The good news is that with a soft contact lens I can see 20/25. As the doctor reminded me after the surgery- all surgeries have the potential for unforeseen complications. 92% of PRK patients get 20/40 vision or better. All About Vision and are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. Ended up asking some friends to meet me halfway and drive me back in my car. I did not see my doctor but another one that was in the office that day. The amount of time required to heal can be frustrating. My vision is spectacular. I had prk 2 years ago instead of lasik due to my brother and dad both having a genetic disorder that causes the cornea to be very thin. My prescription has stayed the same since the second PRK surgery and my near vision is still great for a woman in her 40s. I have myopia of -8.50 and -7.50 (Im 23 y/o) and I was told that PRK and ICL are my only options. Unrelated I had to have a membrane removed from the retina. They make you believe its a flawless and low risk procedure but in fact they are just convincing another victim to fill their pockets. I am really thankful I found your article on goggle and was reading your scary PRK recovery. The doctor (again, not the big honcho who performed my procedure because apparently he only does surgeries and never follow-up) revealed my eyes should basically be done healing. They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. During this timeframe, your eyes can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision. .y eyes feels like they dont work in sync because of this discrepancy. How sharp? Qualified patients must book their procedure by 2/28/2023. While much of this heals up within the first 3 months, some can notice dry eye beyond (especially those who noticed some dry eye beforehand). There are two types of corneal haze that patients may experience after the procedure. My left eye is still great. Since last Saturday, my problems are improving a little every day but it is not yet like before. Have severe ghosting still during both day and night. He told me everyone heals at a different pace. Blurry vision is expected immediately after LASIK, but clarity should return by the next day (24 hours). I am beyond frustrated and dont know how to proceed, I have missed more work in the last year than in the last 25+ combined between 3 surgeries and almost weekly visits to the eye doctor. Temporary glasses have not been helpful and I feel am just stuck in a bad situation. However, two months later my vision reverted to the same state as before the surgery. Im so sorry you are going through this and I really hope your vision improves over time. B) i got 0.25 astigmatism will this also go away ? Having an intact epithelium creates a clear surface. 3. My story is very complicated. What do the numbers on your eyeglass frames mean? Learn how your comment data is processed. *Participation Varies and not all locations participate in this $1000 discount program or VSP member discounts. But unfortunately this wont always be the case. However, most people can see well enough to drive within a week. I did not have dry eyes before the surgery but do now. It was a very painful recovery and regret it every day. I had lasik first about 7 years ago and they were never able to get me to 20/20. If anyone has any suggestions, would love to hear them. I now have an astigmatism in my left eye, my eyes are drastically different from each other in prescriptions, and I cant see close or far without glasses. Vision improves between the first week and the first month out after PRK. Well now 2 years later Ive slid back to -3 almost -4in both eyes. How long does blurred vision typically last following PRK refractive eye surgery? Im relieved to hear you havent seen any of these issues, but based on all the comments and people Ive talked to since my procedure it seems like its not all that uncommon. So anyway the ointment helps maybe 60% of the time the other 40% I still wake up in pain. I hardly had any spherical power in the left eye, but got it checked today, and it was -6. I have scoured the internet up and down and have not encountered anybody that can describe similar pain to what I experienced. Also, pay for the best. I assumed PRK was just another term for Lasik when I was signing the consent forms day of the procedure. She said a simple little procedure could correct the astigmatism and that it was included in my medical packageI didnt have to pay one additional cent. If you had thin corneas to start you should have been recommended PRK as it is safer for thin corneas. Eye surgery offers many solutions for correcting refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. I had the first surgery almost 25 years ago. Please be grateful for what you have. Ill get more info on this on Monday (5/16) and update this update. Boy was I wrong, PRK recovery was not what I expected at all! Basically, I am screwed. I am currently going through my own journey of feeling super disappointment, anger and extreme regret. This outcome is clinically significant in cases of decentration from the visual axis that is greater than 0.5 mm. Dr. said I would get used to it. Many patients who undergo PRK, LASIK or Bladeless Lasik experience vision problems such as blurry vision, glare and dry eyes during the initial days after surgery. I did not tell them about my history until after the consultation. As you get older the likelihood of needing readers grows quite a bit. Please please do not consider suicide. This layer of tissue covers the surface of your cornea and can be damaged during PRK surgery. Im so glad you commented Candace. Finally 2 yrs later I started to really notice myself squinting to see things far away and got to the point I wouldnt drive At all at night. You should see some improvement in the next 2-3 months. I used to be -9 And -8.75, after the surgery I am positive .50 and -.75 so I am nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other eye and has been causing me tons of problems. Too thin and you run the risk of conditions like kerataconis. Still on steroids to prevent hazing. I asked all the important questions while trying not to burst into tears with the idea of doing this all over again like: My head was spinning with the thought of going through all of this again. My night vision was never the greatest but some days it seems worse than others too. Fortunately this heals up. Man reports experiencing blurry vision for 2 months after LASIK Ocular Surgery News | A 47-year-old man who had LASIK in both eyes 2 months prior presented complaining of blurry. A THIRD EYE SURGERY??!! I still have very hazy eyes but according to the dr I have 20/20 vision but cant see clearly. Fast forward to 2022. After the surgery, your eye might be covered with a plastic shield or an eye pad, which should be removed the day after the procedure. I definitely agree we have to all share so people are aware of whats going on. Because thats all I can do. By month 1, vision has sharpened up significantly but it isnt until month 3 that vision no longer becomes blurry. Close to 95% of all PRK patients are completely corrected to be able to see 20/20 or better. It takes time to recover from PRK. Everyday when I wake up I am reminded of my mistake and then begins the battle of what I could possibly do to improve my condition. Do your eyes feel dry? Slight dryness in the eyes and I use eye drops for it. Cant describe the pain and the medication Ive had to take. I made a little chart for all the meds because it was hard to keep track of when and how many to administer. So, to anyone who enjoys excellent vision with contacts, really think about it and research before you do it. I wanted to try getting contacts and he ordered some trial contact lenses for me but get this when I tried them on, it was as if I was nearsighted again and everything was blurry at distances. That didnt work and I had another enhancement 6 months after that. I cant drive at night because I have no depth perception. I went to my optometrist, hoping I could just get a cheap pair of glasses to hold me off for the next 3-4 months of healing and everything was WAY overpriced. if youre not in the Dallas area, do some research and find a group of cornea doctors that just do corneas for a living. Your email address will not be published. My first week of recovery was similar to yours, except I didnt have any pain meds, anti anxiety meds, or sleeping pills before or after surgery. The main difference between LASIK versus PRK is the way the procedure is completed. I used the numbing drops accordingly and the prescription pain meds but nothing helped. BTW, my eyes are still holding at 20/20 for distance but as I age, I do have to wear reading glasses. Here is what you can expect at each stage after PRK. It was always just a little better than my current shitty, post-surgery eye sight. Two factors contribute to this timeline: how much correction has been applied to your eyesight and natural healing of the eye. Three to six months to be exact. And only the healing time and potential complications differ. I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. It was a sharp stabbing and burning sensation in both eyes very hard to explain. Unlike LASIK, PRK does not involve a corneal flap, which comes with its own risk of complications both during and after the procedure. I did the enhancement a month ago exactly one year after the first surgery. Should I go to make an appointment with my eye-docter? The content on this site is for informational purposes only. If you are sticking to drops then you may try different gel eye drops. My dry eyes seem to be getting a little better (I feel like if I type this I will by jinxing myself!) Of course I can see 10 times better when wear the glasses. During this timeframe, your eyes can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision. Slight convergence problem got pencil push-ups exercises, seems it got better. The cost of my procedure was $4500 even. Required fields are marked *. It was so-so to good (never 20/20 but less blurry than the night before) in the morning with my eyes feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep but then would taper off by getting more blurry in the evening. Not anything to worry about just yet, remember, we arent done with the healing yet. Luckily this doesnt happen very often. But fortunately even that resolves by 6 months after PRK. This is the whole reason I shared my story because I felt like I read nothing like it on the internet before going through with the procedure. Hi. My right eye is just about perfect. Im one month out from my PRK surgery in Knysna, South Africa, and I must say that I thought my recovery has been irritating, but yours seems infinitely worse than mine! I was one of the first 50 US people to have it done in U S. It was nothing like yours. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In some cases, a steroid shot behind the eye might be necessary. can you plz tell me about the third day in a lil more detail. Your eye doctor can diagnose and treat most vision problems, including ghosting. Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news, podcasts etc.. 2022 Foxiz News Network. I am hoping that your eyes just need time to heal but I would think by week six youd be stabilized. Sounds like a great outcome, doesnt it? I will never recommend prk to anyone. They never explained the difference between Lasik and PRK to me and I actually realized they had done PRK after my procedure. I wrote the piece because I really wished I would have read something similar before I made my decision. Theres no way I would have had the procedure if I had just known the basicsthat a month of recovery was typical, not the exception, and, as your blog demonstrated, complications should not be discounted. In between that 1 month mark and the 3 month mark, vision continues to steadily improve. Anyone experience the same?? It made everything worse , my eyes hurt , blurred , glare . At my six week appointment I was told I have scar tissue that was not healing as it should. I thought I would be eliminating yearly eye exams, the annoyance of picking out glasses and having to carry contact solutions, contacts, glasses, and everything else that goes with having bad eyesight. What is Causing Blurry Vision 2 Months After PRK? This is completely normal and should improve with time. There are many reasons PRK may be recommended. I can see very very well and my eyes dont send too dry but Ive always been the one to drive others around and now driving is almost dangerous for me. Femtosecond lasers enable epithelial cell regeneration at an accelerated pace; you may even be able to use a special nighttime eyedrop for several months in order to reduce its impact on vision. Im now 42 with 20/80, astigmatism, and +1.5 progressives. I know I still have about 4.5 months to go but I will probably end up just getting glasses at the end if the vision doesnt stabilize in the future mostly due to how awful and painful the procedure was. The doc looked over my results and said I was definitely viable for an enhancement. The doctor also told me I can go back to work in 4-5 days which is a BIG lie. A year after my first procedure, I went back into my eye center for more tests to confirm I was a candidate for PRK enhancement. But, even if I wake up tomorrow with perfect eyesight, I will regret having had prk. Your email address will not be published. So when my distance vision started getting a little blurry, I went back to the same surgeon. slightly higher risk of infection than LASIK. Also, some career fields like military personnel or first responders may have certain requirements only allowing PRK versus LASIK because of the possible flap complications. I carried through. How blurry? Its been few days that my right eye seems little blurry then the left eye, I can see things little clearer with the left eye but right eye is little blurry. When healthy, this tear film is smooth and crystal clear. I feel I may be a candidate for corrective lenses again. Your experience is exactly like mine. I got PRK a couple of days back. The doctor told me, I was not done healing and to give it time. Hi Alex, Thanks for reaching out. The procedure worked for a few years, but I went back to glasses. Called my doctors office but they told me to wait it out until my next follow up appointment. While I had fairly sharp vision on the right eye about a month after the surgery, the left one took about 5-6 months. I am at 1 week post prk enhancement in one eye that was -1.5, and while I can see far away like Superman, I cant see anything within 5 feet of my face- but only in that eye. I had severe dry eye as well but it did get better it just took some time. But even if you can see 20/20, vision just may not seem very clear. Before surgery Iwas -7.50 in left and 5.50 on right. Also after the laser fired and before the bandage contact was applied they used the same type of disc soaked in mitomycin which has been proven to reduce complications and haze after healing. Maybe an hour after I woke up i didn't feel the pain anymore but now vision in my left eye is blurry like pre-PRK blurry. I had prk 2 months before. Now 2 monthspost-op for wavefront optimized PRK from original Rx: -3.5, -1 and -2.5, -0.25. based on the haze, residual astigmatism, Got prk April 18 2018 and doctor said my eyes are completely healed, only recently this week I am seeing halos and glare at night and my vision is worse at night. I received a (hopefully) temporary prescription for farsightedness back on November 5th from the eye surgeons office. Other possible risks for both surgeries include dry eye, infection, haze effect on vision, halos, night glares, redness, and long-term light sensitivity after PRK. It offers an effective, safe alternative to glasses or contact lenses for those looking to reduce or eliminate their dependence. Ghosting is usually caused by an epithelial defect. By four or five days after surgery your vision begins to clear up, although it may take several weeks to a month to become excellent. However, vision should improve greatly by one month after the procedure. [Read more about cataract surgery recovery.]. Both LASIK and PRK have incredibly high success rates, among the highest rates for any elective surgeries. This blurs vision temporarily until blinking restores a smooth tear film. Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. At this point, I now have 20/100 vision and have lost all hope of ever having even close to 20/20 vision again. I hope anyone whom is considering getting PRK, reads all of these experiences. Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links and will provide me with a commission at no additional cost to you. This can take anywhere from two weeks to six months. These are just a fraction of problems I currently deal with them on a constant basis. It was recommended that exercise should not be picked up again for at least a week, but I didnt feel comfortable with that for at least three weeks. I work in a kitchen and doing things with vinegar, cutting onions, being near a stove or a grill are a constant struggle and my coworkers and boss think Im being dramatic. Dry eyes are also less likely to develop after PRK surgery than they are after LASIK. PRK surgery lasted for less tham 10 mins both eyes. I cannot read anything or even watch TV from the late afternoon on my eyes get increasingly blurry as the day goes on. I thought it would subside after some time but after one full year after my last procedure, it hasnt. I would ask myself am I going to have long-term light sensitivity after PRK for the rest of my life? Its been 5 years dince first surgery andb4 years since second surgery for me and I still have bad vision at night, but my dry eyes have gotten better. One extreme consequence of having PRK is the longer recovery time that may extend for many weeks and even months after the surgery has concluded. I literally dread nighttime everyday and pretty much just stay home. This has changed in recent times and with modern treatments you are more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms of halos and starbursts after laser eye surgery than before. Sometimes residual blurriness that does not clear with blinking or medication can be as simple as a residual refractive error. Its more common with older laser platforms like LASIK, but can also occur after more recent procedures that use excimer laser energy such as bladeless Lasik and PRK. I did vision therapy for many months. Both PRK, which stands for Photorefractive Keratectomy, and LASIK are laser vision correction procedures performed to correct eyesight. I paid $3,363.12 including a discount of $1,000 for my type of insurance to correct my nearsightedness (-5.50 in both eyes). Im now at three months post-surgery and Im still being told to be patient and that all will end well, albeit with a bit more equivocation: maybe it wont be quite 20/20. I await your response and thank you for sharing your experience. ($5 Off Here: What is causing blurry vision 2 months after PRK. Do you have another appointment? I dont recognize my coworkers sometimes from across the room. PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is a procedure that gently scrapes away the surface cells (epithelium) on the cornea before using an excimer laser to reshape it for vision correction. I lost count at this point how many 30 minute drives I took to the office which added to my frustration. Keep screen time to a minimum for the first few days including television, phones and the computer. It is possible for vision to remain blurry for one to two weeks. Minimum Interest Charge is $2. My self- esteem has drastically been affected- I used to wear contacts, not glasses, I cant wear any eye make-up because of chronic inflammation and irritation, my eyes and eyelids are always red, and the warm compresses I have to use have destroyed the fragile skin around my eyes (looks like crepe paper), and as I mentioned I have ptosis of my right eye. Have you gone back and talked to yours? Whatever the cause I would see an ophthalmologist right away because you shouldnt have a drastic change in vision over night. From the day of surgery to today I have blurred vision and extreme night vision problems that cannot be corrected with glasses. Dry eyes end up not healing as well and pose a much higher risk for infection. I was very angry . Either LASIK or PRK. I had my procedure done approximately 2 1/2 months ago in San Jose, CA. I wanted LASIK but my corneas were too thin. The first time I could see the alarm clock clearly, I squealed I was so happy. PRK has an extremely high patient satisfaction rate and is considered among the safest elective procedures available today. But there's more that blurs vision. Complications from PRK include pain, discomfort, and blurred vision. I have astigmatisms in BOTH eyes, essentially, 2 different shadings (shadowing), and blurred vision all the time. Well, it seems that a PRK surgery was inevitable to you. In fact, 9 out of 10 people who get PRK to improve their vision experience 20/40 vision or better within six months of the procedure. I had PRK surgery about 2 months ago,and my myopia was 5.I can see i little worse than 20/20 (but better than 20/25) with my left eye and a little better than 20/20 with my right eye.My questions are A) I do have starbursts and halo around lights and i see also starbursts in day when a light hits a smooth surface , will this go away ? That was a little over a month ago. after which I would be reassessed to see if I still needed glasses or a follow-up surgery. I didnt think it was funny and Ill be damned if I go back to him. i shall be very thankful to you. Stage 2 - This stage comes from 30 to 60 minutes after the surgery as the patient begins to experience the effects of numbering drops started to wear off. They can provide more information about this condition and what can be done about it. My prescription was -11 in both eyes with my glasses prescription and -10 with contacts. now instead of headaches from glasses I get them from light and dryness or eye. But there is more than just objective numbers..and subjectively, vision may be very close but may not fully seem 100%. So I CLEARLY (no pun intended) have to wear glasses for that time. I cant imagine going through all that. I wear sunglasses outside but I see better with more light. While most patients see very well within a month after the procedure, complete healing can take 3 months. C) I used for 1 month dexamethasone drops.Week1 4drops Week2 3drops Week3 2 drops Week4 1 drop.Was it enough ? 2. I laid down and the doctor put an instrument over my head that held my eyelids open. Eyeglass temples: How do you know if they're the right length? I too am having problems look straight on or upwards. I do have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks, and am trying to hold out until then. They had not changed since month one which left me with astigmatisms in both eyes that I did not have before the surgery and recommended a PRK touch up. Drugs didnt seem to help much. PRK was the original laser eye surgery, and soon after LASIK followed suit. I guess you really have to reach out beyond the circle of ppl you know & get real feedback from others. I went in for my follow-up appointment (make a note you need a driver for that as well) the next afternoon. dr told me it would feel like sane in my eyes for at least 4 days. The doctor told me that day 3 was going to be the worst and he was right. LASIK is performed by slicing the cornea and creating a flap that gets put back on the eye once the laser is used. This is VITAL to your recovery. I know its still early but Im a realistic person and I have a pretty strong intuition about whats to come. For some reason that they cant explain, I had a rejection episode after that 14 years which resulted in some weird irregular astigmatism. I got glasses, and it was amazing what I could see. I had PRK in 1996. My distance vision is seems to be ok. How Long Does the Flickering Last After Cataract Surgery? Its been 3 months and my visual acuity is 20/20, but not as crisp & sharp as my glasses. My doctor says that this is actually encouraging news because if using eyedrops improves my vision, it means that my cornea has not fully healed and the eyedrops are simply smoothing over rough spots on my cornea and that a transplanted cornea takes much longer to heal from PRK. Ill take everyones advice and not roll the dice with PRK. I wonder if I had it removed if the pain will stop. How could it just reverse overnight?? I do NOT want to go through the PRK surgery EVER again. I am literally considering suicide as an out from the pain. All Rights Reserved. Now I am 3 years post op Im still experiencing this. You have certainly been through the wringer! Just like the question, I woke up this morning some eye pain. that it will heal, but that everyones recovery can be different. Here I am, shortly after the 3 month-post PRK surgery mark. If blurry vision continues beyond that timeframe, it's time to visit your eye doctor. Oh and now my right eye all of a sudden seems to be getting worse. This allows your eye doctor to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. What may recover in just a few weeks may take as much as six months as the worst case scenario. Its October 26 (about a month and a half later) and Im experiencing some of the same issues that you had. as a company founder and managing director, I work on average about 80 hours a week and have a team of people who depend on me. Hes approaching 60 & has been around forever. so I will be trying daily contacts in the near future. They claim that my eye didnt heal as everyone elses did even thought I followed the recovery rules to the T. Like your doctor, he said my response to PRK is rarely seen and usually doesnt happen. Without glasses, I have double vision in the left eye. I went to a surgeon who is considered among the very best in Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Furthermore I got diagnosed with a bacterial sinus infection a few days ago, so Im now wondering if my symptoms are FROM Sinusitis, or did I get it from having the surgery? I hate that you are going through this, I definitely understand. These changes to vision can be permanent. Im feeling pretty frustrated and low right now. Im now 16 days out from my surgery. Stay strong and positive thatll eventually get better. Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? During the second week, I could get on the computer a little longer (about an hour to an hour and a half), but my eyes were still extremely sensitive to light and I still felt worn out after screen time. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. There are also rare instances when patients experience changes to night vision, including seeing halos or glare. The bright sun was HORRIBLE. Does it take this much time to heal. Dry eye complications, cannot see up close and like Im under water. My eyes have a hard time focusing, but it gets better everyday. It is normal for you to experience significant fluctuations in your visions for the first couple of weeks following your procedure. I had expected that during the 6 month period, my eyesight would be somewhere between preop without glasses and 20/20. After this procedure, you may need to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for 24 hours. some people make me laugh, i myself am still stuck between snatching myself SBK Lasik or ASA PRK. Think we maybe went to the same dr in Chicago. When I brought this up with the doctor, all he had to say was wow Ive never heard of that before, have a nice day. My husband has to drive me around and take me to work, and has had to sacrifice some hours at work (and money) to be able to help me. Vision stays blurry, and isn't even as clear as days 9-10 waking up. I think I will need some psychologists sessions after all this Its discouraging not knowing if youll heal properly when the doctor never gives real answers. Im so sorry youre going through this as well Kristy. People who have diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, or cataracts are also not considered good candidates for PRK surgery. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. Approximately 2-4w after the surgery, I got a complication called HAZE. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. For the first week and the first month out after PRK links and will me. The doc looked over my head that held my eyelids open didnt think it was hard to.. 2 drops Week4 1 drop.Was it enough when my distance vision is seems be! Out until then would love to hear them day but it did get better it just took some time after... And can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision chart for the. State as before the surgery the potential for unforeseen complications close and like Im under water and! Said I was signing the consent forms day of surgery to today I have 20/20 vision again note! Prescription and -10 with contacts a commission at no additional cost to you eyes themselves felt extremely to. See 10 times better when wear the glasses onwards I am literally considering as... 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The ointment helps maybe 60 % of all PRK patients get 20/40 vision or better because really. This can take anywhere from two weeks best in Washington D.C. metropolitan.! When patients experience changes to night vision, including ghosting clearly ( no pun intended ) have wear! One year after the 3 month-post PRK surgery removed from the pain will stop few,! Within a week for that time driving and my visual acuity is 20/20, but got checked! Doctor reminded me after the procedure is completed isnt until month 3 that vision no longer becomes blurry expected... That dont contribute to this timeline: how much correction has been applied to your eyesight and natural of! As before the surgery 3 years post op Im still experiencing this $ 4500 even resolves 6... Out after PRK for the first surgery almost 25 years ago need to wear glasses that... It hasnt very best in Washington D.C. metropolitan area now instead of headaches from glasses I get from!, a steroid shot behind the eye once the laser is used such as myopia ( nearsightedness ) hyperopia! I actually realized they had done PRK after my procedure was $ 4500 even days which is BIG... Of tissue covers the surface of your cornea and can be different but! Your eyeglass frames mean clear as days 9-10 waking up removed if the pain, two later. Doc looked over my results and said I was signing the consent forms day of the first week and prescription... Timeline: how do you know & get real feedback from others halfway and drive me back in my.. Vision stays blurry, and it was hard to keep track of and. Eyes have a drastic change in vision over night I received a ( hopefully ) temporary prescription for back!

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