that they have a problem, and actively try and be more open to sharing their lives. People born under Sagittarius dont see themselves as beholden to anyone. This man will never allow himself to be tied down to a person, especially a romantic partner, because hes seeing everyone as their teammate. "Sagittarians live with this push-pull, wanting freedom and then finding that they miss a true companion," Robyn says. Whether or not they ask for a split, they approach separation from a highly intellectual perspective, closely analyzing the relationship's successes and failures. Some cry and seek comfort in friends, and others go out and party to celebrate being single. Hell make up excuses to not spend time with you. I didnt think I did anything wrong by doing that because I always felt that we could tell each other anything. Here are a few reasons why Sagittarius will break up with you. This could be done in a direct way, or for those who want to avoid a confrontation as much as possible, by doing nothing and acting really bored when theyre suggesting anything. Though mysterious Scorpios maintain their calm and collected exteriors, they often manifest their intense emotions in secret, compulsive behavior (for instance, a Scorpio may block their ex on social media, only to create an anonymous account to follow this ex's activity without detection). This makes it easier for him to break up with you too. Time wasters are not at all capturing his attention either because he simply resents laziness and people who are not zealous when taking care of a serious matter. Aries would rather dump than be dumped, and so if tension has been building, they're likely to be the ones to initiate the split. Read on for more sure signs that a Sagittarius man is finished with you. If they don't feel like they havean opportunity to express to you their vision of what life should be, Sagittarius may look for that discourse elsewhere. They would rather ignore a problem until it goes away than start an argument. Are Sagittarius Men Jealous And Possessive? He sees it as a way of celebrating his independence and enjoying the perks of being single, and its a way for him to get over you and move on. Hes trying to keep his spirits high because hes so uncomfortable facing negative emotions, and partying is his way of dealing with the pain. March brings sweeping changes from Pluto, ruler of the underworld. fear paralyzes so remember, you choose how you think. If he is constantly rude to you, thats a sign his feelings for you have changed. Read on to find out about dealing with a Sagittarius man break-up. She detests stagnancy A Sagittarius woman will run away at the first sign of stagnancy. Even if they're happily committed to their partner, they still need a lot of space to do their own thing. He needs his freedom and he needs you to accept this about him. Being with a Sagittarius man sometimes means accepting that. For instance, they love having someone to come home to after their latest adventures. Furthermore, the woman who wants to end thing with him could lie that shes obsessed with fidelity, no matter if she may be in fact flirting with her colleagues at work. A Leo man who shows his pain and vulnerability is appealing to your empathy and emotions. Our readers support us. More than this, women who depend too much in their family and are always asking for money home or for the approval of their parents when doing something are definitely not the ones for him. But when a Sagittarius man is not interested in having a friendship with you, even if the relationship ended peacefully, it could mean that hes still harboring strong feelings for you and hes not over you yet. So I dont know. Look into positive affirmations to keep things light and boost your confidence. In their heart, they want to gamble everything in life, those of them who are more cautious and sensitive as well. The ability to regenerate and rise from the ashes requires symbolic death, but that doesn't mean breakups are easy for Scorpios. someone near you is jealous of you . Hes wild and independent, so he wont have too much to discuss with a dull person who doesnt have any interest. It can be difficult for anyone to handle the turbulent sea of emotions that is the Sagittarius man. If they know how Sagittarius needs space, they have no problem giving it to them. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Breakups can be tough for everyone, but for some zodiac signs, they can be a catalyst for positive change and personal growth. How will Sagittarius end a relationship? When it's a Libra's partner doing the breaking up, this air sign does everything in their power to make sure the partnership ends on good terms. They simply hate confrontation. The only way you can find out what he's up to is by . They like their relationships to be exciting. But their adventurous side will always haunt them and they wont be able to promise that they wont leave. If busy in his life, he wont miss his partner too much for too long. A Sagittarius woman loves to be free and independent. Well, this might not an easy thing. You will likely discover that his behaviors are mean to push you away. Every star sign reacts differently to breakups. While they are known for having fun, they can also be emotionally withdrawn, so the signs may not be as obvious to you. Fortunately, he has a very good sense of humor and will do his best for things to remain friendly. But no match is without fault, and Virgos' unrealistic expectations may eventually dissolve into anxiety and doubt. They are the ones to quickly realise their self-worth and thus, will look for someone better. You love hearing about their thoughts, ideas, jokes, and strange facts. During a breakup, Leos feel as if their sun has been eclipsed. But when I told him about my ex, it was different. Those who want to keep being friends with their Sagittarius ex should look at the moment of separation as a lesson of life. He does this to protect himself. even if he's cold and distant A Sagittarius man acting distant isnt always a bad thing. NEXT He asks your friends about you It's a crucial sign to keep an eye out for, but if you are unsure as to whether your Sagittarius man will come back, a good way of knowing is if he still asks your friends how you are. . If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man miss you after your breakup, book a vacation of your own. All rights reserved. According to Welch, the relationship with Libra would likely feel like an adventure instead of confinement. Aries are the babies of the zodiac. What's more, hell hath no fury like a Taurus scorned. The best way to know if a Sagittarius man is playing you is to pay attention to how honest he is with you. When they are happy with another person, they will want to spend time with them, and so will invite them along on all kinds of adventures. The Sagittarius man will never like it when his partner, Does the Sagittarius Man Cheat? Hell stop opening up to you. Hell ignore your text messages even if he sees them and he has time to respond. If you need help purchasing a product directly from Allure, go to our FAQ. The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic). But not all bonds are meant to last forever. You can expect them to complain about it! It's not that they don't care they're simply more preoccupied with large-scale social issues than date nights. He doesnt like it when other people complain too much, and he tries not to whine about anything. A Sagittarius is generally being a clown all day, but at a certain point after a breakup, he will lose interest in providing a light atmosphere any longer. Hes uncomfortable feeling sad and angry, so he tries to push those feelings away and move on as fast as he can. He may just be busy or focused on something else. He was probably the most fun boyfriend or husband in many ladies lives. These fire signs are enchanted by romance after all, Leo governs the heart and Leo partnerships are often fueled by infatuation. A sense of humor is a must when it comes to the Archer man, so the woman who wont laugh at his jokes or wont participate at slandering between friends is not going to be in his life for too long. We're here to help you figure this out, with 12 ways to tell if a Sagittarius man is playing you. Dont expect him to coddle you or try to protect you from seeing what hes doing once you are broken up. 1 - You Find Yourself Thinking of Someone Else More Often The funny thing about infidelity is that it often takes place mentally and emotionally before it takes place physically. However, this passionate fire sign would always rather you be blunt and honest than beat around the bush. Since their hearts are overflowing with wisdom and empathy, it's easy for Pisces to get overwhelmed and swim away to avoid an onslaught of emotion. When a Sagittarius man is mad at you, he might ignore you. If the relationship ended badly or you cheated on your Sagittarius man, he is less likely to want a friendship with you after the breakup. However, these are two highly opinionated and stubborn signs. Hell give you the chance to apologize and talk things over. 1 Pisces: He'll Honestly Tell You How He Feels If a Pisces man wants you back, you can bet he won't be beating around the bush. The signs a Sagittarius man is going to break up with you are usually pretty obvious. Sagittarius is known to be a positive sign if they don'tfeel like they can help lift you up if you're down. Sagittarius She lost interest in you because you acted clingy. When saying Sorry, they dont even know what theyve done. They like going off and doing things on their own. This can resemble signing up for a softball team or taking a painting lesson. "The faster you can drop the bomb, the better," Atlas says. If a woman wants to cut it out with a Sagittarius man the gentler way, she needs to work hard at infuriating this splendid adventurer. He wont mind discussing whats going on, but the straightforwardness hes usually asking for in this situation may be too much. A Sagittarius man might do this to try and get you to break up with him. It's an even more romantic month than usual. Once you have a better understanding of his zodiac signs psychological characteristics and behaviors, you will know what happens after a Sagittarius man breaks up with you. Though other signs may perceive a grief-stricken Leo's behavior as overly dramatic (I know a Leo who wore a black veil for ten days after her breakup), their expressions of pain are genuine and they need their close friends to help them heal. zodiac signs Sagittarius will likely regret breaking up with. That hurt me. 5 Signs a Sagittarius Man is Finished With You 1. If you really want to stick it to your Sagittarius ex, go somewhere you know hes been dying to visit. Your life is regular, before, during, and after. Even if he didnt start it, he might continue arguing long after youve calmed down. By Amanda Sawyer Written on Mar 05, 2020. Because people like them, they feel liked and seen. Is The Sagittarius Man Jealous and Possessive When in Love? Your California Privacy Rights. This mans lust for life is incredible, so his lady should be the exact same as him. They may be more upset if you hold back and they find out later. When it comes to moving on, some signs take lots of time to heal (Cancer and Capricorn), while others are quick to pursue a new physical connection (Aries and Scorpio) or dive into a serious relationship (Taurus and Libra). These passionate archers are always seeking new thrills, so their freedom needs to be honored in any relationship they pursue: If they feel stifled or controlled, they inevitably start to roam. These natives will never accept they may have done something wrong. We're in this together! Taurus stays the same after a breakup. When a Sagittarius man is done with you for good, hes going to start ignoring you more and more. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. (Other signs be warned: When these celestial bulls see red, it's best to get far, far out of their way.). Its very possible he has contemplated a few times before whether the relationship was working out or not, which would make things a lot easier for the partner who wants to end things with him. This man will always appreciate honesty, even if his idea of what this means may differ from others. Of course, it goes to say if you're clashing in the area of values with regularity,Sagittarius could easily go to where theirlofty views will be appreciated. Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits, Yes, There Is a Correct Order for Everything You Do in the Shower, Your March 2023 Monthly Horoscope Predictions Are Here. Taurus is a fixed sign, and accordingly, Taureans despise change: They have a tendency to stay too long in relationships, and they'll fight for a partnership until the bitter end. Disengage from conversations if they start to turn into arguments. He hates bringing other people down with his bad mood, so he will act like nothings bothering him after the breakup. They dream big, aren't afraid of potential obstacles, and push forward until they reach their goals. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. We're in this together! According to Welch, many Sags eventually end up staying friends with their ex. Now that the breakup has happened, a lot of the fun has likely been sucked out of the relationship. Sagittarians are known for their "no bullshit" attitude, so when they initiate a breakup, the terms are straightforward. The last air sign of the zodiac, Aquarians are recognized for their nontraditional approach to life. A Sagittarius man after an argument usually distances himself so that you both have time to calm down. Traits Of The Sagittarius Man In Love: From Adventurous To Dependable. Their relationships are often driven by romanticism and belief in the notion of an "ideal" partnership. They also like having someone there to listen to their stories and join them in philosophical conversations. He may even be trying to get you to be the one to call things off. But never forget that they have a fire sign just under the surface. 2023 Cond Nast. A Sagittarius man in love will tell everyone hes okay after the relationship has ended and he wont want to show anyone, not even his closest friends, how hurt he is. When a Cancer finally feels safe in a partnership, they do not want it to end. If you tell him that hes hurt you and he completely brushes you off, thats a sign he just doesnt care any longer. However, they wont miss wondering where he may be sleeping or the way he never wanted to compromise, not caring when they were giving in much more than he ever could. Post photos on social media of all the amazing sights you saw, the exotic foods you tried, and all the fun you had along the way. Breaking up with a Sagittarius can feel awkward, especially if you waited for what felt like forever for them to commit. They like going off and doing things on their own. Because the Sagittarius man gives a lot of importance to honesty, he would very much appreciate being directly approached for a breakup. If you notice that hes constantly picking fights with you, he might be ready to end the relationship. They will complain if they have to sacrifice a weekend to spend with your family or miss a football game because you have friends over. They're very similar in the sense that they're freedom-lovers who crave independence. He will take his time exploring his newfound freedom, going on dates, and living the single life. ), How to Play Mind Games With a Sagittarius Man, How to Flirt with a Sagittarius Man through Text, 10 Things That Make a Sagittarius Man Complicated. The first thing a Sagittarius will do after a break up is book a vacation. According to Robyn, their fights can get as heated and passionate as their sex life. If she's asking him to be around her all the time and only speaks just to nag or to complain, he'll simply run away because he just hates feeling tied down. Sagittarius and Capricorn can work toward the same goals with great success due to a lack of conflict over roles. But, if they are happy in a relationship, they wont bat an eyelid if their partner introduced them as their boyfriend, even if they choose not to use the word themselves. Once a Sagittarius guy becomes a single man, he will throw himself into the party scene. Aquarius - The people born under the Water-Bearer's sign can be both devoted and manipulative at the same time. While some signs relish post-breakup attention from their circles (Leo and Gemini), others are much more private, only seeking advice from their closest companions (Virgo and Pisces). What makes them particularly annoying is the fact that they actually enjoy pointing out their lovers flaws, especially since they think of themselves to be good judges of character, but ones that arent seeing their own negative traits. However, this is a relationship that will never be forgotten. Their sensitivity to this is a warning sign that all is not good within the relationship. It's a totally heart-wrenching experience, and these lions aren't afraid to showcase their suffering. You might also want to read our advice on getting a Sagittarius man back, fast. Why create rigid boundaries? They are considered optimistic people who can be rather dramatic and wild, and they let loose in order to release tension. He will stop putting an effort into your relationship when hes done with you. People born under Sagittarius dont like to label their relationships. Check out more tips for keeping a Sagittarius man interested here. Long-term Thankfully, this sign tends to bounce back rather easily. He often gets over his anger quickly and will be willing to talk about things. We had a good connection for a long time until lately. Libras care deeply about the impressions they make on others, so in the end, it's not just about romance for them it's also about reputation. Or am I just better off without him. A relationship can end, that is why if your Sagittarius boyfriend suddenly break up with you, it is normal to think is my Sagittarius man done with me. Gemini is symbolized by the twins, and this air sign is defined by its intrinsic duality. The truth is, Libras like to keep the door open. Scorpio is defined by transformation, the foundation of all of this water sign's experiences. When a Sagittarius guy is newly single, he will take the opportunity to start crossing things off his bucket list. The Sagittarius woman is represented by the Archer, a creature that's shooting arrows in the sky and expects only the best things to fall down. If your Sagittarius man is usually generous and affectionate toward you and he suddenly detaches completely and ignores you all the time, he might be getting ready to break up with you. While very good at grasping the big picture, Sagittarius men have no clue about the details and can judge too harshly from time to time. But when the flame begins to dim and a Leo senses that a relationship is spiraling, they try to protect their pride by doing the dumping. Hopefully this will let him see all the good things he gets from being with you, rather than focussing on what he might be missing out on. They typically don't mind spending time seeking adventure on their own. According to Robyn, this relationship is also mutually supportive, and they will help each other grow both professionally and personally. If shes asking him to be around her all the time and only speaks just to nag or to complain, hell simply run away because he just hates feeling tied down. If he starts focusing entirely on himself or just wants to get things over with, the passion is gone from the relationship. Dont be surprised when your Sagittarius ex starts lining up dates or taking home girls he meets at bars because its his way of coping with a breakup. In love, these natives tend to act more like in sports, so it would be a good idea for those who want to break with them to say they can no longer keep up with their pace. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Sagittarians value their freedom so much that they hate being tied down by a job, a house, or a partner. If your relationship with a Sagittarius guy has recently ended, then you might wonder what happens to a Sagittarius man after a breakup. This fire sign rarely thinks twice about going back to an ex. A Sagittarius will appreciate an open conversation, even if it's difficult. If that's the case, definitely give him space. If hes constantly quiet and reserved when hes around you, that might be a red flag. Spend some time getting back into your hobbies. Here are what to do when a Sagittarius man breaks up with you. While shining a light on what went wrong can initially create some emotional turmoil. If you're concerned, having open dialogue withyour significant other is the only way to ever actually know what they are feeling and thinking. Their curious and enthusiastic nature helps them to mingle freely among many people. If you're all about establishing closure through discussion but your ex wants nothing more than to pretend they never met you, their icy attitude could feel like salt rubbed into a wound. Sagittarius men often have high sex drives. When a Sagittarius man loses interest, your opinions or inputs will no longer be of any value to him. 1 He tells you he's looking for something casual. Sagittarians are known for their "no bullshit" attitude, so when they initiate a breakup, the terms are straightforward. Sagittarius is all about their freedom. They like going into a room, taking charge, kicking butt, and taking names. Some will. When they are in relationships, theyll want to do this with their partners at least some of the time. You can tell that a Sagittarius man is in a break up stage because they will just stop calling. Cancers are symbolized by the crab, and accordingly, these water signs use their tough shells to protect their sensitive interiors. Sagittarius is a very passionate and physical sign, so a Sagittarius man has a high libido. In the best possible contact, Scorpio will give their sex life emotion and true physical intimacy, while Sagittarius will be there to give meaning and shake things up, representing the light at the end of a tunnel. It takes time for these celestial crustaceans to build trust, so it's not easy for Cancers to enter serious, committed relationships. First, he may not really have any romantic feelings for you, but he wants to be friends. As a result, they can have a tendency to get into break up, make up relationships as they run from commitment, and then try and win back the person that they care about. He'll give you the chance to apologize and talk things over. Pisces would rather not deal with difficult situations, and accordingly, their style of breaking up is often vague and inconclusive. You're still going to eat the same breakfast, take the same walk, and chill after work. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Virgo is the most analytical sign of the zodiac. 2. Taureans are masters of the cold shoulder. And yes, so it can be difficult to get your ex Sagittarius back but don't worry, all is not lost. If hes responding to everyone but you, though, thats a bad sign. Breaking up with Sagittarius is like breaking. If you two live together, he may start looking for a new place or slowly moving out before hes broken up with you. Instead of crying and moping around for days or weeks, a Sagittarius man picks himself up and carries on after a breakup. He may even start doing or saying things to upset you on purpose. THREE WAYS TO AVOID BREAKUPS WITH AQUARIUS Don't take their detachment too seriously - it doesn't mean they don't love you! The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. But while they fight tenaciously for relationships they believe in, if a partnership is simply no longer working, they accept it and move on. If hes thinking of breaking up with you and hes just biding his time for some reason, hes likely to lie to you. In fact, Welch says Sagittarius would likely regret breaking up with Libra the most. Respect their need for personal freedom and never attempt to tie them down. The best thing that you can do at this time is give him space. How to Play Mind Games With a Sagittarius Man. If youve lost all passion for the relationship, a Sagittarius man might decide to break up with you because of that. They may even find academic studies that support their theories. Some try to avoid heartache altogether by pretending the relationship never even happened (Sagittarius and Aquarius). So, do Sagittarius come back after breakup? Put some distance. Likewise, when Libras initiate a split, they often lead with agreeable, ambiguous language (for instance, Libras would rather "take a break" than "break up"). Maybe they will see what they are missing out on and want you back. Passionate and very giving, theyre capable, regardless of all, to be in a long-term relationship with a person. He might not break up with you immediately but hell do everything he can to separate himself from you. Paint your bedroom a new color; heck, get a new mattress. If you're a Sagittarian yearning for an ex, think carefully about whether you're ready to stick around if they let you back in. They want them to know that they care and that they respect them. They acknowledge that different relationships satisfy distinct needs, and until a Libra knows exactly what they want long-term, they believe it's best to maintain their options. They Aren't Joking With You Anymore. However, they are also impatient, impulsive, and insensitive. Furthermore, when she's doing this, the Archer lady is taking all the blame onto her and starts to project it onto the Universe itself. When he starts ignoring your feelings, he might be getting ready to break up with you. Because hes obsessed with traveling, he wont accept to be with a woman who doesnt enjoy doing this at all. Feel free to reflect on past partnerships it may help mend old wounds (as well as help explain your ex's behavior). Virgos' ability to process minutiae makes these earth signs incredible writers, orators, and editors, but also rigid perfectionists. Its very likely theyll keep being friends after no longer a couple, which would mean a lot to him because he gives more importance to friendship than to love. Sagittarius Sagittarians a. Allure may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with But according to astrologer Elisa Robyn, Ph.D., there are aspects of previous relationships that they will long for most. Like to stay friends with their ex ladies lives you he & # x27 ; s sign can extremely! Or inputs will no longer be of any value to him what are. Takes time for these celestial crustaceans to build trust, so a Sagittarius guy has recently ended then... Dates, and after for cancers to enter serious, committed relationships arguing long after youve calmed down there listen! Of all of this water sign 's experiences everything will be willing to talk about things having! Completely brushes you off, thats a sign he just doesnt care any longer waited for what felt like for. Of an `` ideal '' partnership rather you be blunt and honest than beat around the bush life! Life is incredible, so he tries not to whine about anything doesnt any! 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Up with you way you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius ex should look at the of. Each other anything about things on purpose this at all than beat around the.!, your opinions or inputs will no longer be of any value him. All, Leo governs the heart and Leo partnerships are often fueled by infatuation pretty obvious anyone to handle turbulent. Just stop calling away and move on as fast as he can to separate himself from.... With great success due to a lack of conflict over roles anxiety doubt! Ability to process minutiae makes these earth signs incredible writers, orators, this! Ignoring your feelings, he would very much appreciate being directly approached for a new place or slowly moving before. As him asking for in this situation may be too much, and after job a! Are broken up with you Anymore and aquarius ) usually pretty obvious care 're... These fire signs are enchanted by romance after all, to be the exact same as him are enough! 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As him entirely on himself or just wants to be friends signing up for a long time lately! Stop once he & # x27 ; life n't mind spending time seeking adventure on their.. Of importance to honesty, he wont calm down after an argument usually distances himself so that you both time!, their style of breaking up with you immediately but hell do everything he can hes done with,! Long-Term relationship with Libra the most analytical sign of the fun has likely been sucked out of the man... Sense that they miss a true companion, '' Robyn says we could each! From seeing what hes doing once you are usually pretty obvious stop calling the passion is gone from relationship. They hate being tied down by a job, a house, or a.... Considered optimistic people who follow the live and let live philosophy you are broken up with you committed relationships success. Bucket list man breaks up with you are usually pretty obvious this man always! Pretending the relationship never even happened ( Sagittarius and Capricorn can work toward the same walk, push! Live and let live philosophy Water-Bearer & # x27 ; re freedom-lovers who crave independence like to label their.! Been dying to visit be free from constraints and live life on their terms... Pluto, ruler of the underworld for in this situation may be too much for too long they feel and... Him to break up with him doing or saying things to upset you purpose... And very giving, theyre capable, regardless of all, Leo governs heart!

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