(J.K., via e-mail). Whose responsibility is it to take care of the tree? .to the extent that the branches and roots of trees encroach upon another's land and cause or threaten damage, they may constitute a nuisance." (Lussier v San Lorenzo Valley Water District, (1988) 206 Cal. (NOTE: A sponsoring attorney is an attorney that is a HOATalk.com official sponsor and is identified as such in the posted message or on our sponsor page. Trees whose branches or roots encroach over or on the land of another may constitute a nuisance. What about when one landowner's trees block the sunlight that would otherwise fall on a neighbor's garden or backyard? Disputes related to view obstruction, mess, and property damage can all spark legal problems. Lost your password? Insurers generally limit what they'll pay to remove the tree to $500 or $1,000, says the Insurance Information Institute (III), an industry organization. They can also create excessive shade, which leads to high humidity and mold. You can also file a lawsuit alleging that the branches or roots are interfering with your right to enjoy your property. However, it is not a given that encroaching branches or roots are a nuisance; this only occurs if the tree branches or roots cause actual damage to the property. And then, even in such cases where damage has occurred, if the offending neighbors tree was damaged during the root removal, the courts in California will conduct a balancing test in assessing whether the removing party acted reasonably under the circumstances. Or did the owner trim the tree on his side only and thus render the tree unstable? Law Offices Of Stimmel, Stimmel & Smith: Encroaching Trees: Who Has the Right to Do What? Photograph by Harris & Ewing. He said I should cut. Except as described below, you will not, however, be entitled to your attorneys fees and costs. I had a case where the trees planted by the developer in the common area evidently caused damage to a homeowners sewer line, causing extension damage. Siberian Elm Chopping down, or killing, your neighbor's tree, even unintentionally, can lead to both criminal and civil damages. have been advising and representing Buyers, Sellers, Agents, and Brokers on legal issues arising from trees, property disputes, Disclosure obligations, and other real estate and business related matters. Although a homeowner may resort to self-help by cutting off overhanging branches (and often invading roots) from a neighbors tree, that same homeowner may not enter the tree owners property or cut down the offending tree. Reno, NV Office: Generally a BOD does not have to attend nor comment about a Member's Called Special Meeting. 0000003677 00000 n In California, trees belong exclusively to the owner of land where the trunk of the tree is located, even if the tree's roots or branches extend into another person's property. 0000034382 00000 n 1. Who Owns the Tree? When a tree grows on one side of a property line but branches of the tree cross into the property of a neighbor, the part of the branches that cross the boundary line belong to the neighboring landowner. It now leans toward protecting trees. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. I have emailed it to the HOA Answered in 5 minutes by: Isaac, Esq., Attorney This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The rule should always be: if the Seller thinks that this has been an issue, they can be reasonably certain that their buyer may feels the same. Second, watch out for damages for injury to treesthere are two statutes that can either double or triple damages for injuries to trees or timber on the land of another. (Booska v. Patel (1994) 24 Cal.App.4th 1786, 1791-1792.) In Los Angeles County, the phone number for the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) is (213) 243-1525 (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m). Tree root damage will only occur when a tree is fairly close to the driveway. Generally speaking, most homeowners insurance does not cover tree roots damages but there are home insurance providers who offer this coverage for an additional premium. 0000002903 00000 n the tree which brings some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. He couldnt have been more right. Measure the area before and after to document the situation. And, no matter what kind of common interest development you live in, if its in California, its governed by the Davis-Stirling Act. A lifted slab 1/4 of an inch or higher is designated as a trip hazard. (California) Posts:1: 04/01/2022 10:13 AM HOA tree root damage my cement ( crack cement). Trees can give your property shade in the summertime, a home for songbirds, and general beauty. The trees were ordered removed. The only question is whether you will pay 100% of it or whether you pay a portion of it and your fellow homeowners pay for the rest. Determining responsibility for tree removal is often largely decided by the source of the problem. Today, the old interpretation, approving of self-help measures, has new caveats. Please feel free to contact us if you need legal advice and are interested in seeing if we can help you. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel. In California, there is no automatic loser pays system like those that exist in other parts of the world. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of a licensed attorney. (1988) 206 Cal.App.3d 92, 101-102 & fn. I cut it and took pictures. Messages posted by HOATalk or other membersare for informational purposes only, are not legal or professional advice and do not constitute an attorney-client relationship. If a person is selling a home and there is any history of problems with adjacent trees, this should always be disclosed even if there has been no actual physical damage. The tree owner knew or should . If the roots of a tree planted in a common area are damaging an adjacent homeowner's walkway or patio, the association would . Again, the best method to prevent tree root problems is prevention, proper tree selection, and . California law prohibits spite fences; the trees were deemed a spite fence and thus violated the law. 19 Years Covering Association News & Articles. Example: if a tree is on common area property and its roots grow into the patio of a homeowner causing damage, the responsibility lies with the association. The caller of the Owner's Special Meeting tried to ban the BOD Member but she was called out on that rather quickly and the BOD Member was allowed to attend. Tree roots from the common area have grown under my patio concrete slab and caused cracks and lifting part of the slabs. "I don't believe that the association would be responsible for the damage that the tree roots caused to this person's property," says attorney Matthew Zifrony, an attorney and director at the law firm Tripp Scott in Fort Lauderdale. But trees also can be a source of tension among neighbors if they're not properly maintained, drop debris over the fence, or cause other problems. 4th 1284), the California appellate court reviewed the matter of one neighbor, Sones, who cut down a 70-foot Aleppo pine that grew on the boundary line between the Sones property and the Kallis property, with 41 percent on Kallis' property, and 59 percent on Sones property. This includes maintaining and preserving landscaping. In California, no private citizen is permitted to cut down a tree on public land, and Californians can face serious legal consequences if they chop down any tree on another person's property. A property owner who finds a neighbor's tree encroaching must first warn or give notice to the tree owner prior to commencing . Often times, deferred maintenance or an HOA's failure to exercise reasonable care in maintaining common areas cause damage to a homeowner's individual unit. info@bpelaw.com While you have solved one problem, you have created another. If the HOA refuses to pay for your damage, you should consult an attorney. Posted on Jan 8, 2014 You may have to exhaust the administrative procedures in presenting your grievance to the board of the HOA. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. For example, if someone lives in a condo and a neighbor plants a tree on his first floor balcony that grows to block the view of the person on the third floor, guess what is going to happen? This is a letter I propose sending to all homeowners in the association. I live next to an HOA maintained common area. The California Supreme Court has made it clear that an HOA has a legal duty to enforce the HOAs governing documents. Good luck with calling a special homeowner's meeting! And for destruction of a tree, the law permits an aggrieved party to recover monetary damages: either the cost to replace the tree or the reduction in the market value of the tree owners property as a result of the destruction of the tree. On the other hand, if the damage caused another issue, such as your pipe bursting and water flowing into your home, then you might be covered for the water damage . (NOTE: A sponsoring attorney is an attorney that is a HOATalk.com official sponsor and is identified as such in the posted message or on our sponsor page. There is a way, however, that you could be not only entitled to your attorneys fees and costs after you prevail in a lawsuit, but also be able to sue another entity that is likely insured, thus making the odds of your collecting that much greater. In Sacramento, California, a homeowner needs a permit to remove a tree if it is either an oak or is designated as a heritage tree. Sure enough, he told me my tree's roots are damaging his foundation and driveways. I took a picture to prove the tree root under the cement. 0000035882 00000 n California Tree Law for One's Own Trees Under California Civil Code Section 833, trees with trunks that stand entirely on the land of one owner belong exclusively to that person. Well discuss the laws associated with trees in HOAs to help your board determine how best to handle tree disputes. What does a landowner risk if they take an aggressive approach to trimming back encroaching tree branches or roots? Q: I live in a gated homeowners association. Before lifting that ax or chain saw, it's wise to get an overview of California laws regarding trees. The answer, unfortunately, is no (except, as is discussed below, you live in an HOA). The damage is on my side of the property which needs to be repaired by going under the the sidewalk and is costly.This was caused by trees on common ground. It might surprise you to know that trees are among the most frequent causes of disputes between neighbors. The general rule in California allows a landowner to remove trees that are growing on their own property and so belong to them as long as the species is not legally protected. Booska, supra, involved a tree with a trunk entirely on one property, with roots extending onto a neighboring property. 4. While the right to chop down overhanging branches is virtually unconditional, that isnt the case when it comes to invading roots (despite the fact that root damage is generally much more serious and expensive to remedy). "For the most part, one is only responsible if/when they are negligent. If youre a member of an HOA and your neighbors branches or roots have damaged your property, youre in a much better position than the situation described above. However, the tree law has changed over the years. 1361 38 . <<75ABC5EEBAABB2110A00604822B0FD7F>]/Prev 360357>> Maintenance free living does not mean free maintenance. Tree Root Damage An HOA maintains the front yard of the homes in the association. The trimmer used a chain saw to hack down substantial parts of the tree that were on the tree owner's land. property damage associated with encroachment of a neighbors roots or branches onto your property; damage caused by falling trees or branches; or. 0000005822 00000 n By Dale Alberstone, Esq. The statutes concerning trees are often confusing and complex, and they can be a trap for the unwary. Simply put, while a homeowner is entitled to cut roots back to the boundary line, such a right is limited by a reasonableness standard. And in some cases, especially if the damage to concrete is significant and noticeable to the naked eye, you could be held liable for injury damages as the property owner. The court will, for example, look to see if some other remedy might have solved the problem without causing the damage to the offending tree (e.g., such a as installation of a root barrier). A Few Points on Trees: Ownership and Prevention. Photograph or videotape the encroachment both before and after you take action. If you prevail in a private nuisance lawsuit, you may be entitled not just to injunctive relief, but also to monetary damages. You are correct. Tree-related neighbor disputes take many forms, including, most commonly, disputes related to: This article will focus exclusively on damages caused by encroaching roots and branches and destruction or harm to anothers trees. The roots damage the neighbor's driveway; The tree blocks the otherwise beautiful view; The tree is too tall according to local ordinances; The tree is dripping sap on the neighbor's car; The tree is ugly, dead and rotting; The person should make sure to spell the neighbor's name correctly. 9. Consequently, if you and your neighbor both reside in an HOA-governed community, its very likely that youd be entitled to your attorneys fees and costs as long as you sought to enforce the governing documents (by halting a nuisance caused by your neighbor). While the trial court agreed, the appellate court reversed, ruling that Patel's rights were tempered by the duty to act reasonably and they may be liable for damage to the health, aesthetics or functionality of the tree. However, if branches or roots cross a property line, a neighbor cannot hack them back if doing so will cause harm to the tree. Obviously, for the sake of neighborly peace and harmony, every effort should be made to speak to the offending owner and ask him or her to remedy the problem. 0000028746 00000 n 0000033979 00000 n Community Associations Network (CAN) is the largest FREE resource for condominiums, homeowner (HOA) and property owner (POA) associations, Planned Unit Developments (PUD), Common Interest Developments (CID), and community associations. If they refuse, then the neighbor should engage the services of a licensed arborist to trim the roots and branches is such a way as to reduce the property damage while not injuring the tree. Falling limbs or a falling tree can injure people and property. In the case of my county, they fix damaged sidewalks and don't push that back on the homeowner. Courts may often find sufficient evidence that the trees owner was somehow negligent and thus provide recourse for the injured party. My sister took out credit cards in my Hoa's There is a group home operating inside our private development, and the kids More Real Estate and Real Property questions and answers in California. 0000007789 00000 n Community Associations Network (CAN) is the largest FREE resource for condominiums, homeowner (HOA) and property owner (POA) associations, Planned Unit Developments (PUD), Common Interest Developments (CID), and community associations. The owner of the tree may be responsible for damage caused to a neighbor's property but only if it can be found that the tree's owner failed to properly maintain the tree. Landowner Sher sued when Leigerman's trees grew so tall that they blocked sunlight to Shers house. The long, shallow roots can also cause damage to sidewalks or home foundations. Some of this damage will be on account of the owner failing to report the problem promptly. For over 20 years, the attorneys of BPE Law Group, P.C. Such an argument could perhaps be made by the landowner, or by the manager, but they cannot both be powerless to prevent or control the trespass. A tree, although lovely, can cause damage to patios, fences, walkways, curbs, driveways or streets. (509) 245-0400, Send all correspondences to: 0000023598 00000 n A qualified HOA attorney should be able to figure that out for your HOA Board. 0000006878 00000 n HOA Dispute Tree Root Damage. Regarding "Neighbor Must Prove Tree-Root Damage" (by Robert J. Bruss, Sept. 10), when branches of a tree overhang or its . Please do not send any sponsoring attorney confidential information unless you speak with the sponsoring attorney or an attorney from the sponsoring attorneys firm and get authorization to send that information to them. Applying this to a situation where the land is owned by X but the resonsibility for maintaining the land has been assigned by contract to Y, as seems to be the case here, I would say the Bar Exam answer is that the party offended by the trespass should sue both X and Y, because law schools teach lawyers to sue anyone who might be responsible. For branches and debris, the cost of legal action can easily exceed the cost of clean-up. What about Mr. X, you let him plant his own tree!. The Court concluded that the trees were a spite fence and a nuisance. In the original development, in order to create curb appeal, too many trees were planted, or trees were planted in the wrong places and must be removed. Does the HOA have responsibility or is this their responsibility since it is on their property? It also ruled that the protections of the Solar Shade Control Act were limited to active solar collectors designed for the specific purposes of the act. 6. The owner of the land encroached upon may abate the nuisance by cutting off the overhanging branches or destroying the encroaching roots. Suit must be brought within four years from the act. But if the downed tree caused no. Under the Davis-Stirling Act, a party who files a lawsuit to enforce the associations governing documents reimbursement of their attorneys fees and costs. Some trees can be valued at more than $4,000. It is only when a tree obstructs a solar easement granted under the Solar Shade Control Act or when trees were deliberately planted for spite. Such a finding will typically pull in insurance coverage. We all like to look at trees, but sometimes they block views and must be removed. A homeowner reasonably expects that its insurer would reasonably settle a claim where the liability is clear and it insured both sides. Property owner Booska had a 40-year-old pine tree whose roots extended into Patel's yard. Your IP: You might be violating local law if your tree (no matter how beautiful) presents a hazard to your neighbor (for example, if dangerous limbs hang over the neighbor's property), violates any height limits or view ordinances, or straddles the property line. Readers of HOATalk.com should not act on this information without seeking professional counsel. A lawsuit for a nuisance was brought. 101 Tree roots came under the fence and damaged our landscape drainage pipe, which had to be replaced. Is the Trees Owner liable for any Damage? 1361 0 obj Such trees are sometimes referred to as line trees.. (1994) 8 Cal.4th 361.) In other words, the longer an owner takes to tell a HOA of damage a tree root is causing, the more damage will occur. VanHorbek says some other signs to watch out for if you have trees include cracked soil, leaning trees, or unpruned brush. In a condominium where the driveway and walkway are association-owned common or limited common elements, it would likely be the association's responsibility to maintain both the trees and the . Assume for a moment that you move forward with lawsuit against your neighbor and that you prevail at trial. If you intentionally cut down or prune a tree and it is later discovered that the tree was on your neighbor's property, you can be ordered by a court to pay the value of the tree plus up to three times the value of the tree in punitive damages. 0000008227 00000 n Homeowner 's Meeting new caveats administrative procedures in presenting your grievance to the.. While you have created another both sides ) 24 Cal.App.4th 1786, 1791-1792 )... Roots or branches onto your property ( Booska v. Patel ( 1994 ) 8 Cal.4th.! For your damage, you may have to exhaust the administrative procedures in your... Your grievance to the driveway mess, and below, you will not, however, the cost legal... 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