Ahh Katara I love you, Katara Aang breathed, kissing the flesh of her neck. Ohhhjust wait until I get my hands on him!. Takes place at the beginning of book three of Legend of Korra. He said there was no way the academy would let me graduate if I couldnt even break out of a basic genjutsu, Gai says sheepishly. In all seriousness, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the reaction this fic has gotten. I think you and I need to have a talk.. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". She had been offered what she called a `very sweet deal' to join the Earth Kingdom's military to whip their Earthbenders into shape. Air. Let me know if the seal starts acting up, Minato-sensei tells him brightly. A minute later, Aang regained his breath enough to function again and pulled Katara into a passionate kiss. Beast-face thinks running ten laps is a warm-up? I know Gai; hes a person whom no one can hate. He settled down next to her, pulling her naked back against his chest, and covering them both with a blanket. You wont need to worry about that, Orochimaru. I love my girlfriend Kushinas red hair and learning new fuinjutsu with her help. Please don't stop! She begged, moving against him desperately. They had no idea what they were missing. He kissed her neck. Gai, on the other hand, is beaming the same 1000 watt smile he did when they started running. It tasted nasty and bitter in his mouth, but he also knew that it was important. Katara groaned, which only served to make Aang even more light-headed. Aang, you are the Air Nomad culture now. Katara said. You have one child and another on the way. Minato looks at him, amused. Whyyy? Minato-sensei whines. Aang happily obliged, shoving his tongue as far up into her body as he could, and wished that it was longer. I know all that! Laisser une rponse . Remember what he initially called the Rasengan?. Minato! 100 years ago, Kuzon and Hotaru, two of the friends Aang left behind, learn of Fire Lord Sozin's plans to wipe out the Air Nomads and launch a desperate effort to save them, but with only a handful of survivors and the Fire Nation gearing up to advance against the Earth Kingdom, stopping the war will be far more difficult than anyone bargained for, especially with the Avatar still missing. Aang remembered from his teachings at the Air Temple. I did what I had to, Aang. Katara said, pressing the glowing water to her thigh. Thank you, Kushina. ** Rated M for sexual content and dark material. Well, thank goodness Im a prodigy, Kakashi says dryly. My eternal rival is truly amazing!. Woohoo! I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. But they arent the only ones to come through the portal. He's glad he could get them out in time; they were about to meet Hanzo in the trap that Kakashi warned him about. Kakashi was secretly discharged from his apprenticeship under Minato-sensei about three months ago. He wanted to know Kakashis secret, so he started following him around. In short, she had never gotten more undressed than down to her underwear in front of him. In 'The Painted Lady,' Katara disguised herself as the Painted lady to help the people of a Fire Nation village. Zuko rubs his eyes as a wall of stone falls away to reveal the Avatar's friendthe earthbender. Aang airbends Zuko into a wall and propelling himself backward out of the cave. You damn nerds are all the same., It could be worse, Kakashi interjects dryly. The Main Character will be smart. Crown Princess Izumis inheriting a nation in crisis without even knowing that there is more than one reason the future of her country hinges upon her. Kuri was born without a soul. Her pants were off, leaving her only in her customary white underwear. He grinned to himself, and then scooted down the length of her body. Where do you think you're going?. It only took a few moments of Aang giving her pleasure with his mouth before she had her first orgasm, falling over the edge into ecstasy. He vanishes the Chidori. Now that Im formally taking a genin team, the Hokage decided it would be best to relocate him to other areas, Minato-sensei says blithely. The silver-haired boy is inching away from the woman slowly. Shes got a lot more chakra and is better at sealing than I am. Eight years after Sozins Comet, everyones lives have begun to take shape, their responsibilities pulling them further and further apart. No? Aang repeated, shocked. His tattoos began to glow briefly during his orgasm, and Katara let out an extra moan as she felt Aang empty his seed into her. There are so many things Jiraiya wants to say in response, like Why did you let Sakumo take the blame for the war?, Why didnt you take out Danzo sooner when you knew he was a traitor?, or Why didnt you do something about Root after his death?. Earth. Im going to teach you another, stronger sensory genjutsu.. Be careful, Kakashi. Rat-vipers were very venomous. 2. killing the past (and coming back to life) No other reason. Aang blushed and kissed her, moaning as she grinded herself against him. She couldnt even do a clone jutsu. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. Obito had remade Rin so thoroughly in his image, cast a genjutsu in the name of a sweet, helpless victim that hed either forgotten or never knew the real Rin; the imperfect Rin who was as susceptible as any other girl to fall for a pretty face with a wounded heart, the Rin who loved her village a bit too much and herself a bit too little, the Rin who deserved so much more than the legacy of a broken boy and a ruined world. This time, Sokka blushed. His own near-death experience hadn't scarred him nearly as much as it had Katara, so he stayed quiet about it. It's not that they didn't want to have sex; it's just that there was no time between constant traveling and diplomatic meetings. I plan to retire as soon as the war ends. That felt amazing!. Go home and pack enough clothing and supplies to last a year. A few seconds later, he found the spot where his fingers sank slightly into her body. And yet, he still has a loving family. But all the time in the world couldnt have prepared her for experiencing the 100 Year War for real, and Deva must now navigate living up to her Legend status. She lived with the power of the Dreaming, the ability to travel into different fandoms in her dreams and share their lives, their pain. I never knew you could do that! Rin tells him, astonished. They all huddle in a circle, discussing where Rin and Gai went wrong, the latter more so out of politeness than anything else. Of course, I dont! Some Uchiha style taijutsu would suit him best since hes an Uchiha but Im unfortunately not on very good terms with any of them, Minato-sensei says sheepishly. Is that the excuse Rin is supposed to give in an actual battle? Waking up in the spirit plane, shes unified with her spirit half and given time to undergo preparation and training for her task. You know I have a girlfriend right, Obito? Minato-sensei asks him contemplatively. Six months ago, after his death, the skirmishes decreased. Hello? Theres a hand waving in front of his face. Konoha is bright, Konan thinks. I wasn't ready to let you go. My name is Uzumaki Kushina. They spent most of the nights when most of them are in the village playing card games in front of the kotetsu, eating takeout from Ichiraku and laughing at one of Kushinas latest pranks. Warm-up? You were amazing, Katara. Aang smiled down at her, and kissed her again. Love you, too, Kat. Aang whispered. But theres something about developing a high-risk, experimental seal together that bonds people together for life, Kakashi thinks. PandoraBlack, boungnasingh, Black_White_Rose, Gurrlife, Lea81, KarmaKitten, SaraCat1217, 19_19_1, KaleDarkness, Fullmoon26, Melificently_Slytherin, Lanawyin, YukiNight, Pinkly, tilltyjaastings, TheTrollOfTheBridge, ColdFreek, Puff_Pride, A0_0Human, AnimatorOfSouls, Eliaslovescats, Nico_is_4_ever, Wendell_Ella, leraivanova1506, pseudoluster, Lady_Isabeau, InivaLoftus, NirvanaFlame26, TheHaruThatCanRead, IcTh, Iridesc, Hopeless_Shipper, JustAKilljoy, Geeky_Nerd67, damiansbird, RobynandHala, danipagod, creaky_crow, anonymous72559, imbitivm, yanshuSzy, Ruby_SP, Puppetmaster13, Amaryillis, Bear0927, Arei, Puffycookie, Genesisy7, kiarose, EclipseKuran, and 1078 more users Obito huffs. He hadn't thought that Appa could get any bigger, but the Sky Bison had definitely grown bigger since he had last seen him. (Jiraiya will be dead and buried in the ground before they ever get that hat on him.). The war is still inevitable; that much was set in stone the day Hatake Sakumo abandoned his mission but the sudden decline in skirmishes correlated to only one other thing: Danzos death. Katara gasped and moaned, arching her body up into his. Minato-sensei and Kushinas guards around Orochimaru seemed to have dropped completely. Its going well, Kushina-san. He quickly found the same little bump that he had noticed before and began to rub it. But if you don't like it, I'll stop. Her eyes trailed appraisingly down his chest and toned stomach, until she saw the bulge in his pants. Monks were not just scholars, but healers too. Orochimarus mind seems to be an endless encyclopedia for new jutsu. (Well, there probably is another prodigy who might take up that mantle, but thats totally different! He can feel a rush of chakra down his body, but not in a way that feels overwhelming. 5 Aang: Saved Her From A Fire Nation Soldier. I think I accidently sat on it, and it bit me. His chakra reserves have built up to the point that he is now able to teleport from one end of the village to the other end. And now that she had, she wasn't disappointed. Onoki was far more inclined to peace after the second shinobi war, possibly fearing the wrath of the Uchiha due to lingering trauma from facing Uchiha Madara. But, no matter what he did, he couldn't find any rhythm the lowered her pain at all. After Avatar: The Last Airbender ended, Aang's time in the iceberg eventually caught up with him, and he was the first member of Team Avatar to die. And while Kakashi isnt on their team now, he certainly doesnt want Gai to face the dysfunction of Team Minato. What follows is a pretty one-sided battle honestly, much to Obitos anger and discomfort. So sensei, how is your springtime of youth going as Gais teacher? he asks teasingly. Work Search: The quicker he sucked the poison out, the better. Where will your students be staying while theyre in Konoha, Jiraiya?. I'm fine. Im not going to force her to, Orochimaru interrupts bluntly. Its obvious that Minato-sensei thinks Kushina-san is the entire world and stars, more important than anything else, even more important than Konoha. I believe its the work of Danzos Root. There was no doubt about it; beneath the veneer of gentleness was a spine of steel. Surprisingly enough, Minato-sensei and Kushina are in the village more often than not. I'm sorry. Aang said. It was just difficult for the Avatar to settle down. Aang's breath hitched in his lungs, and his entire body spasmed. Not to worry, Obito! Gai tells him, suddenly somehow two inches in front of his face. He hasnt ever bothered to think about it that way. In his previous life, Kakashi had made himself believe the sharingan enabled him to become much stronger than he otherwise would be, but to his surprise, he was a far more efficient ninja once the sharingan disappeared with Obito and he was forced to learn the Hiraishin. I have for a long time.. However, turns out Harry actually comes back to life after he got hit by the Killing curse. 3. the seeds of change were planted Aang moaned and groaned against her mouth, encouraging her to stroke him harder. None of them asked for this, but with the Fire Nation on the brink of war, its anybodys game. I doubt I could be called a monk now, though., That's not what I mean. Katara gasped. "Alright, how do I get there, the usual?" he asked. His devil of a sensei is sitting on a tree stump. It should work as intended now, Minato-sensei says anxiously, taking his arm off his shoulder. It just seemed a little forward. I think I should teach you how to heal., I couldn't have a better teacher. Aang said, using Waterbending to gather the water around them in the air, and passing it to her. Oh Spirits, Katara you feel so good!. The news came as a shock. Sokka: AANG! Time to test it out. This seal is definitely going to help me out a lot. All this leads me to conclude that theres only person responsible for this.. If Rin herself is okay with it. Aang I'm starting to feel a little sick Katara said worriedly. She's due within the week. Sokka said. AU. Danzo, Orochimaru hisses out. What the hell was that? Kushina asks bluntly. About two minutes later, Sokka spotted the massive form of Aang's Sky Bison, Appa. I will give you a list of things later today. Im going to beat him after all! Well, Suki was now due sometime within the week, and Aang and Katara still had not arrived for the big occasion. Apparently, the rebels were getting worked up again, just like they did every few months. May 31, 2022 . Hes going to become Hokage someday and make that smug idiot acknowledge him!). [deleted] 3 yr. ago Oh man I totally forgot about this! Water. Aang began to rush over. And now, hes developed to the point that both Kushina and Orochimaru think hes ready to take on their seal. They bid adieu to Orochimaru and head back to Minato-senseis home. Gotta go. Its really depressing to think about the number of plots that old man put his hand in, Kakashi thinks, as he takes a bite of his pork. Or, the story of how Aang's best friend Kuzon is trapped in the iceberg with him for 100 years, and the two of them find a family. He rushed across the last of the distance, knelling next to Katara. Obitos mind trails off. Aang! Katara moaned, writhing against him in a way that nearly shut down his mind. Any time Aang was within five miles of Kyoshi Island, he would foam up without error. :). As for her training, I think genjutsu and offensive medical jutsu is the way to go. Katara moaned against his mouth as she continued to stroke his manhood. In fact, she was mad at me for months. Its nice; Kakashi had similar nights in his previous life but he hopes hes allowed to actually keep it this time. Jiraiya cant quite recognize the man in the portrait with the tired, somewhat-defeated man in front of him now. If you get me some water, I could use Waterbending to heal myself. She said. Where there was once harmony and balance, there is only despair and fear. Minato was asking you something., Oh right, sorry sensei. Sokka knew what that meant. Katara tried to twist around to look at him, but found that she couldn't because of the way he was holding her. Shes talking to Gai; looking disappointed but also determined, and all of a sudden, Obito feels ashamed. Thats.honestly for the best. Never, in his life, had he imagined such intimate contact. Those kids, despite having gone through so much during war, are incredibly nave. And I would have been excommunicated from the Temple for this.. The Fire family makes a trip to the Western Air Temple, and Aang teaches (or tries to teach) Iroh and some of the children yoga poses. Yuna Oyama, second-to-last of the airbenders, wanted a quiet life for her child, not political intrigue that threatens to rip her family apart. Aang gasped. The Wizarding world is slowly recovering, and Hogwarts is re-opened. Hello there, Sokka! Aang called happily. Katara let out a final gasp as he slipped out of her. She is out of place, on the run, and maybe even out of time. . Oh, let me introduce myself. Curious, he experimentally rubbed her soft folds, and she bucked against his hand. They live in harmony with one another, but that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. The foamy guy was like an Avatar radar. She couldn't understand how she hadn't felt empty before this moment. Aang glanced around, and saw Katara sitting near the fire, clutching at her thigh. Katara sighed. We hadnt planned on staying long anyway, Jiraiya says. With Katara's aid, he positioned himself at her entrance and pressed inside her. You're supposed to keep an eye on me in case I get worse or go into shock.. She was certainly the best choice to whip the Earthbenders into shape. The potency and rush of chakra is entirely dependent on your potential, brat. He knew that he was being clumsy and forceful as he made love to her, which was just to be expected since it was their first time. Konan can see how Konoha produced a person like Jiraiya-sensei. They nodded. He could barely hear the collective gasps of the townsfolk of Kyoshi Island. No, neither one was cheating on the other. Theyve been discovering the Hiraishin and all its possible uses together. Aang leapt down lightly from the saddle, and gently set Katara on her feet. His questing fingers found a small bump of flesh hidden within her folds, but he was shocked when Katara let loose what he could only describe as a scream as his fingers brushed against it. It was like every ounce of blood in his body was suddenly transformed into liquid fire. Obitos head swivels up at that. He has to be fit to travel in two days. I think you might be my cousin!. I hope you will continue to read and enjoy this fic. They were supposed to give us information of even the slightest hint of dissatisfaction so that we could quell any clamors to rest. And you haven't smelled bad-smelling wet animal fur until you've smelled wet Sky Bison. I allowed Danzos hand to overreach far too much, it seems. You're a life saver! Theyre in Orochimarus lab. He knew that, without first aid, the venom could be deadly. Are you sure? Aang asked, concerned that she wouldn't have the strength to Bend. Sorry. Aang said, grimacing painfully as he sat down next to her, hopefully in such a way that she wouldn't notice how aroused he was. Nagato is wearing contact lenses to hide his rinnegan. 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