Dont make the mistake of chasing after him, this wont achieve anything and youll just feel foolish in the end. Whenever a woman asks why her guy is withdrawing or pulling away or taking space, its usually for this reason. Does he have friends who do not like you all that much? Courtesy demands that you at least, tell someone you are seeing that you are no longer interested. Nevertheless, I hope this list helps put things in perspective, and that they work out eventually. The point is, pressure makes people anxious, and all of a sudden they feel they have to use all their time to fix things before the relationship can get back to normal. Men love an independent woman, show a guy you dont need him, and he will go to the ends of the earth to get you. Has he stopped texting you and calling you? Money Trouble. One of the worst feelings is when he acts distant all of a sudden. So you just need to remember thats whats happening and try not to push the issue. Whether he is busy with work, school, or personal matters, you have begun to notice that he is not nearly around as much as he used to be. If he is dealing with a problem or internal issue, he will really appreciate you giving him the space to do so. You can try letting him come to you instead of always clinging on to him at every chance you get. Without it, you hear things like you are going too fast for me, or youre not moving fast enough. When the initial spark of the relationship is gone, it no longer feels as exciting to spend all your time together and talk every minute of the day, this might come across like hes acting detached. While he may or may not be honest, at least you will know that you tried to communicate your concerns to him. Don't be needy. 1. While it is good to figure out what is going on, you cannot fixate on it too much. He wants to make sure he can spend time with others, live life and just breathe, without having to face you and say youre almost taking over his life. One possible explanation for distant behavior in a relationship is that he might be struggling with depression. It does not necessarily mean that he does not care about you, but he might feel like you are spreading him out too thin. Your partner is the only person who knows for sure why hes acting the way he is, short of asking him, I can only speculate. You have been seeing this cool guy and are confident that he likes you. At first, you think maybe you're being paranoid, so you try to ignore the signs. 4) There is a chance he might be cheating on you. Traditionally, the ideal man is one who handles his business without letting any weakness show. Some people get so consumed by a challenge that they dedicate all their time to figuring it out, even if it means other aspects of their life has to suffer for it. Now that we got the elephant out of the way, if youre convinced the reason your boyfriend is distant isnt because of another woman, then he might be afraid of commitment. Why is she so distant all of a sudden? These are people dealing with a recent death in their family and they often have trouble communicating their emotions. Adventures in Dating: Memoirs of a Single Mom, Adventures in Dating: Memoirs of Midlife Relationships, Infographic: Why Do People Swipe Right (or Left) on Tinder. Like someone once said, it is hard to share the love equally between two people, as the passion grows on the other side, it decreases on yours. I absolutely loved this article. I know its counterintuitive. If you give yourself a complex, then youre just giving yourself another obstacle to overcome on the path to finding lasting love, and why do that to yourself? //