Bet you and people like you still think that Eve was the first woman created by God and that women are 2nd class citizens according to scripture. in the presence of those who have afflicted him, That is why your so lost. "And do not tell me whom I can and cannot talk to.matter of fact you should not even replied to me if you believe what you believe, I can tell you the same thing, keep your LIES to yourself and stop trying to convert other people's mind into believing what you believe. I BEG CHECK IT OUT AND ALSO CHECK OUT THE UNBIASED ORIGINS OF CHRISTIANITY AND THE COUNCIL OF NICEA 325 AD. Paula M. Adams Quite a twist you got there Paula. You failed science classes but you also failed Religious Studies 101. That said, there no compulsion in religion and I certainly wouldn't be the one to convince you so I bid you peace. Ruth Ware Let's look here now. There arent strong voices in rap that represent the other view, that theres a rational explanation for all this!. God is very real. The truth is there has never been a Jesus Christ or an Abraham nor a Moses. Don't fall for the myth that imperialists brought Christianity to Africa, Christianity was in Africa specifically Ethiopia in the 1st Century. You may as well try telling me the Universe don't exist. May God Bless you all even the fools. Every Race and culture had their on gods made in their image and culture. god: 2 million+ deaths in the bible the devil: 10. What I can also tell you for certain Jerry is that religion has been manipulated and abused. However, there are some celebrities who dont believe in Jesus or God at least not in an orthodox way. We use religion and science to try to comprehend the incomprehensible, but it is beyond our limits. FYI. Again, I suggest that you stop lying and being bigot. It should not. No, it is not fact, truth, or reality that a "higher/supreme being" had to exist in order for the universe to have come into existence. Additionally, I'm not your sister. There is no need for arguments or confrontation. Put your trust in God, not man. The notion that man needed "salvation" in the first place clearly shows how primitive of a mind that you have sitting beyond the skull. WE HAVE TO WAKE UP!!! Ur way of life will be shown WHILE ure alive. Jerry Lindsey No prob. Lol. But you can't even write one verse like it.gather all of your scholars together and see if they can produce the likes of this". That was a privilage back then. The same Century Jesus lived in. to add to Tyler the Creator's comments: yes, Jesus was a real person. Makes you as primitive as the bible authors themselves. It's just fact whether you argue it till your purple in the face or not; acknowledge, recognize, and realize or not. I also know by having studied Islam in Religious Studies courses in school. I am not here to judge anyone because there is only One Judge and we all must stand before Him when our time come. But the word say. Bummer. It is so amazing to read these ignorant comments about Jesus the son of God. Now blacks are following behind whites, supporting gay rights, following Jay Z and Beyonce, and are getting sucked up in celebrity and wealth and believing what are coming out these devils mouths. People claim they existed, but all we have today is written documents telling us they actually existed just like with Jesus. God maybe a concept, but Allah most certainly is not, and John Lennon is probably burning in Hell as we speak. If one does not believe in God in these dangerous times then I actually feel sorry for you. Shakira shades ex Gerard Piqu and Clara Chia's relationship and new photos of Shawn Mendes and Sabrina Carpenter walking together in Los Angeles had fans buzzing on Twitter. Human beings are so much more than what they do or don't believe Truth is neither of you know a damn thing in the grand scheme of things, you both chose to believe an idea that was presented to you and resonated for some reason And great!!! Even as a child when I attended church I always thought is was strange that here I was attending a black church and there was a picture of a blond, blue eyed man on the wall that someone said represented Jesus. Again, present objective evidence/proof for me to look at which support your claims. The Prophet Muhammad was taught by Allah how to perfect that way of life and that is what Islam is. And they want to tell you about it It comes off as terribly insecure, like an overweight chick who recently lost a lot of weight and cant stop wearing skimpy dresses or stop talking about how HOT they look After a while you start questioning to yourself, "do you RELLY believe in your hotness?" Your imaginary god, Jesus and Satan are not. You don't have to believe in an invisible omnipresent supernatural entity in order to be a good and decent person. They are not handed out lightly especially in the sciences. Samantha A. Christian Praying for ya Sister. many, many people separate work from their personal life. God is what matters. If u knew the turbulence comin ur way, yall would hurry up n get it right with ur, yes UR heavenly father! .. which there are many version of this book . Religiosity is no different than slavery. Christ love is unconditional and mine must also be. So, when a storm pushes the ocean so hard that your brain that you know is there, is now feeling that blood that you know is there, because those feet at the ocean's beach is no-longer standing on rocks, but your brain is on the rocks,& your faith is now a spirit not, but gone, you will now bury yourself helpless out to sea, never found; but god won't have to explain to anyone: "What happened to Wilhelmenia Kirnon?". the black sheeple don't care, they'll still support these stars while blindly still believing, Chuks Amadi : right on Chuks____what a shame. Watch popular content from the following creators: King welby(@welbs6), Flippintrippin(@flippinaj78), Eric(@ericvibez_), Christian content here(@christiancontenthere), Grind to 10k(@delay3z), Juan(@unknown_juan08), (@stafah3), RIP_Juice_X_Von_Pop_&_MJackson(@abc_as_ez_as_123), UnrealSOL(@unrealsol), Easton . Don't ignore truth just because you don't like it. The bible which has origins in the Egyptian methology gives a metaphoric understanding that works for me a millions of others. Don't look to the sky life, liberty and happiness.Find it here on earth. Drop religion, the bible and god and be a proper human being for your nephew. When Satan deceives people in the Bible, they're very much aware of him. Around the same time Ol' Dirty Bastard started calling himself as "Big Baby Jesus," Tupac Shakur's 1996 album The Don Killuminati . That comes from Aesop, not Jesus. And if you dont believe me, then ask yourself a simple question. Ramadon Furgan I'm trying brother but I can only help so much. I know it is uncomfortable at first to NOT KNOW WHO WE ARE, WHERE WE ARE FROM, WHY WE ARE HERE etc. They should also not assume that if you are not a church goer you are living some hedonistic lifestyle. 28 Feb 2023 22:30:41 I was just beginning to believe! Let me start with that. wish more black people wake the f*&*&K up. Whoever told you that and wherever you got that from clearly lied to you. Just because you assert belief does not mean that the belief is fact, truth, or reality. 2) You have the audacity to make assumptions personally about me. Believe in what you believe in and allow others believe in what they wanna believe in, You write with so much hate and anger as if to say Christians are about to snuff life outta you! And you want to tell me that evolution did this, or that scientists know how and why earth contains these inexplainable accuracies??? If you don't like it, oh well. One day we will all know. ther buybull is man mad nonsense to subjugate the low info. Not me accommodating your BS. However, this does not mean that Christians should avoid all rap music. Riight on!! Religions are mostly base on pure ignorance. We had and still have names for God in our African dialect. 40 Religious Celebrities Who Follow the Christian Faith From young singers to famous actors, they all follow God. Fortunately, their permission isn't needed. This religion was forced on them during the dark ages when 95% of them couldn't read or write. and he loves me even tho I screw up a lot! [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, All you none believers I have nothing to say against you all I can say is that I love you and I will pray for you I judge no one for there beliefs you have the right to believe what you want I know what the Lord has done for me in my life so what a man or woman says means nothing to me because you don't know what he has done for me Bless you and your entire family's, Lisa, you are a retarded drone, regurgitating the bullshit lies you've been fed all of your pathetic life by your dumb ass parents, who were fed by their dumb ass parents, who were fed by THEIR dumb ass parents, who were beaten into religious submission by massa. While everybody has a choice to choose what he or she wishes to believe if there is a GOD or a Jesus, I would like to commission you to pick up the bible and read the New Testament and see how the word has prophesied the events that are happening today. However, religion is religion no matter how you slice it and dice it or try to run away from the word. Staples. If God so pleased, He would have willed every human being He created to become a Christian. Tell me why the human brain is so complex and holds the ability to compute so many things, and learn how to think, love, feel, work, elicit hormones, and rest. HIS WIFE! BTW I'm on medical leave and extremely bored so I'm going to keep this going as long as possible. But its deeper. I DARE YOU to read the bible and learn from it. Ruth Ware "No, only man requires that you have that piece of paper to do the job or work for them. It is a contradictory and plagiarized text. The Jesus christ that you believe in is not real. AND if there is no God, how the heck did we get here?? It was from their imaginations that all things Islam was formed. For Isa and billions more, completely and utterly brainwashed with utter nonsense. Your have put the European lie on Christianity. So, not only do you not know your religion is true, you don't even have enough faith in it to demonstrate it is true. I love it! Theory is fact to the best of our knowledge and can be debunked at any time with enough evidence. My mind is open that there could be a larger force than mankind, but I don't live my day to day life preparing for an eternal life that may or may not exist, I'm taking it as I always day at a time. those too stupid to do their own research. There is always someone materially minded who acts with a horse blinders attitude mentality until they come to one or more of our meetings and then see just what all of this is truly about. It also refers to itself as "US" and "OUR", which means that there is more than one. What are you going to do now?? You can't see either one. Last week, Christian . Winfred Theteacher Wills There is far more evidence for the big bang theory and evolution than for the existence of even a man called Jesus, let alone for Jesus the son of God. Oh, you may say you don't believe in God, but you can rest assure, believe it or not, one day he's going to take back the air you now breathe. The people who do those thing do not represent the whole Christian faith, Christianity is about love, forgiveness, and growth. You. Am I missing something here? You are so against truth, reality, and facts that you have purposely drowned in your fantasy world. How can a being exist without a place/time to exist in? What amazes me that in a court room PROOF, EVIDENCE is required. That was easy. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? Do you only help others because god tells you to and you want to get into heaven??? #killyourself. Oh!, there is A God. You don't understand how to produce quality If you don't understand that mixing and mastering are equally as important as your rap skills, connections, performance game and producers, you may want to reconsider. I'm not a distraction for that. No falsehood from those other religions can approach it from before it or even from behind it with false things attributed to Islam (like certain Haddiths) or Mormonism. Angel Haze's anger towards religion has caused many to believe that she is atheist. Human beings are so much more than what they do or don't believe Truth is neither of you know a damn thing in the grand scheme of things, you both chose to believe an idea that was presented to you and resonated for some reason And great!!! It's solely creationism. That's what all of you say now you're just fools. Jody Javiera Andrew you're living a delusion and you're still a slave. It's funny how you claim to know something for which you have no objective proof/evidence. 0:00. however, in this country, i will support your spiritual right to call on whomever you choose when u get in trouble. Fact is fact. When it comes to investigation and challenge of prophetic claims, none have really ever measured up. If not, cool. . We are fusing our lives with the Gohonzon, a rice paper scroll inscribed in Sumi inks that acts as a mirror for our lives like the object of veneration that it is, a complete and utter reflection of our lives, definitely not a god, and we cannot become misconstrued as seeking such things outside our lives. 1) You don't scare me. I would bet any amount of money on this. Than there is the other place; not of rest, but of contempt. Go tell that to the people who believe what you believe and leave those who do believe in God alone. can u say that with ur own words and from heart? It's time/existence. someone who gets paid to live in a fantasy world and promote living in a fantasy world to others. You cannot prove "God" does exist. You all don't need to be left alone as long as there is bad in the world created by your theism and the theism of others. Always be selling. Plus why do majority of all the stories sound exactly like the ones on ancient pyramid text! [14] Because the hope of the ungodly man is like There must be objectivity and clearly there is none. Of course, you don't care what a Non-Muslim woman thinks because being a Muslim woman is all about being a pawn in a grand masculism scheme. Like your "proof, facts, and strong God belief/faith" holds any weight in truth, reality, or fact. After believing that we are the most intelligent beings in the absolute is very optimistic there are cases look at nature around us to realize that it is balanced in its perfections and imperfections . and I have someone to live for other than myself. 10. THIS COMMENT WILL BE IN ALL CAPS..BECAUSE THIS ARTICLE IS IS NOT TRUE! You need not be a Christian to help others. Here is a good video for the Unbelievers to watch over at Youtube: "God of Wonders: Scientists Prove Almight God's Existence Through Science." , And the more some people speak the more they show their ignorance.thx for proving my point! @ron jones yeah my fellow mexicans have the same plight forced upon them but with semi-different bvllshit,catholic church. Where is your evidence? He created everything and was not created Himself. The most fervent followers are the most abused. Too bad, you don't because you and your religion/theism, deity are just as fallible. "One day you'll meet me and I'll bare witness against you just for these conversations alone. That's why you hunger for his flesh and thirst for his blood, right? I can proudly say that I will never confess to something that is not true. I do pray for the non believers but as a believer I have to spread the Gospel "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 NIV). You = paranoid. You think she's hot don't you? Religion is nothing more than a carrier of a disease! Looking back at my comments, they seem somewhat vague. That's long been debunked. Religion and Theism are the same thing. Dennis Spurling Like I care. Lol. common! 2ndJust because say you're not Christian and study Islam does not mean that you are not Christian and are a Muslim. Once you close your eyes in death, you have been tried. grow up. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? True, but that is Christianity. The only dumb and ignorant one among myself, Michael, and you is you. That is the true name of God and even the Egyptian Christians know it. However, free-will is the term present-day believers use to dodge today's science vs prophecy, or the fact that their scriptures are full of contradictions & fairy tales. If humanity, the scientists themselves, are aware of their inability to be perfect and produce exactly accurate results, then what makes you think that the subject matter of science, is deemed as "correct" proof, let alone all that reliable. @kamilah, no its your failure. It took the Quran for me. 6. We do not measure our status by the expense of our altars, and proof positive mentioning that specifically comes from the simple fact that I had built mine from scratch. Yup nothing screams love like telling slaves to obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok. White europeans were lied to as well. The devil isn't the liar (it doesn't exist) religion is. Preach, lol. Most Americans are so blind its just hilarious!!! You care more about your false beliefs than the life, health and happiness of your REAL nephew. Are you surprised that atheism is so prominent in hip-hop? But to think that its something we fully understand when we havent flown past the moon defeats all logic. That's your ignorance showing. The Quran is like every other book of scripture ever used by religious and theistic folks. Mr. T Don't be fooled by Mr.T's iconic mohawk, gold chains, and his tough guy roles. no genderits because mighty men invented the bullshitkeeping women small and men bigkeeping slaveryand men as masters over women. The one thing this article seems to misinterpret is people's lack of appreciation for RELIGION as thier lack of appreciation or belief in/for GOD. Wow! It is less about what I am against and more about what I am for. Hebrews 9:27-And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Because a person has to reach adulthood first (mentally and emotionally) before they can make the decision for themselves whether to do that junk. 3) Religion and Faith are the same thing. Jerry come on man.LOL. yet, surprisingly enough most people feel that those things are reparable, but when it comes to Islam you feel there can be no reparations. Oh yeah. None of it. Otherwise I'd probably be the same. You are correct. Just another tool to get you to behave a certain way to avoid punishment in a life after death (that also, does not exist) I hope the author isn't implying that robin quivers lacks morals. Sign up to receive The Atlanta Black Star Newsletter in your inbox. Typical. Many people get lost in the thought , for those who still don't believe in God, they are simply not educated enough and same goes to those that believe in religion, they are all followers because they simply cant think for themselves so they stop searching and crawl to the easiest option which is obviously a global opinion being religious or not believing in anything, i call that weak . God is real. You don't want to remove that, those are the same people that will be waiting for you when you get home at night. Believe what you want!!! The history of the monotheistic faiths bear out nothing less than this fact. I'm no coincidence. That is inexcusable. Despite the struggles during slavery and Jim Crow black folks still believed in God and led moral lives. If you are so blind its just hilarious!!!!!!!!. Was in Africa specifically Ethiopia in the bible the devil: 10 been... I BEG CHECK it OUT and also CHECK OUT the UNBIASED ORIGINS of Christianity and the some. Allah how to perfect that way of life will be in all..... Many, many people separate work from their imaginations that all things Islam formed!: 10 someone to live for other than myself we are here etc than myself hedonistic. Become a Christian to help others the Prophet Muhammad was taught by Allah how perfect... Look at which support your claims now you 're just fools it is less about what I not... 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