7. The mid wife checks any abnormalities on the babies at the correct time. It is kinship, which controls social relationship between people in a given community: it governs marital customs and regulations, it determines the behavior of individuals towards another. ix. politicians. And this, together with neolocality, makes it nearly impossible to use kinship in structuring our social order. The degree of relatedness to the caregiver and socio-economic status of the fostering household were the strongest determinants of the well-being of children in kinship care. Wedding ceremony - After the negotiation the wedding ceremonies are arranged. 6. They also have the ability to stop rain. Religion: Africans now get identified with new groupings e.g. Problems that the elderly face today 1. Schapera, Isaac., Married Life in an African Tribe. Importance of courtship 1. Family. - Some widows and children are not accepted or welcomed in their new homes. It is also a taboo to marry close relative. They act as counselors and guide the people on all issues of life. 8. This again is true among other Zambian tribes like the Bisa, Lamba, Lala, Chewa, Kaonde, Luba, and others. Today many people do not believe in rainmakers. 7. - Courage. Choosing of a marriage partner This differs from one community to another. There is wailing in the house to show how the fellow was dear to them. x. It offers a general survey of the geographical environments they inhabited; their settlements, social structures and economies; and their religions and cultures. Land ownership: The ancestral land is communally owned and nobody is allowed to sell it. It does not give warning. All the members come together in times of need. Both form the basis of the political structure of the tribe since the matrilocal extended family is the nucleus of the Bemba village although many other elements may be added to it, and succession to all political offices is fixed by the rule of matrilineal descent.35, Patrilineality, matrilineality, and the practice of polygyny are three of the major distinguishing variations of the African traditional extended family. There is socialization to raise boys and girls to become responsible and acceptable adults of the village, community, and ultimately society. - Property can be owned outside ones ancestral home. 2 William J. Tembo, Mwizenge S., A Sociological Analysis of the African Personality Among Zambian Students. 12 Stuart Queen, Robert W. Havenstein, and John B. Adams, The Polygynous Baganda Family, in The Family in Various Cultures. So the relationship is often based on mutual expectations and is more beneficial for both parties than confrontational and fraught with issuing of orders. Information on traditional marriage customs among both patrilineal and matrilineal peoples of Zambia is available in Yizenge A. Chondoka, Traditional Marriages in Zambia: A Study in Cultural History, (Ndola: Mission Press, 1988). Bantu Migrations Stateless Societies Bantu Societies did not depend on elaborate hierarchy of officials of a bureaucracy Governed through Kinship groups - extended families consisting of about 100 people. The birth of a child is no longer a communal affair but a family affair. false T/F: Female slaves generally worked outdoors while male slaves did domestic work. Stern norms/ values which promote individualism. Economic hardships that has been due to introduction of money economy. in the garden or when one is building a new house. 41 Molefi Kete Asante, Afrocentricity: The Theory of Social Change. I. vii. They also lead the community in offering sacrifices to God. The midwife advises on post-natal care of the mother and the baby. They act as judges in certain circumstances. © 2023 Tutorke Limited. They are also given special instructions that prepare them for marriage life. Some communities have abandoned initiation rites like among the luo; removal of six lower teeth is a practice of the past. Women were not allowed to own property. The paternal grandmothers drop the cords into a can, which contains beer, milk, and water. v. They are also consulted in terms of crisis e.g. Children among the matrilineal peoples are brought up in a similar traditional extended family village social environment. (East Lansing, Michigan State University, 1980) p.11 Unpublished M.A. (New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961) p.68. They also play the role of priests and pray for people. Communal activities: People participate in communal activities e.g. In the U.S., it is highly unusual for adult children to continue living with their families, although this phenomenon has increased recently strictly as a function of the current economic recession and the comparative . 3. Some of the traditional forms of leisure include. [.] - Rainmakers observe the behavior of insects, birds and animals to predict the nature of rain. - Virginity is highly valued and girls who are not found virgin are ridiculed. Introduction to Kinship. p.19, 45 Naboth M. J. Ngulube, Some Aspects of Growing Up in Zambia. Natural Factors: ADVERTISEMENTS: Natural forces and factors play an important role in unifying or disintegrating the society. Their roles include the following:- i. While the basic functions of the family remain the same all over the world, traditional African families have undergone significant transformations attributed to an interplay of factors, including Christianity, industrialization, educational expansion, population growth, monetization of the economy, migration, civilization, and now globalization. They are made aware of their responsibilities in adulthood. The belief in Christianity has also affected traditional beliefs in death to believe that death is a gateway to heaven and there is resurrection of the body. 4. The San society in general and the kinship system in particular are very different from contemporary American society. Marriage is no longer a must and many people decide not to marry. (2) Generation: Kinship tie is established between the persons in relation to generation. 6. It symbolized death and resurrection. iii. People in the traditional African communities were afraid of acquiring property unlawfully for fear of curse. It is also a sign of acceptance of the children into the new family. They at times suffer from loneliness and psychological problems How the aged are taken care of today 1. DeVos, (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1976), 49 Stuart Queen, Robert W. Habenstein, and John B. Adams, The Polygynous Baganda Family, in The Family in Various Cultures. The elderly are physically in active. 48 R. A. LeVine, Patterns of Personality in Africa, in Responses to Change: Socety, Culture and Personality. - Marriage enables one to assume leadership rules an unmarried person would not be chosen a leader. Changes that have affected land ownership - Today its a requirement by the government that one must possess a land title deed. Some people believe casting of an evil eye would cause bodily harm to somebody. 16. Answers - Modern science and technology - Western education - Influence from other religions - Rural-urban migration - Breakdown in traditional values - Western culture - Generation gap/specialists seen as outdated john3 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 19:10 3. This manuscript was written for a book, which was never published, which was to be edited by Dr. Elizabeth Brooks who was a lecturer at the University of Zambia. The education provided is a lifelong process. African societies are complex and diverse, requiring an interdisciplinary approach to evaluate and understand the continent's economic, political, social, and cultural institutions and change. They may receive messages from the spirits and ancestors. Some of them are (i) Rites of passage (2) Good morals (3) Participation in communal activities such as ceremonies, work, leisure activities and worship (4) Sharing of property and ideas (5) Division of labour. ii. 28-39. 9. The author describes the interaction between the Baganda mother and her baby as unfavorable and lacking any affection or love. These primary ties, as we may call them,4 are biologically the same in all societies,5 though, functionally, they may differ from culture to culture.6 But kinship ties do not rest within the reproductive family. A good son-in-law hoes the garden, chops trees, and generally help his wifes family as proof of his love for his wife, dedication, and being a well cultured individual. 4. - Attending discos and nightclubs. - Marriage ensures that children are not born outside wedlock. The midwives perform the following:- 1. 3) They are fortunetellers and palm readers. i. [1] 3. What are the 6 kinship systems? A person's position in the kinship system establishes their relationship to others and to the universe, prescribing their responsibilities towards other people, the land and natural resources. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS - A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. Those related by blood have common ancestors. Would provide medical care e.g. iii. 5. Clyde., The Yao Village: a Study in the Social Structure of a Malawian Tribe. It is believed that the dead relatives continue to live through children. Marriage 4. 4. He was a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia from 1977 to 1990. Christianity: Christianity has weakened African Kinship ties by introducing new ties by the Christian family. Laziness was condemned or punished to ensure that people owned what they had actually worked for. - There are rites of passage that one has to undergo. 5) Modern science and technology also discourage people from believing mysterical powers. Other names can be given according to important events that take place in the community e.g. RELIGIOUS SPECIALISTS IN THE TRADITIONAL AFRICAN COMMUNITY -They are those who are believed to be endowed with special powers. vi. Rethinking the Family: Some Feminist Questions, New York: Longman, 1982. The midwife also monitors the development of the foetus. Primary kinship refers to direct relations. - During this period of seclusion:- i. Factors that have affected Kinship system 1. NAMING Nearly all-African names have a meaning. This can begin as early as childhood or before the children are born. LAND In the traditional African society, people had a lot of attachment to land. Having so many people in this household should not be confused with other types of large families like, ..the joint family, with its several married brothers and their families living together or the extended family, consisting of a group of married off spring living in one household under a patriarch or matriarch.11 The Baganda are also patrilocal. 25 likes 25,448 views. - In some communities, marriage is not recognized without children. Death is believed to be a next journey to the world of the spirits. That is, kinship is a network of relationships in which each tie is influenced by, and in turn influences, the others. People like politicians and students consult medicine men to succeed in the careers. 11. The following day, the naming ceremony takes place. Scholars of the African traditional family agree that the one widely known aspect that distinguishes the African traditional family, say from the European one, is the perversity of polygamy3. Everybody in the community is expected to work hard. Living with new parents means no particular change in status; the biological parents do not forget their off spring and are always present for any ceremonies involving their children.20, The third stage in Baganda childhood is the socialization of the child in readiness for adulthood. It marks change from childhood to adulthood. in some communities it is thrown to uncultivated land to show fertility. Modern education and western culture has affected dowry payment in that many educated attach little value to dowry payment. the pain the initiates underwent. v. Marking of the body (scarification) - During initiation, the initiates are removed from the rest of the community. Other names may also refer to the characteristics of the mothers pregnancy or the nature of delivery e.g. vi. 6. 6. Virginity is not highly valued and many people break their virginity at stage of adolescence. Some scholars have suggested that this arrangement might be fraught with potential social problems and conflict.33 More so than a patrilineal household where all the people charged with authority over the children potentially live in one household. A clan is made up of a family who either are related by blood and marriage. (Buffalo: Amulefi Publishing Company, 1980). - Marriage also unites the living and the dead. Girls, in distinction to boys, seldom have time to play games.21, Among the Bemba people of Northern Zambia, marriage is matrilocal. PRIESTS/PROPHETS OR SEERS - These are other religious specialists who play a special role as intermediaries between God and human beings. Traditional kinship structures remain important in many First Nations communities today. Land was also a source of medicine in the form of herbs and minerals. - A child who remained an orphan was easily adopted into another family. 47 Mwizenge S. Tembo, A Sociological Analysis of the African Personality Among Zambian Students. There is no proper dosage of the herbs. 2. - Sometimes the orphans and widows have their property destroyed or snatched. - Many people have moved and have settled in foreign lands, which are not their ancestral lands. In some societies it is young people themselves who make their own choices and after wards informs their parents about it. Follow. 4. The common descriptions of the African traditional family in the literature is Eurocentric and biased. - Life is also seen as communal. There is a lot of secrecy surrounding the knowledge of herbs. the outcome of a war 5. - Among the Luo the bride could be accompanied by her other sisters and on the first night, the people would witness the breaking of virginity. First, there is the local unit of matrilocal marriage .. consisting of a man, his wife, his married daughters and their husbands and children,34 Second, the matrilineal descent group which consists of maternal relatives and ancestors traced back to several generations. 5. factors affecting kinship ties in modern society, factors affecting kinship ties in traditional african society, importance of kinship ties in traditional af. Seclusion nowadays is not very possible because of limited time. The clan is linked by four factors. Expectant mothers are forbidden from taking certain foods for fear that these foods could interfere with the safety and health of the mother and child e.g. Yet, equal opportunities is, perhaps, the essential defining element of an inclusive But this is not an independent nuclear family unit. 42 Yizenge A. Chondoka, Traditional Marriages in Zambia: A Study in Cultural History. People nowadays migrate and buy lands in far places. But rather as curiosities that were to succumb to the superior European monogamous marriage values legitimated by Christianity. 8 It brings poverty to the family involved as sometimes it takes the bread winner 9 At times it brings misunderstanding in the community when the cause of death is blamed on someone or some people. 6) There is problem of correct dosage of traditional medicine. - In most African communities a widow was inherited by the husbands close relatives. Lous Wirth also believed that the city is not conducive to the traditional type of family life. In the traditional African Community, marriage was considered incomplete without children. - Marriage brings completeness in a person. Establishing that traditional Kenyan culture and custom was supportive of high fertility in no way establishes how strongly held are these practices today or how quickly they may change as the socioeconomic basis of the real day-to-day society changes. 5. Where as chiefs have a number of wives, it is very rare to find ordinary men who have more than one wife. It shapes such daily experiences as how and where individuals live, how they interact with the people around them, and even, in some cases, whom they marry. The kinships are based on two broad aspects 1) Birth (Blood relationships) 2) marriages. Bridgewater, VA 22812 Permissiveness in the society has eroded . How Names are given in the traditional African societies 1. vii. In view of the poor development of social security systems outside the family, hardly anyone would wish to escape the power of kinship ties. - People write wills to share or decide who should inherit their property. 8. Bantu migrations also helped to spread agriculture and herding to all parts of Africa. Names could also depict the character of the child. Death always strikes unexpectedly. -Close and supportive extended-family relationships -Strong kinship ties with non blood relatives from church or organizational and social groups -Family unity, loyalty, and cooperation are important -Usually matriarchal African American Folk and Traditional Healthcare: 8. - Kinship ties assist people to live peacefully and in harmony with others. 6. Dressing The dress code differed from one community to another in the traditional African setup. - The introduction of money economy has reduced the value of land. There are counselors that give the aged hope and love. Dowry seals marriage, before dowry is paid marriage is considered as incomplete. These variations are caused by differences in tribal customs or culture according geography, history, religion, external influence of colonialism, inter migration, political and economic structures and influences. 6. PaulVMcDowell. - Marriage extended relationship and therefore enlarged kinship ties. In some instances a go between would be used to identify a suitable partner. They also perform light duties for relatives. It gives the couple time to study the character of the partner and find out if he or she is the best. Through supernatural powers iii. 3. 1967. 6 It separates one from the loved ones. Western Culture: Has provided the spirit of individualization. It could also help in paying of the dowry. 1. 3. Many children 2. Explaining Caribbean Family Patterns. This is because these ties: vii. Importance of Initiation i. - The government and churches have built homes for them - They are given food etc. 4. viii. - They could also observe the weather conduction and interpret the movement of clouds and wind. Bride wealth has lost its original meaning and has been commercialized. Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953), 24 Audrey I. Richards, Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969). Culture and values are adaptive .. In fact a woman was part of the property of the man. Education of children has been left to teachers. Before this ceremony, the child is not considered a complete member of the clan or society. Many wives 3. They lead people to communal prayer in time of crisis. Edited by G.A. 2. Urbanization: Those who move away from home to towns in search of Jobs are drawn from their ancestral homes. Those who are lazy are ridiculed. 7. ..it is not until this ceremony is completed that the childs legitimacy is once and forever established.17, People gather at the clan chiefs house. They would also announce the sex of the child. One-parent families headed by a woman for any reason are much poorer ($30,296 in 2008 median annual income) than those headed by a man ($44,358). - In some communities such a girl would be stabbed by an arrow and killed while in others she would be married to an old man. Ch. They are those who do not believe in traditional medicine. Introduction. They are people who claim a common ancestry and are related by blood. Early marriages are encountered to reduce fornication. Prayers are offered also during time of calamities. Second, an identifying drum beat used at ceremonies. p119. 3. 2. 2. - Generosity. Spirit of sharing: In African Traditional Community there is the spirit of sharing of resources among the members of a community e.g. These rules would differ from one community to another. People who have gone to school see the aged as old fashioned (generation gap) 6. Kinship ties are strong bonds that exist among community members. If he did, it would be like selling her. (New York: The Free Press, 1963.) Why the practice female circumcision is dying out. There is no bride price in our society. Importance of marriage - Marriage is for the continuity of the society and is an institution that is ordained by God. This is because; 1 It is unavoidable. The traditional healers are still important today especially to those who had let down by medicine prescribed by doctors. RITES OF PASSAGE These are important stages in life that one has to undergo. IV, pp.66-87. 4. - People tend to be individualized. Religion, in the African indigenous context, permeates all departments of life. Agikuyu umbilical cord is kept to symbolize the link between the mother and the child. Priests/prophets v. Blacksmiths The religious specialists acquire their skills through:- i. Inheritance from a relative ii. They have the ability to foretell what would happen in the future. They act as intermediaries between God and human beings. Rules and Regulations: People in the community are governed by rules and regulations, which are strictly followed. There were clear guidelines, rules and regulations on the use and ownership of land. 1. 3 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life, edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p.1. Queen, Stuart A., Habestein, Robert W., and Adams, John B., The Family in Various Cultures. - They are given financial assistance. vi. However the mode of dressing has seriously changed due to western influence. This paper aims at tackling the change in the anthropological view of marriage and kinship ties in the society. Therefore, they try to restrict the kinship ties. iii. After initiation one is now free to marry and has a right to inherit his fathers property. Characteristics of African community 1. In male-speaking terms, fathers sisters daughters (cross-cousins) are called cousins. 10. They can foretell the future e.g. - They preside over important occasions such as initiation, planting and marriage. Many of the rituals that were performed to the mother and the child are today seen as unnecessary. There was fair distribution of wealth to even those who did not have. ii. BIRTH Pregnancy - This is the first stage in the life of a person. 18. a) State five changes that have taken place in property ownership today. vi. It could also show how the bridegroom is capable of taking care of the bride. Most of these ceremonies are religious. 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