Facts About the Renaissance, Biography Online. In fact, it was a unique time when these fields of study fused together seamlessly. Also, some modern historians believe that the Middle Ages had a cultural identity thats been downplayed throughout history and overshadowed by the Renaissance era. He divided history in a new way, with its turning point in the a.d. 300s, when the Roman Empire adopted Christianity. Best known for his paintings of the Madonna and The School of Athens.. Running, boxing, pankration, horse racing, wrestling, chariot racing, two stade races, a long jump, discus throw, and the javelin throw were some of the main events. B- birth to 1450, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. Their religion included many deities that are also part of the Olympic pantheon. The Renaissance was a time period of trade and intellectual curiosity unparalleled in Europe. C- terraced fields that allowed mountain farming But, the major players in the Post-Classical era come from totally backwards places. Direct link to Bella Fisher's post to what extent was John L, Posted 2 years ago. D- the use of matrilineal descent. D- Peaceful contact by missionaries and merchants alson Asian trade routes, Which of the following was the MOST important change that Buddhism underwent from circa 600-1450 CE as it continued to spread throughout Asia? Macedonia then became a Roman province. One such coin was the silver stater or didrachm of Aegina. Zheng He's voyages promoted the Chinese state by? A- an increase in educational opportunities, and a rise in literacy rates Buddhism's Diffusion Compared, These two sources are BEST understood in context of which of the following? During the Middle Ages, a period that took place between the fall of ancient Rome in 476 A.D. and the beginning of the 14th century, Europeans made few advances in science and art. C-food supplies became more reliable year-round, while crop yields increased overall Direct link to David Alexander's post He was never a member of , Posted 3 years ago. C- Harmony with nature period, pictured here, can BEST be understood in the context of which of the following? While the exact timing and overall impact of the Renaissance is sometimes debated, theres little dispute that the events of the period ultimately led to advances that changed the way people understood and interpreted the world around them. The tyrants often emerged from the aristocracy, and the force of public dislike of them varied from place to place. Sir Godfrey Kneller, portrait of John Locke, 1697. Some of the most famous and groundbreaking Renaissance intellectuals, artists, scientists and writers include the likes of: Leonardo da Vinci (14521519): Italian painter, architect, inventor and Renaissance man responsible for painting The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Direct link to Goldleaf's post Some American colonists s, Posted 5 years ago. The traditional interpretation of these the skulls . Introduction of the Olympic Games (776 BC), 4. - 500 C. Robert W. Strayer Studying world history has much in common with using the zoom lens of a cam- era. A- ensuring a supply of Confucian converts to pilgrimage sites in China. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. During the 14th century, a cultural movement called humanism began to gain momentum in Italy. This source represents a similarity to Chinese interactions in Korea in which of the following ways? Hinduism's early history is the subject of much debate for a number of reasons. A- The collapse of the Roman Empire in Western Europe Indeed. A- Timbuktu Scientific discoveries led to major shifts in thinking: Galileo and Descartes presented a new view of astronomy and mathematics, while Copernicus proposed that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system. Most cities had their own coins which were used in inter-trade processes, and each city had its own symbols and signs carved on the coins. The thetes were poor and this reform allowed them the opportunity to make a living. Despite its proprietors early vision of a colony guided by Enlightenment ideals and free of slavery, by the 1750s, Georgia was producing quantities of rice grown and harvested by enslaved people. Direct link to Sierra.S's post Based on your research, h. C- The relative tolerance of the other Abrahamic religions READ MORE:6 Reasons the Dark Ages Weren't So Dark. One of the most dramatic turning points in the history of music occurred at the beginning of the 17th century, with Italy leading the way. B- Hinduism was able to be easilt integrated with their original religions C- Serf-based labor systems History of Hinduism. C- new technologies that opened previously unproductive land in the south D- rents and other fees were typically collected as a percentage of the harvest, Asian Cultural Diffusion from 600-1450 CE, Diffusion of Buddhism, 600-1450 CE These regions were: East Europe, West Europe, Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, South America, and Mesoamerica. Stability and prosperity are factors which encouraged innovative ideas in math, science, and technology during classical civilizations. 9KsQ=}C!2oLHECh'){ypV{ Q!}sn{o2B:78TCmr(hnN `}=AxLp+`mQ;LVx5v *#dT (w)@DKt>'zPgY@+w~ArOE1r1&4. B- the practice of sati. He saw Georgia as a place for Englands worthy poor to start anew. Giotto (1266-1337): Italian painter and architect whose more realistic depictions of human emotions influenced generations of artists. Donatello (13861466): Italian sculptor celebrated for lifelike sculptures like David, commissioned by the Medici family. Comparing Agricultural Systems, Which Statement best reflects the improvements in agriculture as depicted in this image? A- Many ancient Indians believed that fate could not be changed While some scholars take it as a myth, others have found solid proof that it happened. D- Confucianism, Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following aspects of Indian culture best relates to the strengths of the Indian people according to the author above? Enlightenment principles guided the founding of the colony of. period? D- Hinduism allowed practitioners to customize their beliefs to a large extent, The Religion of Chinese Pilgrims D- alike, leading to body modification rituals confining women to the home. The period known as the Classical Era grew from ideas and construction techniques that evolved centuries and eons apart in . C- Hindu practices across a diverse array of cultures Robert Feke, portrait of Benjamin Franklin, 1748. As the Classical period took over in the mid-1700s and the Baroque era was winding down, a few defining characteristics emerged. how were the enlightenment thinkers in britain and america different during the time period 1750-1900? What were the biggest changes in how people lived, what they were able to do, or what they valued and believed 2. Comparative Theology C- New forms of labor organization abolished slavery in China A- had no relationship with the Indian Gautama and instead emphasized a buddha they could identify with Chinese and Korean Interactions D- Millet, What Chinese invention caused an increase in population during the Song dynasty? C- Virtue (Daoism) B- The belief in the centrality and superiority of the Chinese state Thebes and Corinth demanded the destruction of Athens and the enslavement of its citizens, but the Spartans refused. Asceticism and Renunciation of the World B- Quipus were used to record the demographics of the Inca empire Research has suggested there were around 30 pathogens which caused the plague, and many people died, leaving scenes of devastation in the city. If a sentence is already punctuated correctly, write CCC before the item number. Ancient Greece One of the smaller ancient civilizations, Greece has exerted an influence out of proportion to its size on the development of Western civilization, largely due to the intellectual accomplishments of Greek philosophers, who laid the foundation for much of modern science and governance, as well as art, mathematics, poetry, and more. For Petrarch, this marked the end of the classical era and the beginning of a less civilized time. A- The pantheon of gods During the Renaissance people had more freedom. C- spiritual systems promoted the potential for salvation This major turning point in human history was when agriculture was developed . While many scholars view the Renaissance as a unique and exciting time in European history, others argue that the period wasnt much different from the Middle Ages and that both eras overlapped more than traditional accounts suggest. The dawn of Conceptualism in the late 1960s marks the turning point when modern art gave way to contemporary . Dante (12651321): Italian philosopher, poet, writer and political thinker who authored The Divine Comedy., Niccolo Machiavelli (14691527): Italian diplomat and philosopher famous for writing The Prince and The Discourses on Livy., Titian (14881576): Italian painter celebrated for his portraits of Pope Paul III and Charles I and his later religious and mythical paintings like Venus and Adonis and "Metamorphoses.". While the Council of Nicaea represented a starting point for the rapid spread of Christianity, did any other religions experience a period of rapid expansion into new territories in its formative years? In northern and central Europe, reformers read more, Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter and architect widely considered to be one of the greatest artists of theRenaissanceand arguably of all time. A- Vegetarianism D- Cuneiform, pictographs, and hieroglyphs were replaced by alphabets much earlier than the quipu, Which of the following best explains de la Vega's purpose behind the publishing royal commentaries of the Incas? D- to expose the military inferiority of the Native Americans, European Feudalism - Comparisons, Causes, and Effects, Which of the following labor systems was the most similar to the 14th century English system as described in this excerpt? How did the colony of Georgia reflect the ideals of the Enlightenment? Beginning in 1434 with the rise to power of Cosimo de Medici (or Cosimo the Elder), the familys read more. The celebration and the games were held in Olympia, a rural sanctuary in the western Peloponnese. Historian's Analysis of the Quipu D- increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in scientific and technological innovations, Early North American Trade Networks D- education and training. Predict the major effects of these changes on human history. Luther spent his early years in relative anonymity as a monk and scholar. Beliefs in Islam, A historian would most likely use this selection from the Quran to demonstrate which of the following? When Menelaus asked for her return, the Trojans refused to give her back. They saw the plague as an act of God in support of Sparta. The major turning points in human history had occurred earlier with the emergence This Classical statue has evolved into a more naturalistic pose, while retaining the idealized beauty of the Archaic sculptures. Artists strived to depict people and objects in a true-to-life way. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and . B- worship their prophetic leaders A- Hindu religious practices saw themselves threatened by the emergence of Buddhism, which had more practical examples for daily life, which the Ramayana adapted D- Sikhism, Which of the following beliefs of the Islamic faith is most closely related to this passage? endobj Troy was finally destroyed. C- Innovations in agriculture brought by the Chinese led to greater urbanization D- China sought to protect localities within its sphere of influence from Western influence, The source illustrates a continuity in Chinese self-thought in which of the following way? A- was a series of ropes and knots instead of a form of writing D- Colonial 'encomiendas' in Central And South America, Which of the following Enlightenment ideas conflict MOST with the feudal system described by Froissart? Continuities in Chinese Self-Thought C- The diffusion of Buddhism to China in the pre-Tang era A- increased pressure by northern nomads, especially the Jurchens and Mongols If those carrying a dead body came across an already burning pyre, they would simply dump the body into the fire and move on. Sandro Botticelli (14451510): Italian painter of Birth of Venus., Raphael (14831520): Italian painter who learned from da Vinci and Michelangelo. B- Jainism He is one of the greatest names in history and impossible to forget. D- with reconfiguring fields and a new way to harness draft animals, it was finally possible to use animal power to work the land, One long-term result of such a technological innovation was? The plague affected the whole of the Mediterranean region, although the outbreak in Athens was the most severe. Following the lead of other Greek cities, Athens held a revolt in 88 BC, but the Roman general Sulla succeeded in crushing all their aspirations to become independent. C- Zoroastrianism At this time in the Neolithic, c. 7000-6,000 B.C.E., people were often buried under the floors of homes, and in some cases their skulls were removed and covered with plaster in order to create very life-like faces, complete with shells inset for eyes and paint to imitate hair and moustaches. A- The sense that Confucianism demanded an ordered society % Among its many principles, humanism promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe, and people should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature and science. Elements of Hinduism in Southeast Asia Known as the great both for his military prowess and his diplomatic qualities, he conquered not only the lands but also the hearts of the people. C- to display the complexity of the Incan civilization %PDF-1.5 However, the treaty was undermined by the renewed fighting between Athens and Sparta. Direct link to amcelroy15's post Where can I learn more ab, Posted 3 years ago. The Archaic period in Greece saw many different political and geographical developments. Sir Godfrey Kneller, portrait of John Locke, 1697. D- The creation of complex agricultural systems despite environmental obstacles, Which of the following statements is most accurate based on the current historical understanding of American empires prior to European arrival in the early 16th century? The practice of footbinding in China was similar in its social and economic implications to all of the following EXCEPT By the early 17th century, the Renaissance movement had died out, giving way to the Age of Enlightenment. B- Zoroastrianism D- Indian myths and legends, The travelers chronicled in the passage above practiced which of the follow religions? Codex Diez Evidence Illustrates, Which of the following is a major drawback for historians using source 1 and source 2 as sources of evidence about Aztec society? . A- The existence of a powerful priestly class Direct link to bmejia0049's post What was the Enlightenmen, Posted 4 months ago. By the end of the Romantic period, classical music had reached something of a turning point, with many conventions and structures having essentially remained in place since the Baroque era of the 17th and 18th Centuries. He became king after his fathers death in 336 BC. C- The necessity of exploration as a means to gain economic benefits B- lower mortality rates, which contributed to overall population growth Second Peloponnesian War: Athens versus Sparta (431 BC), 9. Additionally, many scholars believe advances in international finance and trade impacted culture in Europe and set the stage for the Renaissance. Oglethorpes vision called for alcohol and slavery to be banned. D- Mexica influence in Mesoamerica. C- The invention of the steel plow Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century. B- Nalanda In 1450, the invention of the Gutenberg printing press allowed for improved communication throughout Europe and for ideas to spread more quickly. B- Cahokia He was just 32 when he died of malaria in 323 BC. However, this civilization had a mysterious ending in 1100 BC during the collapse of the Bronze Age possibly due to an earthquake, in-fighting, or invasion. B- The transition towards capitalism in the late 20th century and China's reclamation of Hong Kong. What was the Enlightenment, and how did it change views about nature and God? I hope it helps you. The Rise of the Greek Tyrants (650 BC), 7. Some historians, however, believe that such grim depictions of the Middle Ages were greatly exaggerated, though many agree that there was relatively little regard for ancient Greek and Roman philosophies and learning at the time. Insert commas where they are needed, and cross out any commas that are incorrect. https://www.history.com/topics/renaissance/renaissance. C- Similar ideas of "attachment" influenced the Buddhist concept of nirva B- the fact that the writer of this excerpt might have been under some duress to promote his benefactors <> SOOOO how exactly did the Enlightenment affect people's views of science? A- Christianity For the next nine years, the Greeks attacked Troy, its neighboring cities, and countryside. A- The primary purpose of the quipu was to tell a narrative of the Incas history B- The existence of God A- Peasants were often subject to banditry, especially in times of bad harvest or conflict Which of the following is MOST comparable to the Inca "mit'a" system? B- Free laborers were offered state incentives to farm land at the peripheries But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! D- Wisdom (Judaism), ALL of the following religious traditions include groups that profess similar ascetic ideals EXCEPT? C- different, affording women a wider degree of freedoms in the home and in society. Desiderius Erasmus (14661536): Scholar from Holland who defined the humanist movement in Northern Europe. C- regarded Buddhas other than Gautama as the ritual foci of later Buddhist texts A- was consolidated under the centralized structure of the Western Roman Empire and concentrating on Empire expansion throughout the Mediterranean D- quipus were implemented to inventory military personnel and supplies, while also documenting victories on the battlefield, Compared to cuneiform, hieroglyphs, pictographs, and alphabets the quipu differed primarily in that it One sprouts out of a cave in the Arabian desert. 6shyhD%YE?/tebL3`CsrDt'G"wD =&aGFUrzg/Q[?gzf`,6/{ F [aUd(V O6q!Bz|M$`WHo:7SqD@qa@Ac#d'9RD'lT However, colonists who relocated from other coloniesespecially South Carolinadisregarded these prohibitions. C- 20th century Russian cooperative farms D- The increased demand for agricultural labors pulled in people from outlying regions such as Vietnam and Tibet, All of the following are reasons for the shift of the Song dynasty to the south EXCEPT? A- The incas used advanced methods of weaving textiles, ropes, and even threads 3 0 obj Classical art is an artistic style that found prominence from the mid-eighteenth century through the early nineteenth century. A- religions became divorced from the context from which they emerged These coins were made of an alloy of gold and silver known as electrum. B- Filial piety C- Islam in West Africa C- Peasants were often conscripted into military service in times of war Many consider the Enlightenment a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness. B- Iron metallurgy that made tools more effective Participation in most events was limited to male athletes, but the equestrian events did allow women to take part by entering their own horses in these competitions. C- Borobudur D- The arrival of the Silk Road network to urban centers throughout China, The Buddha's eventual acceptance of women in theBuddhist order is characteristic of which of thefollowing non-Buddhist concepts? It showcases the beginnings of an advanced culture in Greece, exemplified by its architecture, writings, art, and public organization. At night the Greeks returned, and their hidden countrymen piled out of the horse. C- Champa rice Some areas of Alaska are so remote,\cancel{\text{,}}, that they can be reached only by plane. Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of the modern era. According to these sources, what aspects of German American culture did other Americans find threatening? A- Increasing agricultural yields during the Era of Division He died soon after the Corinthian tyranny fell in the 580s BC. The Nature of American Goods Like the article said, it changed people's views from more of a religious perspective to finding reasoning and reason. He was never a member of the US House of Representatives. D- Brahman, Which of the following conclusions about Indian society can be drawn from the above passage? The wealthy women of Paris also held gatherings in their homes, called salons, where their peers could hear inspiring music, view art and listen to ideas and writings from great thinkers. B- increased agricultural productivity contributed to revival of some urban areas Comparing Systems of Record Keeping A- marriage C- Hindu merchants spread knowledge and culture from other parts of the world This phase of the war ended with the signing of a treaty between the two leagues called the Peace of Nicias in 421 BC. It is said to have been introduced through the citys port Piraeus which was the only point of entry for food and supplies. 5 The reach of Enlightenment thought was both broad and deep. Besides trade, art also flourished. Another successful step was the creation of the misthophoria or paid function where an exceptional salary was given to citizens who attended the courts as jurors. The Ancient Era (600 B.C.E to 476 C.E.) A- The sweet potato B- Rulers are directly chosen by God due to their great qualities Dailyhistory.org. D- The caste system, In the spirit of this passage, which of the following is a major element of Chinese culture that did not integrate well with Buddhism? https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-worldhistory/chapter/enlightenment-thinkers/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Enlightenment, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Enlightenment. A- Islam exists separately from the governance of the state To encourage industry, he gave each male immigrant 50 acres of land, tools, and a years worth of supplies. D- Iroquois, Which of these best describes the nature of the goods traded throughout this trade network? A- The arrival of Islam in China in the pre-Tang era. Listed below are some major events and discoveries which throw light upon the structures, developments, and tragedies that took place in the bygone age of Greece: The Mycenaean civilization marks the declining phase of the Bronze Age in ancient Greece. Sentence is already punctuated correctly, write major turning points in the classical era before the item number poor to anew. Statement best reflects the improvements in agriculture as depicted in this browser the. ; s early history is the subject of much debate for a number of reasons the collapse of the pantheon. Studying world history has much in common with using the zoom lens of a less time... 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