I feel great cant ever see me drinking again dont miss it at all !! Its absolutely brilliant. The Incredible Health Benefits To Quitting DrinkingAll That Bad Starts to Go Away. Its Time to Shed the Pounds. Reduce the Acid Reflux. People at Work Will Notice the Difference. Never Be as Tired Again. Stop Treating the Symptoms of Stress. Its Time to Boost Your Emotions. Stop Playing Russian Roulette With Your Life. Your Bank Balance Will Thank You. Now Its Up to You to Quit Drinking. Im awaiting a good colonoskopi now in 2 weeks, liver values are not that good, iron is bad and the iron deposits are sky high. big improvement that last post should read. Sharper and deeper thinking. If you're interested in cutting back on drinking, figuring out how to turn down a drink now will help you avoid awkward conversations later on, says Vanessa Kennedy, PhD, the director of psychology at Driftwood Recovery. Now once you stay sober for over a month, you will start to notice a lot of changes. Alcohol literally stinks. Either with your friend and family, a support group or even a therapist. To everyone who is trying to quit this evil drug I wish you all the luck. 'I Lost 50 Lbs. Then I started drinking every day after work. You may also have a decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting, says Rebecca Berens, MD, a primary care physician with Vida Family Medicine. Im very active in my job and like to run and exercise but my relief was sitting down with a beer or two at night that grew over time. I am a relative active person and this was not a surprise becasue I just started picking up my workouts even more. Good for you. So get (you) back. Three things Ive noticed, sleeping better my joints dont hurts in the morning and my lungs fill like they can expand more. He called every day very lonely. This all took place after work around 3 or 4 pm. My skin isnt noticeably glowing or anything like that. I know I am not all the way there, yet, but I realize I am moving in that direction. And I knew that I wasnt meant to drink. Before, Id have had 6 beers and half a bottle. Im going to keep travelling this path. Alcohol abuse takes a toll on the liver and brain. I was really bothered by how much space it was taking up in my life even though I was functional I knew it was negatively affecting me. All of this means that taking a break from booze could help you better fight off any seasonal illnesses. Web568 views, 38 likes, 3 loves, 3 comments, 74 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from El poeta boaner: El poeta boaner was live. Im hoping that after 6 months I may see a change but think I may need testosterone replacement therapy if its available at my age. It could also be from the stress of staying sober and how you will stay determined for a long period of time. High blood pressure. Ive hit 6 months AF. I will not drink today for everyone in this subreddit. Hopefully, youve started to experience some of those benefits from the 1 month list and its ok if it took a little longer than a month to notice them. When my inner child gets bratty and tries to tell me what to do, I can say STFU, you dont call the shots any more I do! Alcohol is a toxin that can damage your liver. It took 2 months. This is when the really good stuff starts to happen. Ive lost 60 lbs in 3 months of no alcohol. Not even a week after my final days as a college freshman, I went on a family vacation. that can be used to reduce symptoms and prevent seizures and delirium, says Berens. A bottle a night of red wine slowly became almost 2 bottles everyday. I hope nope I know Ill be there in about 2.5 months. I know i can have a drink.but do i really want one.? If you're considering quitting drinking, these benefits may be just what you need to help you make the decision. It's no secret that alcohol doesn't do us any good but it easy to forget just how damaging it really is. A lot of mental health challenges are faced by alcohol addicts. Your liver gets a nice holiday at this stage and it doesnt need to work quite as hard to keep you healthy. One of the surprising side effects of giving up alcohol is that your skin may start to look better. ( weights.. squats.. abs.. walking.skipping) but Specifically a weighted hula hoop Alcohol is full of sugar or carbohydrates that turn into sugar. (2016). I have felt exactly like you and thought I was giving up so much by going sober. It feels the same as a nicotine substitute for smoking would be so maybe I havent stopped in my head. I know what you mean. Tough life as my son passed away and shortly after my sister died of cancer that increased my drinking. Im 10 days AF after drinking regularly for several decades. 3. One physical aspect of a life time of drinking is that my testicles have shrivelled to almost nothing, this is a constant thought on my mind, as is a worrying lack of libido. By reading about other peoples experiences, as well as medical articles on the damage that alcohol does both physically and mentally, it was an easy decison. Mood better. After six months to a year, your cancer risk will be greatly reduced, and your liver function will have immensely improved. I couldnt even walk myself to the bathroom because of the shakes. There are many benefits to giving up alcohol, both short-term and long-term. One of the most significant benefits of giving up alcohol is that you may increase your lifespan. Hi. Doctors told him to stop drinking 5 years ago or he would die. I mean, Im of Swiss decent so naturally I eat chocolate every day but not THAT MUCH. Fingers crossed . At 8 months alcahol free, it has been an eye opening journey. Feel great, no real cravings. It was offered but I didnt want it. My skin is better and eyes clearer, Ive lost a lot of weight. Ive been sober minded for 3 months and delivered for life. Im so thankful and humble to have reached this milestone. Slowly, the sober life made sense and the desire to drink & use faded some. I feel better, with no fear of hangover. I have grandchildren that I want to be around to enjoy a long time. I dont have any help Im doing this all on my own. It does wonders, after my first few weeks ,felt like there was a drink waiting at the end of each week, each month. He said everything looks fine. Increasing self esteem and confidence. it will kill you and its not worth it. I do hope the joint pain will resolve, the blood pressure will come down and the sleep will improve. Reading these comments is reassuring. Skin looks fresh, sleeping like a baby + feel back in control. Keep on everybody, we can do this!! Not sleeping any better then normal. The day before NYs Eve 21, I stopped drinking alcohol completely. 6 Months Sober The The longest I did was five weeks but that was about ten years ago. congratula -Zzz zzz zzz. Now, observing other people get drunk can be entertaining. Not good. Dont put your race down. Im still craving drinking every single day but it IS getting easier. Work is also better as I am not as tired after lunch and i feel i can handle stress better. There are several medications (benzodiazepines, clonidine, etc.) There will be visible changes to your physical and mental health, how you deal with stressful situations and carry yourself in public. I will do anything. Now, to exorcise the sugar junkie . I never was social until I started drinking. Chocolate consumption went through the roof. Listen to your bodys needs and you will follow its messages, not your minds; the ego is a powerful thing. I was a daily drinker (around almost a bottle of wine in the evening, Id always leave a little bit just so I didnt feel guilty about drinking an entire bottle). I hated the fact that my kids had seen me drunk. In January 2022 Ill be 41. All of my life high school, college, grad school, today my friend groups have been pretty heavy drinkers. 18 Keto Smoothies That Legit Taste Like Milkshakes, Easy Keto Side Dishes For Every Taste Bud. I quit drinking beer and wine due to personal health scare. my diet has been so much better, my face is no longer red and puffy, Im losing weight like crazy, and my relationships have significantly improved. I love playing golf but I can only play decent if If Ive had a couple. And Yes! Ive quit for various reasons in the past after the accomplishment I was back to my pretty wine glass and wineing down (pun intended). Ive saved money (or rather spent it on other things). Lost 3 kgs just like that and feeling like the top of the world! Thanks for this article. Fed up with drinking but dont know how to stop it. After 42 years of habitual and periodic binge drinking, I decided to pause and educate myself on my relationship with alcohol. SO GOOD! Much more flexible and feel younger. The next morning (er, afternoon) when I woke up, I was in punishment mode. Looking forward to spending more time gardening, playing with the kids and being a good husband to a wonderful, supportive wife. Did it myself but had family support. Stop drinking boosts self confidence and you stop feeling sorry for you yourself. I spent months lamenting the damage it looks like I did. Im having much less anxiety, and the anxiety is easier to calm down. For the alcoholic, this has got to be the absolute least compelling rambling of benefits ever written. When you are in a peaceful place physically and mentally, you will not look for other ways to relieve yourself of stress and anxiety. It is sugar replaced by sugar. It wasnt easy but SO worth it. Plus, I feel more at peace. Figure out what works for you and leave the rest. 16 days into my AF trip, I have never slept so well, and have been living blissfully since then (except for the first 48 hours that were absolutely horrendous). Thanks to god n mom . 3 months in, no change at all, dont feel better , sleep quality much worse, Im more stressed and miserable tbh, everyone is different, you read so many positive ha ha stories how wonderful life is, time for a balancing opinion. I was drinking over 100 units a week with constant body aches. After sometime with that routine I developed terrible anxiety hangovers Which led me to drinking in the mornings. I drank A LOT of those drinks but after a couple months it got easier and easier. Life is good. Good luck, So happy to see I am not the only Milo addict here nowI am 6 days AF today and acquiring a good taste for Milo , 2 months and feeling a lot better. We hope this has been helpful, seeing some of the benefits you can experience over time. Ive binged and restarted numerous times but I will not ever go back to the point I was at a year ago. This pandemic really helped me. I do not know what to think. Your liver will also begin to repair itself. And once you become adapted to it, as your body adapts to everything, you will be unstoppable. I had a few wobbles along the way, especially if I was stressed, then I made a PROFOUND discovery about myself. your path from 1-12 months is amazing to follow. If you drink heavily on a regular basis (which is defined by having three to four alcoholic beverages or more per week), Berens strongly recommends that you get help from your PCP or an addiction medicine specialist to quit since you may be at risk of severe withdrawal. I was a very heavy drinker for many years. After getting sober, I didnt jump back into lifting weights but I did within a few years. I have no desire to drink and my guilty feeling have gone. Thanks for being here. now its all mind games. Check out the Daybreak app to connect with others who may be going through a similar experience or reach out to a health professional such as GP. Other posts on here about chocolate, though, yes that is totally a thing. if anything weight gain! Then quit. Im also, in a negative environment Im trying to get out of (the reason I started drinking every day) most days have been easy for me not to drink, but today I am trying so hard not to drink, but I wont because I know Im 60 days closer to sobriety being a year. These comments are indeed relatable!! Its pretty clear that the person who wrote this does not know what the phuck they are talking about. Smugness yes it is there! "Most likely, people who care about you will be supportive and encourage your efforts to stay sober," says Kennedy. I have been mostly AF for 6 months now I had a glass of wine a month ago and another the month prior to that. I want to love myself again and hopefully another. Hang in there my friend, its hard. This time, I plan to quit for good. Once you experience that, you my friend are a winner. Well, this week it includes Friday, and maybe Monday since its a Holiday that sort of thing. After showing my butt Christmas Eve I resolved to quit permanently after 20+ years of daily drinking. Eating candy is better than ingesting alcohol, and your body will adjust. Your skin will look healthier, blood pressure may lower, and immune system function and liver inflammation will improve. I was very very sick and was committed to a tough rehab unit. Keep up the good work!! Ive not had a drink for only a week, but Im so impressed by the changes I see already that Im looking forward to how I feel in the months to come. I realized it was an oral fixation for me and chilling with my pretty gold rim, cheery quotes, elegant crystal wine glasses was glamorous. >145\>95 In mild cases these will resolve by day two or three, but in more severe cases, these symptoms may be more severe (seizures, hallucinations, delirium, etc.) Started weight lifting again Ive almost always had a gym membership because I like the sauna and lifting weights. I ended up in the hospital the weekend of Labor Day because my left foot turned purple and swelled up double the size. If you find that one aspect from that list is still something youre struggling with, such as sleep or lack of mental clarity, we encourage you to seek medical support to see if there are other things in your life affecting that part of your health. Im 6 months sober now and feel great . This time I looked in the mirror and found I enjoyed feeling healthy and strong and wanted to reverse damage of 20 years. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I am in remission for the first time in after 10 years. Im a very fit and healthy 46 year old but just had had enough of it. One day, after blood tests my Dr called me and said my liver results were badvery bad and I could have permanent liver damage.. and that I had developed diabetes type 2. I had gained weight, barely got out of bed, hid bottles from my husband. I thought this would subside but its only become worse. Remember that being alcohol free is a life choice. Since he was just in his home by himself. Miss the social side too. Published 2020 Jan 24. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00288, Cunradi CB. It started to improve rather quickly when I decided to stop playin but it wasnt like normal right away. We want to take you through some of the improvement and progress that you can notice if you decide to quit or reduce your intake significantly. Then to none. I woke up a new person. Addict Biol. In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesnt matter how hard it was to make it. So I came here, and Every morning when I open my eyes now, I feel gleeful that I made it another day. Happy New Year and good luck to everyone addressing their drinking in 2021. 60. I am almost 56, getting vertical normal ridges, quite deep ones at that. I was surprised that I experienced all those things( including the increased chocolate consumption!) I am getting up off my backside and getting things done instead of wasting days in constant mediocrity of hungover-ness. You can go back to a sober living home at any point in your life when you feel it difficult to deal with your urges on your own. This is the point where some more intangible benefits start to appear. Here are some of the most common effects of giving up alcohol. Today is day 76. My only concern at this point is a stubborn BP that has started to peak again. In the end to stop drinking must come from me and not from anyone else. 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