(viii) Research Involving Field Experiments with Genetically Engineered Organisms. Guidance on specific costs relevant to a group travel proposal is highlighted below. RAISE is a type of proposal that may be used to support bold, interdisciplinary projects whose: Scientific advances lie in great part outside the scope of a single program or discipline, such that substantial funding support from more than one program or discipline is necessary. What critical role do the partner(s) bring to the collaboration without which the proposed project cannot be successfully executed? Email documentation from at least one NSF Program Officer confirming approval to submit a RAPID proposal must be uploaded by the PI as a document entitled RAPID Program Officer Concurrence Email in the Supplementary Documentation section of Research.gov. NSF Program Officers are not authorized to impose or encourage mandatory cost sharing unless such requirements are explicitly included in the program solicitation. This will aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this type of proposal. Current all in-kind contributions obligated from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. This supplementary documentation will not be counted towards the 15-page Project Description limitation; and. Unless stipulated in a specific program solicitation, however, such proposals will be subject to the 15-page Project Description limitation established in Section (ii) above. (d) Consistent with NSPM-33, senior personnel are required to disclose contracts associated with participation in programs sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities, or entities, including foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs[32]. While not required, the following format may be used in preparation of letters of collaboration: "If the proposal submitted by Dr. [insert the full name of the Principal Investigator] entitled [insert the proposal title] is selected for funding by NSF, it is my intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description or the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal.". [25] For further information on procedures for inclusion of programmatic cost sharing in an NSF solicitation, see: http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/csdocs/principles.pdf. NSF values the advancement of scientific knowledge and activities that contribute to the achievement of societally relevant outcomes. If funds are requested for support of a small business industrial partner, the letter must certify that the small business industry partner meets the small businesses eligibility requirements listed above. . 3729-3733 and 3802. For Concept Outlines that must be submitted via ProSPCT, users must have a valid Login.gov account to access the tool. Mentoring activities provided to postdoctoral researchers supported on the project will be evaluated under the Broader Impacts review criterion. List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include (optional), c. Proprietary or Privileged Information (if applicable), d. Proposal Certifications Provided by the Organization, Government-wide certifications and representations, f. Submission of Proposals by Former NSF Staff, d. Project Description (including Results from Prior NSF Support), For proposals that include funding to an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE or to a foreign organization or foreign individual, (ii) Page Limitations and Inclusion of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) within the Project Description, (i) Salaries and Wages (Lines A and B on the Proposal Budget), (a) Senior Personnel Salaries & Wages Policy, (b) Administrative and Clerical Salaries & Wages Policy, (ii) Fringe Benefits (Line C on the Proposal Budget), (iii) Equipment (Line D on the Proposal Budget), (iv) Travel (Line E on the Proposal Budget), (v) Participant Support (Line F on the Proposal Budget), (vi) Other Direct Costs (Lines G1 through G6 on the Proposal Budget), (b) Publication/Documentation/Dissemination, (d) Computer Services (Line G4 on the Proposal Budget), (vii) Total Direct Costs (Line H on the Proposal Budget), (viii) Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) for Colleges and Universities) (Line I on the Proposal Budget), Domestic proposing organizations that do not have a current negotiated rate agreement with a cognizant Federal agency may choose to apply the, (ix) Total Direct and Indirect Costs (F&A) (Line J on the Proposal Budget), (xi) Amount of This Request (Line L on the Proposal Budget), (xii) Cost Sharing (Line M on the Proposal Budget), (e) Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment, (iii) Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information (Single Copy Document) (See Chapter II.D.1 for additional information on Single Copy Documents. NIH. plans for archiving data, samples, and other research products, and for preservation of access to them. 3729-3733 and 3802. For this approval to be accepted by NSF, the organization must have a current Public Health Service (PHS) Approved Assurance. The box for "Proprietary or Privileged Information" must be checked on the Cover Sheet when the proposal contains such information. Human subject payments should be included on line G.6. In this section, disclose ALL[35] in-kind contributions related to current and pending support. Such outcomes include, but are not limited to: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); improved STEM education and educator development at any level; increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology; improved well-being of individuals in society; development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce; increased partnerships between academia, industry, and others; improved national security; increased economic competitiveness of the U.S.; use of science and technology to inform public policy; and enhanced infrastructure for research and education. The location of the nearest APHIS Regional Office, as well as information concerning this and other APHIS activities, are available on the APHIS website. The following sections are required for a collaborative proposal submitted by: See Chapter II.D.2.i for additional guidance on the mentoring and data management plan requirements for collaborative proposals. endstream endobj 140 0 obj <. Find instructions and blank format pages below. If the specific location of the international conference is not known at the time of the proposal submission, proposers should enter Worldwide. ); Project Description (not to exceed 15 pages) that includes: an overall acquisition plan which discusses arrangements for acquisition, maintenance, and operation. Reference books and periodicals only may be included on the proposal budget if they are specifically allocable to the project being supported by NSF. NSF regards research as one of the normal functions of faculty members at institutions of higher education. If a decision is made to fund the proposal,the individual must provide a signed copy of the official IACUC approval letter (which includes the items specified above) to the cognizant NSF Program Officer before an award can be issued. The statement on intellectual merit should describe the potential of the proposed activity to advance knowledge. 287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. In doing so, they draw upon, and contribute to, the development of the Nation's full intellectual talent. This policy or code-of-conduct must be disseminated to conference participants prior to attendance at the conference as well as made available at the conference itself. Proposers should describe only those resources that are directly applicable. To provide a complete list of resources and support, all Key Personnel must. other persistent identifier (if available); and. The near-field dynamics of a rectangular heated overexpanded jet of aspect ratio two is examined with an implicit large-eddy simulation using experimental data for validation purposes. NSF uses the legal business name and physical address from the organizations SAM registration. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.413, the salaries of administrative and clerical staff should normally be treated as indirect costs (F&A). A recipient of a group travel award is required to retain supporting documentation that funds were spent in accordance with the original intent of the proposal. *Overall Objectives: Provide a brief statement of the overall objectives of the proposal/award. See Chapter IV.D.2.b. (i) Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan. The award size, however, will be consistent with the scope of the proposed planning activities and of a size comparable to planning grants in similar areas. For proposals to support travel to international destinations, in accordance with the Fly America Act (49 USC 40118), any air transportation to, from, between, or within a country other than the U.S. of persons or property, the expense of which will be assisted by NSF funding, must be performed by or under a code-sharing arrangement with a U.S.-flag air carrier if service provided by such a carrier is available (see Comptroller General Decision B-240956, dated September 25, 1991). National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) The National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA Tel:(703) 292-5111, FIRS:(800) 877-8339 | TDD:(800) 281-8749 Questions or need help, contact us at sestat@nsf.gov. See also Chapter XI.B.3 for additional information on the administration of awards that include use of live vertebrate animals. The Common Rule defines research as a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. The PI may conduct preliminary or conceptual work that does not involve human subjects while the protocol is being developed or is under review, consistent with organizational guidelines. Some foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs operate with the intent to import or otherwise acquire from abroad, sometimes through illicit means, proprietary technology or software, unpublished data and methods, and intellectual property to further the military modernization goals and/or economic goals of a foreign government. Enter the City, State/Province, and Country where the organization is located. However, renewed funding of a planning award may be requested only through submission of a Traditional or Accomplishment-Based Renewal proposal that will be subject to full external merit review. The justification must be signed and certified by the Institutional Biosafety Committeeor other appropriate Institutional Review Entity whose role includes review of research involving agents covered under the Policy before an award can be issued. Applications are reviewed, and time is allocated according to the needs of the projects and the availability of resources. Submission of a collaborative proposal from one organization, The single proposal method allows investigators from two or more organizations who have developed an integrated research project to submit a single, focused proposal. Requests may be for up to $300K (including indirect costs) and up to two years in duration. (iii)Collaborators and Other Affiliations (see also PAPPG Chapter II.D.1 for additional information on submission of single copy documents, (i) Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable). Overlap, whether scientific, budgetary, or commitment of an individual's effort greater than 100 percent, is not permitted. (v) In order for NSF to comply with Federal Environmental Statutes (including, but not limited to, the National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC 4321, et seq. Prospective recipients should contact their local government or a Federally-insured financial institution to determine what areas are identified as having special flood hazards and the availability of flood insurance in their community. If requested, the proposer must be able to justify that the proposed rate of pay is reasonable. The most general set of large computational and data resources funded by NSF are accessible through the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project. Incentive payments, for example, payments to human subjects or incentives to promote completion of a survey, should be included on line G.6. See also Chapter V.B of the Antarctic Research solicitation. NSFs policy recognizes that a community effort is essential to eliminate sexual and other forms of harassment in science and to build inclusive scientific climates where people can learn, grow, and thrive. While NSF will make every effort to prevent unauthorized access to such material, the Foundation is not responsible or in any way liable for the release of such material. The email confirming approval to submit a EAGER proposal must be uploaded by the prospective PI in the Program Officer Concurrence Email section of Research.gov. Normally, title is vested in the recipient organization for equipment purchased in conjunction with NSF-supported activities. NSF funds are not permitted to be used to support the industrial research partner except as noted below for small businesses. Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources that includes a description of the physical facility, including floor plans or other appropriate information, where the equipment will be located; a narrative description of the source of funds available for operation and maintenance of the proposed equipment; a brief description of other support services available, and a statement of why the equipment is severable or non-severable from the physical facility (Chapter II.C.2.i should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal). If external review is to be obtained, then the PI will be informed in the interest of maintaining the transparency of the review and recommendation process. Postdoctoral fellowship recipients may request supplemental funding: Provided that a postdoctoral fellowship award, funded through one of NSFs postdoctoral fellowship programs, is made to an organization and not directly to the fellow, the recipient may request supplemental funding for the following purpose: To support additional personnel (e.g., a technician or research assistant) to sustain research while the postdoctoral fellow being supported by NSF on the award is on family leave for either primary dependent care responsibilities or other direct family considerations. NSF provides support for a variety of individual Centers and Centers programs that contribute to the Foundation's vision as outlined in the NSF Strategic Plan. When the individual signs the certification on behalf of themselves, they are certifying that the information is current, accurate, and complete. Title: FP Smartform 1.1, #1 Full Title of . For proposals that include funding to an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE or to a foreign organization or foreign individual (including through use of a subaward or consultant arrangement), the proposer must provide the requisite explanation/justification in the project description. Proposers are advised not to exceed the mandatory cost sharing level or amount specified in the solicitation.[25]. Only internal merit review is required for planning proposals. The AOR is required to complete a certification that the institution has a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research and that such training addresses mentortraining and mentorship. A signed IHE-industry agreement on IP (including publication and patent rights) must be submitted prior to issuance of an award. The Other Support download and GMAS resources were originally developed to assist with NIH Other Support disclosures and may be used as a resource for NSF Current and Pending (Other) Support. Career Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests, NSFs Revised Cost Sharing Policy Statement, http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/csdocs/principles.pdf, VIII: Financial Requirements and Payments, XI: Other Post Award Requirements and Considerations, XII: Award Administration Disputes and Misconduct. *Total Award Amount: Enter the total award amount for the entire period of performance, including indirect costs, rounded to the nearest dollar. 169 0 obj <>stream NSF requires information on all current and pending support for ongoing projects and proposals. Formatting and reviewing for completeness and accuracy. Proposers should not submit the plan to NSF for review. Pending any proposal currently under consideration for funding (including this proposal) from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. Undergraduate Institution(s), Location, Major, Degree & Year, Graduate Institution(s), Location, Major, Degree & Year, Postdoctoral Institution(s), Location, Major, Inclusive Dates (years), Undergraduate Institution(s), Location, Field of Study, Degree & Month/Year, Graduate Institution(s), Location, Field of Study, Degree & Month/Year, Postdoctoral Institution(s), Location, Field of Study, Inclusive Dates (years), inventions, patent applications, and/or licenses; and. An international activity is defined as research, training, and/or education carried out in cooperation with foreign counterparts either overseas or in the U.S. using virtual technologies. These organizations recruit, train, and prepare a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce to advance the frontiers of science and participate in the U.S. technology-based economy. If the support is in a foreign countrys currency, convert to U.S. dollars at time of submission, rounded to the nearest dollar. However, if the primary purpose of the individuals attendance at the conference is learning and receiving training as a participant, then the costs may be included under participant support. The formats of Current and Pending (Other) Support are as follows: *Name: Enter the name of the senior person (Last name, First name, Middle name, including any applicable suffix). [22] In the rare case of funding to a foreign organization or foreign individual, see Chapter I.E.2 for additional requirements. [14] NSF recipients remain subject to the provisions of OMB M-01-06, Clarification of OMB A-21 Treatment of Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing and Tuition Remission Costs regarding requirements for committing and tracking some level of faculty (or senior researcher) effort as part of the organized research base. For purposes of budget preparation, the cumulative cost sharing amount must be entered on Line M of the first years budget. Requests must be submitted at least two months before funds are needed. For collaborative proposals submitted by multiple organizations, each organization must include a separate budget justification of no more than five pages. If the support is in a foreign countrys currency, convert to U.S. dollars at time of submission. No appendices or supplementary documents may be submitted. biologics, chemical, model systems, technology, etc.). Include, for example, Federal, State, Tribal, territorial, local, foreign, public, or private foundations, non-profit organizations, industrial or other commercial organizations, or internal funds allocated toward specific projects. The Foundation encourages proposers to request funding for durations of three to five years when such durations are necessary for completion of the proposed work and are technically and managerially advantageous. PIs are cautioned, however, that the text must still be readable. Any request to support such items must be clearly disclosed in the proposal budget, justified in the budget justification, and be included in the NSF award budget. The prospective PI will receive an email from the cognizant NSF program officer that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. PIs will receive an email from the cognizant NSF program officer that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. Information on other support assists awarding agency staff in the identification and resolution of potential overlap of support. (a) Current and Pending (Other) Support[30] information is used to assess the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed and helps assess any potential scientific and budgetary overlap/duplication, as well as overcommitment with the project being proposed. See Chapter I.D.1 for additional information on Concept Outlines. International Research/Education/Training Activities. In this section, disclose ALL existing projects, as well as all projects currently under consideration for funding, in accordance with the definitions for current and pending below. sponsored fellow supporting your laboratorys research efforts), Positions, affiliations, and appointments that are related to a foreign talent (or similar type) program, All other resources (domestic or foreign) available in direct support of your research endeavors, Detailed information about the content is available in the, NSF requires a separate Current and Pending Support form. A proposal for travel support, either domestic and/or international, for participation in scientific and engineering meetings is handled by the NSF organizational unit with program responsibility for the area of interest. (iv) The costs are not also recovered as indirect costs. 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