Having enough, Zack points out that Ray is contradicting herself as she wants him to kill her but yet she is also willing to die so save his life. Come ray In the novelization, the police immediately conduct a search for Zack and Ray after the night they escaped together, though the search is fruitless due to not having any single trace or clue of their whereabouts. Years later, his recent killings became quite famous, making him a currently wanted serial killer and criminal. Even after knowing what Zack had done, the old man instead found Zack to be pitiful and needed to be loved, understanding Zack's pain. His weapon of choice is a large scythe. What happened to Zack and Ray afterwards is left unknown as when the police finally managed to break into Ray's room, the both of them were already gone, leaving only Zack's old knife and trails of blood from the broken window. Each room holds a puzzlethey must solve, and without Rachel, Zack would never have made it out of the building alive. He is chaotic, quick to anger, and doesn't hesitate to use foul language in any given situation. However, Zack decided to return to the room and opened the box, finding Ray's strands of hair inside, prompting him to continue his pursuit. She was so committed to dying by Zacks hand that her delirious brain conjured up the appropriate sounds and effects to the environment. As they make their way through Cathy's floor, Zack takes to calling his companion Ray instead of Rachel. Angels of Death endingdo YOU know what actually happened to Zack and Rachel? Unfortunately, on his way back, he was confronted by a pair of thugs who killed him for his wallet. Est-elle une sorcire ? It shows that he cares more than he lets on. During Ray's exploration, she found a door that requires some sort of mechanism to open it, she tells this to Zack and went back to the room to solve the mechanisms. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Zack and Rachel have found the stairway leading to the building's exit. Even though he speaks harshly, Zack continues to protect Rachel from harm as much as possible. Once an infamous serial killer, he is now the floor master of B6. There, he encountered Eddie, the owner of the B4 floor. Zack and Danny have a mutual dislike for each other. Zack y Rachel luego saltan por la ventana del hospital. However, flying bullets immediately take Ray and Zack by surprise. He is a serial killer who is currently on the run due to his connections with recent murder cases. rachel catherineward animefanfiction +22 more # 7 After injecting the syringes, the strong dose triggered Zack's past memory when he first killed that consequently also strengthen his urge to kill. Shocked to see Danny still lives, Zack then learns that Danny has prepared a safety measure to block Zack's attack and hid fake bloods to fake his death after having anticipated Zack would chase after Ray to B5. Here are some of the best moments in Angels of Death! Rachel no longer feels the desire she once did to die, she has realised something else a different, unexplainable feeling she's n. Ray led Zack into a pressure plate under the water and told him to step on it to activate some sort of mechanism. After entering the room and sees everything, Ray suddenly went panic and desperately asks Zack to kill her. After a while, Ray came back with some documents about Zack's history as a serial killer. After he couldn't take the abuse any longer and killed them after being inspired by a horror slasher movie he watched, Zack developed an impulse to kill, particularly people who are happy as he believes that they are the ones responsible for making him the way he is. This doesn't fully fit because she didn't become THE main character but Rachel Bilson (Summer) was only supposed to be in 3 episodes of The OC but the writers liked her so much they continued writing more. This prompted Zack to try to escape B5, but he was stuck because the elevator did not work. I mean, both of them have some serious PTSD and I think Zack might have some schizophrenia or something else due to his upbringing. However, Zack eventually started to get closer to Ray as he realized that she views him as a human being instead of a monster, tool, or serial killer like other people do. Zack took Rachel away and then ran away together, supporting each other like the best friends they were meant to be. angelsofdeath zackxray +7 more # 6 Rachel and the "Serial Killer" by RoseTea:3 23.7K 608 13 When Rachel Gardner ran from home, she came across a serial killer (or she thought he is) Zack. 45.8K 1.2K 30. They didn't have anywhere else to go so they wandered the streets. When breaking through iron bars, Zack loses his strength of will while Rachel resolves to get the bars open no matter what. I love the moment they have with Zack in the water on Eddies floor and Rays suspicion. Rated MA. Soon, Ray showed up, asking him to kill her. At the room filled with poisonous gas, Zack gives Ray the mask as he thinks she needs it more than him, but Ray refuses and both agrees to trade the mask when they need it. RELATED:The 10 Creepiest Ghost-Type Pokmon Every Trainer Fears. Voil la question laquelle devront rpondre les tmoins, les anges. Zack at first was disgusted, but after Ray helped him get the elevator to B4 working, Zack decided that her intelligence could be useful and offered to fulfill her wish if she helped him escaped the building, forming an alliance between them. # 1. As a child, Zack was much quieter and reserved due to the abuse he suffered and obediently follow whatever his caretakers told him. A histria e sobre uma garota de 13 anos camada Rachel, que encontra-se presa no poro de um edifcio abandonado. Not being like the other kids who turn and scream at him, he develops a friendship with her. 435 Stories. Zack and Ray continue their pursuit for Eddie and arrives at a power room and the elevator to the next floor, before it is a maze. Hearing Ray's answer, Zack tries to get Ray to make a face that will make him want to kill her, telling her to get angry or sad. It appears that he goes along with it for her sake, but eventually is fed up with her beliefs and reveals his true feelings. While he has no problem with murder and destruction, he does see dishonesty as immoral, often declaring how much he hates liars. Zack wakes up to find Ray tending to his wound, stopping the bleeding and is ready to stitch it. Zack took a night rest inside her car and then was found by a blind old man the next morning. As Rachel tries to get clear of the basement, she runs into Zack, a scythe-carrying serial killer wrapped from head to toe in bandages. While Zack remained stepping on the pressure plate, Ray returned to the room to find a way out. They then proceeds into the elevator inside the room where Ray got the medicine from. Gray interrupts that Zack should save his strength to escape the building, but Zack retorts there's no point of him escaping if Ray dies. Ever since he stayed with the old man, Zack spent most of his times sleeping or spacing out. Seeing Ray is further in distress as she is confused with her own thoughts, Zack tells her to smile even if she's terrible at it. But what if he did, at least for a short time? He has short black hair and anisocoria, a condition in which the eyes are unequally dilated, his left eye being light brown and his right eye being light orange. In the AWA fics, Rachel is set to appear in a future AWA storyline. Rachel Gardner, also known as Ray, is the main protagonist of the Angels of Death anime, manga and game. When Zack and Rachel move throughout the floors, Rachel continually asks Zack about himself. This ending is self-explanatory. In this ending, she has an episode of delirium and envisions Zack visiting her and finally killing her. While Zack admits he did make the oath, he also believes that God doesn't exist in the world. 5 Best Cyberpunk Games To Play before Cyberpunk 2077, Top 15 Unforgettable Anime Breakups That Were Still Sad About. Zack tries to insist that he'll stitch his own stomach, but reluctantly let Ray do it after she finds out he can't stitch. Zack, on the other hand, finds Gray irritating for his long-worded and cryptic ways of explaining things. However, hearing that Ray would be saved if she is taken outside, Zack carries Ray and leaves the building before it burns down. When Zack proclaims that he'll be the one to kill Rachel, it's like he's saying not even a natural death could lay claim to her soul. As a child, Zack's hair was much messier and he wore a dirty short-sleeved shirt and short pants. Black Anime Characters. Zack entered the same room and guessed she was hiding inside the box, but when he struck it and got no response, Zack thought Ray was not in there and left. Using your last moments to fulfill the wishes of someone you care about, knowing youll die shortly after. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Angels of Death is a 2018 anime series directed by Kentaro Suzuki ( Black Butler) adapted from a video game of the same title created by Makoto Sanada. Every night, without fail. Initially, Zack finds Ray's lack of emotions boring, though he would listen to her instructions when the situation requires some brainstorming, which shows how he trusts her to be smart enough to help him. On their way up, however, the building begins to explode, causing fire and debris to block their path. zack & rachel matching icons [1] . Regarder Angels Of Death Saison 1 Episode 10 Le Procs De La Sorcire Est Ouvert HD Emission de Tlvision Gratuite - Rachel sera soumise un jugement, Gray en a dcid ainsi. In the wake of him losing his mind, Rachel is able to find a bit of clarity wherein Zack tells her not to let him kill her just yet. but as they're climbing the stairs, suddenly an alarm sounds. From the flashbacks and article of one of his murders, it is shown that Zack killed his victims in back alleys or secluded environments where less people pass by, which implies that Zack either lured his victim to an alleyway or waited until his victim is in a place where there are the least or no people passing by during the night. How old is Zack from Angels of Death 2021? to let me know." Passed out from exhaustion, Zack woke up in the old man's house who took him out of whim and then offered him bread. This is based on this speculated ending: Rachel has been canonically diagnosed with mental delirium. As Ray is unarmed, Zack gives her his knife for self-protection until they get out of the building. He becomes the main character in the limited edition game Angels of Death Episode.Eddie , which explores more of his backstory. Zack, who is not good at solving puzzles, forced Ray to do the brain work. But unlike you and four-eyes, I dont waste my time thinking about pointless shit like that. I kill them. She wishes to die by Zacks hands (or, you know, his Scythe). Unique Angels Of Death Zack stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by ind. Using his scythe, his killing method became crueler as one of his victims is shown to have been beheaded. After Ray lost her will to live, Zack lost interest in killing her, even getting freaked out when she requested he kill her like he originally intended to. I decide what I want to do and then I fricken do it. The thought makes Zack vomit from disgust, telling Ray not to say something like that again. He later found her near the elevator and locked the door so she couldn't escape, but Ray turned off the light, blinding Zack's vision and managed to escape to the elevator. Eddie, now without the darkness to help him escape, is powerless against Zack, resulting in Zack killing the boy. Rachel moan, throwing her head back on the pillow. Finding about that she has the gun all along after she witnessed a murder, Zack asks why she didn't use it earlier, but Ray simply repeated what she said before: she won't commit suicide and that Zack is the only one who can kill her. Zack and Miri Make a Porno #2 Oct. 31 . She couldnt have jumped out the window, since the glass is INSIDE the room and shes not strong enough to break iron bars. If that's true then Zack and Rachel of Angels of Death do share a fragile, death-obsessed romance. He first appears on floor B4. Hearing a sound coming from outside the room, Zack goes out only to find a toy. And both of them are just getting used to having a real friend. He saved the show from an early death. But, as I said, this is the most unlikely ending, because, at the end of the game and anime, the window of Rachels room is shown. When Ray revealed she heard a child's voice that said he knows what her wish is, Zack realized that the master of floor B4 intends to kill Ray, so he finally destroyed Ray's grave while telling her that she only get to die after they get out of the building. He passed by the same pair of thugs who claimed to have killed the old man, breaking the cane that the old man usually carried. After this affirmation, they continue to conquer Eddy's floor and take the elevator up to Cathy's domain. He tells Ray to look at him for who he truly is and makes decision on her own instead of depending on others to make one. This dislike was further intensified after Ray rejected to live with him despite all the things he has given her, but yet cherished her oath with Zack. Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines villain as "a cruelly malicious person who is . Feeling relieved by Zack's answer, Ray and Zack are about to leave the building, but just only a few steps away, Ray is reluctantly shot by the wounded Danny who has activated the building's self destruct sequence as he must comply with the rules of the building; even if it means killing himself as well. Zack seems to be smarter in the anime. You can see that Rachel hugs Zack if you pause at the right moment. Zack breaks the TV and realizes that Ray is in fact the master of floor B1. 2 2020 He was born in a poor and abusive family as he never received any sort of education, resulting him unable to read nor write. Angels of Death | Lost and Found |. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Child Zack being offered a bread by the old man. Besides that, he starts to even praise Rachel for her intelligence in getting them through the trap doors. Zack then insists they continue their way, ignoring Ray's objection. . This enraged Danny who begins spouting his obsession for her eyes, but Zack dismisses this and reveals that Ray wants him to kill her so Danny doesn't get to decide what's going to happen to her. Unfortunately, Ray's expression remained empty. RELATED:Akame Ga Kill: The 10 Saddest Deaths In The Anime, Ranked. Some people age Rachel up just to be safe. He mentions that shes the first person hes ever given anything to and that its not for keeps, but so that she could keep herself safe. Confused, Zack reminds her that he'll kill her only after they get out of the building and he doesn't want to kill her when she's making such desperate face. For that reason, Ray and Zack took their chances by hiding inside a big safe until the whole room explodes, opening the door out. Pero, poco despus de eso, Zack irrumpe en la habitacin de Rachel para cumplir su juramento. With theories or whether Zack is a psychopath or a sociopath or what happens to them afterwards, theres no shortage of theories for them. Zack is further frustrated when they are faced with a choice of injecting two syringes (one contains strong possibly lethal dose) at the same time to get to the next stage. And in their case, dying together instead of alone. Contents 1 Appearance Then, under one of the graves he destroyed, Zack found a switch and turn it, which is the mechanism that is needed to open the door Ray is struggling with. It breaks my heart to even just think about this ending being real. "Ohh and if you die, then gimme a "I'm dead!" He is a serial killer who is currently on the run due to his connections with recent murder cases. Ray hid inside a box in a room. Zack is impulsive and prone to violence. He stops seeing them as human and Ray has to fix whatever she finds broken. Despite any common sense he may have, however, he frequently acts on impulse before he has the chance to think things through. Ray says it wasn't easy and remarks that Gray has a soft spot for Zack. Zack then told her to smile. Throughout this whole time, Rachel tells the priest that she needs to procure medicine for Zack. Zack asked if Ray can open the lock using her needle, but to his disappointment, she can't. Zack replies that he gave her his knife so that she could stay alive until he kill her. He killed Danny, and was about to try to kill Ray again, but becomes bored with her blank expression and lets her live. Once Ray begins to understand, Zack tells her to swear the oath they originally made only to herself and him while he will swears to only her. With her attention on securing Zack's survival, Rachel sets off to find medicine. In this ending, Zack is shot in the head and the chest and the blood on his scythe and window may prove this. Seeing Ray's intelligence, Zack thought she could be useful for him to escape the building, so he promised to kill her if she helped him.