For example, if you have an overly developed Moon Mount you are highly intuitive. If the cross is observed on the Line of Fate and on Mount of Saturn then the end of this type of Destiny may be full of tragedy such as public death, etc. Long palms and long fingers characterize water hands. 4. With a Sun/Mercury Mount, you may even run your business entirely online one day or start a business in the communication sector. You analyse others and can easily speak to them, however, youre not very good at listening. Mercury. It can also be helpful to view the palm from the base of the hand down at an angle. The head line indicates, where the thoughts originate [], Mount of Jupiter and lines sign-on Jupiter in palmistry, Overdeveloped Mount of Venus in Palmistry, Plains of Mars and Rahu mount in Palmistry, Huge Space between the Head and the Lifeline, Broad Lines/Deep Lines/Thin Lines/Wavy Lines in Palmistry. Many Yogs associated with prosperity or property can be seen in palmistry. The characteristic mounts complement the seven planets and their astrological significance. The early days in your life this kind of Fate may be restricted. They may be more inclined to study science or law, something that follows the rules and has standards and structure! There is the possibility that these aspects of yourself will never be realised to your full potential but, trust me, they are there! There are elements that occur on the life line like dots, stars, forks, stars, fish and lot are more. You would also shine if you were in a position which meant you were influencing others. The mounts can be a great indication of what career choices might work best for a person. Located directly in the center of the palm, this key line unveils the lessons you need to learn during your lifetime. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. If you want to know how to read your palm, its essential to be aware of the size and shape of your hands, fingers, hand lines, their lengths, how and where they cross each other, and where they break or end are all a snapshot into your life and personality. Therefore, if youre learning Palmistry it is desirable if you learn the Mount meanings first. If you missed last weeks post click here to learn about the major lines and the history of palmistry. In opposite to Apollo the Luna mount is named after the ancient Roman goddess who personified the moon. The Mount of the Moon reflects your ability to use you imagination, the strength of your intuition and level of sensitivity. Be sure to check out our Privacy Policy! It may provide you huge name and publicity. Palmistry Guide - Minor Lines. As most commonly practiced forms of palmistry were based on the Roman formed system of interpretation, each of these areas is named after a god or goddess - Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury . Its also existed in China since the Zhou Dynasty, some 3,000 years ago! May 20, 2021 - Want to know the meaning of having mounts in-between your fingers in palmistry? Noticed mine are slightly in between fingers and not directly below them. Normally it is observed on the palm of a woman than the palm of a man. The mounts are the fleshy soft areas on the palm, they play a big role in the art of palm reading. However, you will find later that you need to know the mounts because they come into use later when you study markings and the lines. Now you know the location of the mounts, you can start reading them! Knowing this will help you in relationships throughout your life. Some people become frightened when a mole symptom unexpectedly appears on their hands. Men with a simian line are determined, stubborn, competent and powerful, and most of leaders have the line. This makes you popular amongst friends and lovers alike. However, I only recommend products that I personally love. Take a look at your hands. If the heart line curves upwards, you tend to be good at conversation and creating a happy and welcoming atmosphere with all you meet. Mounts in Palmistry represent the parts of the palm of the hands which are meaty or fleshy areas that stand up a little bit like wee mountains on the hands. So if a person can sharpen skills 100% gains can be expected. Located between the Mounts of Mercury and Luna, Outer Mars (aka Upper Mars) represents steadfastness and emotional courage. If youre interested in divination, you can download my free Tarot for Beginners Guide on this website! Have you learned anything surprising about yourself from reading your palm? I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. You are very loyal to those you love. Fish sign on mount of Jupiter. It is kind of hard to lie to yourself when you have one mount flat as hell and another sticking out like a sore thumb! Breaks in the line could either indicate a significant breakthrough in your life or a mental struggle. How does Jupiter, when combined with Mercury and other planets, improve the chances of success? Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. You can grab it here: Grab the free PDF guide, plus receive divination tips, news, special promotions, and updates in your inbox! If you have a Jupiter/Saturn Mount you will be highly determined. When reading your palm, you are going to read how prominent your mounts are compared to each other. The mount of Mercury speaks to inventiveness, awareness of practical skills, and even psychic ability. If the arc is big, the individual concerned has a lot of stamina and enthusiasm to share with the world and dedicate to their lifes cause. The possibility arises if someone has a Simian line. Additionally, it suggests a connection to the spiritual world. I hope youve found palm reading to be a fun way to pass the time with your loved ones and maybe even shed a little light on your own path! It makes a person pious. If the derivative ascends to the Mount of Mercury (8-8) then you may get the success in the field of commerce or science. The simian line is commonly seen among those who are highly loyal and dedicated to work and make great achievements. Related to the influence of the planets they relate . As some will know the earth signs are also seen in astrology again reinforcing the idea that astrology and palmistry are closely related. To be a truly good Destiny Line or Fate Line it must not be marked so deeply but to mark it distinctly and clearly and comes with the Line of Sun in any form. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. These individuals have excellent communication skills, are intellectually curious, and have native analytical abilities. Furthermore, this key line is actually about your life journey, not your death. It experienced another resurgence in the 19th and 20th centuries when studied and practiced by cerebral minds such as Casimir dArpentigny (founding father of chirognomy), William Benham (academic, author, and churchman), and Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung. However, I only recommend products that I personally love. Whats more, its not about fate as in irreversible, unchangeable destiny. If the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate climbing the palm sends a derivative from it to the any Mount like the Jupiter, Mercury or the Sun the Fate or Destiny may be much more related to the class which the Mount comes up to near the sign. Also a general reading would be appreciated! Its about the fate we make for ourselves. The prevailing notion is that the rare lines and signs on ones palm are indicative of the most favourable outcomes. That means that the left hand relates to genetic information and inherited traits, whilst the right hand contains the individuals information after birth. Youll observe your dominant hand for a look into your past, future potential, and choices that you need to make. The possibility arises if someone has a Simian line. A spilt in the Line of Fate is not indicates a bad fortunes to you for all the time. These qualities come from mercury lines, perpendicular lines strong deep lines are considered to be a good while and weak wavy dim lines are considered to be bad. We cant look at the hand and tell if they will meet a tall dark handsome stranger by the time theyre 30! You are looking for thickness in relation to the other mounts on your hand in general, not how your hand looks to other peoples. The meaning of higher knowledge is different, its more to do with spirituality. Also, they are affectionate, especially to love and the opposite sex, and will do the best to win the favor of the other. A short line indicates a lot of focus on one thing for their whole life - a longer line indicates a rich life full of varied interests. If an island is situated on the Mount of Saturn or to the finishing of the Destiny Line (5) then it predicts that your career may end in misery and poverty. This video focuses on why Mounts are important and also explains about Mount of. Here is what they mean for love, career and as positives and negatives for divination and fortune telling! Some struggle reading the mounts on their palms because the mounts do not appear directly below the fingers, but between the fingers, or even, take up two fingers: these instances are known as merged mounts. Members. Palmistry 101: A Beginners Guide To Reading Palms, 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. That is all for the meanings of the mounts in Palmistry and palm reading! Unsubscribe at any time. They are known as Progressive Mars and Reverting Mars. The head line indicates, where the thoughts originate [], Mount of Jupiter and lines sign-on Jupiter in palmistry, Overdeveloped Mount of Venus in Palmistry, Plains of Mars and Rahu mount in Palmistry, Huge Space between the Head and the Lifeline, Broad Lines/Deep Lines/Thin Lines/Wavy Lines in Palmistry. Relationship line enters your fate line early on. How important are Mounts in Palmistry? If your lover is angry at you and refuses to speak, you find this unacceptable. If they are crisscrossed with other lines, then they indicate life and personality that is confused and chaotic! Even actually you may not know when or how to end. Created Jan 2, 2012. Strong deep perpendicular lines mean you are sharpening your skills. Some people will have chubby hands and some hands will be skinny. The mounts on the palm are also considered while foretelling the future. When you are in relationships, you like to take the wheel. The mounts can be a great indication of what career choices might work best for a person. Therefore, you can read this mount the same way as you would read a mount which is flat or non-existent. Professional palmists believe thats a sign of upcoming changes. You will have the luck of making a fortune from multiple sources after 30 years of age. One more significant and outstanding point is that the years or date marked on the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate into your palm may be observed to concur with the year of your life. People are curious about moles on the palm. The next line on my list is the fate line. Dont run your own business? Its length doesnt necessarily speak of how intelligent we are, but of how many interests we have - its arc and depth describe the strength of the mind. You are responsible for your own life and decisions. You may get success without anyones assistance. Mounts can appear appear sunken or dipped can help us identify undeveloped qualities that need work or elevated smooth mounts signify the opposite. religion gives us a deep understanding of our faith, deep belief, and worship. Writer, artist, and energy healer There will be times when you are particularly drawn to a mount. Email : If these 2 lines merge after running parallel for some distance then it denotes that this Double Line has been formed by the great affection which surroundings are not allowed to union. Mount of Saturn - It is located below the second or the middle finger. THE LINE OF DESTINY AND ITS MODIFICATIONS. All rights reserved. It is a crucial mark of success. You may not likely to marry if these lines dont merge in spite of influence and affections presence in your career. See my picture below: Palmistry is the art of analysing our hands to uncover the future, as well as this we need to look at their physical features to understand certain personality traits and characteristics. Here is the meaning of the mounts: Many people regard the life line only as a measure of how long we will live. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. Cassie Uhl is the author of five books and two card decks, an artist, intuitive energy healer, and death doula. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. If an island is found in the any portion of a Plain of Mars then it denotes a duration of great troubles, loss in your profession (3). Those with a Saturn/Sun Mount usually end up running their own businesses as they generally do not like making money for others! Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. If an island is observed on the palm of a female connecting with the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate with Mount of Venus then it is an obvious sign of her seduction (5). I personally find this method difficult because I have fat hands so always fall into the trap of reading other peoples as looking weak! Above the head line lies the heart line (aka the love line), the highest horizontal line on the palm. What does the Star on Jupiters mount mean? Sharpening of skills is on a day to day basis its not happening like one day we sharpen and another day we dont work on our skills. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. Their location and interpretation are shown below. What is the meaning of overdeveloped Mount of Jupiter. I noticed I have an arrow symbol on my left hand that starts at the bottom of my palm and almost (I'd say, like, 1cm almost) touches my head fate line (career/job/luck/destiny line ), Partial Simian Line on both hands, Fate line meeting heart and head line. Your email address will not be published. Medieval palmistry was somewhat controversial as it was used by the witch hunters who believed certain pigmentation spots were a sign of the Devil. Of course, fractures arent a green light for infidelity or promiscuity. In palm reading, the mount does not have to be massive, padded, or fleshy. If youre struggling to remember the order of the mounts say Victorious Jugglers Still Show Madness: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. But it may not be capable of predicting the details of your Fate or Destiny. Mounts that are raised higher and firm to the touch indicate that it's an area that a person has a lot of potential in or is spending a lot of energy on. If you have a triangle on a specific line it strengthens that line. In palm reading, this is known as merge mounts. According to the Chinese palmistry, there are seven mounts for a person with each named after a planet and stands for different characters. You only put other peoples feelings first if they are airing their criticisms of you and harming your ego and reputation. Mars plays a significant role in palmistry. Obviously, there are negative associations with a Jupiter/Saturn Mount. Additionally, the Luna mount is linked to compassion and empathy just as the moon lightens the darkness for us at night. Our hands are fascinating things from a spiritual perspective. Crosses or xs on the palm usually indicate problems or changes. Mounts that are raised higher and firm to the touch indicate that its an area that a person has a lot of potential in or is spending a lot of energy on. You may fortunate in respect of your friendship. A very long line, on the other hand, shows that you are a doormat - you let other people walk all over you rather than standing up for yourself. Strong, clear head lines indicate the owner is a very strong-willed person who can stay on track no matter the obstacles thrown in their way! Our last mount Venus is at the base of your thumb below the inner mars mount. The curve of the head line is also important: a straighter line means a person with more common sense, someone who is driven by logic and less by their emotions and impulses. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. Unsubscribe at any time. The characteristic mounts complement the seven planets and their astrological significance. There are 12 minor lines on the palm that correspond with both the fingers, the mounts, and the sides of the hand. You feel as though it is your duty to influence your partners into doing things your way, because you think you know best. Instead, its about how much energy the individual puts into their lifes ambition and dreams. The protection could be from a real person or a spirit guide. There are seven mounts on the palms, and they are synonymous with the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. These are the foundations that are supposed to pave the way in the future. The left hand might add some value to information gleaned from the right palm by providing a genetic history! Mount weakness and prominence reflects how you express the feelings related to that mount. The heart line is the first line on your right hand, closest to the beginning of your fingers and vertical. Basically, you may lead a colourless life. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. Learning palmistry, wondering what merged mounts mean? Even if they have to hand over some insignificant tasks to someone else, they will be deeply concerned and try to do personally. Creator of 7 books + 2 decks In palmistry, does Jupiters mount represent money? Three specific sections signify aggression, flexibility, and temperament. (Fig 15) Spirituality does not mean only praying or with magical power. Therefore, for other people I rely on my intuition. Our mental strength, weakness, stability, instability, and inclinations are indicated by the head line. Merged mounts can appear to take up a small space (between one finger) or can cross into multiple fingers. Other than anything spiritual, The Mount of Moon can also reflect your sense of individuality and reveals how independent they are. Click here to learn more about the head line and the areas of the headline. organization skills, understanding of organizational structure its knowledge comes from the mount of Jupiter. Makes you popular amongst friends and lovers alike cross into multiple fingers & lisa Boswell is award-winning! 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