And Dudley comes along in a huge metal suit. The. It is unknown why Professor McGonagall was staying next to the Dursleys' home all day, instead of being at Hogwarts, tending to her duties as transfiguration teacher and head of Gryffindor House. Bio irondad/spiderson. TW: Self-harm. Charms was immediately before lunch, and Harry & Ron confronted Hermione about the missed lesson immediately after lunch, so she was well within the 5 hour time limit. It may, of course, be that Snape, angry as he was, mixed up the two students' affiliation to the houses. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione first find a carriage, and have stowed their luggage, they return to the platform to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley. Trans men are men. One headcanon that exists to lessen the pain of so much loss acknowledges Molly Weasley's role. A film was theatrically released in November 2002. Crouch could have been lying about there being a Ministry directive against him showing dark curses to such young students in order to make them seem more terrifying. Many people switch between using 'Mr' or not before a name. The train, which is meant to be an InterCity 125, is at a platform that High Speed Trains do not use, but does accurately depict the InterCity Swallow livery of the era. On page 117 of the UK paperback edition, when Harry is talking to Lupin about the Boggart and he mentions Voldemort, it says ". In what is now known as the "Wand Order Mistake," when Harry and Lord Voldemort's wands engage in. Mentioned bio irondad/spiderson and Parkner. --- TRIGGER WARNING ---Self-harm, underage smoking, suicidal ideation/tendencies, eating disorders, bullying, discrimination, sexual assault/rape, and panic attacks. 'The Imperius Curse,' said Moody." Alternatively, attic rooms can have space between them and the roof, depending on the shape of the room. One of the charges against Harry is that of using magic in the presence of a Muggle, constituting an offence under the Statute of Secrecy, but as the Muggle in question (i.e. Why didn't Harry or Hermione or Ron think of using a summoning charm for anything they wanted to eat? Since this was from Harry's point of view, however, he might not have known that fact and simply assumed the horned toad was a species of frog. Radian Potter was the Twin Voldemort liked and sought to make his p. Lucy Evans, radiant of confidence, fiery hair, fiery temper. The site is one that will allow you to publish your stories. The left hand was absolutely clean, except of Cedrics blood, which would forever remain on his hands. When Harry tells Ron to be quiet or the 'something big' will hear them, Ron responds, "Hear *me*? When Draco took points from another prefect, he showed he is above this structure, he has the higher authority now. By that logic, in this and the next two chapters, the Ministry should have instantly noticed the Unforgiveable Curses being performed in close proximity to an underaged wizard. However, given Crouch Snr's damaged state of mind, he could have just been rambling insanely. Better yet, make a disclaimer: "Flames will be accepted, but will be roasted with marshmallows.". Like a camping trip, except hell take enough provisions for a year or somaybe some plants, seeds and things for a little garden. 46 pages November 8, 2020 Delphini. Youve got a real fanboy there., Peter laughed, smirking at Mister Stark. 14 February 1996 was a Wednesday. It is also possible that a new team is chosen only if there's a new captain. However, as many other non-Quidditch playing students as well as students from other houses attended the tryouts to be near Harry, it is possible that these first-years followed their example. Work Search: Alternatively, the timetable may have been reshuffled in past years when students wished to take conflicting classes, or be put into classes with other houses to ensure attendance. As it is, we don't know enough about how the spell works and its rules. This entry needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of quality. However, while Harry did incapacitate said Death Eater, Harry used, With the death of Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape should have become a secret-keeper for the location of. AU//In a world where all the Avengers and Avengers-affiliated people except for Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker, and Harley Keener get dusted, Harley learns to adjust to the life afterwards. Harry theorises that Yaxley is also bringing other Death Eaters into the place. The exams may have been done by first name. Earlier in the book, she takes only five Points from Hermione for her allegedly going to fight a mountain troll on her own. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux. At the time Dumbledore says this, this is true. She becomes friends with a group of unlikely people, and together with them tries to navigate the treacherous waters of Hogwarts, avoid the vengeful spirit of Lord Voldemort, try to uncover the plots of Albus Dumbledore, and figure out what in the world is up with Thomas Gaunt. Often, this had to do with the number of casualties produced by the war and the desire for repopulation. On page 285 of some versions of the US hardback edition, Snape's name is misspelled as ". She jumped and hugged Harry, almost knocking him to the ground. TW for self-harm and mental health challenges. "For San P. F. Harris, getaway driver and foul-weather friend" Escape came in the form of a new pupil at Wydean Comprehensive . Even if they didn't know that the original secret-keeper was Dumbledore, the fact that the original secret-keeper (whoever they may be) is dead necessarily means that Snape is now a secret-keeper as well, meaning Voldemort might have likely asked Snape to divulge the information, and Snape complied in order to maintain his cover. Chapter Text. These fanfictions tended to follow Harry and Snape, either being not too thrilled about the development or Snape being curiously patient for Harry to come around to the idea. But in the Shrieking Shack in chapter 19, Sirius says that he first learned about it the night Fudge visited Azkaban. Another possibility is that Flitwick may not have known exactly what was placed under the Fidelius Charm. RELATED:Harry Potter: 10 Fan Fiction Relationships We Wish Were Real. 47. Disregard anything that happened during DH. In addition, she loves to create stories and enjoys dystopian futures, teen drama, and fantasy worlds. While I take Sasha to HYDRA!" ), In chapter 8, it's stated that Quidditch has never achieved widespread popularity in Asia due to broomsticks being rare in countries where, In the 'About the Author' section, it is stated that. Although Hogwarts's full name is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a distinction between "witchcraft" and "wizardry" has never been made, and the two seem to be just synonymous with the much more . On page 78, Sept 2014 Edition. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Let's go back to where Harry was about to be killed by voldemort. On page 283 of some copies of both the US paperback and hardback editions, the word ". Often, the reason behind this comes from Dumbledore's ambition to be known for greatness. # 1. I was beginning to worry that I would have lost my favorite fighter and follower. Even if house-elves can be freed simply by touching clothes of their own accord (rather than having clothes being given to them), Hermione has no power to free the Hogwarts house-elves, even if they wanted to be freed, as she is not their master, plus it's unlikely that elves. Despite this being an established part of how house elf magic works, and one that Kreacher literally. In canon, they never did and remained friends from their reunion to their deaths. TW for blood, self-harm, swearing. Lindsay Press is a freelance writer. RELATED: 20 Wild Fan Redesigns Of Unexpected Harry Potter Couples. Harry told Hermione to calm down and tell him what's wrong. I woke up and got dressed ready for the day. This so-called "error" did not even need to be corrected, as it could easily be explained that you are allowed to sit for an O.W.L. Dudley) already knows about the existence of the magical world, there's no point in charging Harry with this offence. Look on. Harry Potter | Fantasy Romance Fanfiction Drarry Gay Harry Potter Fan Fic Harry Potter Fanfiction Gay Pregnancy . Lily may have grabbed her hand again against her will. Unable to help himself, a huff of a laugh escaped Harry as he fell back into his chair. Peter Parker is an amputee, 5 times people find out, and one time everyone knew. It is also possible that this Prime Minister is fictional and not intended to be any real-life figure. Rufus Scrimgeour tells Harry that the Ministry believes he was with Dumbledore when he left the school since there were two brooms on the Astronomy Tower and that "someone Stupefied a Death Eater on top of the Tower after Dumbledore died." The dust was invading his lungs, his eyes and mouth. I collapsed to the floor screaming in pain. Harry insists that it's fine, but only time will tell. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike, aka Full Pensieve, is one of the most well-written and realistic HP fanfic that I've ever read. Since Percy is a very proud person who has just left Hogwarts, he may be simply bragging about his ability to Apparate, while his younger siblings cannot. "I'll check with . Out of the Fire and into the Cupboard by HalfASlug. In the Scholastic Edition, in the 22nd line of the Sorting Hat's new song, Hufflepuff is spelt as "Hufflepujf.". However, it's possible that Fudge wanted to charge Harry with this anyway as part of his. Harry Potter and the Slaves By Dragen. Ron says "That's the worst Monday I've ever seen" in reference to his and Harry's schedule for the first day of classes. Harry Potter has given up - on the war, the Light side and his will to live. Also in the match, Harry was acting as the bishop. However, as only one male Gryffindor prefect would have been chosen from their year, it would have been impossible for both of them to be prefects. Barty Crouch Jnr says that the Ministry dictates that he is to teach only counter-curses to fourth-years, and not to actually show them any dark curses. Resting the blade on the very top of his hand, Harry took a deep breath and pulled down. Thus, those in the stands should have been seated 30 feet above the top of the hedge maze, giving them plenty of height with which to see into the maze. When the Wizengamot is considering the verdict of Harry's trial, Ron's prefect badge is described as scarlet and gold. Piers Polkiss is described as "a scrawny boy with a face like a rat", but in another part of the book Dudley's gang is described as all being "big and stupid" with Dudley being the biggest and stupidest. Following that logic, Katie should have been picked instead of Harry, but she did not even consider herself becoming Captain when she says, " "I thought you'd get that, well done," she called over, pointing at the Captain's badge on Harry's chest. In the British audiobooks, when the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione are in ". When Eloise was retrieved, her body aged the five centuries it had to travel through, and it created paradoxes such as Tuesday lasting two and a half days and Thursday going by in only four hours. Leading a double life and having friends is even harder. It is possible that he may have known deep down that he would end up returning, even if he didn't consciously want to at that moment. This would explain her reading through the career leaflet on Muggle relations, which stated that the only qualification required was an O.W.L in Muggle Studies, and considering it as a career path despite having dropped the subject two years earlier. This is proved by Percy saying, "Just Apparated, Dad" as soon as they emerged from the woods. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were supposed to call Sirius "Snuffles". If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). But when he breaks it and still has to go to school, everybody finds out.Stupid Parker luck. Sirius could have easily just called Kreacher's name in order to force Kreacher to Apparate directly to his side (just like Harry would do in Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows), so he could be questioned about his whereabouts. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Another (albeit remote) possibility is that the later date was due to the Ministry's educational reforms. (These ain't even half of my fav tags). It's also possible that the Mirror knew that Quirrell wanted to give the Stone to Voldemort, which is still using it, just not on himself. It is also possible that Lupin had caught the flu, or any other - curable - disease. Dumbledore sets up a portkey to teleport Harry directly into the Headmaster's otherwise impenetrable office. A possible explanation is that Sirius's imprisonment (for the alleged murder of Peter Pettigrew and several Muggles) and the investigation of the Potters' deaths and the disappearance of Voldemort were two separate cases. So 2 September would actually have to be a Thursday, as well. Thunderstorm by T3t. Draco Malfoy takes away points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff when he catches Hermione saying what she really thinks of Umbridge. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Isn't anyone else back?' This could not be, as Ron should still be on the bed. After the years Harry and Draco spent as enemies, in hindsight, some of the ways they went about their rivalry may not look intimidating when watching people interact the same way. It is likely that the evidence Dumbledore gave was his knowledge of the Potters', Sirius says that he persuaded James and Lily to use Peter as Secret Keeper instead of him, thinking that Voldemort would try to coerce the secret out of him. A couple paragraphs later, "Dumbledore drew up the hard wooden chair beside Riddle, so that the pair of them looked rather like a hospital patient and visitor.". See How to Edit for help, or this entry's Talk Page. It is possible, given that they were freeing Muggle-borns, that they felt their cover had already been blown, and therefore didn't worry about it. Hocus Pocus, Adele Polkiss by Ecmm. This is a response to my own Challenge know as the Slave Challenge, Dark Fic, full Summary within. 406 Stories. It is quite understandable, as Draco and Harry spend a lot of time together during their time at Hogwarts. Although, Snape may have not counted the first time. Realising that all-out war might not be the best way to achieve his goals, he starts with securing a position as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts under the name of Thomas Gaunt.Aster Potter is the Girl-Who-Lived. It is also possible that Dumbledore is capable of setting up a portkey directly into Hogwarts due to his mastery of the Elder Wand. 79 pages March 18, 2012 Genna Filegedhiel. Good heart, soft but strong, unapologetic and honest. Maybe even a little more than that.//Or, a post-IW Parkner slash one-shot. Crookshanks was on the bed, and 'on the floor beside him. was Ron' Ron moves from this position to 'protect' Harry. The night after the Hippogriff's appeal, Remus Lupin is forced into a werewolf form by the full moon, which means that this happened on the night of 6 June, 1994. Both may have assumed that either they could use the Turner again to give themselves time to make the potion or Bathilda would have a potion ready for their use. Indeed, the trio do exactly that in the climax of the last book. Sign up for wikiHow's weekly email newsletter. Since you lost your right arm we replaced it with a metal arm, it will still do everything your old arm can do except you can't feel it plus, you can knock out someone within a matter of seconds" I smiled at him then asked "I do have one question, what are you guys doing here? Please consider turning it on! Harry's sixteenth birthday happens on 31 July, 1996. After Hermione stops Ron from talking about Sirius Black in front of Ginny, it is stated that the only people who knew about his innocence are the, There might be some sort of allowance for Muggle-born childrens parents to go to Diagon Alley and Platform 9 3/4, When Fred and George bet on the Quidditch match with. (It actually just states in the book that Harry. This article has been viewed 71,842 times. In the American paperback edition on page 148, Harry asks Ron if he can dump his things upstairs in his room. (Although this is unlikely, as the most recent model of Nimbus broom mentioned is the Nimbus 1700 and the Nimbus 2000 and 2001 were released in 1991 and 1992 respectively. This article has been viewed 71,842 times. And then I passed out. By doing this, they have both Harry and Hermione distracted and unaware that Dumbledore and the Weasleys are controlling their lives. White Knight, Grey Queen by Jeconais. This work could have adult content. Laugh after laugh spilled out of him in a relieved wave until the sound choked off, settling thick in his throat, eyes prickling as it really sank in. Ron explains that Voldemort had placed a Taboo on his name so that if anyone said it he would be able to find that person, and explains that was how the Death Eaters had found them on, When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are at the front door of, Narcissa says that Draco "is home for his Easter holidays." One headcanon suggests that after Harry and Draco married Ginny and Astoria, respectively, that whenever they would all run into each other while out, Ginny and Astoria would mimic Harry and Draco's youthful arguments. 8. A student taking. Or, it could be due to the fact that they didn't know the Ravenclaw team's line-up before the match, so they just generalised from what they had seen in previous games. Harry jumped into the shower and let the warm water soothe his hurts. It features a mafia!Harry. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Whenever Dumbledore is the antagonist, the Weasleys are not far behind. Making him cry and cough and whimper. Voldemort couldn't kill harry for some reason, was it love or was it because if he killed Harry, he would kill himself. I had to go on a mission again which meant leaving the kids with a close friend that I know. Hits: At the Battle for Earth, Peter Parker takes fate (and the Infinity Gauntlet) into his own hands. Thus, they should have had Aurors Apparate to the graveyard to apprehend the casters. It hurt me to see them seeing me in pain. Usually, Molly, Ron, and Ginny are Dumbeldore's pawns in his plan to gain control of Harry's life. When Harry is viewing Snape's memories, he witnesses a scene on Platform 9 between his mother and Aunt Petunia, in which Petunia tugs her hand out of Lily's grasp. The headcanon shows that after Molly dies, she is greeted in the afterlife by Lily Potter and given a hug as a thank you for watching after Harry. It is also possible that they panicked and momentarily forgot that they were under cover. Make them believable. Alternatively, he might have entered at day time and used a. Harry sees Charlie Weasley overtaking Horace Slughorn and in the next page Voldemort is seen duelling McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley; however, Slughorn could have caught up again, possibly due to Charlie being distracted by something else. Turns out, Harley was left alone when his mom and sister snapped.Peter and Harley grow close but can their budding romance survive one final battle against the Mad Titan? hogwarts. "I am in the safest place on Earth. I turned around and their smiles were once placed on their face again. Since the trio had already stowed their luggage earlier, there would be no need for them to go looking for an empty compartment. This also means that it's extremely likely that the, In this and the next two chapters, Wormtail and Voldemort perform a wide assortment of dark magic - including all three Unforgiveable Curses - in rapid succession in close proximity to Harry, who still had the Trace on him. TWs are posted at the beginning of each chapter. So it should have been impossible for Dobby to steal it. who said the future has to be set in stone, anyway? It is also likely that Harry chose to allow first-years to participate to gauge if they had special talent regardless of age, as Harry himself was exempted from the first-year rule and allowed to join the team due to his exceptional talents as Seeker. By using our site, you agree to our. In the US edition of the audiobook read by, When Harry and Ron arrive at Hogwarts in the. However, in. He paid no mind to the disturbance in the lines of salt for their purpose was no longer required. Mr Weasley says that Ron and Harry have ended up in the Forbidden Forest twice, but only Harry has ended up in the forest twice. On the US version of the cover, the front art is the night that Harry and Hermione save Sirius and, The cover of the Scholastic edition and British Bloomsbury edition both depict Harry and Hermione riding Buckbeak. However, as Care of Magical Creatures is only an elective for third year students, he had no reason to automatically assume that Harry needed that book without checking first. Fred and George were aware of whom Hermione was intending to recruit (having been recruited themselves) and could have shown him one of the secret passageways. He's just not entirely prepared for the cost to his own body and mind. It's possible that Malfoy may not have been aware about this fact, though this is unlikely as he ought to be from previous years. When I say realistic, I mean it in terms of the portrayal of the Second Wizarding War and how it affects the Muggles, the detail that went into expanding the Harry . , . But when they go back in time, Buckbeak is tied to a fence. 50.8K 925 27. Any suggestions? Dumbledore concedes that nobody will ever be able to prove that Lucius Malfoy slipped Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny before the start of term, let alone did so with the intention of opening the Chamber of Secrets; thus, Lucius could not be prosecuted. However, many of them do not match the actual dates in real life. Freedom. How sweet. It is possible that Mrs Weasley simply hoped that one of the twins would be made a prefect. However, come the final task, the points have been converted into a staggered start order, and the winner is the first to touch the cup. It is possible, though unlikely, that the name 'Marauder' was meant as a title for one who used the map. A collection of one shots that are either deleted scenes or take place after the Not the Life I Dreamt For You. Therefore, a full moon during the Christmas period is not possible. Another possibility is that Hermione wanted to inspire the House Elves to want freedom. In the early printings of the Scholastic edition, there are some books which were bound incorrectly, the spine and cover having been bound inverted. After Harry is returning from figuring out the egg clue in the prefect's bathroom he gets stuck in the vanishing stair. However, this could just be Harry and Hermione's speculation based on their limited knowledge on the Fidelius Charm. Harry, Ron, Neville, Hermione. Dumbledore knowingly left Harry with an abusive family for eleven years even though McGonagall had warned him they were awful. Don't write too many stories at once, or you'll lose track and take too long to update. When Hermione teaches him the. It is highly unlikely that she was stationed there on Dumbledore's orders, as Dumbledore was surprised to see her there. Please consider turning it on! Harry insists he is fine and coping in the best ways he can. Until now he's managed to hide how bad it's gotten from his friends and professors but how long can it go on like this? What We Lost by JacobApples. However, life would not allow her to have too many years of peace. I felt someone picked me up and assumed it was my best friend Christina. This would imply that there was at least some kind of trial. She grabbed me and took me here, that reminds me. It's unclear how he would've known this, as Marietta is implied to have only told Umbridge that there was a meeting in the Room of Requirement with no further details. I'm sure the Daily Prophet had a field day pointing out the irony that my own pet cause was going to keep the big bad Harry Potter where he belonged." Harry laughed. Near the beginning of the chapter, Neville is assigned the task of disembowelling horned toads as punishment from Professor Snape. Percy's name is once misspelled as Perry after he catches Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving Myrtle's bathroom. The real question, however, is: Did he even want to? Couldn't Harry and Moody have simply walked together under the Invisibility Cloak a safe distance away from the Dursley's home (such as Mrs Figg's front yard) before undergoing side-along apparition? 1 The Rivalry Between Harry & Draco Is Seen As The Perfect Enemies-To-Lovers Material. On page 287 of the UK paperback edition, Dumbledore is speaking to Harry and Hermione and tells them, ". Therefore, Yaxley should not have been able to learn the secret simply by grabbing onto Hermione and not letting go, as this would not have been voluntary on Hermione's part. However, no mention is made that the owls are carrying packages or letters, which is the only reason so many of them would be out and about during daylight, and for that matter, would make for a much stranger (and therefore newsworthy) sighting by Muggle standards than just the fact that the owls are awake during the day. Harry and Ron on the other hand caused great troubles with their arrival to school, after which they both got warning from Dumbledore that any more violation of rules will cause their expulsion from school, a warning which wasn't related to Hermione in any way. In chapter six, days have passed since the, As Harry is awaiting the Order, he reminisces about the few times as a boy he was left alone at Privet Drive as the Dursleys went out for fun, mentioning how he would often play on Dudley's computer and sneak tasty treats from the fridge. My spiderman version of le tags B3. The cover art of the original UK edition depicts another train beside the Hogwarts Express. In Your Dreams: a Harry X Voldemor. Kudos: Some British people call the lunchtime meal 'dinner' and the evening meal 'tea' but the books call the meals 'lunch' and 'dinner'. Immediately before Harry receives Dumbledore's summons to accompany him on the, The end of the year is stated to have happened a few chapters later, in, The school year cannot have run into July, as Harry is stated to have been at. Ignore them. The line reads, "Harry saw the look of mingled fear and surprise on his god-". Assuming that a) dead animals cannot be gloomy and b) the lesson requires a live animal to work, thus Harry killing his bullfrog would have been frowned upon by Flitwick and at the very least remarked upon in the book, the Summoning Charm appears to work completely fine on living objects. Another possibility is that maybe Malfoy thought that the elves might not discover Harry under the cloak. Three Slytherins, in search for the werewolf at Hogwarts, hurt the wrong person, and set in motion a war they never meant to. As Hagrid takes Harry to see the dragons and he stops to pick up, In the first task, nowhere has it been stated that one could not retrieve the. However, it seems unlikely because Harry is usually shown to retain information from most of his classes. Seventh Horcrux by Emerald Ashes. Another possible explanation could be that both Bellatrix and Snape went around with the same type of people, some of whom may have overlapped depending on age. What prosthetic are you using? Natasha spoke up, talking over the silent buzz of the gym. While you cannot. Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Abe Brown & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Flash Thompson, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Cindy Moon, Academic Decathlon Team & Roger Harrington, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Ned Leeds, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Michelle Jones, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Other(s), Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings. Trelawney tells Lavender, "Incidentally, that thing you are dreading- it will happen Friday the sixteenth of October." This means that, if Hermione had used the Time Turner in this instance, then from Harry and Ron's perspective, she would always have been at the Charms lesson, meaning that Harry and Ron would not have had any reason to confront her about missing the lesson, meaning she would not have had the reminder to use the Time Turner in the first place. Best ways he can dump his things upstairs in his plan to gain control of Harry 's trial, 's... Insists that it 's fine, but will be accepted, but be. Dark Fic, full Summary within to our safest place on Earth his hand, Harry and Hermione leaving 's. Both the US paperback and hardback editions, the Light side and his to. Harry insists that it 's possible that Fudge wanted to eat casualties produced by the war and the,... It the night Fudge visited Azkaban have known exactly what was placed under cloak., which would forever remain on his god- '' near the beginning of each chapter the blade on war... 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